gardinen für erker wohnzimmer

gardinen für erker wohnzimmer

hey this is theblackbeltpanda in thistutorial video i'm going to show you how to build this christmas house like theprevious christmas house this one was also based on a decoration i hope youenjoy it let's get started this is the footprint for this house i recommendsetting aside a space 27 by thirty three blocks to include everything i'm goingto start over here in the front right corner of the house we're gonna create apillar of stone brick six blocks tall then to the left of that we're going tocreate an alternating pattern of red concrete and stone brick all the way upto the top and then we can carry the stone brick 14 more blocks over to theleft so now the total width is 16 blocks

back over to the right side here we cancreate two more columns of red concrete along the top we can place sidewaysspruce logs six blocks wide now along the right we're gonna create acolumn of spruce logs and then in the top right corner we can place a chiseledstone brick and underneath that three more stone brick blocks to the left ofthat up top upside-down stone brick stairs and then to the left of thatanother chiseled stone brick and three more stone brick blocks underneath thatnow in between we can place two birch planks and then on the left anothercolumn of spruce logs and that is the start of our front doorway to the leftof that two more columns of red concrete

and then we can place birch planks tothe left of that four of them and now we can come around to the otherside and place upside down dark oak stairs on top of those birchplanks back to the front we can place a quartz pillar on the right and bringthat up one block below the stone brick blocks so it should be five blocks hightotal we're gonna place three bricks to the left of that and another quartzpillar five blocks tall to the left of that and will place three quartz stairsone on each of the bricks and then we can connect along the top of the quartzpillars with upside-down quartz tears next we can place a quartz tear oneither side of the bottom of the quartz

pillar and an upside down cord stair oneither side of the top of the quartz pillar do the same to the one on theleft now we can fill in the window with whitestained glass panes now onto the left side of the house we can place threemore birch planks and then three more upside down dark oak stairs on top ofthose background to the other side we can place three more bricks to the leftof the quartz pillar and then create another quartz pillar to the left ofthat five blocks high just like the other ones now we can place three quartzstairs on top of the brick blocks one on each and then just like the other quartzpillars one stair on either side on both

the bottom and top and then connectacross the top with more upside down quartz tears now we can fill the windowin with white stained glass panes the white just makes it look frosted background to the other side we canextend the stone brick out to the other side by 9 more blocks so it should be 10blocks wide total and then bring that right down to the ground then we cancreate the alternating red and stone brick pattern just like we did in theother corner and then on the right starting from this block here we canfill in a whole wall with red concrete looks goodnow onto the back we're gonna create

that alternating pattern again at thecorner and then we're gonna carry the stone brick blocks along the top 14 moreblocks out to the left to match the front and then bring that right down tothe ground now we can create the alternating pattern again with a redconcrete and stone brick on this side and then we can move over to the rightand create a pillar of red concrete and then place five sideways spruce logsalong the top on the right side create a column ofspruce logs and then in the top right corner to the left of that chiseledstone brick followed by three stone brick underneath now we can place anupside down stone brick stairs to the

left of that another chiseled stonebrick to the left of that and three more stone brick blocks under that now we canplace a birch plank in the middle and another column of spruce logs on theleft of that and that creates the basic doorway for the back of the house now wecan fill in all along the left with red concrete and there's the backonto the left side of the house we're gonna carry the stone break across fromthe back to the front right along the top and then we're gonna create thatalternating red concrete and stone brick pattern again and then a column of redconcrete to the left of that now we can create that alternating pattern again onthe left for the final corner and then

create two more columns of red concreteto the right of that with that done we can now place brickblocks from the inside here three blocks in the middle and now we're going toplace three more on the left going up three more on the right and then anupside down brick stare right at the top and then right-side up one on the leftand one in the opposite direction on the right then we can grab a stone brickstair come around to the back and place it upside down under that brick stairjust like that looks good back around to the frontwe're gonna play stone slabs on this spruce log here two of them and thenthree more to the right of that and

we're gonna place three more and againanother set of three here and then it set it to in front of these spruce loghere in the corners we're gonna place quartz pillar blocks and then we can goaround the entire thing with stone slabs along the ground with that done we'regoing to bring the quartz pillar blocks up by three more blocks and now we can grab some dark oak slabsand place them in line with the top of the quartz pillar block and one blockout from that and then place another row on top of those and then to the right wecan place dark oak planks from the top spruce log there all the way out anotherset of dark oak slabs to the right of

that another row on top of that and thenwe go around to the left and using dark oak slabs again in line with the top ofthat quartz pillar to hide the edge and we're going to mirror that whole thingonto the right all right looks good now let's grabstone brick stairs place one on each side of the doorway and then a dark oakfence on top of each of those another fence on top of each of those and thenthe top fence posts we can place item frames and inside the item frames we canplace a rosebush just to look like holly or some other christmas decoration thenwe can grab white stained glass panes and place two on either side of thedoorway here create a bit of a porch

banister now we can place two dark oakdoors facing outward like so and open them up and there's our doorway completeonto the left bay window we can place dark oak slabs two blocks out all theway across to the other side with that done we can go around to theleft side and do the same thing to complete the roof of the bay window ontothe back we're gonna create another porch we're gonna bring this one out bythree blocks from the spruce log and then four blocks out from the stonebrick and then two more rows of stone brick four blocks out and then one rowthree blocks out from the spruce log once again in the corners we're going toplace quartz pillars and then we're

going to surround the porch with stoneslabs just like we did on the front porch with that done we can bring thequartz pillars up by three blocks and then grab our dark oak slabs andonce again place them in line with the top of the quartz pillar block from thedoorway out one block past the quartz pillar place another row on top of thoseand then dark oak planks to the right in line with the top of the doorframe andthen dark oak slabs to the right of that and another row of dark oak slabs on topof that then around to the left we can place another row of dark oak slabs inline with the top of the pillar once again to hide the edge and then we'regoing to mirror that on to the other

side and now we can grab a dark oak door andplace it in the doorway next we'll place white stained glass panes along theright and left sides of the porch here once again to create a porch banisterthen an item frame on the upside-down stone brick stair with a rosebush insidefor extra decoration i like it onto the left side we're going to place bricks toout from the chimney here on either side along the bottom and then we're gonnaplace two more on the left and right sides above those and then one in themiddle on the top and then we can bring the left side up right to that brickstair three more blocks on the right

side and then we can fill in the middlehere as well then place two more right in front along the middle and then onemore at the very top on the back in the middle now we can grab some brick stairsplace one on the side in the front another one on top right there anotherone on the right and then on the back wall we can place one on the right andthen one on the left and it should look like that now we can grab some podzoland break three blocks under the chimney here and fill it in with the pot sole place a redstone torch in the back andthen head on to the inside and place an iron trapdoor right in the back justlike so and now the outside of the

chimney should look like this now thatwe're inside let's go ahead and place three stone bricks in front of the threebrick blocks on the chimney and then behind us in the bay window here we canplace the sea lantern right up against that block there and then one block overfrom it place red wool along the back there and then another row on that sideof the sea lanterns and a birch block in the middle then we can place red woolright along the left side in the middle and along the right side right next tothat c lantern now we're going to line up with the stone brick on the backdoorway and to the right of that wool block and place a sea lantern wherethose two sections meet and then we can

fill in this entire floor here withbirch planks and there's the floor filled in lookspretty good now we're going to place a spruce log column right here on thisbirch plank in line with this wall four blocks tall just one block under thestone brick we're gonna do the same on this side and then we're going to placea spruce log column in each of the corners to hide those stone bricks now we can place a staircase along thiswall here so starting at this block the red concrete next to the spruce logwe're going to place dark oak stairs we're gonna carry those upwards oneblock at a time right up to the stone

brick and then we can place upside downdark oak stairs on the backs of each of those and then on the back of the topone a dark oak plank next we can cap off each of these spruce columns with stonebricks with that done we're going to grab somestone brick stairs and place them upside down all around the outside edge of theceiling here until we meet the staircase once you're at the staircase go aheadand turn them and then continue long all the way until you reach the spruce logson the back door frame at this point you can turn the stair inwards place anotherone there and then don't forget to place the ones on the left i accidentallyforgot but with that done we can fill in

the rest of the ceiling with spruceslabs and there's the ceiling filled in now wecan grab a nether act block and replace that brick block in the front of thefireplace here with that and place an upside-down brick stair along the backback to the outside we can start working on the second floor by bringing each ofthese corners up by five more blocks using these stone brick now we can head around to the front andwe're going to create that alternating pattern of red concrete and stone brickagain from the bottom to the top now we're going to do that for each ofthese corners

now with that done we can come back tothe front again and we can place a row of red concrete all along the bottom nowwe can add in the right window we're going to place two quarts pillar blockson the right and then a chiseled quartz block on top of that and we're going tocount three blocks over to the left and place another quartz pillar block on thefourth one above that and a chisel quartz above that now we can connectalong the top with upside-down quartz stairs and now we can place more upsidedown quartz tears along the bottom in front of the red concrete turning thesides like so that creates a nice window sill along the outside now we can fillthe window in with white stained glass

panes looks good we're gonna do the same thingon the left side now and with the left window done we canfill an in-between with red concrete and then a row of red concrete all along thetop onto the left side we're going to place a row of red concrete along theright here and then along the bottom as well and then bring it up on the left and now we can place a window in themiddle with two quartz pillar blocks on the right a chiseled quartz block abovethose and then we're going to place two quartz pillar blocks on the leftanother chisel quartz connect across the

top with upside-down quartz stairs andthen place upside down quartz stairs in front of the red concrete under thewindow turning the sides like so and fill thewindow in with white stained glass panes then we could place a row of redconcrete along the top of that window and now on either side in front of thewindow we can place a dark oak fence and then to spruce leaf blocks on top ofboth of those fence posts and that just adds a little bit more life to thewindow onto the back side we're going to place another column of red concrete onthe right then we're gonna carry that all the way across the bottom to theleft and another column of red concrete

on the left here and over to the rightwe can start working on the window we're gonna place to quartz pillar blocks achisel quartz block above those we're gonna skip one block to the left placetwo more pillar blocks with it chisel block above those an upside down quartzstair on along the top in between and then upside down quartz stairs in frontof the red concrete to create a windowsill now we're gonna do the samething on the left side now we can place white stained glasspanes in both of the windows and fill in in between with red concrete now we cancreate a row of red concrete along the top and we'll place spruce leaves infront of both of the windows along the

window sills add a little bit more lifeto the windows looks good now onto the last side we're gonna place a row of redconcrete along the bottom and then two quartz pillars on the left with a chiselquartz on top let's get the block to the right two more quartz pillars anotherchisel quartz an upside-down quartz stair right in the middle on the top andthen upside down quartz tears along the bottom for a windowsill we can fill thewindow in with white stained glass panes and then we can place spruce leavesalong the front of the windowsill to add more life to the window now we can filleverything in on the right with red concrete and then another row of redconcrete right along the top

then we can grab brick blocks and carrythe chimney up right from the middle all the way up to meet the top of what we'vegot done so far now inside on the second floor we canplay spruce log columns in each of the four corners four blocks tall and then we can cap each of thosecolumns with birch planks now we can head over by the stairs and on the stonebrick block to the right there against the red concrete we're going to placefour red concrete blocks going upward place another column next to that andthen we're going to place three sideways spruce logs on the third block up fromthe bottom going out to the left and

then underneath that we're going tocreate a column of spruce logs on the right and on the left to create adoorframe and then we can place red concrete all along the top to the otherside and fill in on the left side here with more red concrete with that done wecan then grab a dark oak plank and place it on the third block along the top andthen carry that across to the right side to the left we can place two birchplanks and then we can place ladders along theleft side on this wall here from the bottom to the top with that done we can place upside-downbirch stairs all along the top of the

ceiling here starting at the right ofthe ladder and then this part you're gonna have tobear with me i had some struggles but you want to turn the birch stairs sothey go around the ladder which you'll see here in a moment you and there we go should look like thatnow we're gonna go over to this room and we're going to do the same thing withthe birch stairs all around the top of the ceiling and with that done we can fill in theceiling with dark oak slabs

and on over to the other room and do thesame thing filling in the ceiling with dark oak slabs looks nice back to the outside we'regoing to create outline along the top of the housewith white concrete blocks all the way around all right and we're going to dothe same thing now with dark oak slabs on the outside top of those whiteconcrete blocks next we're going to start on the dormer so we're going toline up with a red concrete block to the right of the left window head up to thetop and place a stone brick block on the white concrete that was in line justlike so skip two blocks over and on a

third place another and then place onemore on top of both of those head around to the back and place red concretebehind both of those back to the front we can grab some dark oak slabs andwe're going to place those along the tops of each side here and bring it outby one block and then on the left side out by one block do the same on theright and then grab some dark oak stairs and we're going to place those facinginward like so across to the front do the same on the other sideand that'll cap off our dormer should look like that we can fill it in withwhite stained glass panes and now using the dark oak slabs we can create anotherring around the whole house on top of

the white concrete blocks skip thisblock here where the bricks are okay with that road done we're going to bringthis chimney up here buy six more blocks using bricks and then place acobblestone wall on top and an iron trapdoor on top of that to cap off ourchimney now along the left side we can move back one more block and createanother ring of dark oak slabs half a block up from the previous one and now with that road done we can comealong to the backside again we're going to create another row all the way aroundwith the dark oak slabs another half block up behind those ones now this timenow that we've reached the end here

we're going to bring all these blocks onthe dormer roof back by one block then we create another row of the dark oakslabs once again half a block up and one block behind all the way around and onceagain we're going to bring the roof blocks out by one block behind thedormer here and create yet another row of dark oak slabs all right now bring these last twoblocks out buy one more block we're gonna create the final row of dark oakslabs to cap off the roof and that's the roof donei like it looks good now we can start working on the exterior decoration i'mgonna place a spruce log two blocks away

from the house and two blocks away fromthe porch and then bring that up buy two more blocks and cap it with a spruceleaf and we're going to start a spruce treenow on the top spruce log we can place spruce leaves on all four sides and theone under that we're going to place spruce leaves all the way aroundincluding the corner blocks and then on that bottom row of spruce leaves we'regonna bring the middle blocks out buy one more block just to give it thattiered spruce tree appearance looks good next we're gonna start adding in somegarland we're gonna place a spruce leaf on top of both of these stairs and thenin front of the three brick blocks and

then on top of the next two stairs aswell and then we can head up to the top windows here we're gonna place a spruceleaf in the top left corner right here and then diagonally down to the righttwo more and then we're gonna place one up top two more diagonally down to theright again diagonally up to the right two more down to the right two more onemore diagonally up to the right and then two more down to the bottom right andone more to the top right little complicated but the pattern is simpleenough now we can place an item frame on the middle spruce leaf block down hereand place a rosebush inside to look like some holly another item frame on themiddle block here with another rosebush

inside and do the same on the right sidehere starting to look really nice next we can use white stained glass panes tocreate icicles by bringing them down in the corners where they won't connect anyblocks and you can bring these down a random number of blocks just be carefulnot to go too low or they'll connect poke you see here you can do this however you think looksnicest i'm gonna play some more over here on the porch as well once again be careful not to connectthem to anything or to look odd now we can grab some snow layers and just startkind of spamming them around randomly

making some different variations inheight in the snow around the house be careful not to make them too tall andframe the item frame where it'll pop off like that moving on to the left side we cancontinue the garland by placing three more leaf blocks in front of the bricksand then one on each of the stairs here to the left and then we can make anotherspruce tree two blocks away from the wall herewe're going to make this one just like the other one three blocks tall cap itoff with the leaf block and then on the top row one on each side second row goall the way around including the corners

and then on that bottom row we're goingto bring the sides out by one and we've got another spruce tree all right withthat done we can grab some more white stained glass panes and create some moreicicles once again place these however you'dlike and then an item frame on that bottom middle leaf block with anotherrosebush inside to complete the bottom garland and then span the snow layersaround however you'd like them to create some variations in the height and thesnow around the house you can also play some snow layers on the tree or thegarland just add a little bit more detail

onto the back we're going to add somemore garland by placing a leaf block there diagonally down to the right andthen one up against the quartz pillar diagonally down to the right around thecorner place one there then two down along the bottom diagonally down to theright again like so and one up against the wall diagonally up to the rightwe're going to mirror that right side onto the left side now we can place anitem frame in the top block here with a rosebush inside looks good we can startworking on a giant wreath on this wall here so place the relief blocks rightalong the wall here down one over to the right one down two more to the left onedown one to the left two more up one to

the left one up two more and finally onemore to the right and we've got a nice little circle of leaf blocks you canreplace the top middle block with red wool if you'd like now we can play somered banners along the left and right of that and on the left and right sides ofthe wreath and if you like you can also play some on the inside to add a littlebit more extra detail and i've got a giant wreath on the back wall with thatdone i'm gonna add some icicles using the white stained glass panes and then i'm going to use snow layers onthe porch here and then just spam them around randomly once again like we didfor the front and left sides of the

house looks good now we can use the whitestained glass panes to add a little bit more detail to the upper windows byplacing more icicles where they won't connect to the walls in this case infront of the court stairs on the right side of the house we have a little bitless to do i'm just gonna add an ice goal to the upper window and then spamsnow layers all around to finish with the last side of the house here i liketo keep the area in front of the chimney a little more open to make it look likeyou know less snow is present there do the heat of the chimney now on the roofwe can spam some more snow layers all

around on the blocks that will allow ithowever you like them to look alright that adds quite a bit moredetail i like it now we can create a sidewalk in front using cobblestone inline with the doorway out as far as you'd like it to go and we can surroundeither side of it with some chiseled stone brick to make it look a little bitnicer and then to add a little bit more detail we can just throw some snowlayers down so that they kind of cross into the sidewalk a little bit make itlook a little nicer we're gonna do the same on the backcreating a one block wide sidewalk with cobblestone and then surrounding eitherside of that with the chiseled stone

brick and then we can add some moredetail with the snow layers once again just like we did in the front now youcan just spam some snow layers around the yard randomly wherever you'd like toadd a little bit more detail to the entire yard around the house alright andthat looks pretty nice with that done we can start working on the interior we'regonna place brick stairs on the fireplace here in front of the stonebrick stair just like so these sides turned and then iron bars underneathdown to the floor on either side then we can light the fireplace and placeanother iron bar in the front of the fireright in the middle there now we can

grab some gray carpet and place that infront of the stone brick add a little more detail next we cangrab dark oak slabs leave one block space at the top and place two slabs onthe back of the staircase and then more slabs all along the bottom here on thebottom block just like so then using spruce stairs we're going to place alittle end table here and end rot on top of that and a green glazed terracottablock on top of that and that gives us a nice little lamp then with the sprucetears again we can place one right there place another one to the right of thatplace four more to the left of that facing this direction there should be atwo block gap on the left and then turn

and place one more like so now we canplace three snow layers on top of each of the birch planks in the middle of thecouch here it looks nice now we can place a jukebox on the shelf here to theleft a bookcase to the right of that one under that and then a flower pot to theright of that with whatever you'd like inside i'm gonna put a fern in mine uptop we can place a chest for some extra storage and then we could place an itemframe on the middle stair on the fireplace here and some red leatherboots inside so we have a nice pair of stockings hanging from the fireplacethen we could place a painting on the right side you can use whatever paintingyou'd like for this i'm gonna go with

this one here behind the couch we can place a greencarpet on the sea lantern and place two more out in each direction then we couldplace one in each corner then we could place one more in each of those cornersremaining and now we have a round green carpetwith some hidden lighting next we can place an oak stair right next to thespruce log here turn place one next to it there place an upside-down one thereand then grab a jungle stair place that on top there turn place another onethere and upside down one above that and then we can grab an acacia stair placeit right next to that turn place another

one and upside down one above that andthen one more upside down one to the left on the top here and we've got acool shelf in the wall we can place a chest at the bottom once again for someextra storage and then a spruce stair over here in the corner with an end roton top and another glazed green carrot cotta block to give us yet another lampin the bay window we can place a flower pot on either side place whatever floweryou bike in yours a gold pressure plate somewhere alongthe sill and then a daylight sensor just for some extra detail and now we canplace a red carpet on each of the sea lanterns to hide them and a spruce login the middle we're gonna place two more

spruce logs on top of that a spruce leafblock on top of that and we're gonna place two leaf blocks on either sidejust like so create a small christmas tree in our bay window with that done wecan place a lime choker box on the left under the tree and a red one on theright and these look like little presents and you can actually storestuff inside of them this is what it looks like from the outside i like itonto the second floor we're gonna place a red carpet in the back corner and thena white carpet next to that we're gonna alternate these all the way to the topof the stone brick block here by the staircase we're going to do the samething going to the right to the red

concrete wall and then we're going to connect themdiagonally by alternating each row just like so i've got a cool little candycane carpet on the left we're going to place an anvil to the right of that willplace a lime shulker box and then next to that a cauldron which you can fillwith water if you'd like a gray banner above that for some extra detail andthen to the right of that three iron trapdoors to create a workbenchwindowsill we can put a brewing stand on the middle one an item frame on the leftquartz pillar block with whatever potion you like inside and to the right of thespruce log we can place a dark oak slab

a furnace next to that then a craftingtable another furnace and then an upside-downdark oak stair to complete our counter on top of the furnaces and craftingtable we can place iron pressure plates to add a little bit more detail then wecould place an end rod on the dark oak slab with a sea lantern on top of thatand we can place lime banners on either side of the sea lantern as well as alime carpet on the top then on the right side we can place item frames on thequartz pillar blocks with whatever tools you'd like inside rotated to look nicei'm using shears and an iron axe now we've got a cool little workshopon the left here we can add a little bit

more detail by just throwing a paintingon the wall i'm using this one and then we can place an end rod in front of thiswindow here with an iron trap door under that for some extra lighting on thatside and a little bit more detail on the window then a dark oak door in thedoorway and we can start working on this room we're going to place dark oakstairs on either side of the window here with a dark oak slab on the bottom andthen slabs across the top and that'll be the headboard for our bed we can placelime beds we're using three all the way across and then dark oak slabs at thefoot of the bed to make it look a little nicer and then we can use acacia stairsupside down on either side of the

headboard we have some end tables aflower pot on the left one to look like a mug or a cup and then on the rightwe're going to place an end rod and a sea lantern with lime banners on eitherside and a lime carpet on top so we have a cool little lamp after that we canplace a painting on the wall once again you can use any painting you'd like i'mgoing to use this one onto the window we're going to place awindowsill under it using dark oak stairs upside down turned on each sideplace a flowerpot on either side and whatever flower you'd like inside ofthat now to the right we're going to place acacia fence gates on either sideof the spruce column open those up and

place wooden trapdoors on both of themto create a corner shelf and then in the last corner here we'll place two acaciaplanks with an acacia door on the front to give us a little closet wardrobe tothe left of that we can place some lime carpets and as i mentioned earlier imessed up this area here don't make my mistakethis needs upside down stone brick stairs back up to the top we've got ourlime carpet now i'll place an end rod and an iron trap door by the window toadd a little bit more lighting to that side of the room with that done we canstart work on the attic we're going to place an end rod in each of thesecorners here one in line with the birch

planks here and on the other side andthen one in the back corner here and then we can place a couple of flowerpotson each side of the dormer here and any flower you'd like inside just to add alittle bit more plant life to the attic not sure why you want to do that but itlooks nice now five bookshelves along the back here three more going in thisdirection and three more on the other side and we could place an enchantingtable in the middle and now we have a cool little enchanting station next i'mgoing to fill all the areas all the way around with chests and trapped chests sowe have a lot of storage up in the attic and there's our attic complete very nicevery functional on the outside we can

add a little bit more detail to the roofspecifically the chimney by using grade glass panes light grade glass panes andwhite glass panes to create some chimney smoke i'm gonna start with the gray onesand then move on to the light gray and then the white after that so it createsa nice gradient from dark to light chimney smoke after i place them i gothrough and break a bunch just to add a little bit more variation to the shapeand then place a few more in the places where i think they'll look nicer and then i'm going to just add somewhite stained glass panes to the area with white gray glass panes and somelight gray glass panes to the area with

gray glass panes and this is just goingto help with the gradient the color transition from the gray all the way tothe white all right that looks pretty nice i like it good chimney smoke andwith that the christmas house is complete i think it turned out great ifyou like this video please click that like button subscribe if you haven'tdone so already and share this video with your friends if you can i am surethey'll appreciate it thanks for watching this is theblackbeltpanda and i'll see you in the next video bye

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