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welcome to a new episode of today's introduction animal our insiders may know, an albino mississippi alligator i'm a real fan of it very nice animals crocodiles are nice already but a crocodile in yellow and white means the embodiment of esthetic that's why we have it as today's introduction animal it matches best today

it is an autumn day, we have 20 degrees celsius alligators are coming from north america, areas where we have some snow in winter time that's why my sweat heart has now problems with these cold temperatures that's why it is the perfect introduction animal for today but today is not about crocodiles i get a lot of mails from you, where people ask to show you around at m&s reptiles and that's exactly what we will do today, walk around i will show you everything, animals and accessories and our rooms, so today we will have an exclusive walk around at m&s reptiles

here in our entrance area, the big brother of this one well, this one is a mississippi alligator here is our charly, a broad-snouted caiman, lets open it he doesn't like this and comes right away this is carly i said as broad-snouted caiman he usually gets feed from here that's why he probably thinks he gets something to eat as i said, a broad-snouted caiman

i have him since 25 years already, as a show animal i got him from dr. brock, he used to be the german crocodile expert he gave him to me, more than 20 years ago and since them i have him here as a show animal in our entrance area and he likes it here with some luck i found two females for him and bring him into czechoslovakia for pairing many ask how old he is i estimate his age to be around 60 years and he still is well of

here in our entrance area our insiders might recognize, this was the background for our first episodes of but this the area where we sell rats and mice and here we have big terrariums for bigger animals which are on sale not for breeding but animals for sale and nobody can say he didn't know how big they become that there are reticulated pythons with 4,5 meters that's our entrance area

here are nice anacondas in this basin i got some adolescent yellow anacondas which i can show to you if you know anacondas, they are usually very aggressive but these are very brave i hope it works out this way very beautiful animals, they like to take a bath that's normal for them, hopefully nobody thinks they have acarians anacondas are like this they love water, let me show you this one

very beautiful animals, there are the yellow ones these are two years old, well feed perhaps, that's why they are so well behaved, relatively big for 2 years this is our books and magazine area back than, it was all about books there was no internet, youtube and so on people where reading books, we sold hundreds of them each week as people whee happy to read something about reptiles nowadays everybody gets informed through the internet nevertheless, my call here, folks, read books

here our vitamins department here the kids they show up regularly, looking around, touching an animal our offspring, now they have convinced adam to touch something that's great and important, and now i show you the animals areas back here the lights department here our merchandising articles insects for feeding our nice signs

ah, turn around, flo here runs, all the time, of course so when you'd like to have a chilled afternoon, watching come over, watch 3 hours in one piece here it runs, here we see the croatia episode of course, all the substrates, take a lot of space water basins in all forms and colors back here some breeding materials here these new "i grids"

when you breed dry, on water, put the eggs on this, underneath water the eggs stay dry, those grids are relatively new i think this is cool stuff now i'll take you to the reptiles area just briefly our not so nice area we need all that these are the used boxed, we wash and disinfect them there are always a lot, its a permanent cycle when we exchange them, we collect its content on the compost

the dirty boxes are collected here we have 1 to 2 workers who do nothing other all week, but clean these boxes this is also part of m&s reptiles but lets go to the animals here we are in our main animal room 1 lets talk about these boxes as you know from previous episodes i'm convinced this is a good method, we don't have racks but these plastic boxes perfect hygiene environment, we can keep each animal separated

we can document on each box how they eat and so on this is important to us and matches the rules, like 0,7 times animal size and so on i'm fully behind this although some may now starting to argue again what we also have are a lot of glass terrariums as in the good old days here are some real nice bearded dragons very nice red bearded dragons ins this glass terrarium area we have a lot of different animals from bearded dragons

here are big-headed geckos leopard geckos, of course here are smooth-scaled geckos these lepidodactylus lugubris have a so called parthenogenic reproduction one animal is enough and you will get new animals all the time now, one time fully around into the turtle area sorry, but i have a cold today here is our turtle area, only land turtles as we don't have water turtles

these are european turtles, testudo h. hermanni here we have testudo marginata, marginated tortoise and some nice algabras some acceptable size and let me take you around here here we have laudakia stellio ludakia pike, also very nice they are also called hardun, very rare, very nice animals here we have some tegus, also more bearded dragons

down here also red tegus someone is cleaning up here, we need more stuff in here, water basin, food ... we are here at a normal visitor day we don't have time to prepare everything especially for filming as you can see, customers are walking around that's what it normally looks like as you can see, our baby mice for feeding are unfreezing ah, its empty, because the baby mice will go in here perhaps we can film later when anita will start feeding

again, some bearded dragons the small henrylawsoni are in here still, the bearded dragons are the number 1 in terrarium science some boiden a huge dumerilli here we have plumed basilisk also an ever green in the terrarium scene in the earlier days, it was very sensitive, they hurt their noses, like the water dragons and as an offspring they are very easy to manage

welll, basically we have managed our way around now here are all our 2017 regius breeds and something about our work environment 29 degrees celsius, 62 percent humidity this is next to the door where we have 2 degrees less already usually we have around 31 degrees in this room here we have another thermometer yes, 31,3 degrees, 58 percent, that's the climate in this room

perfect for the animals a bit hard for us, but it is necessary because we don't heat the individual boxes but the entire room and that' why we have this tropic heat in this room here we are ion our ball python breeding department as we showed it in several episodes already the males we keep mostly in these reservoirs i show you a nice snowball snow is albino axanthic

a snow male back than, the first snowball, that was ... ... a sensation, a snowball, everybody was working for that to breed a snowball that was sensational there are our breeding rooms basically separated, males and females we have an special episode (105) about this room 2 looks the same

and back there is room 3 here we are cocking, i mean breeding the latest and greatest ball pythons for you one of the nicest areas in our shop, where nobody gets to, just for you exclusively we have 3 rooms, like a winter garden up here we have uv permeable boards now hidden to keep the sun off burning directly into it a perfect climate for the animals, the have the pure sun light they like it, bearded dragons and turtles in here in the first reservoirs we have pardalis

back there we have sulcata today is a very nice sunny day and the are hiding on the walls you can see the disadvantage of this tropic climate there is condensed water, running down the walls we can repaint every 2 years, but no way to avoid this condensed water lines are running down the walls don't look at this ... have a look at the animals young bearded dragons

i believe there is nothing better than natural sun light also an advantage ... ... this extreme climate, although not good for ball pythons but for bearded dragons and turtles during day time it is very hot, 30 to 40 degrees celsius, in here with the sun and at night it drops down to 10 degrees especially the desert animals like it, its perfect for them also for the tegus, in our second winter garden room the climate is gigantic, and when people ask me how to keep tegus through winter time

this is optimal for the entire year at summer it is extremely hot during winter time it becomes cold, drops down to 5 degrees but there are also sunny days during winter time, when temperatures go up to 20 to 25 degrees this is perfect for the tegus a tegu needs this up and down during winter time and that's perfect for them and so these rooms are perfect for the tegus, let me show you some ... here are two red tegus i'd like to show to you

especially with this natural sun light up here they develop very nice colors you don't get such nice colors with artificial light here we are in our deco, root and wood area there is lots of nice decoration for terrariums the classic, liana cocos cork cork in all form for a hiding place or a cave since i can think of it, we use cork

or mangrove roots very nice pieces in all sizes and when you see the terrariums here i'm in favor of real nice decorated terrariums, like for a living room and when we film here you see very raw terrariums, our animals are kept in quarantine for several weeks and month the care of the health of our animals is most important they are in here for some time and leave again but for you at home, as you build nice show terrariums

decorate them nicely at home i'm a real fan of this we plan to do an episode about this, i think i called for references out there already looking for some out there to film how nice this can be done and that's what all these nice decorations can be used for to support a natural keeping of reptiles here is our instruments area some rigorous tools like this one

and in all sizes also the normal smaller hooks i think no terrarium expert can go without it everybody likes tools such tools in good quality are great and necessary for keeping reptiles here we are in an area with saurians the saurian room of my wife, stella for one we have the albino alligators in here

we saw them before here we have the savannah monitor great colors to show, no biting please stop, stop ! have a look at these colors ups, they are always shitting on you and i can show you more, like this one let me try to find it and we have lots of bearded dragons in here

if you know bearded dragons, you have to deworm them every now and than we treated them, that's why they all are sitting on news papers usualy we keep them on these wooden pieces, like the lizards for the moment we have use this news paper only during the worm treatment to keep up the healthy environment a whole bunch from el salvatore they are breeding bearded dragons on farms there those are iguana farms in el salvatore 20 years already, funny enough i sold babies to them 20 years back

and now they are breeding them in el salvatore and we received a whole bunch of nice animals from them recently as i said, deworming is a must with bearded dragons over time and that's why we see these news papers and something else to show have a look at the lizards, just a moment, he wants to eat me basically a monitor lizard, this one is a ghost from the color they have colors, green, yellow, everything in it i'm a real fan of these ghost color variations

even if he is not behaving very well right now they also become totally tame ok, he doesn't like me touching him now you can imagine, with that many animals here, we rarely touch them we don't have time for that with some special animals, like the albino alligators it is important to get them tame if you touch them regularly the become tame within a week have a look at these color, its like ghost or pastel its a great color

if you know the classic monitor lizard you'd have to admit that this is something different flo said we should show these animals in better light so that you can see there colors much better the left one likes my finger, ups, now the other one is coming as well auaaaaaaa ! just wanted to say it doesn't hurt much (laughing) ... but over time it does hurt ... what i wanted to show, these colors in good light, they show some real nice colors i'm a real fan, this one is a ghost

the lower one, beating me, i would call a pastel very nice and beautiful he bites more over time, lets hope he stops after our filming here is our quarantine area all animals we get from outside, like these snakes here are brought into this room our biggest fear for us are the acarians in the old days you's say that everyone has them anyway that's not really true, they are bad and are weakening and infecting the animals

that's why all new arrivals get in here will stay here some weeks to observe, especially for acarians only after that they get moved into the normal areas we get real nice animals, like these angola pythons for python lovers an angola still is some sort of a mystic animal at the beginning nobody had an angola python meanwhile they are breed and not so expensive but still something rare and awith a special attraction even if this one wants to bite

and here our breeding area the season is over and these are the last ones in action this year lets have a look if there is something spectacular all closed not so great, i was hoping to sho you some new babies here is one number 16 but nothing special our natters, mainly corn snakes

some mexicana or lampropeltis california mexicana but most are corn snakes here very important with corn snakes, you have to keep the babies separated if you keep them together are are not eating very well my tip, keep every corn snake baby separate small boxes, hiding places, water and they eat well let me show some spectacular ones this year is the year of the palmetto corn snakes

here a little nice palmetto, hiding into the bog these point aren't acarians but their texture this is the first year you can get these palmettos breed and offered at an affordable price that's it about our corn snake kids room for completeness, our outdoor storage all this terrarium stuff isn't really small here some mulching stuff upper left, lots of neon lights

if you need neon lights, i have a full load of them good german arcadia lights buy neon lights at m&s that's it about our storage and now we walk back in again here is the control room of m&s reptiles if you where dealing with m&s you may know adam already back there at the window is my place most of the day i spend here and answer your emails, indeed ma main job to answer all sorts of questions

also orders and other things that's it for our special and personal walk through through m&s reptiles, for our fan community remain true, come visit us, check m&s reptiles and check my balls we get them to bite me ... so we start over ? look into the camera if you are done with your camera we may as well start funny enough it doesn't hurt much when the bite, because they have such small teeth even with the anacondas, it bleeds and pinches a little bit, but not really bad

our audience likes to see this always keep it clean here is my beloved stella, disturbing this take now ... keep them all separated i guess we do it again now filming this area, ah, this is also bullshit, again ... here or m&s control room, ???, again ...

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