altes wohnzimmer neu gestalten

altes wohnzimmer neu gestalten

today i'm building this room. this chaos corner has to go. because i want to have a dining area. as you can see this is really messy. the bad thing about it is that i work here. here are my backgrounds. i have so it is varied for you. however, it must now all gone! because i want a dining area. that's why i was at ikea, where i bought a beautiful dining table.

important for me is that i can take off the dining room table. at least 10 people can sit in it. so i needed a beautiful large table which you can fold. images may not be missing. i'm stuck them in the corner. i love pictures. then i painted the chairs. this i got from my mother. she wanted to throw away the chairs. i needed chairs. that was a great exchange. i only had to paint them now, on with the decoration.

the dinner plate i bought at nanu nana. the dishes are of course not always on the table. i wanted to show you just want to quickly as i always was causing it. so this is how it looks like. i am so super happy. i only need a new working area now but now i have a beautiful dining area. for the family, game nights and food. in the next video i will show you the pictures i made. diy you can subscribe in the middle. see you next time. bye.

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