farben für wohnzimmer 2017
hello reptiltv community and welcome to another episode of reptiltv. first of all here is my little intro animal. you may possibly have been following this on the internet - this emoji snake, or the news about it. of course, we have also bred it. so this is an emoji ball python. if you look closely, instead of a smiley, we have bred a sour gherkin face. here are the eyes and mouth and then this uaaahhh line. it has hatched out beautifully and i wanted to show it to you. it also is ideal for today's topic, for we will talk about breeding ball pythons.
here we are in the thick of it, the babies are hatching. a few animals are still laying eggs, some of them are mating. so i shall take you on a tour today, from mating to egg laying and then to hatching of the first babies. wednesday morning, 9 o'clock and you are now live with us in our daily routine. today we are half to three-quarters of an hour late, because we had to set up the camera. but this is our daily routine; first of all we go up to the breeding department to see what is mating. that's how it begins and i’ll take you up with me. martha, we're here.
good morning, martha! good morning! so, here we are in our breeding rooms. this is my colleague, martha, our head breeder. she studied biology as an option, so that she can breed reptiles for m&s schlangen. we'll have a look to see who is mating at the moment; you haven't looked yet? no, not yet. so, we are at the end of the breeding season and we still have the last males, with which we really want to be successful, therefore we have chosen more males. we will show you absolutely everything, from mating to the hatched babies. there are a few weeks in the year, when the two processes overlap.
where should we look? here in 13 we have something. yes, super. perfect. so, here we have... first of all we'll show you the animals. this is our sunset male, my best, finest male with this ultramel female, busy mating. everything is not in place, you can't organise it; of course it is super when he now... he has just become sexually mature; therefore we want to use him a little more, in the hope that in this case we'll have double het sunset ultramel
here is our schedule. on it we have noted that the animal already has 20 mm follicles, which we have measured by ultrasound. and here is today's date. 4.7. sunset male. you have just seen martha making a note, that they are in the process of mating. that is perfect, since this is what we actually need. we can now take a look at three or four other males. this is our standard routine, looking at the three or four males.
are any of them still in this room? then we will have a quick look. here is another bamboo, it is noted here. the male is a bamboo and the female is a... is that spider? no, that is woma. woma with bamboo we have put the male in, but this time they have not mated. that does not matter so much; the main thing is that the sunset mates. this is the routine and now we would look at two or three more males. i think we’ll give that a miss and move on to looking for eggs. yes. the next job for martha and me is to look for eggs, for clutches.
i can show you briefly - here we write "completed". martha, move your hands away, so that we can see. we have our completed note, so that we know when the eggs were ovulated – is that noted here? no, ok, normally we note the date of ovulation and then we know that a good 30 days after ovulation the female will lay. to within an accuracy of a few days of that happening we slide in a pink slip. that means that we now look for pink slips and pull out the drawers. ok, that's why i’m the boss. naturally the drawer i choose has a clutch in it.
not practised, not known. the female is lying on it, but it is not too great a clutch, if you take a look here. take her away. you can put her back later. so, to talk about the eggs, i can show you 5 good eggs straight away and unfortunately 5, no 6 wax eggs, one of them underneath. that's a pity, producing wax eggs is never the aim of breeding. the fact that we have a lot of wax eggs shows that this is a more than usually bad clutch. normally we have no wax eggs, or only one or two.
as for the reason for the wax eggs, they are obviously unfertilised eggs. but what the cause was i really cannot understand. there are a couple of indicators. i think that if the animals were treated for mites and such-like during the pregnancy, that may have been the reason, or if it was too hot and we did have a couple of really hot days, then we must have let the temperature cool down a bit. i think hot days do possibly produce wax eggs. what do you think, martha? yes, perhaps. sometimes the reason is that the male simply has no good sperm.
no idea, difficult to say. who is up here now? this is bongo het clown. pastel het clown female. so, pastel het clown mated with bongo het clown a pity, it really depends on having a lot of eggs, because we have 1/4 clown and we are naturally hoping for the bumblebee clown, in this case bongo bumble. bongo bumblebee clown would of course be the ideal result we could hope for. now you do the eggs.
shall i hold the male - the female? we always put our eggs in our moss boxes. we’ll close this again. the moss can go back in later. we'll put it in here and look through 2-3 others. we can do that together, both of us can look. nothing? no. is there something? yes, right underneath. nothing here either. another here, nothing here either. nothing here either.
we have now finished with clutches in this room; now we can look in the next one. unfortunately nothing. in fact nothing, more's the pity. do you have something there? no, this is something else. unfortunately nothing. you've already looked there? yes so a clutch is really atypical for this time of year. what i can show you here is that the females lie, they are already lying there as if they were lying on eggs. sometimes you really have to look hard to make sure that there are no eggs there. they are lying so typically, in the typical position.
here's another one, exactly the same. it will be only another 1-3 days and then they will be lying on their eggs. good, we have a clutch; now let's put it in the incubator. now we have our eggs, which we are putting in the incubator here. first of all we have to mark them. you have certainly already heard that it is important that you do not skew the eggs. the top has to stay on top. for this reason we mark a little cross at the highest point.
then we have to label what sort of clutch it is. so, pastel het clown x bongo het clown the female was pastel het clown and the male bongo het clown. earlier i made a mistake and talked about bumblebee bongo, but of course, that was rubbish. so, female pastel het clown, father bongo het clown in the ideal case a clown bongo pastel will result and that is what we want to breed. we write the numbers on here, 21. this is important; you will see in a moment, we have several clutches in a single incubator
and we need to know, which clutch is which. we write it on at least twice, so that, if the egg is slit in one place, we can still read the number. you've done that and we can put them in the incubator. this is an incubator with clutches already in it; there is still space in it. yes, we can put them in here. today we are doing this together. martha still has to separate the eggs. so we look, the clutch is already sticking together rather, but usually if you are really careful you can separate them,
because it is better, when the eggs are separate. we'll leave those together. when the eggs are separate, you can, we can distribute them better in the incubator. behind here you can now see other clutches. here is no. 107, here no. 11, right at the back the 5-2. and now we add the 5 eggs we had from the clutch. ok, let's close the incubator.
now we have to label it. we do this on the outside of the incubator. in this case, clutch 182 today's date, 5 july and then pastel het clown x bongo het clown 5 + 6, to show we had six wax eggs. wax eggs are what you do not want. but unfortunately sometimes you get them and in this case there were a lot. now we have put the clutch in. only one today, but at this time of the year we usually have more. what was the record? 10 clutches or something like that? yes. so, outstanding days 10-12 clutches, today only one. doesn’t matter.
and the next step is, as we've said, there are babies hatching out, here and here in this incubator. there are the first babies, hatching out. not actually the first, we are at clutch number 76 so, the 76th clutch is now hatching; as i said the great thing about this season is that everything overlaps a bit. you have eggs, matings and even babies hatching out. at this time of year it is all go for us. now we are at the incubators to take out the newly-hatched babies.
that is also our daily procedure. i have the pleasant job, i take out the babies. then i give them to martha. oh, there is another hanging on up there. the important thing then is to look to see from which clutch the animal comes. here it becomes nicer. here we have, let's see, i'll take this one here... in my opinion the most beautiful. here we have a clutch, 36-2, highway x highway pastel.
that must be a super gravel. the colour suggests it must be a super gravel, because it has all the streaks on it,it must be a super gravel. interestingly it is... from the colour it must be a super gravel, because it has all the streaks on it. from the colour it must be a super gravel, because it has all the streaks on it. the super gravel is actually more banded than streaked. that surprises me a little, but it can't be a highway; it is too dark for that. then we can also check the sex; this one is a female. so, super gravel female.
it's odd that it has these long streaks, don't you think? so, here you are seeing the clutches, the incubators, any quantity of animals from them. we also must state that due to filming we are 2 hours later than usual. we check 3 times a day. in the morning, at midday and in the evening. because of being late a particularly large number of babies needed to be taken out, which makes it rather more difficult for us to check which comes from which clutch. when we have clutches, where it is critical, for instance with heteros,
we place them on their own in an incubator. just now you saw the double het pied clown clutch. if we see that something could be confused or something similar is hatching, then we put the clutch in one extra or new incubator; we take the clutch of eggs and place them separately, so that there is no chance of confusion. now we have any amount of 27. 1 ... 2 3...
3x 27. that is anery x cinni anery we even obtained the anery from the usa. it is a type of granite line and produces very dark cinnamons. here you can see clearly that the anery cinnamon is a super, really beautiful animal and this is also one; no that is bongo. yes, this is a bongo. this is a bongo and these two, as well. and this one? is that not bongo? no, what is it? or is it a bongo? is it mojave? no it's not one of these, either?
this is out of the cinnamon clutch, three beautiful cinnamons and then we have here 30. 1x 30, just one, or so it seems no, we don't have 30. ah, that is 36. yes, 36 is highway x highway pastel ah, we have already had that; that was our super gravel. if we take a quick look here, there is a little head emerging.
you can see already, that must be another super gravel or a highway. with pastel in there, too. that will be something to look forward to this evening; it looks great. now we are finished with those and now i have here 1 e, four eggs with 1 e. that is our mojave x bongo het clown. that must be this one here. then there must be 1 … 2 ... 3 ... 4, there must be 4. to start with, we sort for the first time according to clutch.
martha then has to sort out the individual snakes. and here we have, what do we have here? ah, 37 37-1, that is super pastel x possible super circle or else it could be coral glow butterbee poss fire ah, it is super pastel - in fact there is coral glow in there. super pastel x coral glow butterbee poss fire
sometimes two males are used. either the super circle or the coral glow butterbee however, we can see from the babies, this has to have been the coral glow. of course, there are exceptions; there may also have been 2 fathers in one clutch. you can only do that for clutches, from which no heteros hatch out. if i have some kind of heteros and i don't know which father it is, that is not good. in that case it has to be deduced from the babies; it was either the super pastel or the coral glow. then it is relatively easy to see and there is also no risk of confusion. as i have said, confusion
must definitely be avoided, or else you have a problem. now here is something really fine. here we have something with ghi it still has its tail in the egg, so we'll put it in with the egg and let it hatch in peace. but we can take it out, because it is already so far out of the egg that it will be completely hatched in half an hour. now we have 118. three, and the one still in the egg is also 118. so we have 4x the 118,
champagne lesser x ghi, in this case ghi pastel. champagne lesser x ghi 1 ... 2 ... 3... and probably that one as well, so 4. and this one is the only one not from the clutch.
this is also a great clutch. pied x coral glow het pied but none of them have begun to hatch. take a look at the eggs; this is also interesting. this is the 14-3, het lavender x lavender half of them - we also call these tear-drop eggs - they look half rotted, but perfect juveniles hatch out from them, because the best part of the egg predominates and the waxy stuff here or whatever it is
makes no difference, they hatch out nonetheless. tip-top babies hatch from them. now we’ll take a quick look in these two on the top. ah, here we have ... yes, here we have the ones, which we separated. so here we have what i was speaking of earlier. when we have clutches where we are afraid that confusion can arise - - that was something with hetero clown - we have to place them separately. so that there is no confusion with the heteros, we put them in a quite separate incubator
and put slips of paper on top of them. here a really fine clown bumblebee has hatched out here. this can be seen as a sensational baby. let's see if it is male or female - this one is male. i shall take the first stack down to ludmilla. martha, you finish labelling everything and finish up here. the good thing about being the boss is that you can say,
i'll take this lot with me and you keep on working. so we'll leave martha to her work here and i’ll take these away with me. then i'll show you a few of this year's outstanding animals. now i bring fresh supplies to ludmilla. careful, ludmilla. thank you. ludmilla is my head baby carer. all the ball python babies we rear go through ludmilla's super hands. she brings up all the little babies, so to speak.
she feeds them, looks after them. all the ball pythons sent out from here, all the new babies spend a few weeks or months with ludmilla. now i'll show you the highlights of what has hatched out. the row you see here are those, which have hatched out this year, or some of them in the right place. of course, there are people who get very agitated about our boxes. they are a compromise between a terrarium and shelving. as you see, we do not use shelving. we use these boxes, plastic or glass - i don’t think it matters. for use it is perfect from the viewpoint of hygiene. each animal is alone and has its hiding place and its water in its own space. we can label the boxes, note feeding details on them.
ideal. and we can change the boxes and disinfect them. in this way we handle the animals completely hygienically. we use the boxes for the first 2-4 months until the animals are too big for these containers. then they are put in larger containers or sold. so we find this ideal. i know that there are critics of this system. each person must do what he thinks is right, or do better. but now for the snakes i want to show you. a few highlights from this year.
let's start here: this is a piebald coral glow or piebald banana. no longer a novelty, they have been bred now for the last 1-2 years, but this year is our first time. last year we had banana het piebald and this year we have the first piebald bananas. i think the colours are great, really interesting. what else have i got? underneath here is another coral glow piebald. it looks like this one, exactly - i really like them.
i just have to show you one again. another one i think is great and interestingly they are - at least here with us and i have seen them elsewhere - always a real low white. this does not matter at all; in fact it is great that they are low white, because this pattern on them is so striking. i had a quite different idea of a coral glow piebald. you think of a normal coral glow with white areas, but these also change their pattern and colours completely.
so, in my opinion these are currently the loveliest colours. now, for something which should not be left out. i am an old highway and gravel fan and what we have for the first time this year is the super gravel pastel. i'll show you super gravel again in a minute and the whole thing as pastel looks like this. you have already noticed that i am a real fan of these neon colours. white with neon yellow is my favourite colour mutation. what have we here? oh yes, i wanted to show you the super gravel.
you have just seen the super gravel pastel, and the whole thing without pastel, just super gravel pastel is just as marvellous, but with less white, because the pastel brings in lots of white. this one is a super gravel hold still, please. super gravel is the crossing of gravel spectre x gravel pastel and out this came. what shall i show you now? something not quite so spectacular,
which has not been much bred in the last few years; this year we have several clutches. these are the saharas. sahara comes from africa, from noah, who started the saharas. we still are not certain whether sahara is something else like desert ghost. last year we mated het sahara with het desert ghost and no homozygous animals resulted. so i think it is something different,
but since we only mated het with het, we do not have enough animals to say that it is something different. so, here is a sahara without anything else in it. i think the next few years will see several crosses with sahara. another fantastic thing this year was - you can almost see it already, when you look into the boxes - we have bred an albino piebald spider. you are familiar with albino piebald, but the whole thing as spider as well.
it only has, we have to turn it slightly, it has only this yellow patch on the head. almost like - i have often used the comparison - a koi carp. i really like white koi with a yellow patch on the head. albino piebald spider i could spend a whole hour showing you more lovely things. we have bred lovely things and i love most of the ball pythons and when it is a piebald
i can spend hours enjoying looking at it. but we haven't got the time, so these were just a few highlights. the great thing is, i can end the programme with check my balls, because we have now reached the end. that was my tour with you of the ball pythons bred in 2017, with hatching, with eggs, with everything to do with them. we wanted to show you as usual at the end a reference to good literature. unfortunately python regius is currently available only in english.
the german edition is in production and will appear at the end of the year. therefore i ask you or will call you for your assistance. if you have new morphs, new crosses, with good photos of them, please e-mail them to me, we will try to include them in the book, which is in course of publication. please send them to me by e-mail. the book brings me to my mobile phone, a notice about our new m&s reptilien app. there is a smart new app, please download it in your app store and then you will have us with you on your mobile.
as a thank you for your order under free gifts there are among other things, sports bags with "take care, live snakes"; there are mugs, various books, all sorts of free gifts. you can click on them when you order; this sports bag is quite new. that's all. so, stay loyal, check my app and check my balls. hello reptiltv community ... start again without yes, i'm coming in now slowly i'm coming in now slowly exactly, do what i say ..... for a change
for a change, yes that should be audible the yes, the ...... damn, do it again. i must now film ludmilla from the front; she has been seen only from behind or the side. actually, she doesn’t really like being filmed, but you must be able to see her properly. therefore i’ll go quickly with you to show ludmilla properly. there she is, let's make sure that we catch her. ludmilla says she is working, milla, turn towards the camera for a moment. here is our ludmilla,
the absolute ball python whisperer. she can do everything. each little ball python baby is raised by her and the most recent achievement, the most recent thing that you have discovered was that after the first moulting, you say that our best policy is to wait 1-2 weeks, because then they eat best. i want to do that in any case. because after 10 days the animals eat quite poorly, and if we wait a little longer, they are more eager for food.
so, we wait for the first moulting and then another 10-14 days. exactly, that's what we discussed yesterday over coffee. we are always making improvements and ludmilla is in total charge of caring for our python babies. that is why i want to show her properly. yes? thank you. that is real praise. i must show you this as well, here comes martha with the fresh supplies. as i said baby time
for goodness sake, everything is bursting at the seams. was that tip-top or not? one more close-up.