kleines wohnzimmer familie

kleines wohnzimmer familie

all right, guys, i got to come up with somesocial media ideas for the brewery. what do ya got? you know, leeroy jenkins. - what about him? - do that. joe, you can't that already happened. do it again. this time with beer. hang on a sec.

joe: you remember "charlie bit my finger"? do that. all right, six second talk show in three,two i'm peter griffin, and this is the six second talk show. my guest tonight is joe biden. and that's all the time we have. thanks for watching. good night. - how was that?

- eh, it kind of dragged. and thanks to that, i'm now a huge socialmedia star. oh, my god, what the hell is that? look, peter, the reason i'm here is becauseof your six second talk show. now, i haven't had the time to watch it, buti hear it's the buzz of silicon valley. i want you and your family to visit us hereas my guest without boop, there is no internet. hey, parker. are we still on for the samsung galaxy notemeeting after lunch?

where's your nearest bathroom? gender-fluid? yes, there will be a lot of that. hmm, must be one of them high-tech japanesetoilets. (alarm ringing) you idiot. you shut down the entire internet. how could you do that? this is the most irresponsible thing thati've ever parker: although i was incensed by this man, i had to admire his courage forleaving his penis out the entire time i was

yelling at him. peter: i couldn't help but notice his searchinggaze. years later, we would bump into each otherat a small cafe in rome and reminisce about this moment. and later still, recreate it in a small bedand breakfast at the bottom of the spanish steps. but that's a story for another time. or, as they say in italian, molto-h0m0. hey, peter, who are these guys?

oh, this is just my looping gif of black teensreacting to a very mild burn. huh. sounds kind of pointless. oh, you mean like your feet? (repeated shouting and laughing) you could contribute to the policemans ball

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