badezimmer modern mit dachschräge

badezimmer modern mit dachschräge

interior design studio of yulia sheveleva presents a design project for an apartment in yekaterinburg. the total area of the apartment is 118 square meters. the project was called the american dream. the style for the interior was chosen modern, with light mixes of classical. here and white facades for the kitchen with panels, stucco decorations on the walls and a beautiful portuguese carpet in the hall. material for walls - water-emulsion paint of a complex "mushroom" shade. on the floor in the kitchen area is used tile, and in the living room - oak parquet board. doors chose white classic with light panels. for children, we decided on a choice of light and bright colors.

due to the attached loggia (and there are three of them in the apartment) it was possible to make an additional workplace. in the bedroom, also joined the loggia and thereby allocated a separate room for the head of the family. the landlady likes flowers very much, so the flower theme came to the bedroom with a light leitmotif. panel with floral themes placed at the head of the bed. the bathrooms were made in warm sandy colors, without fancy decorations and drawings. as accents, a mosaic panel was made, and the functional storage of boilers and filters was provided behind the mirror doors.

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