wandgestaltung wohnzimmer trends 2017

wandgestaltung wohnzimmer trends 2017

what is this trend? why is everyone making "disstracks" you always see me grin because you know they call me "king of prank" "king of prank"? you're not fame, you're fake! the career is over as seen on socialblade even without flogging bodyguards, double, clickbait and fake news you deserve the hate what do you mean with fake pranks? everyone click here's my statement! better making some fake pranks, than hanging out with fake friends! soon i'm sending you a therapist, before you create more imaginary friends everyone asking if you don't have your own friends, because you always hang out with mine

there's only one bam julien bam bam julien bam (eh-eh eeyo) and it goes bam bam bulien jam bam bulien jam you got a little cocky there, mister bam (huh?) my dearest... everyone gets his fat off (means: getting roasted) except for mr trashpack ('chubby' german news youtuber) hi trashy, how does it feel to be only in bed faster than herrnewstime (another german news youtuber) (*chubby laughter*)

you say, you write your lines in bed. how should i imagine that? you three in bed, they write lines for you, and you thankfully got both hands full to do (oral s*x) you fish you're nothing but thinking you're dissing me? your diss hit nowhere like the comb of the "negroman" b*tch i'm driving my "babacar" bobbycar excavator(-car) kebab shop i would also say

ugh, my stomach worn ten years ago "babacar" first point on my list: julien bam is greedy for money oh poor julien bam! 45% taxes on everything but miscalculation i lost a tooth, got a hole in my lip, "danke dafã¼r, iblali" (= thanks for that, iblali) go f*ck yourself, iblali, for real. bye. this whole "danke dafã¼r iblali" gets out of control ("danke dafã¼r iblali")

"danke dafã¼r iblali" (= thanks for that, iblali) "danke dafã¼r, iblali" (= thanks for that, iblali) "danke dafã¼r iblali" the text is not copied. i wrote it all by myself. of course though i took 80% of the original text and translated it into german. what?! (*laughter*) alright then! (comment below talking about an attempted murder) (mansory, mansory) range rover mansory!

brother are there for you no matter what, "yalla habibi" heyyy, what's up guys, boneclinks here! you wanna know why i don't make videos on the main channel anymore? let's start with boneclinks being in front of my house a**hole but, "isch liebe disch" (= i love you) klengan: "ksfreak made an instagram lifestream yesterday" ksfreak: "all these klengan... queers!" shame on you, you queer.

"you got this through using the app?" "yes" (*annoyed moan*) he just made three cents. and walks in with new stuff! do you think that's fake?! harder! (ahhhh!) everythings about me because i do roundhousekicks mc flying uwe - watch how the crowd goes crazy! flying uwe made surreptitious advertising and now has to pay 10,500 euro! (*laughter*) 10,000 euro is nothing for me (freely translated)

we are the channel-destroyers! destroying channels all day loooong! (hey) destroying channels all day loooong! now listen closely, kids: i give you - 500 euro - if you touch - my genitals now. no. nooo?! 50 euros! we got it! jackpot!! f*ck!

we need to accept that women have their own sexuality... would you say i could touch her tits for 500 euros? can live their life like they want... would you - for 600 euros - take off your clothes right now? and has the right to say no, and you men have to accept it. ass grabbing for 200 euros *cough* i'm allergic to bullsh*t for 5 million (euros) i would totally f*p in front of everyone here! the itch to play online makes me crazy

i can't play games without reception paying 60 euros but it's not sure if the servers are online on release date it's my double, she got me in trouble, tell 'em that it's not my fault, not my fault, not my fault! *zara larsson singing* *ed sheeran singing* "the floor is lava" 3, 2, 1, ...

the most important question: what does the naco from kim possible taste like? coconut creampie from icarly the "pretty patties" from spongebob squarepants seven layers salad from "how i met your mother" spaghetti tacos from icarly the krusty krab pizza how awesome is that?! yeah it tastes so good!! (freely translated) the lovely bibi made absolutely nothing for this song! ...but her corrosive voice!

do you really need to sell yourself that much, bibi? everyone now: fap, fap, say where does it come from? the "luca-pizza" magherita. today for 3.79€ "these are 500 balloons." "are you serious?! you kidding me!" "i got him" "help me!" "i got him" woah, god! hit radio rtl saxony vote for afd

asmr tanzverbot (tanzverbot = german youtuber) you see a video thinking "what is going on there?" with my clickbait click on my video the title got your attention telling you the video's fun you really believed in that? probably everything's fake, isn't it? aaaaalright then! shirin david (german youtuber), shirin (ya)

people throw pizza at my house, the neighbors are mad at me, ... i get f*cked from every side (freely translated) life can't get any worse god damn (god damn, god damn, god damn) nobody f*cks with the easter bunny, even the bravo (german magazine) wants to have me on their cover, the eggs are blown out and the haters have no breath left, i'm sorry but you can't expect consolation! (aaahhhhhhh...)

i'm sorry but you can't expect, you can't expect, you can't expect consolation! (wap bap...) i love it it's so confusing wtf is going on here? i don't get it wtf is the point of this? what is going on? what is happening?! (3x) give it to me doggy (from behind) but then with dagi (german youtuber)

i want dagi, i want dagi. i would even do bibi (german youtuber) don't touch my willy i want dagi, i want dagi, i want dagi! kebab easily selfmade we made a thumbnail for that video and then those content-stealing facebook pages came it even made it into a meme generator outside is my face saying "hey, buy kebab!" i know you look down right now because you wanna see my boobs but i won't show you

go live and f*ck me! we need to say what you wanted to do with me when we were younger no please i don't wanna hear it!! the entire video is just about the f*cking booty of your sister! i never got so many questions for anyone then i got in the last 5 minutes who is f*pping to this and what even is a "minecraft p*rno"? leon machã¨re (german youtuber) just uploaded a video called "i have to go to prison" how many complaints have you got so far? 17... well that's more than enough, isn't it?

15 days in prison, 23 hours in cell. same day out of prison i cut down my sides to 0mm herrnewstime (german news youtuber) was faster (3 times, each slowly variating in the choose of words) you like it hard, don't you? today we play "smash or pass" (psheeeooh) "what do you say?" "smash." "smash." (woah ho ho) "what's the name in english?" "gargle" "gorgle?" "gargle" "gargole"

hello. it's me. i hope you're doing fine. i'm doing totally fine. the so called "jamaika-koalition" consists of black (cdu), green (die grã¼nen) and yellow. i earn no money with this channel anymore (*dramatic*) *inaudible screaming* "normally you can't complain" "woah it feels so good" "normally you can't compl..." "normally you can't com..." *record scratch* he can't be serio..., guys..." bro, why not here? there are pillows

police! get on the floor! on the floor i said!! nico (german youtuber) you are such an a**hole boys it's a f*cking prank man!!! come here brother, i'm so sorry yo.. you... are you crazy? come to me bro today i show you my fidget spinners, because i collected them over a long time salazar's revenge? this is sarazar's revenge! (sarazar = german youtuber shown above) these fidget spinners annoyed me way too long now

clickbait, fake pranks, all that just for clicks? you could have millions (of clicks) but without a heart you're nothing! 10 types of s*x positions with a man? you little queer! queers, trannys and other godless people wasn't that hard, was it? dear mert, hashtag mouth-propaganda "it might be too permissi..." "brooooo!!! broooooo, nooooo!!!!" "taste good?" "yup" *nearly puking of cringe* ("the floor is wap bap dada dida dada) welcome to the webvideoprize! the winner is...

pusch art! sebastian linda neo magazine royale marmelade grandma (marmeladenoma) dielochis kampfkunst lifestyle kliemannsland thesimpleclub felix von der laden

y-kollektiv sallys welt julien bam tinnendo melina sophie wdr tomatolix wishlist (web series) rezo and marti fischer

hey youtube, what's up? i'm maddin from the channel maddin original i just want to say that this is a hommage to all german youtuber the video comes from the heart (freely translated) i don't want to earn money with this video and won't monetize it and i hope no youtuber strikes it because i used their footage please don't strike it feel free to leave feedback in the comments, of course i hope you liked it but now let's get to the credits

here it comes all used footage is in the video description with timestamps! every youtuber is in there, too! share the video with your friends that watch youtube to show them the rewind! that was 2017. see you in 2018! i don't need tv anymore! without you i feel so empty! (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

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