badezimmer waschbecken modern

hey guys, i'm giving you a quick tour of my old apartment today 'cause i'm moving. so, here's the 'genkan' [çž„é–¢], where you put your shoes, you take them off before you come inside. there's a little step-up here. ...and it brings you to the kitchen. at the entrance to the house here, there's a place for shoes, which was really cool 'cause i have lots of shoes, so... i filled that up with shoes and then i also had a shelf here (laughs) for more shoes. the washing machine goes over there, i had my fridge in this corner here... ...and this is the cooking area.
there's some space for storage down there, and a little bit up there as well. the only really big problem with this kitchen was there is only one burner, so it was really difficult to cook anything here when i had guests over. the sink was an okay size so that was nice. this is the wash room, it's the type with the toilet and the shower and the sink all in one, so it's very inconvenient because when you have a shower, the floor gets wet, and then when you need to use the wash room your feet get all wet, so you gotta take your socks off... ... and it's just a pain in the ass,
but you will commonly see this in tokyo apartments, because they're small and they need to save as much room as possible. this is the biggest room so i had my bed over there, and then, it has a really big closet, which is nice, but the only thing is, there's no hangers... uh, with old japanese apartments the closets are built like this, where you can just like, fold up your futon and that's kind of what they're for, and you can put some shelves in for clothes, but ... it's not very convenient if you wanna hang anything.
so you can buy some bars to put along here, and hang your clothes off of, which is what i did, but... that'll cost you some extra money, so, kind of plan for that if you end up with a closet like this. but this room was really nicely sized. i had a desk over there, and, yeah my bed, and there was quite a bit of room in the middle here, and i had maro's cage and stuff in this area. and all the doors in this house are sliding doors,
which are really nice, so you can keep them open if you want. and... makes the place look a little more spacious. and you can close them easily. maro! (laughs) one bad thing about this apartment was, there's not much sunlight, as you can see there's a building directly beside us here, and... ... there was another building over on this area.
so... i didn't get much sunlight in here, so it wasn't very good for videos. and this is the other bedroom. it's quite but smaller than the first room. it's got a sliding door and then a balcony outside. ... and an aircon! which is definitely necessary - when you're renting an apartment in japan make sure it has an aircon, or you will die in the summer! and the winter is also very cold, so... um, and this apartment came with the lights, which was great.
i didn't have to buy any. maro! (=^・^=) is waiting to move to the new place, but ... yeah so that is about it. i hope you guys enjoyed that. and i gave you an idea of how much apartments cost here in tokyo, this is a cheap one, though... um, i kind of have a feeling that it was really cheap because... ... somebody died here? or somebody was killed here? uh, usually when that happens in japan they will give you a discount on the apartment.
and i think legally they're required to tell you, but maybe because i was a foreigner they decided they didn't have to do that... but the price was like, suspiciously low for this area of tokyo, so... ...yeah, if you don't care about that kind of stuff you can get a good deal out of apartments, so maybe shop around and look for one of those, but, uh, i like this place. it was a really good size for me, unfortunately i have too much stuff..., if i would like the place to be clean and organised i definitely needed something bigger, which is why i'm moving, but yeah!
look forward to the new house tour which is coming up soon, and thanks for watching guys! bye!