designer heizkörper wohnzimmer

designer heizkörper wohnzimmer

guys, you're gonna kill her. she iswill serve only half a year and somebody on she will be killed. on the floor there is a ceramic tileheating in the house warm water floors on the ground floor andradiators on the sidelines on the site are buried gasholder because electricity is onthis site is only 5 kilowatts electric boiler does not pull thereforedecided the heating will be gas in another way simply no way hello dear audiencesubscribers and friends today we arrived on our building site whichis in the village of novels like gatchina district is this framehouse we built a year ago on

today we have practicallyfinished interior decoration and today we just arrived they andwe will talk not only about inside but we will talk and talk aboutcommunications put the tray at the entrance to the house we find ourselves in thisspacious entrance hall those will stand the closet here we get tothe boiler room is passed on already directly to the house on our leftthere is a bathroom combined with a shower on the left we have a bedroom go further here we getstaircase rise to the second

floor is the living room there is also a jihadus in the kitchen here will be a kitchen chrome a bit so separatedand there will already be a living room with a sofa and tvfinishing 2 finishing first and second floor we have simulated the timber 20145 millimeters the ceilings are madeeuro car painted by our aunt kurilsky access on the floor ceramictile heating in the house warm water floors on the first floor and radiators onsecond floor let's go now to boiler house a little talk aboutcommunication and then we will rise to

second floor the boiler house is practically emptydiffers from the one we shot recently zaporozhskaya on the sitethe only thing that the boiler here works from gas in the area is buried gasholder and allgas heating is also worth an indirect heating boilerresponsible for all hot water supply in house also carried out all the electrician forhouse mounted shields and machines completely works and hassuch things as weak. is fire safety and alarm systemfor this purpose, a separate the staircase was fitted with two closets with a firstis

collector for underfloor heating of the ground floorin the second one there is a collector for radiators for heating the second floornow we will rise to the second floor and let's talk about the rooms of 2 floors when going up to the second floor we gethere in such a spacious hall with which we can get into three bedrooms and a bathroomthree bedrooms which is located on the second floor they are approximately 11 squaremeters a bathroom of about 5 frames meters all the rest is a spacious hall finishing second flooralso with imitation of a bar 20 on 145 millimetersfinishing the ceiling with a lining in one of the

bedrooms have done here such a smallniche the customer wanted to do for herselfhere is some small locker well the last bedroom she did notdiffers from others in the same finish the same ceiling is the same painting you but our legendary temporarythe staircase that stood for a year and even i do not think that someone hascomments wrote that the guys yes you just leave it theretriangles are supported by 2 self-tapping screws will serve only half a year someone onshe will be killed

a year passed this ladder will survive and surviveall of us together as i said on the site zakupangasholder because electricity is on this site has little of its 5 kilowattselectric boiler does not pull therefore decided toheating will be gas and i consider this correctly and not only correctlyin another way, just no pipes and go under the ground you are laid straight tothe boiler house is autonomous sewerageall pipes pass under the ground under and everyto its point the toilet bowl there and so

further well my friends on this our shortreview for today i will finish the work we have here is still going onhere we will do fencing on the terrace and stairswe will already have a permanent terrace so the stories from this object will still beand the finish as i promised will also be after we finish absolutely everythingwe are obliged to finish the work inside after shooting the plot we'll come to the customer ontea we will sing songs and chat over a cup tea and she'll tell you everything as passedall the works during the year for today all of me subscribe to our channelgo to the site

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