kleines weißes bad dekorieren

kleines weißes bad dekorieren

in this video i'm going to show you 10 crazy,unique and a bit weird diys for back to school. notebooks, pens, school bags, pencil casesand much much more. check it out! hey guys! it's almost time for school! yeeey... i hate school. ok, i know that going back to school may notbe your favorite thing in the world, but you got to admit that preparing for new schoolsupplies, backpacks and all that stuff, is a pretty exciting part.

and this year i want you guys to have thecoolest school supplies at your school, so i put together the most crazy, unique, epicdiy school supplies you've ever seen. i'm going to show you 10 ideas and sue fromthe channel diylover will show you another 10. her video will be linked at the end of thistutorial and in the description bar. but let's not wait any longer, because schoolis almost here, come on! we're going to kick off with this epic bottlepencil case. it's hard to imagine that it's actually madeout of plastic bottles, because it looks so cool! take two bottles, a zipper, glue gun and scissors. cut your first bottle right below the pointwhere it starts getting narrow.

this is just below it's neck. the second bottle needs to be cut much lower,as this one will act as a lid to our pencil case. when both bottle pieces are ready it's timeto grab a zipper. place it on a flat surface and apply a bitof glue on each side of the zipper like this. while the glue is still soft, stick on thebottle pieces. apply the glue all along both sides of yourzipper. then simply roll both bottle parts down sothat they stick to the zipper firmly. that's it! if your zipper is too long, you can cut awayany extra, otherwise you are pretty much done

with this awesome pencil case. i love how inexpensive this diy is plus it'sa great way to recycle empty bottles. to make your new pencil case even more epicyou can also decorate it with stickers or sharpies. these pens are so unique, pretty and sparklyno wonder that everyone would like to have one. but hey you gotta make your own! and relax i got your back because i'm goingto show you how to make these glittery, bendable, liquid pens with a lava effect. i know – awesome, just awesome. to make these magic pens we'll need a transparentpipe, baby oil, water, a wide pen, food coloring,

glitter and a glue gun. take a pen that should be about as wide asyour transparent pipe. unscrew the front part of the pen, take oneink refill and save the end cap for later. fill the front of the pen with a bit of glueand stick the ink refill in the center. grab your pvc pipe and apply some glue onthe inner part of one side. quickly stick in the front piece of the pen. you can also screw it a bit so that the gluereally grabs all the edges and makes our pen waterproof. now it's time to mix together the liquids! take a bit of food coloring, i went for orange,and mix it with water.

use a syringe or a funnel to pour some ofthat liquid in the pipe of your pen. fill it about half way. the most exciting part to me is adding glitter. so go crazy and pour a lot of glitter in thetube. i went for several colors like dark blue,orange, silver, and even some light blue stripes and stars. yep a full on party in a pen! suck some baby oil into a syringe and useit to fill up the pen until it's almost completely full. apply hot glue all around the edge of thepipe. make sure that you are using a glue with agood hold for this as it has to make our pen

waterproof. lastly cover the opening with the end capthat we've saved earlier. yay, we are all done with this gorgeous glittery,bendable, liquid, lava pen! what a mouthful. i also made one in pink and blue, so pretty. i wanted to make mine extra crazy so i usedlong piece of pvc pipe but you can totally make yours shorter. like this one for example. how cute right? i seriously think these pens look amazingand i really enjoyed making them. when i said we're making crazy and weird diystoday, i wasn't joking.

the next one is a notebook made using potatoes! i remember making potato stamps in primaryschool and i have to share with you this unusual but really cool painting method! you need a notebook, a piece of white card-stockpaper, a potato, double sided tape, acrylic paint, paint brush, and a black permanentmarker. take an inexpensive notebook and stick ona few pieces of double sided tape or use any other glue of your choice. place a piece of white card-stock paper ontop and we got a plain white notebook ready to be decorated.

for the watermelon notebook, cut your potatoin half. cut it again to get a potato quarter, whichworks perfectly for a watermelon stamp. squeeze some red acrylic paint from the tube. use paint brush to apply it on one potatoside and we can start stamping. press the potato on your notebook cover toget a yummy watermelon print. i like how this stamping technique makes theshapes kind of imperfect and rustic. i think it looks so beautiful! besides the red watermelons i also want someorange ones. using orange acrylic paint and another potatoquarter i'm making orange prints on all the

empty areas of the notebook. ok, now let's make these red and orange half-circleslook like real watermelons. dip your brush in green paint and draw a linebelow each red half circle. leave a bit of white in-between to make itlook more realistic. for the finishing touch grab a black pen ormarker and draw a few seeds to each of the watermelon slices. this detail really brings the design togetherand makes the watermelons look so real and yummy. watermelon is such a pretty fruit - i loveits colors. plus i like how it reminds me of summer andit tastes delicious.

all these facts combined, this notebook justmakes me so happy, only by looking at it! you can make any kind of shape using potatoes. here i made triangles stamps from the potatohalves. put on a bit of acrylic paint of your choice. i'm going to use three colors and the firstone is green. press it on the notebook cover and there youhave a beautiful triangle print. my next color is pink, then a blue and repeat. i went for the pattern where every other rowhas triangles turned upside down. you can see that even if you're bad at freehand drawing, like i am, you can still make

beautiful creations using paint. you really can't mess it up with potato stamping! i honestly had such a great time making thesepotato notebooks and they turned out so cute. you know what they say. one man's trash is another man's treasure. i'm going to show you how you can make anawesome pencil case out of trash. hehe no, out of your favorite candy bag. this diy is so much fun and let's be real,it looks absolutely adorable! you'll need a bag of candy, duct tape, gluegun and a zipper.

take your scissors and trim away the upperand the bottom edge of your bag. flip it around and make a vertical cut alongthe candy bag. next step: eat all the yummy candy! just kidding, you can totally save some forlater, because that's a lot of sugar. now you need to decide how big you want yourpencil case to be. i want mine quite small so i'm cutting awaythe sides and i'm left with about eight by eight inch square. take some duct tape or washi tape and useit to cover the back of your candy wrapper. this will make our pencil case more sturdyand durable.

grab a zipper and place it on a flat surface. apply a stripe of glue along one side. you can use hot glue or any other glue thathas a good hold. stick the candy wrapper sheet on like that. flip your work around and temporarily foldthe zipper down. i'm using some hair clips to help it stayin place. apply a stripe of glue along that side ofzipper as well and fold the candy wrapper up to stick it in place. this is what we have so far!

unzip the zipper and flip your pencil caseinside out. glue the sides together like this. it is really important to have the pencilcase unzipped at this point otherwise you'll never be able to flip it inside out! ok, the glue has set so flip your work aroundto reveal your gorgeous candy pencil case! isn't this the cutest thing ever? candy bags are always so colorful and pretty. and the fact that you can turn the wrapperof your favorite candy into an amazing pencil case is just the best thing ever.

with this one you would totally win school'smost creative pencil case award if such thing existed. desk organizers out of old jeans? i told you we're making weird diys today. this one is super easy and handy. you know when you are making shorts out ofjeans you always just use the top part. well this is a great diy that makes use ofthe bottom part of your jeans! we're gonna need the bottom part of any jeansor pants, scissors and a glue gun. start by cutting about seven inch long pieceof fabric from your jeans.

flip it inside out. take a glue gun and apply a stripe of gluealong that freshly cut side. fold the edge up and hold till the glue sets. apply a bit more glue and stick the back pieceof fabric on as well. now we are left with a little pocket. turn it on one side and fold it down likethis. apply a drop of glue on the bottom cornerand fold it up. do the same on the top corner but this timefold it down. flip the pocket basket or whatever you wannacall it inside out.

i like to roll the top edge down as i thinkit looks even more cute this way. to jazz up these organizers i decided to stickon some jeans patches. you can also use badges or fabric markersto make your organizers all nice and pretty. they look so adorable and they are super handyto have on your desk. you can put in your pens and pencils or otherdesk necessities like paper pins, tape and so on. these jeans pockets will keep your desk tidyand organized, plus they look totally cute so they're a perfect little desk decor. i love this diy because it's so creative anddifferent. it will only take you a few minutes to makeit and i bet you already have all the supplies

at home. you need an old lipstick, a pencil and a smallpiece of baking paper. pull the eraser out of the pencil's ferrule. now roll a piece of parchment paper aroundthe top part of your pencil like this. secure it in place with a piece of tape andset it aside for a minute. next we gotta melt our lipstick. make a double boiler, take a piece of lipstickand place it in the glass container. optionally you can also add some glitter,but remember to use lipstick grade or edible glitter. wait for the lipstick to melt.

give it a little stir and pour the mixturein the lipstick mold that we've made earlier. i like to pour it up to a quarter or halfan inch above the pencil end. finally we can unwrap the parchment paperto reveal our awesome lipstick pencil. i think it turned out so cool and i love allthat blue glitter. i also made one blue lipstick pencil. and i have a tutorial on my channel on howto mix up epic lipsticks from scratch using different methods. you can tell how how much i like these lipstickpencils by how many i've created. look at this galaxy inspired one – so gorgeous!

you never know when a cute guy will walk intoyour classroom and these lipsticks will have you ready at all times. i'm kidding, with or without lipstick you are just as beautiful. but this is a really cool diy and you'll bethe only person at your school who has a lipstick pencil, which is quite awesome. this is probably one of the coolest backpacksi've ever seen and you can have one too. you can make this beautiful snapchat rainbowfilter design on any kind of school bag or backpack that you own. we'll need a backpack, paint brushes, andfabric paint.

first i like to sketch the design on my backpack. you can skip this step and paint directlybut i would mess it up for sure, because free hand painting is not my thing. alright, time to grab the fabric paint! for the lips you can use any color like red,pink or even nude. i went for red, since red's a classic. i get asked a lot about the fabric paints– whether they last, if they are washable etc. and yes, fabric paint is completely washable. so no worries if rain catches you on yourway to school - your backpack should be totally fine.

of course we want our backpack to have a bigbright smile so here i am coloring the teeth in white. to make the edges neat and precise rest yourelbow on the table and move your brush slowly. there we go, a perfect smile! for the rainbow vomit... eww, that doesn'tsound appealing... i should rather call it rainbow waterfall or just rainbow-fall. anyway for the rainbow feel free to use anycolors that you have. i don't have a violet or orange fabric paintsbut that's ok. i'm just gonna use what i have.

so i colored the first wavy stripe in pinkand the next one in dark blue. i could also mix blue and pink to get a purplebut i decided to keep it simple and make a little bit different rainbow waterfall. you can use any kind of fabric backpack forthis diy. it could be white or a darker one like minehere. i actually think that this colorful designlooks so pretty on the darker background. the rainbow is done and the backpack looksstunning already. if you look at the snapchat filter, you cansee that there are some white stars here and there on the rainbow.

so dip your brush in white and draw a bunchof plus signs to represent the stars. a flat stiff brush works best for drawingsuch thin lines. voila, our backpack is complete and i couldn'tbe happier with the result! i think it looks so cool, unique and trendy! awesome backpack can be very expensive, whileyou get plain ones for only a few dollars. so this year make your own dream school bag! you'll save some money and have a lot of funcrafting. who should we examine today? actually, we don't have time today... let's continue with lessons.

school can get very stressful and nerve wracking! so i had to include an easy diy stress ballin this tutorial. even if you're not at school – these areso squishy and fun to play with. to make your own stress ball all you needis a balloon, water and corn starch. turn the heat on and pour about 2 decilitersof water in a pan. add a spoonful of corn starch. keep stirring until the mixture thickens andyou get a gel like consistency. take the mixture from the heat and pour itinto an empty plastic bottle. now blow your balloon, i chose this yellowone to go well with my snapchat backpack.

something like this is more than enough. twist it a couple of times to prevent theair from escaping and attach it to the bottle opening like this. to fill up the balloon simply turn the bottleupside down. you may need to shake it a little to makethe gel fall down and fill the balloon up. pinch the balloon at the top and pull it fromthe bottle. let the air escape from the balloon so youonly have the gel inside and make a knot. you can make your stress ball smaller or largerdepending on how much gel you pour into it. we' re finished! this is so satisfying and squishy.

you can also tie a short piece of string aroundyour balloon like that and attach it to your school bag. that way you have it on hand whenever schoolbecomes too stressful. and i also think it looks very nice as a littledecor. anyway, whether you still go to school ornot this is a really simple and enjoyable diy to make. for all you cereal lovers i have a fun diythat makes use of your empty cereal boxes. we're going to transform them into prettydesk organizers. what we need is some wrapping paper, cerealbox, scissors and a tape.

first you have to cut your cereal box diagonallylike this. now take a wrapping paper of your choice. i went for this bright green one. to cover the cereal box, start in the sameway as if you would be wrapping a present. the only difference is the top part wherewe have the diagonal opening. here i like to make four straight cuts goingup to the cardboard from the cereal box. as soon as you feel that you have reachedthe cardboard, stop cutting. lastly fold the wrapping paper inside thebox. you can also secure it in place with a pieceof tape.

there we go, our cereal box organizers arefinished! i also made one using hot pink wrapping paper,because you know i love me some pop of color in my room. i think they look very pretty on the desk,plus they will keep all your notebooks organized. what an easy and inexpensive diy, right!? sara! you're sleeping again?! let me present you world's most gorgeous andepic notebook, which also doubles up as a sleeping pillow. you know like water bed, this is a water pillow.

i am completely obsessed with this glitteryliquid notebook, which is inspired by fimokawaiiemotions. even though this diy looks out of this worldamazing, it's actually very easy to make. for your own glittery liquid notebook youwill need a notebook, two sheets of acetate paper, glitter, food coloring, baby oil, anda piece of parchment paper. with a help of an exacto knife and a ruler,cut a rectangle piece out of the center of the cover. i placed a cutting sheet under the cover toprotect other pages in the notebook. we are left with a notebook cover that lookslike a picture frame. set that aside and let's now work on our waterproofpocket.

put two transparent acetate sheets into thefold made from a piece of baking paper. take an iron and iron along the edge. heat will melt the plastic and seal the sheetstogether. one side is done, we still have to melt thesetwo edges. when the plastic melts it turns white. this is when i know that the edge is 100%sealed and waterproof. the most exciting part of this diy is makingthe magic glittery liquid. grab two glasses and fill up the first onewith water and the second one with baby oil. take a bit of food coloring, i went for theblue one, and mix it with water.

grab any kind of glitter or sequin of yourchoice and mix it in the baby oil. then just take a moment to admire how prettythis thing looks. no joke, when i was filming this, i totallytook a break and was playing with this glitter liquid for 10 minutes, because it's just beautiful! ok let's continue. with a help of a funnel, pour the glitteryoil and colored water inside the waterproof pocket. oil and water don't mix, so together theywill create this awesome lava effect. to make our liquid pocket completely waterproof,we need to iron the top edge as well. do that in the same way as earlier using apiece of parchment paper and an iron.

there we have it - our liquid glitter pocketis all done, looking rather phenomenal, so let's quickly stick it on the notebook. take a glue gun or other glue with a goodhold and apply it all around the inner side of your notebook cover. last step is to stick it on the liquid pocketand we are finished with the hands down most amazing notebook my eyes have ever seen. i wanted to make mine look like a galaxy soi went for blue water and loads of blue glitter and sequin. i think being generous with glitter reallymakes this notebook so mind blowingly awesome.

you can find a great selection of inexpensiveglitter online. they have all the possible colors too. i'm kinda tempted to make these notebooksin green and pink as well, because i feel like i just need them in my life. don't spend a lot of money on pretty schoolsupplies that everyone has. because you can make so much more epic andunique school necessities that you could ever buy in a store. that's it for this video. i hope you guys liked it and give it a bigthumbs up if you want another back to school

video on my channel. also, tell me down below when do you startschool this year, because i know it's very different from country to country and i reallywant to know. make sure to check out sue's video for moreamazing back to school diys and of course – subscribe to her channel. i've been watching her videos for years andi love how unique and creative her diys are. thank you so much for stopping by, i loveyou guys, take care and i'll see you soon. bye! whether it concerns school supplies or lifein general, don't be afraid to go your own

way and stand out. because that's exactly what makes you so specialand unique!

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