traumdeutung grosses wohnzimmer

traumdeutung grosses wohnzimmer

welcome to a new episode of here is today's introduction animal a very nice aldabra turtle some might say, we saw this last month already the aldabras on the seychelles we are definitely not at the seychelles, and half an hour back, it was a nice spring day in swabia in germany i'm here with a friend who owns a terrarium he is breeding rare turtles

so this is not in nature but about breeding in a terrarium this is joerg, the proud owner of this nice animal and this is not the only one, you have some more can we have a look today ? as the sun is hiding behind the clouds, we will go into the basement and check it out this an outdoor area, used during summer time ? yes, during summer, as soon as the temperatures are right for the leopard turtles when it doesn't get below 5 degree celsius they will stay out here with these plates that allow uv light to go through

they will stay outside if you look at their place of origin, south africa and compare temperatures, they can have snow during wither time as well they can survive real low temperatures but it is different with this gigantea, which is still in the basement and will move to the garage and we will sell our car to pay for the reconstruction and we will build an outdoor area especially for the giganteas it gets cold, the gigantea is eating, but lets go down now we are now in joerg's basement

joerg has very rare land turtles, no water turtles though he has about 10 species pardalis pardalis pardalis babcocki aldabrachelys gigantea psammobates oculiferus, psammobates tentorius veroxii, homopus areolatus melanochelys tricarinata, geochelone chilensis radiata, of course geochelone chilensis

parvalis when it comes to names i give up, it has changed recently and also with some of the rare turtles so the experts will ... get jealous when they see this so lets have a look around lets start here, he gets his head up these are psammobates tentorius veroxii from namibia and south africa

in dry areas little rain and not much food, just straw a male and a female and the male reacts right away i generally keep the males separated from the females the male is the small one, running behind, like in real life the boys are behind the females and by their size, they are adult and the males are somewhat smaller than the females yes, much smaller, an adult female has a weight from 360 to 500 grams

and a male has 140 to 220 grams can we say that in general ? that can be different between the species the females are bigger with the radiata and the pardialis with the melanochelys tricarinata the males are bigger here can see how a tsamobati centurius drinks, which is special for this species it is so dry in their area, they drink the morning dew they let them roll down and build kind of a "v" the water runs down the head

into the mouth just not as many drops like here it also stimulates his sexual drive let go from namibia to the north to egypt we see the pseudotestudo kleinmanni we see two females, taking a sun shower they are good to breed relatively easy to have, with the right light in the terrarium

you say easy to have kleinmanni used to get imported for a few bucks really cheap and nobody is breeding them so, is there a trick ? i don't know if there is a trick that's right, due to these imports we got many wild catches and some animals didn't survive the long transports today we have breedings, they grow up rather fast

but that's not bad if done right important is the food and the humidity during summer i heat up to 38 to 40 degrees celsius so they don't show up any more they hide in their places, where it is somewhat colder we keep it this way until end of august and than we turn the temperatures down again during that time its dry and we don't have water we don't spray

this goes for 3 to 4 month as soon as it gets warmer down there ok, but mating time is still in spring ? well, they don't have a winter rest they start mating after the dry resting timewell, they don't have a winter rest they start mating after the dry resting time in nature they start laying their eggs in january to february in some areas in march and than 80 to 110 days later the turtles hatch

so it is the dry season in summer time that stimulates the process exactly, and because they are living in the deserts it is important ... ... to have a difference in temperature between day and night you have to have 35 degrees celsius during day time and 20 degrees or less at night these two are only a few weeks old and two older ones, about 1 year old and they are using this terrarium for an extended walk the big ones are 1 year and the little ones hatched just recently and they are hatching when ?

mine hatched between january and february because i might have different temperatures, compared to nature so i have a little delay i don't have it exactly like in nature mine lay their eggs end of december, beginning of january and than it takes 80 to 110 days for them to hatch and these are around 2 weeks old and do the kleinmanni have one or two nests per year ? mine have 2 to 4 per year !

and depending on the size of the female ... ... most time 2 to 3 eggs aha, small nests but 2 to 4 times per year and from egypt we just go back into the kalahari, where we find these psammobates oculiferus which i keep and breed as well in germany they are called "stachelrand-schildkrã¶te" because of the shape of their shell they are tasting the milk

the one in the back is a female ? i keep them separated, this is a female i believe the mother of these two and how old are the young ones ? they are from april and october last year they start around 12 grams relatively big this morning i did dig out an egg it is still cold

i keep them cold, at 18 degrees, for 6 weeks and after that i raise the temperature slowly and put them into the incubator so the egg development process can start especially with the veroxii also with the pardalis pardalis and also with the radiatas you put the eggs into the cold for the first 6 weeks ? and in nature, it is also like that, in the colder winter time ? similar, they lay their eggs just before winter time

the winter down there is also shorter, like ours they have a cold season of 2 to 3 month after that the temperatures raise again and this stimulates the egg to develop and its similar when they hatch if i detect that i would need to spray them with water and that eases up the hard ground otherwise they would not get out by them selfsand that eases up the hard ground otherwise they would not get out by them selfs

this morning i found it in this terrarium you can see it, around the red sand you can tell by the red sand yes, you can tell by that be careful, lets get it out i heard that before, its difficult to find them it is important not to turn them as you get them out it has possibly started development already don't shake or turn them !

this bigger one is from a 1 year old this is the demo effect ok, bring it back into safety, not to risk the baby i thought i know enough about turtles but i have no idea what this is ? these are homopus areolatus from south africa this male is from namibia it was than imported and registered so we can track it because its a relatively rare species

we got it from alfred schleicher he is the turtles expert in namibia he is also offering very interesting tours not just about turtles but all sorts of reptiles, because he knows namibia now about this statbook again this is where rare species are registered these are annex "b" but are relatively rare to find in nature i guess they will get rated higher

but you can breed them relatively easy and they are perfect for a terrarium because the stay small with only 10 cm difficult to see with the camera, they are small turtles this one is the male interestingly, when the male is ready for matting his nose changes its color his nose turns into light red i didn't know that and how old are the 4 other ones ? i got them from sardinia, december 2016

2 years old ? 15 month they grow very fast have little hocks even the male, coming from nature does have them, although not as many so even in nature they have that yes, even the psammobates tentorius veroxii with the german name "zeltschildkrã¶te" because their hocks look like little tents now a turtle even i know, the classic radiata

from madagascar, right ? yes meanwhile they are called astrochelys radiata the "strahlen-schildkrã¶te" from madagascar even non experts know them because they are so typical and everybody wants them yes, and its the most smuggled turtle in the world every week by the hundreds out of madagascar a poor country, they sell them on the street there

but no longer about smuggling i suppose your's are not smuggled no all legally raised they are wa1 animals, photographed right after birth sending their pictures to the authorities and i get the cites paper for them with photos and than you have to take new pictures every 6 month and every 5 years when they get older of you could implement a chip but that's under debate

and they have to be bigger for that here are different sizes, how old are they ? these are bigger ones, from july 2016 lets put my hand inside to compare this one is from end of 2017 it is only a few weeks old, sold already to a friend of mine some eggs are a little bit bigger this smaller animal is from the last hatch the more hatchings we have the smaller are the eggs

the first ones are bigger and get smaller each time and also the young animals and about the size of the parents their mother has 12 kg around 40 cm the father is 8 kg, the female are bigger than the male now we are behind the terrarium, where we just filmed and here we need more space here we are at the seychelles yes, we need more space for these animals and they will move soon

the garage will be rebuilt and the car has to go to make room for the turtles its hard to carry them in and out of the basement that's why they will go into the garage not everyone saw the aldabra episode these are aldabrachelys gigantea this big one is a young female this one will still grow a fair bit looking at the ground these wooden particles are the easiest to keep them clean

that's a perfect ground its under debate but for me that's perfect we just talked about their intelligence, these ones are easy going with the bigger species its easier to develop some kind of a relationship the bigger the giganteas become the more like it grooming the smaller ones are a bit more shy but at a certain size they start loving it they stand up for it

compare it to a dog or cat nice animals and they grow up nicely those ones i bought back in 2016 and the bigger ones have over 2 kg already they are fun to have giganteas are my recommendation if you have the room for them here we have the stygmochelys pardalis pardalis from south africa this is the main type of the so called "panther-schildkrã¶te"

and the sub part are the babcocki which are smaller except the somalia family the babcocki are mostly sold as "panther-schildkã¶rte" in the stores and here we see a babcocki to compare and around here we have the pardalis pardalis the more rare sub type of this species yes, they are more rare and for me the pardalis pardalis are easier to keep they are relatively uncomplicated with the temperature

i keep them outside during summer time, even 5 degrees at night is ok that's perfect for this small male back there, this way he is sexually more active the next day this one under the red lamp is the male and the other ones are the females these females are between 17 and 20 kg this female is around 12 kg and layed their first 8 eggs this year and the pardalis pardalis have a much rougher climate compared to the more common babcockis yes, i would describe them as tropical turtles, that have it also warm at night

where the pardalis pardalis can have some snow at winter times their nights are cold, during day time around 20 degrees not like a european turtle, constantly cold rough nights and sunny days with 20 degrees and more i keep them in here during wither time and in summer they live outside and they have a nice texture, lets spray them a little bit and they have a different shape the young ones are not as tall but longer and have two dots on their shields

and show some sun sparkles compared to the babcockis they like these opuntia, and get enough calcium through that plus hay during wither time these two like my sneakers now we go to south america to chile and argentina yes, these are geochelone chilensis not found in chile though

not sure who named them this way perhaps someone found them in chile but they are from paraguay and argentina and the northern type is smaller where the southern type becomes much bigger not available in stores only as farm breedings from argentina they are annex "b" tehy are easy to keep when they get used to it

nature catches show a high loss there used to be many, but many losses as well amongst the imports in argentina they are sold at the street, even as food you can buy lots of them there but i know nobody who breeds them and does it work for you ? i had eggs and am waiting for them to develop the male is mating, that works

and now i'm waiting, you need to have time ... turtles take their time ... but it is a nice turtle because they are so easy to keep they like our temperatures i use our summer for their winter because we have relatively low temperatures during our summer nights not to bad and on to a new continent again from south america to asia

and here we see the melanochelys tricarinata they are ground turtles, around the himalaya area a rare terrarium species easy to keep but difficult to breed there are some in austria, from peter braschack and dr. valentin i hope i will have success as well the young ones are very colorful as they grow up the colors disappear somewhat so far we had more desert types

now more tropical and earth bound they have it hot in summer, up to 38 degrees cooling down during wither time around 10 degrees you can have them in a cool room you can have them together but i keep the males separated from the females two males in here and two females over there males are difficult to keep together amongst many reptiles and this isn't any problem here ?

yes, you can do it they don't hurt each other when they mate they are more on the rough side sometimes a female gets hurt slightly i had that as well but i have a dealer who sells this "hydroliq" and this helps with small wounds and i use this "hydroliq" to treat that works great

if anyone thinks we planned to say this, no not my idea :-) here we are in a tight spot now the incubators they are well loaded you are using the industrial types ? what is inside ? lets have a look just a moment

here we can see the difference in size pardalis babcocki tehy are from this other female who layed eggs for the first time, somewhat smaller these eggs are from july, their siblings hatched already if they don't develop i take them out into the cold for another 8 weeks again put them back in after that you can forget it here we see an development so they need this colder time ?

for initialization ? yes, i have three breeds from this hatch already, i'm now waiting for the last one to hatch july and now we april around 9 month so we wait a little bit longer the same for pardalis and babcocki ? with the babcockis i dig out their eggs and put them directly into the incubator and pardalis pardalis are like i said

start cool, yes kleinmanni as well with the radiatas cold at first as well and than warm oculiferus and veroxii the same, first cold, tahn warm and this works best for me, don't touch a running system ok, lets close it before it gets to cold we are back where we started a few hours later and i found it very interesting

that's what i wanted to show this great installation with great results and you really breed all your animals your self not right now ... but you aim for it another great home story on our channel this time we had the turtles we learned a lot, even me with 30 years experience thanks a lot

and if anyone wants to ask anything ? if anybody wants an animal or is interested just contact stefan and he passes it on to me i don't have the time to answer thousands of emails ... job, family and 3 hours down here every day is enough ... so we had this deal ... to keep this away from you ... you better look after the animals thanks joerg and thanks for watching

stay true, check my balls and check joerg's turtles hello to a new "follow" of ... you don't do this for to long, down all these stairs the turtles grow and you get older i'm not used to it any more, i get drunk after 4 and more beers :-) when we where you we would have 25 of them :-) and this even the light type ... try again without sneezing ... ok, one more time again ...

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