fliesen in holzoptik im wohnzimmer

fliesen in holzoptik im wohnzimmer

hello and welcome to planeo. my name is david fuchs. today's subject deals with layingdown a floor covering in a large room. remodeling made simple. how to quickly and easily lay a floorcovering on top of an existing one. as you can see, these are two rooms,that can be separated or used as one. that means,you want one consistent look. that is what this video is aboutand i would like to show, how and what system you should useto accomplish that.

for example the planeo silent stick. follow me throughout this videoand take a look. i will show you a few innovations. a few words about the room,so you have some reference points, and you can decide,whether that fits your needs. room size is 160-170 square meters,and occasionally it gets split into two separate rooms. most of the time it is one room. there is pvc flooring on theleft side, and linoleum on the right

right now it looks uglyand the material is quite old. the owners prefer not to close fortwo weeks, rip everything out, having to sand and level the floorbefore putting in new floor covering. the goal is to paint the room,install the new floor in 1-3 days and reopen. that could interest you, if you owna store and want to remodel during the weekend or you havea public space somewhere with a lot of foot traffic, that youdon't want to close down for long, because you need tobe able to sell continuously.

or it could be an apartment,and that is the great advantage of the planeo silent stick. in this video, i want to show youhow easy it is, and the advantages of installing one consistent floor andhow pleasant the floor is to use. follow me in this video and takea look, how the room changes. we are done painting the wallsand want to start with the floor covering. as i mentioned, we don't want to gluesomething like vinyl on top, but instead we want a system with theplaneo silent stick,

the noise insulation underlaywhich functions as our glue as well. on top of which we lay downthe vinyl sheets later on. how does it work? how do we manage this all overat a length of 17 meters? we get started and first of allspread the silent stick all over, then we give you a few hintshow to best accomplish that. follow me and i will show you. a few more remarks, beforei start spreading the silent stick. you can use this system on tilesand all hard and solid surfaces.

here old pvc flooring, that shouldstay and has been glued all over. the venue is supposed to be reopenedin next to no time and that makes this system the perfect fit. if you have something like this, likeold floors, just put in on top. please, no carpets.that doesn't work. the floor needs to be cleanand free of dust. check, whether it is even,we also got videos for that. now we can get started. how do you use it?

the coarse side of the silent stickdown, the film side up. at the edges up to contact or leavea small gap and then roll it out and cut it with a utility knifeat the end. when an old rolehas finished and you want to continue with the next one,then please don't work edge to edge. that doesn't work, because you won'tget good adhesion at that spot. therefore i give you a little hint,take the role and turn it, role it out so you hit the wallnicely right up the edge, take your time adjusting it

role it over. you'll notice, that there is a edgeright here. take a generous amount extra,maybe as much as 10 centimeters. now you can use a bracketor a t-section or if you can do it freehand and you make a clean cut through both sound insulationunderlays. that gives you a precise edge. the end piece with no adhesion is goneand you got a nice, clean transition. there you go, finished.

we put down the planeo silent stickand it is starting to take shape. all over, edge to edge,you must avoid overlap and you can see that the end piecesare slightly rolling up. for that reasonplease allocate an extra day it takes 24 hours to release tensionfrom the material and roles. tomorrow we can startgluing the sheets on. that is really important. make sure you have sufficientutility knives, since the material contains quartz and the cutterswill become dull after a few cuts.

i am looking forward to tomorrow,see you then. the next day is starting and today'sgoal is to cover the entire room. that's why we arrived as a team,the planeo team. meet mr. pritzkau, mr. fuchs, who youknow from the channel and mr. klippenstein. we want to show you how it worksand how easy it is. to start off with, we want todraw a line for the vinyl sheets and we want this line in the middle,so we can work in both directions. this is different to the click,where we started at the wall.

here we start in the middleand pick our starting points. it is crucial that we project the lineparallel to the wall. we measured it and foundour point, 3.40 meter. we set these points equally onthe left and right side and then draw the whole line with a chalk line. with the two points you don't want toyank a straight edge all the way to draw the line,but instead use a chalk line. take a color that is clearly visible. one is holding on tightand i walk across,

nice and taught,and when both are pulling tight, somebody walks up to the middle,pulls the string up, let's go and we have our line. perfect! now we can take the line away and see,how nicely the line runs throughout the entire room. now we do the following, after wedraw the line it is important to move alongwith a level or a straight edge. it needs to be in excess of 2 meters.

glide along the line with the knife,so that at that point we can open it upand expose the sticky surface. we do this for the entire room andthat's our first step in this process. we made the cut and startthe next step of the work process. that means that we remove the filmlaterally away from the line. but we don't expose it all,just as much, as you are working on. that means remove 1-2 rows. not too much, because this will beour layer for walking on later.

here you can see that the whole rowon this side has been opened to the right we have a cleananchor point, where we start. now we attach the first row of sheets. i'll show it to you in a close-up,come on over. before i starti want to reiterate in which direction we lay downthe floor covering. the underlay was put down in this direction, but the sheetsgo the other direction across the underlay andnot parallel with it.

you should plan this accordinglyin advance. we start at a clean anchor pointand please hold one side of the sheet bottom rightand lift the other one or whatever feels comfortable for you. i chose this side an now i orientatethe sheet along this line. do that now and put it down,just like i am showing you. only when it is perfectyou run your finger across it.. please keep a 5 mm distance here. the room is 17 meters long,please deduct 0,5-1 centimeter

from the wall. when you finished the first, press itdown again and now i already start the next row. a small hint,we start a second row immediately. the reason for that is this. i create a 90-degreeangle,which i achieve easiest, if i start a second row. you can do this very easily. i start in the middle using anoffset grid then press the sheet down.

i need a bit of space,so i too have the line. when that is done,push the board down and we get a 90-degree-angle. that stops me from veering offto the left or right along the way. do it that wayand start with two rows. here you can fit in the next board. as before, edge to edge. as long as you don't push down you can work cleanlywith the silent stick.

in case of a mistake you can lifta board and then forcefully push it down againand smooth it out. it is very clean and easyto work with. that's it. that is the basic procedure andnow we finish those two rows. using an offset patternwith the two rows. we finish the lineand will be right back. we laid down the first two rows.. like i said 18 meters in one piecegoing through two rooms.

the planeo silent stickis great for that. conveniently in two rows. now we can start working fromthis side in this direction as well as in the other direction. now you realize, why we didn't removethe protective film further. just to protect the adhesive surface. now we pull away the film row by rowso that four people can work easily. we're going all out now,finish the roomand will be right back. we worked for about 20 minutesand created a surface of 1.20 meters.

the following is really important,we pushed everything down by hand but there are still littleair bubbles present. your best bet for removing themis a floor roller. if you don't have one at homeand this is a one off project rent one at your local tool vendor. it is not expensive. i'll be around 20 euro. get that. a floor roller is an excellent wayto remove air.

keep in mind to use the roller every half hour or every meterat la minimum. it's because after we removethe film, there is a window of about 30 minutes, before theadhesive surface starts to dry up. i get started and run the roller acouple of times across the surface and also sideways and pleasedo the same at home. this way you create a strong,clean adhesive bond. you can still make adjustmentsif you still notice air or if a gap has appeared,

you can lift the board and replace itwith a new one. after you checked for problemsyou start with the roller. the entire surface has been laid downby the four of us in six hours. you can do that as well, if youhave a project like a restaurant, a boutique or a community centerlike here, then you don't want to shut downyour business for a long time. one day of remodelingand you got a brand new floor down. that's possible with theplaneo silent stick system.

vinyl sheets for gluing onare the perfect material. you can order some samplesand we will give you a ton of samples. don't hesitateto ask for a consultation. did you like the video? thumbs up,i'll see you later, take care!

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