wandgestaltung wohnzimmer putz

wandgestaltung wohnzimmer putz

so collecting putz and putz figures for yourfeathered trees or just your ways of christmas time. they're a lot of fun and i have a fewexamples that i want to show you today. these are little sheep with stick legs you'll findthese in german, italian but you also need to beware of, there are a lot of reproductionsof these out here. they are to be found so look for stamping on them, check with yourreference books they come in a variety of sizes, this is a nice example of a cleanedlittle sheep with stick feet. i'm going to show you also in these iron little reindeer'susually stamped germany on them they come in a variety of sizes sitting or standingwith horns. a lot of times you'll find these damaged or the feet are damaged and then youcan also see there's some paint loss of these

not a lot on this particular one. it's a niceshape, it's a nice example of a 3" iron reindeer made in germany and there's a variety of sizesfrom little tiny miniatures up to about 4 or 5". some other examples of just putz sceneslittle campfire done in twigs you'll find these types of putz little different scenesadd to your little decorations. so this is just a campfire scene and here on the backwe have there's a lot of these wooden structures little houses to house your animal and sheep.this is just a little fenced in gate or a covered bridge that you can use in decoratingyour putz scene. so very few examples but use your reference book to go and see whatkind of decorations there are to use in your putz scene. put around your feathered treesand build up your own little holiday putz

scenes and decorations with your featheredtree.

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