kleines wohnzimmer aufteilung

kleines wohnzimmer aufteilung

the biggest starsin music... choose aspiring artistsfor a life-changingopportunity... create your ownamazing cover. ludacris: thousands of submissions from across the globe. all you gotta dois make it dope. ludacris: only two will go head-to-head in a surprise audition. you're gonnabe performing for us, - live.- ( all gasp )

ludacris: with a little help from our friends along the way. the winners will get tocollaborate with a superstar. - man: one, two, three.- all: "best cover ever"! welcome tothe "best cover ever." ( music playing ) - ludacris: nice table for it. - man: extreme heat! you gonna standaround the table, then you need to play,damn it. - game on, son.- ah! uh! uh!

( laughs ) yes! this is one on four, y'all. i should not be beatingyou guys right now. dnce, thank you guysfor joining me today. - what's up, luda?- i'm extremely excited. this room, later on, will befilled up with a bunch of fans and one lucky cover artistis gonna get the chanceof a lifetime because they are going to berocking with you.

so are you guys ready? oh, we're ready. let's makethe best cover ever. let's do it. ♪ ah-ooh! ♪ ♪ baby, you don't have to rush ♪ ♪ you can leave a toothbrush ♪ ♪ at my place ♪ do you guys come upwith the titles

for the tracks first? 'cause y'all gotsome of the best titles in the music industry,period. oh, well, thank you.you know, it happensdifferently every time. sometimes whenyou're writing, you finish a song,you look at what you got - and "toothbrush" pops out of it- ludacris: right. - the most.- "cake by the ocean." ( chuckles )yes.

all right, you seethis great stage. one lucky cover artist is gonna getthe chance of a lifetime because they are going to berocking with you. well, listen, we got so manydifferent submissions for your song "toothbrush." ♪ we don't needto keep it hush ♪ ♪ you can leavea toothbrush ♪ ♪ at my place ♪

♪ i just, i justcan't let you go ♪ ♪ give me something ♪ ♪ i never know ♪ ♪ so, baby,you don't have to rush ♪ i think there's about twothat really stuck out to us. okay, so tell meabout those two. the first oneis lesha x elm. good stuff.from the philippines, right? - yup.- yup, they're kind of a cool

edm group. ♪ baby, you don'thave to rush ♪ hi, my name is lesha litonjua.i'm 20 years old. and i'm emilio mali,you can call me leo, and i'm 19 years old. we're fromthe philippines. both:and we are lesha x elm. ♪ i just, i just ♪ ♪ can't let you go ♪

we do electronic music. she's veryalternative electronic, but i also have, like,different genres that i'm also finding like soul and r&b. - we both complement.- yeah. ( laughs )i'm sorry. ( vocalizing ) lesha: we're big fans of dnce.

they're a reallylively, fun band. but, also, i love joe jonas. - so, we met in college.- yeah. we were at a dj workshop. she sang in front ofall of those students. i was just like,"wow, this girl, she has so much guts,and i respect that." lesha: we were like, "oh, we gotta collaborate."

leo: in the philippines, it's hard to supportthis type of passion. lesha: we've always wanted to travel the world and do our music. as a little girl, i would always tell my mom, "one day i'm gonna go to the states and perform there." producer:congratulations,we're gonna fly you to l.a. - to meet dnce's producers.- ( laughs )

- ( squealing )- oh, my gosh! both: whoo! everyone inthe philippines will be like,"oh, my god, that's a filipino." yeah, we're going tol.a. today. we're so excited! it was a really long flight, but it was really fun. it's our first time in l.a.

leo: we're just so blessed and lucky to be here, and show, like, "hey, dreams do come true." - and who else did you guys pick?- will makar. he had a cool vibe. he had an interestingtake on the song that we didn't expect. ♪ ah-ooh, baby,you don't have to rush ♪ music, to me,is about having fun,

and that's what dnce is. i have three older siblings, and they made me get on tables and sing fortheir high school party. and i knew from fourth grade this is what i want to dothe rest of my life. so i moved to l.a. and i'm working hard. i've got five jobs.

every job i have is for my music career. it's a tough career, but i just love it. producer:dnce's producers want you to come performfor them live. are you serious? i want the opportunity to collaborate with dncereally, really bad.

this is the final piece to making my music dream come true. they came here today, and they think thatthey're one of so many differentfinalists, right? - yes.- little do they know that they are the final two. they don't knowthat they're here to perform for you,they think they're here

performing foryour producers. and those finalists are checking in right now. so we love doing surprises here, so this is whatwe need to do. i want you guysto go out there and shock the hellout of them right now. - all right.- we got it. good? you ready to do it? - let's go. let's go.- let's do it. all right.

- i'll be watching.- yeah! ludacris:to the dnce mobile! ( cole barking ) - ooh.- yeah, boy! - whoo!- ah! oh, my god! - all right, we're about to surprise these kiddos.- okay. we're gonna headdown to stage. - tight turn, tight turn.- ( car honks ) - all right.- ( sustained honk )

( cheering ) lesha:oh, my god. how's it going? - hi!- hi! so cool! jinjoo,how are you? - good!- what is going on? - how you doing, man?- how are you? - surprise!- what's up?

all right, this is,like, real. i'm not evenprocessing this. - you're right next to me.- will: yeah. lesha:oh, my gosh. i didn't faint,that's good. not yet, don't faint,don't faint. yeah, yeah, yeah. so, obviously,you guys are here for the "best cover ever."

- right?- yes, absolutely. what you don't know is that you arethe two final contestants. - wha...- wow. you know, you thoughtyou were here to play for the producersor whatever. no. you're here toperform for us. - what?- ( laughter ) - jinjoo: yeah!- come on.

that's not-- cole:it's go time. you got to get backin the dressing room. get your pink on,get ready 'cause y'all don'thave much time, so - get going.- let's do it. we'll see youin a little bit. o... - ...kay.- dude!

did you see that? ♪ oh! ♪ ♪ na na na nana na na na ♪ ♪ 'til i findsomeone i love ♪ - ♪ kissing strangers ♪- ♪ oh! ♪ ♪ 'til i findsomeone i trust ♪ i'm very proudof both of you. really, very proud. you havemy full support.

so you guys got to tell me whatyou look for in cover artists. - i think we look for something that's unique.- right. that they're bringingsomething to the tablethat we've never seen before, and maybe it's a twiston our song. and i think these two finalistsreally have done it. i can't believethis is happening. it's quite surreal. oh, my gosh. - are you ready?- yeah, are you?

yeah. one, two, three,breathe in. ( inhales deeply ) - breathe out.- ( exhales ) we just have to getyour mind set right and kind of let go of any thoughts you haveabout feeling scared. totally. will, lesha x elm,come on in right now.

- hello, hello.- hey. - yeah!- hey, baby. what's going on,my man? hey. how you doing, man?it's very nice to meet you. oh, my god,it's so nice to meet you. hug, hug.i need a hug from you. what's going on, my man? - what's going on, man?- all good things. so are you guys feelinga little nervous?

because only one of you isgoing to be able to perform live with these individualslater on. it's crazy thatwe're here in front of you and dnce. it's just crazy! will, you're going first. lesha x elm, you guyscan have a seat on the couch over here.

- good luck.- all right, will, it's on you. - all right, let's do this.- get on it. will: i am feeling nervous 'cause i want to be up on that stage with them. this matters. cole:what do you dofor a living, bud? i sing at disneyland and i... am a limo driver.

- cole: ooh! argyle.- ludacris: all right. "die hard." you know, i got to makea living, but music, man, that's what i want to dofor a living. well, are you ready, man? we want you to give usyour best cover ever of "kissing strangers." let's do this. all right,let's do it.

♪ na na na nana na na ♪ ♪ na ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ i'm just trynamake my way out to this ♪ ♪ concrete jungle ♪ ♪ who walks with me? ♪ ♪ oh, yeah, trying to find ♪ ♪ connectionsin 2000 something ♪ ♪ ain't easy ♪

♪ whoo-hoo ♪ ♪ can't quit ♪ ♪ take six ♪ ♪ kissing strangers, hey! ♪ ♪ kissing strangers ♪ man:♪ na na na nana na na na ♪ ♪ open heart, open mind ♪ ♪ never knowwho you'll find ♪ ♪ open heart,close your eyes ♪

♪ kissing strangers, go! ♪ ♪ i got a girlthat i kinda like ♪ ♪ this is a kiss-kiss,tongue her down kind of night ♪ ♪ i got that uhm-uhm,her got that uh-uh ♪ ♪ i got that bomb andi think i call her dynamite ♪ ♪ anyway, i'm back,what my baby got? ♪ ♪ gimme piggy back,zip zip on the kitty cat ♪ ♪ put it in my lap, sip sip,on the tip tip,lick on my lip-lip ♪ ♪ i think she's tryna hityoung will with a quick pick ♪

- oh! oh! oh! oh!- ♪ 'til i find someone i love ♪ - ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪- go! - ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪- hey! ♪ 'til i find someone ♪ - ♪ i trust ♪- ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ oh! kissing strangers ♪ - yeah! all right.- ( cheering ) - wow!- ludacris: yeah! - jinjoo: that was awesome!- awesome. thank you guys. all right, dnce,this is your song, talk to me.

how do you feel aboutwill's performance? for us to hear our songin like a smooth, sexy, kind of r&b take on that song,which is obviously very funky and poppy,it's really amazing to hear youdo your thing. - cool, thanks, man.- i think probably, on the beginning, you wereprobably a little nervous, so some of the falsetto momentswere a little pitchy. but once you found your rhythm,it really felt great.

ludacris:jinjoo? well, first of all,i was a little bit worriedbefore you started because you looked nervous. - i was.- but soon as the music started, you, just,the whole thing changed. your eyes was openand it was awesome. - good job.- thank you. all right, will,you can step down. lesha x elm,

it is time foryou guys to get up on this stage. lesha: it's a really new feeling for us to be performingin front of our idols. we just hope dnce loves us. yay! we're gonnado this, okay? - we're gonna do this.- we're gonna make it. i believe in us.

can you imagine comingfrom the philippines and then just landing herein front of you guys? like, that's cra--right. lesha x elm, from beingin the living room in the philippinesdoing cover songs to being onstage inlos angeles, california. what's going on inyour head right now? - a lot.- we still can't believe we're here. so why don't you tell us whatwe can expect from yourcover of "kissing strangers."

well, we hope you guys havea good time watching us - leo: yeah.- and listening to what we've beenworking on - for so long.- ludacris: all right. give us yourbest cover ever yes, sir.make you proud. - ready?- yeah. one, two. ♪ aye ♪

♪ i'm just trynamake my way ♪ ♪ on throughthe concrete jungle ♪ ♪ oh, yeah,trying to find ♪ ♪ connection in2000 something ♪ ♪ ooh-hoo ♪ ♪ kissing strangers, oh! ♪ ♪ open heart,open mind ♪ ( vocalizing ) let's go!

whoo! ♪ got a girlthat i kinda like ♪ ♪ this is the kiss-kiss,tongue her down kind of night ♪ ♪ she got that uhm-uhm,heard she got a good life ♪ ♪ she got that bomb, i thinki'ma call her dynamite ♪ ♪ anyway, i'm back,but my baby got ♪ ♪ gimme piggy back,drip drip, with a kitty cat ♪ ♪ put it in her lap,sip sip, on the tip tip ♪ ♪ lick on the lip-lip,she's tryna hit young l ♪

- ♪ with a quick pick ♪- ♪ na na na na na na na na ♪ - ♪ kissing strangers ♪- hey! ♪ oh ♪ ♪ don't you like ♪ ( echoes )♪ strangers ♪ - ♪ open heart ♪ - ♪ higher, higher ♪ ( repeating )♪ higher ♪ ludacris:all right - yeah.- what's up?

ludacris:great job. great job. all right.jinjoo, i'ma start off with youthis time. how you feeling? one thing i was gonna sayis you can make it more dramatic dynamic-wise. go, like, all the way downand then go, like, crazy, like a build-up. - okay, okay.- that would be more fun. you know what?it's hard to not smile

when you see you guysperform 'cause you can tell you love what you're doingand you're not worriedabout anything else. and i like that a lot.i would just say play a little bit morewith dynamics. absolutely. lesha, i don't want toembarrass you, but i know you've had a crushon joe jonas since he was inthe jonas brothers, but - yeah.- i saved him for last. come on, joe!

i do like the arrangement.i think it was kinda-- - it was a complete flip--- for real? it's a completeflip on-- so it took a minute,i think for all of usto get used to it. - ( ludacris chuckles )- i like that you're playinginstruments up there at the same time, and,for you, elm, i could tell you were kind of in your zoneand you're looking down a lot. - yeah.- and never forget there's

- an audience here, too.- yes, sir. but overall,your energy level, i mean, that's-- that's really whatwe take from this whole thing, which is reallyimpressive and - great work.- absolutely, man. - ( applause )- great job, great job, great job. now we all kind of have totalk amongst ourselves to finally realize whowill be performing with dnce. so go back toyour dressing rooms

while we deliberate. - ( applause )- see you guys in a minute. - jinjoo: good job.- ludacris: yes. my shoe got untied. ( laughs )all right. - leo: good job.- lesha: thank you. i'ma be honestwith you guys, this is gonna be adifficult one for me. i'm on the fence about it.what are you guys thinking?

cole:seriously, will's voice is polished. he seems to be kind of a musician's musician. - ludacris: right. - cole: you know? there's a lot ofreharms going on, and impressive melodic things that headded to the song - and changed.- right. but is it about that?

or is it aboutwho came up with - the coolest world for our song to live in?- yes. joe: something cool that lesha x elm brought to the table was that they flipped the song on its headand it doesn't sound like anything thatwe've heard before. and they createdit themselves. was their vocals spot-on?not necessarily,

but their energy was...was lovable and you kind of want to bea part of their party. for me, they don't havethe experience, so i don't thinkthey're quite ready. jinjoo: i felt comfortable watching will. he kind of was confident enough to perform his voice. i think, vocally, he would have the energyand he would be able to sing

with you and it wouldfeel like a duet. it is really tough. like, i wishwe could pick them both. man, this is the closestdecision of them all. i think we gotta bring 'emback in here and give one the news that they're gonna beable to perform with you guys. you guys ready to this? - yeah.- guess so. all right, this isthe hard part.

whew. will, come on in. - my man.- will! - hey.- all right, all right. all right, lesha x elm,come on in! cole:what's up, y'all? you know, i thinkthe performance itself was really impressive. i did likethe arrangement,

i did like howit was put together. cool. cole:y'all were so fun. your spirit just shoots out of youwhen you're doing music and you get lost in it, and i reallyappreciate that. some of the falsetto stuff, it was a little pitchyat the top.

i would like to seemore on the stage from you guys. it's electronic music, so let them jump with you, let them sweat with you. okay. we believe in you as a person, as an artist,as a musician.

unfortunately, we're gonnago with the other team. go have a drink at the barand be bummed for three hours,and then you go out there and writea bunch of songs. and i want,in two years, for a bunch of kids to come hereand cover one of your tunes. all right, i feel that. we hope to see youagain soon, my man. - sounds good, my buddy.- ludacris: absolutely.

- all right, thank you guys.- yes, yes. - thank you.- see you at the bar. will: it's disappointing. but... he said,"go to a bar tonight, grab some drinks, start writing some songs." so it's time to... starting writingsome music, man, and making some hits.

you know what i mean? joe, round it out. so... would you collaborate with uson "cake by the ocean"? oh, my god! - ( laughter )- got 'em! yo, you all the waygot him! - get out of here!- oh, man. you thought it was a wrap.

- you thought you were done, huh?- yeah! you came all the wayfrom the philippines! yes! yes! hold on, man. we got some tears here from both of them. this means something.it's okay. it's okay to cry,man, trust me. - this is our passion.- yeah.

we've all cried before. the reasonwe chose you guys, it's about the bestcover ever, right? you guys created something really different thatwe haven't heard of a song thatwe play every night. so, at the end of the day, you guys broughtsomething to the table that was special,and new, and fresh.

and, ultimately, we want to - do it with you.- this way, man. you guys ready for it? - yeah.- let's do it. are you okay?you okay? - ( crying )- ( chuckles ) hey. leo:we made it, we won. i'm just so happyand i'm so excited.

and i feel like, yeah, i done good. we done good for... or our families, so i'm veryhappy about that. - oh, wow.- whoa. ludacris:look a this. look at it! - yeah!- yes! - whoo-hoo!- yes! - like it?- we love it. it's so pretty.

dnce, tell us about what songwe're gonna perform. so today we're gonnaperform "cake by the ocean." this song was the launching padfor this band. so it's a special experience for us to be able to perform, especially with lesha x elm, who have worked so hard to createsomething of their own.

so the idea of this isjust to have as muchfun as possible. obviously, there'sa lot of balloons, the lights are gonnafire into the balloons. it's gonna be justa really fun performance. we hope thatwe can give the dnce some new sounds, like,new sounds, but, like, everyone inthe crowd loves it, you know what i mean? and we also hopeto give justice

- to the original song.- yeah. ♪ huh! ♪ - ♪ oh, no ♪- ♪ huh! ♪ ♪ see you walking 'round ♪ ♪ like it's a funeral ♪ ♪ not so serious ♪ ♪ boy, why those feet cold? ♪ collaborating witha complete stranger is kind of the basis of

what it is to be a musician. i think i like the waythat it's split up right now in the first verse.i think it's kind of cool. ♪ see you walking 'roundlike it's a funeral ♪ ♪ so serious, girl,why those feet cold? ♪ - good.- yeah. - okay.- lesha x elm traveled acrossthe whole world to be here.

these people become your best friends because that'swhat music does. all right. okay, okay. this is exciting! ♪ want another taste? ♪ ♪ i'm begging, yes, ma'am ♪ ♪ tired of all this candy ♪ ♪ on the dry land ♪

- ♪ dry land ♪- cool. can we hold up on the track? - ( music stops )- so here's what i'm thinking - okay.- and you tell me if you like this. - okay.- i like the way it's set up right now, for the verse tostart off like that. ♪ i'm going blind fromthis sweet, sweet craving ♪ both:♪ whoa-oh ♪ ♪ let's lose our mindsand go crazy, crazy ♪ - is that harmony on your version?- no, that's new.

- joe: that's new.- right. - but new is good.- yeah, let's check it out. - let's do it.- ♪ ah ya ya ya ya ♪ ♪ i keep onhoping we'll eat ♪ - ♪ cake by the ocean ♪- ♪ ha! ♪ lesha: when i was 13, i had a poster with joe jonas on it, and now i'm performing with him! - i have no words.- ♪ i ♪

♪ keep on hoping ♪ ♪ we'll eat cake ♪ ♪ by the ocean, oh ♪ yo, yo. check, check,one, two, two. what's going on, everybody?y'all ready? - ( cheering )- okay, y'all got to get readyfor an epic performance, so i know y'all can makemore noise than that. - make some noise.- ( cheering )

i'm just so pumped. - you're excited?- yeah, i'm so excited. - this is it.- this is it. we have, like, come thousands of miles away fromthe philippines to the united states. let's do this.whoo! we're here in l.a. right now

to perform with dnce. - ( crowd cheering )- let's get it done. ludacris:give it up for lesha x elm and dnce - performing...- ( cheering and applause ) "cake by the ocean,"let's go! how you feeling out there? all right, let's do this. lesha:♪ eat cake, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ ah ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ not so serious, boy,why those feet cold? ♪ ♪ we're just getting started ♪ ♪ don't you tiptoe ♪ ♪ tiptoe ♪ ♪ ow ♪ ♪ waste timewith a masterpiece ♪ ♪ don't waste timewith a masterpiece ♪

♪ you should berolling with me ♪ ♪ you should berolling with me, ah ♪ ♪ you're a real life fantasy ♪ ♪ you're a real life fantasy,huh! ♪ ♪ but you're movingso carefully ♪ ♪ let's startliving dangerously ♪ - joe: come on!- ♪ talk to me, baby ♪ ♪ i'm going blind from thissweet, sweet craving, whoa-oh ♪ ♪ ah ya ya ya ya ♪

♪ i keep on hoping ♪ ♪ we'll eat cakeby the ocean ♪ lesha:♪ hot damn ♪ - leo: hot damn, girl!- ♪ see you licking frosting ♪ ♪ from your own hands ♪ ♪ want another taste,i'm begging, yes, ma'am ♪ ♪ hey! i'm tiredof all this candy ♪ ♪ dry land, oh ♪ ♪ don't waste timewith a masterpiece, huh! ♪

♪ you should be rolling with me,you should be rolling with me ♪ ♪ walk for me, baby ♪ here we go now! ♪ i'll be diddy,you'll be naomi, whoa-oh ♪ ♪ ah ya ya ya yai keep on hoping ♪ - ♪ we'll eat cake by the ocean ♪- ♪ hey! ♪ ♪ whoo-oh-hah! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, i ♪ leo:you're freaking delicious.

you guys want to jump? ♪ talk to me ♪ - here we go!- ♪ girl ♪ - ♪ talk to me, baby ♪- ♪ talk to me, baby! ♪ ♪ i'll be diddy ♪ ♪ you'll be naomi,whoa-oh ♪ ♪ let's lose our mindsand go, crazy, crazy ♪ go crazy! joe:♪ oh ♪

- lesha: hey! hey! hey!- joe: come on! i want to see y'allclap your hands! hey! hey! hey! hey! - ♪ girl ♪- ♪ keep on hoping we'll eat ♪ - ♪ cake, ah ♪- ( vocalizing ) - ♪ cake ♪- ♪ keep on hoping we'll eat ♪ ♪ cake ♪ ludacris:cake! thank you.

lesha: that was freaking lit. it was so fun. the crowd was jumping up and down and we were so happy that they enjoyed our performance. make some noisefor lesha x elm - and dnce.- ( cheering and applause ) joe: they made the song feel like it was the first time we heard itin the studio.

it felt fresh, it felt new. and performing, not only with fans, but great musiciansis what we always love to do. what you guys don't know is we've been surprising themall day. i don't thinkone more surprise will hurt. i don't know.how you feel, joe? i mean, i think we can probablysurprise them one more time. - okay. so hold on a sec.- ( cheering and applause )

ooh. we know that you're bigon the edm scene. and dncehas something special that theywant to tell you right now. so we're gonna send you guys to the internationalmusic summit in ibiza, where it's home of edm. - whoa, whoa, whoa.- oh, my god! - so we got hotels...- ( cheering )

- flights.- whoa, this... we figured it all outfor you guys, all right? that's like three daysof master classes and panels and all thesedifferent things so you can rub shoulders withall the biggest edm artists, learn more, do everythingthat you can do to make the biggestedm album of your own. - oh!- oh! oh! oh!

you guys are allhearing this, right? yeah, this is real,right? pinch me! pinch me, i'm awake. i'm awake, i'm awake! lesha: our dream is finally coming true. this is like a new step, - a new path.- yeah, this is like... - next level- next level.

we have a long way to go, but we're really excitedfor the whole journey and we just can'twait for more. all:"best cover ever!" - ay!- whoo! hey, everybody, what's up? - we are...- all: dnce! we would lovefor you to subscribe to the "best cover ever"youtube channel

and watch other episodes. like, watchthe charlie puth episode, - ooh.- like, 40 times in a row. like, demi lovato, too. - yeah.- mm. so keep watching, subscribe,like this video and send it toall your friends and family.

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