kleine wohnzimmertische

kleine wohnzimmertische

item #: scp-666 object class: euclid special containment procedures: scp-666 isto be stored in a monitored, closed vault at all times at site 73 in the tibetan mountains.guards are to be changed weekly, and must pass a background check before being assignedto their post, and proven free of drug and alcohol addiction. scp-666 is only to be entered by d-class personnelin approved testing procedures, or approved foundation researchers with level 4 or highersecurity clearance. non-d-class personnel who enter scp-666, whether or not they haverevealed a prior history of addiction, must

be observed by a guard at all times. if theyshow any sign of being affected by scp-666, they are to be removed immediately. description: scp-666 is a medium sized tibetanyurt, made of tied wooden branches and covered in yak leather. the interior ceiling is 2.44m(8ft) high and the base of the yurt is 9.14m (30ft). the hut is circular in shape. theinterior of the yurt appears to be as crude as the outside to the majority of observers,with a dirt floor; the branches that make up the yurt frame are wrapped in rabbit furand tied with yak leather thongs. periodically, scp-666 will change its location within theconfinement area; this will only happen when not under direct observation, but remote viewinggives the impression of an entity inside the

structure lifting it wholly and moving toits new position. to date it has not made any attempt to escape confinement. scp-666 was discovered in 1973 by scp operativessearching the mountain regions on reports of several missing persons having returnedfrom the area giving similar explanations: seeking shelter during harsh weather, theindividuals would happen upon scp-666 by seeming happenstance. having gone out in similar conditions,the exploration team also were able to discover the yurt. of the three operatives present,two experienced no ill effects. the third entered a stupor, experiencing vivid hallucinationsand muttering incoherently to himself. upon retrieval of the team, the yurt was recoveredand taken to nearby site 73 for further investigation.

when an individual with no history of significantaddictions enters the yurt, the yurt remains dormant and seems to have no ill effects.class d personnel without a history of alcohol or narcotics abuse were able to sit insidethe yurt for days at a time if provided proper nourishment, but did report a greater intensityin their dreams. individuals who have a history of substanceabuse, however, will experience a hallucinogenic effect when inside the structure. in all instances,the subjects report being in a location either from their memories or a corollary thereof,specifically a spot where their addiction was at its most intense. thus far, there havebeen reports of a nightclub bathroom, a 1973 volkswagon vanagon, a filthy alleyway, the[redacted] casino in las vegas, etc. one subject

reported finding himself in a dirty apartmentwith a prostitute named "chloe" with whom he frequently indulged in narcotics abuse;another reported being in his own bedroom with a computer setup significantly more intricatethan he owned before his arrest for distribution of child pornography. during these hallucinations, subjects reportthat they are confronted by an individual, referred to as scp-666-1; descriptions ofscp-666-1 vary wildly from person to person, with no commonality to race, gender or appearancebeyond being "typical" for the surroundings. scp-666-1 will indulge the subject in theirpersonal addiction(s), although at the start they will have a passive-aggressive attitude.as time progresses, the subject is encouraged

to indulge further while simultaneously beingencouraged to stop. should the subject show remorse or a strong desire to give up theiraddiction, scp-666-1 will slowly adopt a more genuinely friendly tone and continue the temptation-with-discouragementhallucinations; approximately 94% of subjects who have gone through this form of hallucinationto their end have been diagnosed as near-complete removal of psychological addictions, thoughphysical symptoms will persist through a natural withdrawal cycle. if the subject gives in to scp-666-1's temptations,the entity becomes increasingly hostile. there is no set time-table, nor degree of indulgence,but if left unchecked, scp-666-1 will invariably begin assaulting the subject and forcing theirvice upon them to levels of extreme overdose.

if the subject is not forcibly removed fromscp-666 during this period they will die; cause of death is typical of their addiction,where an alcoholic will suffer extreme kidney or liver failure, a cocaine user will developcardiac disrhythmia, a subject addicted to video games or television will suffer extrememuscle atrophy and health issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, etc. to date, there has been no clear connectionbetween who will and will not succumb to scp-666-1; the working hypothesis is that it is simplya matter of the individual's willpower and conviction. all attempts to directly interviewscp-666-1 have failed, with the entity either redirecting the conversation or bluntly refusingto answer. the only statement that reveals

anything to its nature was a single instanceof "we're not important here, this is all about you." this indicates that there areeither multiple entities attached to scp-666, or there are additional instances of scp-666in the world. investigation is ongoing in whenever similar stories arise; should anotherinstance of scp-666 be discovered it is to be transferred immediately to site 73. addendum scp-666-1: nearly identical storieshave recently arisen in remote areas of northern canada describing a "wendigo hut"; while unconfirmed,their similarities point to at least one additional instance of scp-666 at large. addendum scp-666-2: interview log with testsubject d-14390, regarding experiences in

scp-666 (audio only) interviewer: dr. lanisinterview subject: d-14390 date: 04/17/19██ dr. l: subject d-14390, how are you feeling? d-14390: eh, not bad doc, not bad. kinda wannatake another nap in the tent. dr. l: well, that's what we're here to talkabout. please describe your experience inside of scp-666. d-14390: heh, no sweat there doc. see, i juststroll in like you said, have myself a seat. next thing i know, i'm in this hole-in-thewall back home in [redacted], with this sweet

bitch chloe. dr. l: "chloe"? d-14390: oh yeah, she was pricey and she wasn'tthe best looking trick south of kennedy, but she had some connections. never did meet upwith her once that we weren't getting high. note: "chloe" was the working name of theprostitute that d-14390 was with at the time of his arrest. dr. l: very well, please describe the scenariofor me. d-14390: well, it was her apartment, right?kinda dingy, a little messy like she hadn't cleaned it in a couple weeks, but i wasn'tthere for the scenery, y'know? so i drop my

cash off on the living room table and we headinto the bedroom. i shoot up with her, used my own needle of course, and then we get freaky.i mean, we did everything under the sun and a couple that never saw the light of day!she knew positions i never did, and had drugs i hadn't even *heard* of. about halfway throughi needed a pick me up, so i snorted a couple lines of colombian off her ass and - dr. l: i think that's enough d-14390. forthe sake of brevity, please keep the rest of your testimony in regards to the anomalousentity scp-666-1. d-14390: the what now? dr. l: the… person, who tempted you in yourhallucination.

d-14390: oh, right! well, it was around thetime that she was offering me this opium shit she said she got off a chinaman. the wholetime she'd been saying stuff in kinda funny way, like those, whatchacallem, back-facedcomments? dr. l: back-handed compliment. d-14390: that's the stuff. well, i start takinga couple of pulls off the opium, and i'm feeling mellow, but she's just glaring at me, right?so i ask what's up and she hauls off and punches me in the face! not like this fragile littlecrack-whore would either, i mean i thought i was going ten with tyson right about now.she starts screaming at me, calling me weak, saying i'm pathetic, just giving in, y'know,bitch shit. so i kick her in the chest, and

that's when shit got weird. next i know she'sgot me on the ground and her arms are around my throat, her eyes get huge and bloodshotand shit. i feel her nails digging into the sides of my neck, and hand-to-god, doc, shewas shooting shit into me. dr. l: you're saying scp-666-1 was injectingyou with heroin through her nails? d-14390: not sure what it was, but it burnedand felt good at the same time. and they weren't nails no more, it was like, big cat-claws,right? and she's still yelling at me, but her mouth is getting bigger and bigger likeher jaw's stretching out, and her teeth keep getting sharper and bigger like she's aboutready to eat my head! even as blasted as i was that was some freaky shit and i startedscreaming.

dr. l: and that was when the guards pulledyou out of the tent? d-14390: yeah, seems i wasn't just freakingout in the dream. weird shit was, about like… five seconds after i get pulled out, i hearchloe's voice again but it's all low and growly, and it sounded like she said "you can't stop." dr. l: thank you, d-14390. i just have onelast question; after all this, you said you wanted to go back in? why? d-14390: well, it's simple right? *mild laughter*she was scary and all but… man i've never been that high in my life. and with the shitthat goes on in this place, i figured i'm not long for the world anyway, so i may aswell go out with a smile, right?

note: following the interview, d-14390 repeatedlyvolunteered for additional testing with scp-666. doctor lanis finally relented; d-14390 beganscreaming approximately three seconds after entering the hallucinatory state, and expiredfrom cardiac arrest less than one minute later.

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