küche im wohnzimmer geruch

küche im wohnzimmer geruch

(cheerful piano music) - hi everybody. today i'm going to introduce you to korean fermented soybean paste. how to make korean doenjang. you know doenjang, what it is? that's a very essential korean ingredient. fermented bean paste. you can use this in many,many of korean recipes.

to learn korean cuisine, youare going to use doenjang. so many of you guys arefollowing my recipes for years. i know some of you are really interested in learning how to make doenjang, but it took one year. i started with five pounds of soybeans, dried soybeans, and then i just soaked it and make a meju block, and dried

hang them on the wall, and then fermented, and then again dried. mix it with the salty water. and fermented a couple of months. bean block becomes a doenjang. the salty water turns brownish. that's the korean soup soy sauce. amazingly tasty. so usually like when i make some soup,

i always use, you guysknow that, fish sauce. if you have homemade soup soy sauce, you don't need fish sauce. just you can use homemade soup soy sauce. doenjang, ganjang,these two guys are made. so this is such a long journey, but it's worth working hard. let's go back in time one year. i'm going to start with dried soybeans.

all together, five pounds. pick out any dead beans,or something brownish stuff, see, like this. i don't want to make this meju with this. this corn is here. (water running) (soybeans rustling) soak them in a reallygenerous amount of water. almost like three times more than beans.

today's a big day forus, because we started this project. we gotta commit to thismaking delicious doenjang from now on. i'm soaking this for oneday, like a 24 hours. tomorrow, exact sametime, see you tomorrow. bye! hi guys! today, let's make meju.

meju, bean block. yesterday, we soaked beans here, soybeans. i just changed some waterlike couple of times. because it's bubbly, bubbles are coming up and kind of a slippery stuff on top so i just pour out waterand just rinse this couple of times i changed the water. so it look like this, still you can see the bubble, here.

first, we are going to wash these and drain and then boil for a long time. after that, i'm going to mash these beans and then make a bean block. so i'm going to just strain this. my strainer is small, so i'm going to wash this first. (beans rattling) the day of making doenjang is the

big deal. oh, you have to be in good mind and happy, all this, your spirit all your like some mood, all this is going to reflected in this important, important ingredients,ganjang and doenjang that your family can eat for one year. medium-high heat, let's start. so one hour later, thenlet's turn down the heat.

between the low and medium. so turn it over like this. and then you can close the lid. these beans has to be cooked really until really easily smashed. you can do other house chores or you can read a book, but always payattention to your beans. i've been cooking thesebeans for five hours over medium heat.

so now really, really tender. easily you can crush. see, like this, oh, hot hot! okay, here you go. what we have to do is to mash these beans when it's hot, and thenyou can use food processor or you can use mortar and pestle. which one do you think i will use? make my life more easier.

(food processor whirrs) still there are somebeans it's not ground, never mind. when you make doenjang,instead of all ground, there's sometimes, beansthat are still there, it's more delicious looking. all this paste is goingto be our doenjang. exciting. my next pot of these beans.

(food processor whirring) i'm going to use the pestle, so kong, kong, kong, let's pound! yeah, housewife should be strong. if you are not strong, how can you pound like this? actually, i'm not very strong, but this, my wrist, this power is very powerful, and also when i just

grab this, you know, really really strong. okay, i'm going to make a block. first, let's wash my hands. and your hands. wash your hands. (laughs) make one large lump. so three equal size, divide this. roughly you can divide. i'm going to make this nice meju

one by one. since yesterday we started soaking these beans, and thenall day boiling, and then just making this, i feelreally like achieved today. next. nicely, well, make shape. so now we have three meju blocks. what are we going to do? we have to dry themout for couple of days.

my grandmother's house in korea, she used to have like herroom is like heated floor and she used to dry them out. that kind of heatingsystem, we call this ondol. but in new york, we don't have this. so i'm using electric mat. it works very very well. and then, turn on your electric mat. around medium.

(paper crinkling) smells really good. can you believe, thisalready starting fermenting. i see there some white fungi inside. and then outside is very dried, but inside is still really soft. we have to dry them out. important thing is, everyside of each bean block so it shouldn't be touching each other.

so that all the air ventilate and dried. i took them down. good. i love this smell. even just three blocks make my living room really, you can saystinky, i can say pungent. delicous smell. this is a cardboard box,and this is electric mat. the hay from farmers' market yesterday.

and one other, so three. aren't they cute? this is between, there should be gap. and close this. my blanket. so low heat, and we aregoing to ferment this. the reason i added the hay on the bottom, usually in korea we userice straw, but hay also is working well.

hay will attract the bacteria in the air, even if you don't have hay, still it attracts bacteria. so we are going to have some nice, good delicious fungi in here. hello everybody! long time no see. my meju is well fermented and dried. really like rock.

and even light, lighter than before because everything is so dried. there's a lot of cute, beautiful color, yellowish fungi is growing here. how can i know my meju is well done? when i smell, smell this,this is really earthy, a little stinky. you can say stinky, i say earthy. and quickly wash.

don't wash it too longtime, it's not a laundry. i don't want my meju is soak in water. so just wash quickly and remove this fungi and dry. inside of between a lot of gaps, and then we just have to shake likethis, and remove all the water. (scrubbing) i'm going to put this inmy most ventilated and sunny spot in my house.

(traffic rushing) my meju is well dried, smells good. today i'm going to soakthis meju in salty water using this hangari. hangari is earthenware crock. then i'm going to setaside, so let's take care of my hangari first. i washed and dried in the sunlight, and then opened this andthen well dried, clean.

but i like to make it more sterilized. so sterilize using charcoal. this is korean charcoal, you can get this at the korean grocery store. this is wood charcoal. be sure to buy wood charcoal. i'm going to break intoa few pieces thinly. i'll just burn this using my gas stove. only two charcoal pieces.

i'll burn this until it's turning to red. (beeps) (fan whooshes) let's turn off. and then first the biggerone, be careful like this. i will just put this. and small one. and then let's drizzle honey. oh, it smells like a caramel smell.

oh, smoky. don't ever use any like water or anything from this. so i'm going to clean this. and this. next, we gotta fill this with salty water. salty, salty water. we need 3 1/2 gallons of water, and plus 20 cups of salt.

this is kosher salt. very clear, nice salty water, we got this. you see that? all that sunk, that part above the water is the size of quarter, isn't it? so this is right ratio of salt and water. i'm going to use two meju blocks. charcoal and jujube,and then my red pepper home-dried red pepper.

that's it. jujube, and dried pepper, charcoal. i'm going to cover this with mesh. next, we are going to let these guys sit in the sunny spot inyour garden, sometimes a very sunny day once in a while, open this. really lot of a sunlightgoes through this. and then cover this.

so don't forget, alwaysyou have to be careful. if you put this outsideof house, especially rainy day, just close the lid. otherwise, if this has rain, it's gone. it's going to spoiled. so no plain water should go inside from this moment. i'm living in the apartment, even i don't have patio.

i find the brightest sunnyspot, and then put these, my hangari, there. in sunny days, i take off the top. in a few months, this saltywater turn into really amber brownish color, and meju blocks is going to expand. all delicious thing is coming out from the meju block, and the color change. hi guys, welcome back.

today, very specialday for us, because i'm going to separate theseganjang and doenjang. i'm going to show you something very exciting thing inside there. it was, something isblooming, i wanna show you. come on. let's open. mm, smells very pungent. okay, look at this.

look like flower. this is a kind of fungi. and i got this flower. beautiful, white flower. when this guy is fermenting, all kinds of bacteria and fungus is just coming up. sometimes you see the white, yellow, and even black. so we just believe this white flower

if you have, you'll get rich. so my grandmother said, "oh,you have a white flowers, "that means you'll get rich this year." so i'm lucky, isn't it? i'll show you the other one. open this. oh my, this guy, wow,it look like a coral. isn't it pretty? yeah, this is good.

all the red chili peppers soaked. and this jujube. from this moment, becareful, no water inside. don't wash your hands. before doing taking careof this, you need to wash your hands very clean. so this is my basin and my strainer. and this strainer is toocoarse, so i'm going to use

kind of a few folded, this cheesecloth. ah, look at this meju block. strain this. this is a stem of a chili pepper, and then i'm going to cleanaround here, mouth part. you don't have to clean,you know, bottom part. just mix this like this. mm. and then put it back.

okay, and then this one too. so this is, let's move here. i'm going to mix this again. all break it, and until soft and smooth. just like a flour dough when you knead this like this. (pouring) (dripping) then leave it a little moist.

it should be a little wet, because during this process, the doenjang is fermented over the months, someliquid is going to be evaporated, so we don'twant that really like a dry doenjang. it should be a little wet. you can eat it from now,but it's not fermented yet. we need to ferment three to five months. mm, salty, salty.

so i'm going to filter this, my soy sauce, one more time. so nothing much is here, so now i'm going to put this into my jar. this is very serious work. around one cup ganjang,i'm going to put this in my doenjang. i'll just sprinkle some salt on top again. and then, again, just closed it

like this. as you see, i didn't use any water. now, this not yet finished. i need to boil this guy, to make the nice korean soy sauce, but in my house, i cannot boil, becauseif i boil, smelly smelly, house is full of smell,all neighbors, i'm living in right manhattan, new york city. and probably i may get arrested.

so i'm going to take this guy to my secret place. and then boil, and thenstrain one more time. that's it, and then i can use this. never, never go bad, this ganjang. and then this is soybeanpaste, i'm going to put this in my really brightest sunny, most sunny side, and theni'm going to put this back again.

and then wait around four to five months and then after that, i willhave a really delicious homemade doenjang. (wind blowing) my ganjang is boiling right now and then what else can i do? just secretly i brought this, my beer. so beer modelo. modelo beer, mexico.

made in mexico. and nobody knows. only you see. (tab pops) i'm thirsty. ah, good. wow, modelo is a little bitter, yeah. yay, yay, yay! wow, boiling.

this smells stinky,really fermented smell. i'm going to boil this10 more minutes here. the strong sunlight isa natural disinfectant. disinfectant. (laughs) (birds singing) (fountain splashing) (fountain gently splashing) how did you like my doenjang project?

it took one year, butthrough this youtube video i'll try to edit it really short. so i'm going to show you my doenjang. so this is doenjang we made, and whenever you take some, always press down on top. you don't have to refrigerate it. so let me taste. mm, mm. very very salty, very deep flavor.

this guy's almost five months fermented in this hangari. let's taste the soy sauce. this is fungi. you can remove this. one year old soy sauce. let's taste. it's good. and then this one is my precious stuff.

2012. so how many years,2016, so four years old. this one actually, when i made my cookbook i made this. mm, tasty and very strong, pungent and i like to make some beef radish soup with this. my four years old ganjangis darker than this, isn't it?

and more pungent. okay, go back to your house. how did you enjoy my doenjang and ganjang journey? it's so fun sharing such a long recipes through short youtube video, isn't it? enjoy my recipe. see you next time! (gentle music)

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