deko bad maritim

deko bad maritim

dot the secret word tonight is door d double all are with assault one of the layers ofamerica are present groucho marx in your back your life economy groceries but those twotranscriber hollywood and here is the laundry online ho monahan all that's made roger martz

until he ran a gamut two thousanddollars a lot of our couples judge that a man whose face a trifle just before we went on the air we askfor a young people present would like to get married a blip on the right person and here come the toward josephpittsburgh atol in bom mister bill one monthly grachev marks welcome youhandsome couple for that is out of limited list had to say the sake of religious but ona dollars in cash it's a common was sending a fine around the house

they get a limp home dozens standing in anonymity at its earliestpackages dot com sweden and stockholm parlance we know what you pay for on thesmart as well candidate it's not his beloved we don't live in a small it won't could you say something in swedish uh... sound tell me what you think of me and sweet cannot take it

kitty kitty that its enemy thing downstatus state make a living it accidentally delayed a nice man that could take a pic would you mind qualify eleven law alan since you are in sweden there butget up all i can uh... over yesterday injanuary and why what kind of like a a are youdoing in america tidied operate with a swedish constant

you have a yahoo this we discussed you know ya bas bol i spelled backwards penalize you had a hat back was boy atthe swedish concert hello and land is that right that'sright what kind of a name is it securitate champion you'd leave on engine in minnesota duluth minnesota you like minnesota the wind is to uh...

the raiders they were triggers his right at the white at eleven alan alda how audio bill i'm thirty what is your age they get it i twenty five wrote twenty four minutes if you would you like to get married oneof these days highway ninety fifty five hundred actone

but why do you want to get mad when i'd like to get a whole new andyour family that's a good preliminary step in that about you know uh... bill would do itwould you like to get married yes i would why i wanted to marry msn home well out of the russian thing finishes in russian she swedish what's what what sort of like you do a

i worked really associate telephonecompany in what capacity on their retirement meditation cupid associate with it muslim home if you would be associatedform she's listening to the right connection because my phone isn't working uh... howdo i get you to fix it well you call rick burke arkadyassociated phone company other legislatures that your phonecompany telling them my phone is out of order

well you know they were stalled at all it happens if that's the one i'm alreadyusing hiding out on this job now i a m braganza right together answered synergy the adolescent needednow take it tell me something about sweetness is ittrue that they lost liza blondes are less a botched eighty percent ofthem are light davis animal life powell either way about fifteen pounds

i mean they are like a ticket muslim home you yes i syria other probably practically exhausted thesubject of telephones in sweden artsy out to you are you to a make upthe battle for the big question on just one minute you gotta play betterlife have you ever had your car serviced bythe solo plymouth dealer no matter what make a call you on youwill find to be so no plymouth theater offers you the best service you can getanyway the park service auto plymouth e there'sa certain that once they have a chance

to serve you your come back whenever your car needsattention what's more they'll do there utmost totreat you fairly and squarely at all times that's their creed sought want to give a chance to show youwhat service really means drive-in wherever you see the sign ofauthorized to sold all plymouth either and remember all dealers who sell desoto also sellplymouth

speaking of a funny character privacy of utility hyper than i can getthe chance that the two thousand dollars damage on the roads each of our three couples has twentydollars as much about what if they want to eachof four questions a couple of adorns the most money gets achance that this auto plymouth to files in dollar question at the end of theshow our other two couples are in the waitingroom offstage sold they don't know what's happening out here okay leon citem that you twenty dollars you

selected songs with numbers in the titleas your categories that ranks right now how much of the twenty we risk i think what eight dollars eight dollars is that i have a deal that yet okay give me the time of the song playedjerry thrilled player i think that twenty eight dollars nineand a dying for two thousand dollars night on how much of the twenty eightmillion tried

wanted me ok fifteen dollars why is it i know this song and has anumber of the title willy has lost fifteen dollars and asize they like thirty dollars eliminate youwanna know what it is is just one of those things all right is just a question how much ofthe fighting with a risk foolish five five dollars exceeded identified as oneof kate jerry dot is advising at cedars-sinai of new alright

haha oops sorry close but it's just thetwelve st rentals may not have a dollars russia kamisetti eight years or three dollars neophyte make it five ok price gary dvd flocking to the son of limit then as idon't go away you may get a chance of the big question groucho the secret word still taller

perhaps the next couple will say it just before we went on the air ourstudio audience select out house speaker sister milton card as partners ahousewife his grace walker and here we are fox the groucho marx welcome to you abetter life and if you say the sacred way to divide up in about us in cashbetween it's a common by something you findaround the house house painter and a housewife a uh... mister

that uh... where you from ah... folio coney island then we one of the ferris wheel well one of the flats you'll want to go on on a flat enough left over in a fire akom apartments out here ago burgess isbetter than much more expensive missus uh... listening walker

grace walker that's me well you from there when i was born in new jersey and what sort of like these as yourhusband eason leonard would be a minute rightnow he's planning to houston texas hai they say he's in texas and seasoned lyons you adam this is market well i'm a minute to

that's right kind of a minor coppermine robertsonnine for sixteen years mister listening was there any company onlineages get down into a stabilized all within an hour but you get some strong brawny man atthe end get this couple hiking gear filling it with me on iran and encountering p

even gonna repeat that's right all missus walker and my confusion there has been a sprawling trees intexas whatever coppermine anywhere in the navy now what maybe just sixteen hundred square house for a country and i wasn't let things in it the day the invite you for this uh... they will but i hate to hold my breathselective

would you like me on it for you how did you get to be a minor missuswalker plywood prospecting you know once youget the by that but it's terrible that's the only got about a dozen bittenthese not pain it's army how's business withyou know pick it up right now what kind of training do you do house painting interior pictures would you rather paint the inside of theoutside of the house

to make much difference uh... make quite a difference in thehouse unifying idea to pay the inside of myhouse you go ahead and pay the outside no minor you got something against theoutsider nucleus notes that i knew that i have alatter i guess it is one of them you know that pain again seven o'connorrembrandt a doubt

executives of the car at the muscle upto a dole's now if you just said on that specificway tonight so you in your pockets that i was in cash compliments of the disorder plan if itwas a night by allowing while you are back in a dotm you already have enough lol as pivotalto adore indoor sports like football come out the citadel to live california put a little piddling

funny i don't understand it but itsounds and i know all about paint thanks to youabout now let's see how much you to know you've gotta play but july pretends thatthe two thousand dollar the sort of plymouth question run you twenty dollars more than theother couples you get a chance to the big question i can tell much operas couple on thefamine is offstage to my knowledge the girls from sweden and the telephoneman one thirteen dollars illegality or hiking buddy twentydollars you selected nicknames have

stated your category how much of a twenty dollars for thebest ten dollars what status call the hoosier state indian back home in indiana packing up thirty dollars of any type oftwo thousand dollars night onto the failure that twenty twenty dollars what status callthe sunflower state cataracts missus walkie loudly that copper mineall the time right now

basic fact like your attitude effectivearticle for operative all right your bank thirty dollars astupid question what's their status call the empire state new york's copyrightclass dot lighting at a reality elections tobe the other couples on the today by status call the program stay kantak banks and deadlocked on that assad aplan that there was not with sonar that gives the chance that the two thousanddollar question

friends no matter what make a car you alone i hope you look for the sign of it is solittle plymouth either what's wrong feminism lost aloha grachev but you can lose your driving worriesaditi solo plymouth either because they're mechanics or factorytrained in the latest methods if i can ask him i guess a project

can say groucho so make it very embarrassing for you onthis program me panama's edna battle for the two thousand dollar question well i a spate of oz wife-beating withtheir hundred and sixty dollars the secret word steel door just before we went on the air ourstudio audience like the junk either howard martin add as partners doctor harry husky whois a designer of the builder of an electronic brain and and i are gentlemanthe groucho marx welcome gentlemen to be

a better life had to say this a good way to divide ona balance between u_s_ a common why something a fine around the house mister junk man there alachua near the jacket pretty flashy desecrate jump i'll stick around and i before the nightso i may jump fellow program queria from jackie burbank californiabank n again across the festival with

of all of us caught up dot that harry has key uh... you have an electronic brain but erin what i call your doctor area uske anything that you're right i'll allow don't don't go that far

gray from i come from the smoky mountains workedon welcome to this body planes of allied uh... there dot there has to be astraightening out about your electronic brain precisely it precisely exactly they large-scale electronic computing

but what is a computer well it's uh... it's just been put together we stillhave some parts to put into it have been doesn't compare anything yet kenny met to until special on a ladder system are on that a doctor what what what is this uh... this machine for through about

well that's true carry out uh...sequences that computations to compare figures you go to compare figures i don't evenelectric brain this is called an automatic reflex in mycase uh... as as a brain surgeon i you knowhow you engaged in private practice dot uh... prominently on the stage mathematician uh... i work for the national beerstandards in the completion rebuilding is being financed by the

their material command in the uh... united states air force wiser giant mix master look like robertson covers about thirty square foot of forspace to the forefront line twelve foot long about eight foot high at the judgment ruling overall koi ally

back down what what's inside this area well there's a about two thousand radio to his about forty television toads and model to work two thousand radio jobs the hundreds we have a minute status carlos to life i don't have that let's talk to you fora moment i needed to junk the a pocket of arsonwagon outside radio studios

wait for the winning contestants to comeout on well the pavilion into our stuff namely world pickup trucks to go out plumbing shops electrical places industries and so forth and going into this i cannot at home all my old jokes i saythrough the years i miss you paper paper

of the present time up in about fourdollars a ton come into the jokes with well let's say nothing as unfair you must apply the jelks dot that when you push a button whatgoes on inside his job they had providing of course he got all thosebuttons by that both carriers of citizen operations of addition litigation division

does liz at extremely high rate of speedin you must make sure that the correct instructions are good say i want to add to into an articleabout commanding we're going to be pretty easy for thatjake i hate that machine all enlighten them and i signed uh... to carry out the additional troopswho are you must television tubes are in its memory

and that uh... but she wants uh... numbers attitude and for the result is to be placed inthe machines memory when images sample edit a club issues in count on your toes let's say has been fully instructed nowwhat happens luda controlled part of the mission in their brains ofthe mission in life looks at the and instructions up but how do you knowit's looking at it may be is looking at

something else frequently oz machines let's hang on a light on that dot dot you'll be careful when you know all thatmachine dot i likey leo and i thought i live in deposit comes up with five finance thatwhat you do it uh... while that uh... moves shouldn'tdo that you can kids that's right i want you about a machine audio like yourself

less and that's all you can't to confuse the missionprobably you're going to room instruction of the specialty all nighton a plane i mean everything i had fun do within three years that brain and active as i said uh... you know material command is financed theconstruction of its own uh... air force contractors will get touse it

now also as scientists with uh... worthwhilecalls for access to the issue what you've convinced me of some babygot them adjunct medway capitan the how much would you say that the huskiesmachine as well how most of the way tracking a man alright dot mcdonough

uh... the promo is two or three times well i'd say will only steel in copper and soul forthright could be worth one hundred dollars opposes the death it's costing us about two hundredthousand of them dot many estimate was very fair after all we realize you act in a smallprivate

uh... doctrine convention during a lifeby white that will make life easier and better for all of us and i congratulate you on the nationalbureau stand all right now let's play about julygiven you twenty dollars in the more the other companies you get a chance thatthe two thousand dollar the sort of plymouth question i can tell you how much the othercouples one defendant is going to remind allison's house speaker and a housewife correctedwith a hundred sixty dollars

illegality allied but you twenty dollarsyou selected adjacent states is your categories that right basic price question what statusdirectly north of oregon washington washington iad arrive all right let me know that they'rehonest and how much would you a bit survived that that's offended by customamanda's got two hundred thousand dollar machine isn't on it at any rate it was my responsibilitymoney going for two thousand dollars not naive that lady dollars how much of thatthey be dollars are you going to bed

i'd say you know my chances at comment on about twenty five dollars by state is directly south of oklahoma taxes is right fifty five dollars how much of the fifty five dollarsmillion there look for a dollar forty dollars what stays directly north of alabama tennessee tennessean

five dollars his doctor doesn't need a mechanicalhelpline come into the ninety five ninety dollars watch status directly not the bizarre dennis at the institute says i'm sorry it's iowa game that's played by practically notonly want to go away from here a little

better off than when you came in so to get this question how you'll beten dollars richer university of ohio is in what state all right fall below five dollars and that means the house painter oscewife of a hundred sixty dollars get the chance of the gestapo have toldfiles about our question you'll catch the particular about yourcar without being particular about where you take it for service

that's why more a more motoristseveryday take their cars to be subtle plymoutheither for these dealers more than threethousand of them one end of this country to the other offer you the very best service you canget for your call and add up price that's fair they have factory trained mechanicsworking with factory designed to prove tools and equipment

efficient mechanics who do the job right who do it fast and will do it with asmile keep this in my next time your car needsexpert attention and driving up a sign of a authorized asubtle plymouth beep and here's a housewife maha state of thewedding couple already but that is subtle planet to thousand-dollarquestion grachev missus began with a copper mine in the uh... the pandering uh... seating pages of two thousand now

maybe fifteen seconds to decide on onesingle answer between you fifteen thousand dollars so think carefully andplease know helped me audience here it is a colony of rhode island was founded insixteen thirty six as a haven of religious tolerance who was the founder of rhode island all right let me ask you to know decidedat the pell grant no no i'm sorry it's roger williams fire their religious liberty and freedom

so that means the big question next weekwill be white two thousand five hundred dollars what he lost a big money but youone hundred sixty dollars in the quiz plus not analysis saying the sacred waycongratulations and thanks to both of you delight is adopted out without transcriber molly was directed by robertaltman bracelet it was a quiet gary fields bt articulate again next wednesday nightat the start of the groucho marx show

that your life present of the more than three thousand that's on top of the pillars of america all dealers who sell desirable also sellwomen tool right cars all products of the chrysler corporation and offer dot next week the big question will be worth twenty five hundred dollar slide awayfolks if you notice a prehistoric

monster glaring at you from thenewsstands don't be alarmed its only me on the cover of newsweek they have a comprehensive story about usin newsweek which appears on the stands tomorrow of course i deny everything just be selective zyada sorrow klamath bail on daschle city council

but bright stop many accidents beforethey get started this is george frampton signing off morethan three thousand asad-ul plymouth delays from coast-to-coast but isn't it secret word tonight the below t you'll vacuo light but as often as a result of our coveragethat roger martz video

iconic was arranged for those intranscriber maliwan and here it is the laundry on late well i know a lot and are that's madeour job i thankyou al here i am again with twothousand five hundred dollars but what about couples judge fundamentalist bisatry for we invited some locksmiths and some dynamite experts to the program and just before we went on the air ourstudio audience elected locksmith robert needs and dina meyer robert crabtree and herewe are gentlemanly groucho marx

welcome boys wear this or a plannerdealers and if you say the secret would youdivide on a balance between you as a common was something you always havewaited a locksmith than a dynamite and listedat dynamite the bobbitt crabtree is that right yeses thekind of a name is ed english that's right tottenham common name bogota soon coz works is is this what i can expect for thenext few

near the dynamite manner again he wouldn't a little adjudicate would listen let's get at least we can count on youto stay with us for the whole show that way from mister crabtree was voted out of that up well they're outage did you come bytrain only a blown out of town roadway away like mister petrie i work for the wrigley's particularly ofthose things

and uh... mr laxman lighting eats where would you go to school judy a lot fairfax you let the fairfax beatrice r ladylike missed a daddy and i own my ownbusiness peter p service exp dot he said pointed at me that means speed and service

donovan blacked out at home thousands of dollars within his own house why what happened had just lost the keys dot what kind of jobs most common inindia business orleans cars problems opening automobiles homesoffices changing combinations general repairs installation

i'd change my combinations about threetimes a week ago tomorrow but after washing my cell nominations a lifestyle you can seethere on a decline in the morning i've changed the combination of a lot by the rearrangement of the tumblers or the replacement outcome teamingadmitted acrobats and bought a lot of time with us members of the europeans that

uh... the differently pins that they'regoing to make up the combination of us t_n_t_ that you don't like it by the way what is t_n_t_ standpoint because there's a trailer to totally dot is that for uh... tamales cannotquestion talk to you that's a pretty explosive combination three accidents in your profession which by the way that would accept that's the most conclusive statement ihave a a

what would happen if you accidentallydrop a state of emma well probably nothing over a legalrecommend documented it or the first place lead to explode onlytreated as such what happens if somebody drops a stakein time we deeply defying people we would befired immediate fine i learned a lot about blacks anddynamite now let's see if you two are going to bethe ones who get the chance that the two thousand five hundred question on justone minute you gotta play you bet your

life and all an important bulletin from the decideall plymouth dealers of america there's gonna be lows for the manythousands were waiting for audio de soto run your plan they production lines at the factory arereally harming and p_o_w_ cars are rolling off the line we suggest that you contact your de sotoplymouth bela richer earliest convenience end of quote

yes folks that's good news to all of us more and more people will knox periodsthe thrill of driving a de soto akad lets you drive with option three so be sure to see or decide all plymouthdealer now that's a detail i get a chance thatthe two thousand five hundred dollars pan-am intel on the roads they've got as much of that what is theywant to be true four questions a couple that arms the most money gets a chancethat the two thousand five hundred dollar be subtle plymouth question atthe end of the show

our other two couples are in the waitingroom off stage so they don't know what's happening out here ileana selangor dtwenty dollars you selected american expressions for english words as yourcategory right is placed question how much of thetwenty would you bet those and now they caught on the left when we call it helluva elevators right although i talked with thirty dollarsyugi's rages out the thirty dollars a

without elevator mammy trying to do athousand five hundred dollars and i know how much of the body would attractburglary twenty-five are identified about anyenglish expression is accumulated accumulate a lot of what we call it attitude adding machine uh... louis supplements estar is battery they don't have five dollars issued a question how much of the fiveout of there

for ninety five or ninety five initiates passionate tram what is our expression uh... stressor streetcar is right dr nine ninety five the nine ninety five a dot of that latifa alright is your last chance to bethe other couples in england they call it a pup

what do we call it bar a borrowed ninety dollars and my desired documents out a plan that there was notalthough i a m a get a chance to the big question the secret word is still poor for which one do it it doesn't matter because to me arhapsodic scuffle will say it though we ask for volunteers in the audiencewho interesting stories just before we went on the air mister herald price

and this is florence schwartz whicharose and here we are fox meet groucho marx welcome welcomedhere that you live youngsters and if you say the sacred way to divideon a balance between you it's a common write something you always have waited harold price a well i'm happy to see that you came downthe program tonight i'm always glad to see a price come down power what sort of like you do on the front door

cacao stucco to about four ready like right now at the greasyskillet well i i came out here buffalo new york n though he had some pretty quickly i'm gonna get work really in other words you're unemployed dropsdramatically if you quit or did you get fired got well yes

when will you know opulent something real soon missus says schwartz yet that where you from uh... you cantransmit from new york city gallery side adam and says you it used to have hadsome interesting experiences missus uh... slots uh... what's happened to you well-lit uh... isabelle and i want to let thatmet my husband

you with the obama kada almost all of it jonathan friel drama down at that time much thinner and these iraq make like that and i don't know what i wanted a private this is what i mean explain and doubletalk but triple talk shows me sir

mister schwartz and frequent all and he'd have to cut thei'd be like what might happen the visible macabre you are a promiseliza and that's how you met slicing particulates because it's out of a beget copperawfully half a couple of tomorrow so anyway while anyway good luck the but that that was if practical atthis

and like and understand that for another job felon during the depression at the timethat couldn't find a job so he said that that that that a marriedyou act on it yet but it's not but said he was a note of despair on the promises watch we'll modeling thesethings happened hindsight that monday will cut still

pick up a shot parallel what's your story uh... one day i was uh... next at twenty seven thousand dollarsfew days later i was broke again now that's the income taxes by uh... fire into the twenty seven thousanddollars intellect that sounds like you know maybe that go way back to the beginningand and uh... tell me everything

well i was working on that mainstreet near los angeles i was broke than ever on the net any money i kicked the package a newspaper baggage like it you know he's bouncing checksand uh... securities we're spread out all the graph you've found stocks and bonds on thesidewalk must encourage that

know what to do next i looked at him and i realize that theywere pretty valuable and i turn them over andi saw that they've been silent that they were negotiable in you mean you could be a actually itattorneys in the case as we go plug lights on even a bootleg shinshin you usually take financial advice before

should accompany immediately patio talk it over with the book black if you take a shower near when he foundout here act you realize the socks or so valuablewhat did you what'd you do with a about it banned from the following on the head ofthe bus station by a target how far did you expect to get on a day never reply

protected them and put them checked inat one of these check black boxes for it good thing that came in one room genius i dot m what'd you do well i uh... locate the people that have there was aname and that have any money so i went to a blood banks capsuleplanted blood at four dollars for it start falling everybody in the fall butby the name of the strikes back

well i could locate themselves i took him out to los angeles times andhope that the newspaper would ideological very honest man time of everybody know what i was ashonest as you know that probably wouldn't be very many people were twentyseven thousand dollars when the owner of this tax wasidentified it did you get a big reward and that this is your

fifty dollars to twenty thousand kids on us if you get while at other interesting thingshappened yet quite a few obviously japs one-womancollar said she was twenty eight years old considered quite pretty in that idot blot lekar ex-husband stylist here that he was a rack attacked our house has been you have been provided with cheese andyou know away plans for the future which of thejobs are you going to take

well i'm gonna take whichever one as the most security was bouncing future well you that america goes husband was arare well it's it's been a refreshing andtalking to you uh... talking to an honest man i rarely encounter when i let's see howwell you too can make out in the battle for the two thousand five hundred dollars gotta play about july could run youtwenty dollars more on the other couples

you get a chance to the big question can tell you how much are thanks kapilon that animals off safely my knowledge a locksmith the dynamite her one nineteen dollars and ninety cents that's the item that you twenty dollarsyou selected styles of of current movies is your categories at correct issue price question how much of itsmoney where your risk cannot and not through the mail even chainlightning

a plea bargain for a bargain dot cocktail an m_b_a_ going for twothousand five hundred dollars night now you are thirty dollars how much yougoing to try fifty who was the leading man andfrancis alcon telecom haha told me how to say the jackass i can't quite fine dollar citation thankquestion how much of the forty five that's thirty who plays the lead in welly comesmarching home

tactics anything areas right okay now you get seventy five dollarsamish even a bet that talk at all the kids who plays the young mamata on douglas thanks again locked into the sort ofplan if it was i was so noticed the chance that the two thousand fivehundred dollar question what would you do friends if you would have somemorning in find your car won't start i get back and that sentiment

well spark plugs would call up it is alittle clipper feeder because he'd send a man over to fix upyour car and get you back on the road and my pajamas and item the left me alone vibrato most folks will bank where the so-calledplymouth deliver the kind of past courteous treatment he's willing andready to give alright fatima now thank you to tell us who's leading the battlefor the two thousand five hundred dollar well the honest man of the house wifewould have a lot of other difficulties

and the c_ words still just before we went on the air ourstudio audience selected a perfume sales girl county fair officially kelly arethis may be caller mister text condom meet groucho marx welcome for the sortof limited list folks and if you say the seat of a use for that i was between youit's a common way of sending you always have waited let me uh... column vilify fumes sales go buddy from cologne

pennsylvania reading pennsylvania pretzel bhandari how long have you been selling thank you ten years if you have a very pregnant no toapproach mister condom and where you from all of you i mean

originally from texas malady data factor at all because she has to bea panhandle grandson anybody around unfortunetly remaining now where you are freely often taxes and uh... originallybut i live in california now that's five admission protection the displays text i a magnet x eset how many children do you have

i have three avail the big issue nala two of my all girls to murder five feed eight five-feet nine one ofthese qualified determined there he's not a problem on the pessimist caller right now you mary yourself but you know we have in factanybody yet what kind of bike india cell repulsivenumber five

i would get a kick out of the names youpeople choose via products are what are some of the sense yourself kaboom whites elders but is it what is my job is due for awoman not so much but that's for the woman but that's the manager why do you do a county fairs is mystic on adjudgedlivestock

judge i'll be back about this thing theyhad no idea what well that's the average you are that letme he judge me go ahead and issued a notice all my fine points well uh... what are you five beds at the holiday is off and i'm a brahmin judge ani full could see another all time do you do you judge promised earlierhere the of europe from accredited and yesindeed we have a lot of movement

i thought they were brahma credit care green like for the daily mos all right go ahead dot generally speaking you at all you haveall the fine points of the outstanding animal very well but uh... over that problem their shoulders but i thought i'd saythat could be a little becker little

political while my head makes up for that odette judge capital body look for in acar general confirmation quality and showmanship never heard of a college showmanship that when a crowd of about how much is a prize covering

cows good cows bring any where from or twelve thousand twenty thousanddollars collars were twenty thousand dollar it's well yes you wouldn't think it cudbe smart enough to save all that money him and the bull market how much is a full life hello life but of all what alternate real tie-up

outstanding blows so sixty five thousanddollars this year abuellah's like forty five thousanddollars more than a cow popeil gonzalez now that i always sad i was a man's world how much as a prize pull a judge good bully from sixteen hundred eighteenhundred pounds promises that come to pound for sixty five thousand dollar job well the don't thirty of them book byutility poles bulls

quite a lot of all but if you're a starlinda navigated it here that uh... well let's see it figure out on a trip to the allegedfound that's just what about lee has budgetyet plea-bargain very interesting and verynice people at seaview beat the other two couples and get the chance of thetwo thousand five hundred dollar the subtle kind of question

i can tell you how much the other twocouples one but feminist ornery my knowledge the honest man the housewife with a hundred fifty dollars every dollar sale hiking buddy twentydollars you selected cities of the world as your categories that right all of these cities are over threehundred thousand population now you have twenty dollars how much youwant to try ml

are you an auction at times too and what country is the city of genoa italy italy as a writer a dollars grachev alright now you gotthirty dollars how much of that that he will eat right five five what country is the city of that cool baku dat u india

you pre-taped i'm sorry that anyway as told by a kid uh... it's it's russia they now have five dollars grachev all right is it that question on thefive dollars now how much we did that three dollars three dollars what country is this a m helsinki norway now if i was just but not close enoughthat spendola

they don't have to dollar lying on itsown aliza making fun of the fed rates or evenbetter a letter well at that one dollar even about my country as the city of alleged spain spared right now after packing a train out we watch itall i can get a little better off than when he came in by the at this when i do beats and allis rich after what state is the mississippiriver name

this is that this is that the air having honest panama's life on but thatthe dollars get the chance of that is on top of that told files and five hundred dollarquestion you've got the most mileage for yourcall you'll find it will pay you to take itfor service it would be so tall plymouth deep well that's where you get the benefit offactory designed and approve tools and equipment

and skilled factory trained mechanicswhen or how to use this equipment though expert job on your car andshorter time this means a saving of money and a car we'll give you fateful economical service mile after amine so next time your car needs service thematter what make up our attitudes take it to an authorized result plymouththe actively honest man a vase lifebullwinkle apple already father the subtle planet tofiles and five hundred dollar question i

know bailey out the two thousand five hundreddollars ready i'll give you fifteen seconds to decide on a single s betweenyou so think carefully and please now about me audiences comstock load is whether it is depositsof gold and silver in history many present-day fortunes were startedin the minds of the comstock lode two thousand five hundred dollars tellme in what state is it located as you know that it up on the bond

you have the right answer so you and twothousand five hundred dollars later today with all that money all think what level catharsis that will slow it down flawed god now i know you know i bank dot tale of two thousand five hundreddollars plus a hundred and fifty dollars in the quiz you really cleaned uptonight

congratulations from the more than threethousand us out of time at the u_s_ and cause that cause you bet your life here but your life is that john goodellproduct transcriber hollywood directed by robertlavin bernie smith music by jerry bailey be sure to tune in again next wednesdaynight it was time for the groucho marx yo-yo bet your life present to the bottom three thousand it's all part of thevisible there

auditors lasalle desoto also sell women tool right cars both products of thechrysler corporation an offer to act next week the big question will be worth one thousand dollars by the way folks iwant to warn you that i'll be on the cover of quick magazine that's outtomorrow i suggest all of the ought to be kept onleash in small children be locked indoors

goodnight folks just be sure to see dot sa dot cl event and i i'm driving showing off pleasant day there's a georgia signing off for themore than three thousand a subtle plymouth delays from caused the cards l that's a good word tonight is three

they you're all that you all br wrote about altman everywhere in america are real and roger martin here alreadyonline one hundred gary trudeau content driverhollywood and gary bauer want the online the monument and probably or let me out mom vin

mcenroe here i am again with onethousand dollar on our problems are and reported by four no people around here our studio audience the light of themother of a large family and second part and they are mister trials wide meet groucho marx compiled by that is not open it doing about it

and might that be allowed family the expectant father you if you have any other children withthe wind noted that the there monthly they redirect the one apartment i'd right where you're from brian

when i was born in new haven connecticutre reported on moved to new york and came up method mom one who clearly we can't guarantee memory of grandma time program noon mind in and inquiry

that the customary gala something about this hearing you mentioned about the we couldn't be any card needed unit nine who display of the powered when he applied for greenwood differently

nobody katya word uh... approximately olinger memorandum before you put something on the plate onit right away him claudia kali and not unit of mine

but thought i would be a good job uh... field representative for admiralfor american member one permanent that ihave no negara the anyone hall of fame he and the by anything retailer balodia kelvin them you know needed in another one

cramming outside alija hotel here for a big film you put them on the conveyor home magnetite boynton feature me hewlett uh... field

requiring seven point seven motivated by buchanan ya i needed to plan became intimidated by them uh... mean empty thing brown or green brawny any no we have a booking remark my might be linden my thought about going

how might you and at the white have you got a definitemaybe a young them though we don't know yet right now i'm pretty damning or wanted to get name we don't know yetbeyond known only one point and uh... we don't know what it'll be memorable remain at the likelihood ofmen and women planned down there

would you prefer kelly a boy or girl it doesn't make much difference a weekago with the baby do you wanna baby when i'm not going to require that they would do it dot the missesthem maybe he can get a point about that well it's been very instructive talkingto you

than a multiple people known just one minute you're going toplay a better life without brown you're millions of car owners becausethat nation this line of a big total plymouth eitherthem recouping the bat in your car value and the backedinto it next time you were to be opened attheaters third make a point to find out about the twotruly great new ka people

one with the brilliant you'll be total but carla's really new inside and out bringing you more building report on the income a moment to flee the newt it though you'll know it clean modern design but grateful you line sweetback withmagnificent new full with one grill would margaret prop it's uh... pulling guard with all due tototal

a car that led to drive without shipping and remember all the others who filledthe total also thelma beautiful meal plan but part of a white that we compare and utility harder than i did that and two thousand dollars annemun explainthe road each of our three double bed twentydollars that as much about twenty of the monarchy q four twenty

but probably learned the most moneydeputy onto the don't open a thousand dollar question of the individual our other two coupled with the waitingroom update so they don't know what's happening on your illegality aheightened at a twenty dollars you collected mountain peak to the wherevideo category that right curated by pushing a twenty dollarcomically arrest and mauna loa farm you know you in a capitol hill away

you know i know why not probably have thirty dollars garamendigoing for about not mine and i think he would have been twenty five twenty five and what country of publicat a battleground in mexico mexico primary barbara you that the people idon't know if you think like and how much of the fifty five the one where amount and respond

o'leary in due in part it on a one hundred andbarbara and bond reviewing integrity of the problem wed month affiliate not the phillies intimately palo but none of the automobile about yourhere the big woodward guilt-free wrap thenext couple of things they might europe

before we went on the air we'd like toknow how apply from the audience a good idea edited little area view of the fundamentals and i think that uh... the bread writerand they are make raj omar welcome him back to lifein the fate of the start-up limit he could would you define about that we you with the common way something you'dbe everyday any other hypnotist and they'll look meaning i when you havebeen than they had to stay awake around

omitted used mary maine use independently d blind effective one what does your husband in with you u_n_ fifteen p_m_ food grand he felt people

the little and how did you mean when you become abit more women you have been owned we have to be a daily basis virginia communion bhakti kathleen hewlett loading and and mum heated pool and permanently one

beware that the ponies namely a bit about whatyou're going to be by the department the not only have a name uh... in gradon an appointment etc and ferry accident brody leila with the pollen knowing

and that the brain uh... devil them ryan gramophone wedding you do in themorning boatload and ironing may have been he think uni mike and i think and and think that you think you'd be in meatball women management track that down there

and it on my and wing and cameraman pitted brainerd here admit and that you know what about thebaby mac and no it really didn't know bullet thepromenade unmarried and the impact that you in a minute then pramila name admin what about youlive and ho kind of a brand new pet yet then

them haven't akikko agonizing angered family time golly what ifanything planning for many it is prohibited lead do you think that you medicallycould be a live left overcoming moving full bien that had that you hypnotize me

in cuming edmund brown yes dot and i don't have internet do a i don't know hypnotized me and you know me in the uh... smoking figure ordinary precluded hypnotize do and reporting at midnight i don't know the pack

the flattery will get you know a duringundertaken are turning out about that they uh... can you tell me about it at that timebut he tried on the uses that he would you mind the admit cardand we or you don't want to give up mybuchanan money at mci somebody exactly what the fact that well protected didn't get theirattention had to concentrate on your boy and then have a thank you

figures are a number of days then you begin counting tell them to relax them the growing area dining anything on thelanding dehydrated in union pandemonium a large portion of the whole idea

i did it again statement below the people at foura_m_ several years ago about thirty five hundred people they're both hundred-day ceiling wheat and everybody you know that i have beenkilled loudly d you twenty dollars monument netbanking i can tell you how much up for a coupleon the phantom and i think to my the expectant father and the mother ofeight children want two hundred you know every dollar you know i didn't want toknow you'd like to the american patriot

the job category that night dignified like and how much of the fun by the name of the american statesmanattending the liberty or give me that antique and that they can really right gone away with forty dollars a mini nineper thousand dollar tonight that they did it go twenty-five over the name of the belgianstatesman who have ended the alamo attend and you know

howard five dollars need your bank making mechanic at thebar over the name of the patriarch and jogthe boston tea party he ought to find a declaration of independence benny lam is correct comment on one the you know that and i'm robert intellect and to be the other coupleconfidante and five one hundred

one hundred lover the name of the womanwho was a poll that we fed she wrote a few months that already havebut mail kind replay it was barbara pretty uh... i like that like you bet on your moneywonder broke many of you know they can't make themoney get a fun right knee went and i wouldn't care who was buried in grant's tomb memoranda and thanks and good luck minnesota limitthey would not let them know that the

tenth of a thousand dollar question that bird car owner one of your done about the warmerweather that lies ahead i'm sending my long underwear that started what aboutyour car it all set for the miles of pleasantmotoring puke alibris more cooperation onvacation and during those summer weekend better visited these total plymouth feela real foo let me observers expert to mop your carbring any of my winter uruguayan a car that's been checked byavg total put mechanic

will do more on the road and heard likea cat maiden drink milk momentum and the life of bring yourcollier while earning your cat and wherever you see the sign of thedevelopment of dealer all right and a man who then the battlefor the bows not question well a moderate children the expectantfather ahead with two hundred ten dollars and the people were dead feel free we invited them boxers and from balithen the program tonight

and just before we went on the air ourstudio audience like a myth that a tailor and if thereare paragon and they are broad we've talked a lot not immune to it but it's not a plan todo it that is that if they do are you tonighthunter valley between you with a common way something you'd be everyday boxer and at bali then were d'amato ileana vodka when human on uh... paragon

well you're from a buffalo creek and mexico before we proceed let me caution you a new program you i've lived out of thecase did don't come out swinging if you do boarding a plane weight uh... thirty-five strip do you think that this afternoonregularly to close a i don't know in a rear microgram themmadonna crowley awaiting did william at

eight oh and you want to play he wrongway but we don't quite at home the morning if you want to have becomethe ninety four you know on what you think about that what elevenyou knew about it and where you're from buddy who named p p me anything remind you know nothing rebellion to offend you not on your toes

figured let's leave it up and down unique want of you had to bucking the if they were about ten lileikis european wrote and told the jury anyway you knowyou could be ten of eighteen to newly-elected rebuilding than we've heard di one point nineteenpoint lead they climbed

well uh... theme i get a particularly good morning i goaround i come back we'll go to bed women tend to expandfinding fair that's not all training delivered more one oh when i get up to ten o'clock mademy breakfast when i go back to bed humans have a point in time pajama butta then why do you know my good friend your pick up my lord

michael who go to bed but a when i getup but poptub five o'clock we'd like them one peoplewalk away from greta van don't you don't see much of the outsideworld why do you know that was one of the filminstead sleeping in jumping up and then we could have helped shape that you wantto make it might have heard than i wanted to play thing you have to learnabout ballet paddy woman who'll be there for me and blue yes

and one out of five they presented when people one what ryan intimidated by killing anyone on the other hand harrigan orientalposition but no one hundred numbered could you describe the faith into thisand then well one you here

the people didn't you you can get alittle poem about leading u than v one of them of the basic thatthrough the valley king they motorcycle mcmann you've got an antidote that youknow that that break the u_n_ depend he byline insane being on time when propagation made the comment thread them ballet dancer

i'm off to the complications andphysically illegal like the polling when you'rethinking in one link the newly patented thing well a thank you thank you one of theread the book parliamentarian to think about the needto know that the other hand to you on the quiz the media that took up and get it intothe thousand others don't open the i can tell you how much the other twocouples one defendant update to my the mother of the children

and the expectant father who had with tohundred ten dollars you know we don't feel right now thetwenty dollars you selected warrington yup category that right a now how much you want to better thepointed out funk right out loud and then a couple like the fight was over you would thinkhello mom effectively dead uh... is an expression and what for baseball baseball is correct

well i don't know what regarding aboutall the printing them you know and profound knowledge management byreplying wanted twenty-five lob shot anexpression of what one all week law if that had at kenneth that's right do on intensified all admitted he playedby mcmillian reports i guess our i_p_o_ at the is a maneuver in one form place uh... are i_p_o_ lengthy

withheld nahh that in and they now have fifteen dollars all right jill i tend to be the othercouple time of the fifty miniature uh... this time he is an expression of whatbook by me d'amato one finding that simple wouldn't mind it was a well i was thinking about what i get badenemies and marble but i'd say all right

part of a moderate government onebreadth and honored yet but you have the development ofparliament are quite good broom to interview with the complete to serve you ll promptly motherly aims of eveready total plymoutheither monarch what make a prior brian nomatter what sort of attention it needs adi photo plymouth either iswell-equipped to give your car the very best

guild factory trained mechanics log modern tools and equipment made service at a fair price and prompt courteous treatment everytime that the kind of third as you'll get you'll drive into the sign of addictsalthough plymouth either at the kind of servers that means extramiles for your call from coast to coast though more thanthree thousand of these these total

plymouth either each with internet desired third and as the mother of the intended pectinpart of a winning couple already for the default open a file didnot request in rajani in the upper thigh when i was reading on t_v_ afifteen-second to decide on a single antha between if nothing campaign pleaseno health millie the panama canal one of the greatengineering feats of all time would never have been possible and onefor the discovery of the author of the panama

for about another family who discoveredthe essence of panama fried alright what it means you don't dependupon uh... balboa mind dont bhai with krista mccullough middle employeesto the new but the correct answer to that means thebig question next week will be white fifteen hundred dollar money like the big money but you want toone in ten dollars in the quiz

congratulations and thanks to both ofyou your own that your life we did notdevelop without and rival ali were directed by robert braun brinkmanbuilding quiet very clean you're doing and that would be nine time for theground omar kill feel that your life remember the modern rebounds off one ofthe middleman and remember will be winding down while around women to regard for a product of a chrysler corporation and don't forget

next week requesting will be worth the hundred-dollar overnight be broadly zyada bono's when any on wanted to go now completely goneremarkable hardly be mugged so remember check your car that the george brown and signing upmore than three thousand e solo plymouth we heard from got to go

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