kleines wohnzimmer einrichten beispiele

kleines wohnzimmer einrichten beispiele

hello and today we've got an indiegogospecial this is the sens8 security camera. really nice aluminum body, itlooks really cool, and this is multi-sensory device so you've got a1080p camera on the front, you've got temperature and humidity sensor aroundthe back, there's also a motion sensor, audio recorder, and a 95 decibel alarm onthe top. this has local storage on this so there's no sd card slot, neither isthere a cloud service subscription plan. you plug the usb power cable into thebottom and it comes with the cable and a small getting started guide. i was reallyimpressed to find a little thank-you note that was handwritten top and bottom 'allthe best...' and 'dear..' me which was very nice.

getting set up was very easy, there's areally nice app which takes you through it, explains what you need topush and when, you've got this really unusual method of updating the sens8 via pulsing from your mobile phone speaker. [whooshing sounds] done and set up your light willturn solid blue and you can then name your device, so if you've got multipleones of these you call it kitchen or living room, and you're ready to go. theapp is very intuitive very easy to use you've got lots of information stored inhere because of those sensors so you've got temperature humidity and light andyou can set alarms based on that, for example if

there's a sudden change in thetemperature. there's also a health index onboard which gives you a readout basedon all these sensors on the sens8. you've got different options for howthis arms and disarms. if i just arm this now what you'll see happen is becausei'm stood opposite it it will pick me up and you'll see two notifications. nowi've reported this, hopefully this will get fixed, it keeps showing me twonotification you should just be one but then you can go in take a look at theevents it creates a secure channel to the device and there we go there's merecording the sens8. if i just turn this around, there i am,and there's me turning it around and if

you don't like what you see you cantrigger the alarm via the app [alarm noise] so as well as arming this on your phoneyou can also set up a schedule, so that will be it arms itself automatically atcertain times and disarms at certain times, or you can use the automationfeature and that will use your mobile gps signal and track where you are andwill also arm and disarm accordingly. it does mean that everyone in yourhousehold will need the app on their phone otherwise when they return itwon't know that they're part of your household and it will start sending youalerts. of course that might be a good

thing i suppose if you want to track yourfamily! the big advantage of sens8 is thatthere is no monthly subscription, that has a disadvantage that there's no cloudbackup either so if the device is taken all the footage is on the device. nowthey're looking to overcome that with a link to dropbox and you can get somedropbox storage for free so that's a great option, however at the time ofreview, in december 2017, the link to dropbox wasn't working, atleast it wasn't working for me, i've clicked on it, i've authorized it, i'vegot the folder set up on my dropbox account but whatever an event andfootage is recorded it's not being put

into my dropbox folder. hopefully this issomething they can sort out with an update. it's really great that the lifewill teach you such good quality and i've used this out and about and itadapts the quality depending on your connection. so if you're on wi-fi it willshow at full quality, if you aren't about on your mobile network it will drop thequality so it doesn't use as much data, but you can still see what's going on.the one major problem i've got is actually getting the footage off thedevice i can't see a way of doing it at the moment.i've tried plugging it into my laptop using the usb cable and it's notrecognized, it doesn't show up at all, and

there doesn't seem to be anything in theapp either to allow you to download footage to send it on, share it out,whatever you need to do, and that's a bit of a drawback, i've tried a number ofthese cameras and most of them have some sort of feature that allows you todownload the video footage, archive it send it to friends, family, police,whatever you need to do. overall then i think the hardware side of this isreally good, i think it looks great, it looks quite unusual, it doesn't necessarilylook and scream out that it's a security camera but it's quite subtle as well ifyou just pop it the corner. the one area that needs a bitmore work though is the software and

that's a good thing because at least thesoftware can be remotely updated, the hardware's fine, the device can only getbetter from here on out. i hope you found this short review useful, if you have pleaseconsider hitting the subscribe button, if you want to know more about the product i'llput links to it in the description below. thanks watching i'll see you next time.

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