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hi viewers!summer has finally arrived. and so, we want to enjoy avery special bit of luxury. a home-made outdoor kitchen is far from expensive. a job for our designer helen, our all-rounder marlott, my little contribution and hami of course! the sad reality of barbecuingin many gardens: burnt sausages,wobbly three-legged barbecues.
it simply isn’t fun! from today, these are problems of the past! from now on, we’re going toprepare our food with style – in an open air setting. outdoor kitchens are right on trend, but few people canreally afford one. today, we’re going to show youhow to build your own modular outdoor kitchen forthe garden. but what does an outdoor kitchen need?
what units should be included? an outdoor kitchen has to beable to do everything that your indoor kitchen can. these are our materials. we’ll use these aluminium profilesfor the main frame. they’re weatherproof,easy to clean and can be combinedin endless ways. alfer⮠offers a broadrange of pipes, profiles and accessories. we mainly usethe coaxis⮠system.
today, this particularly involves these 35 mm profiles. all we need to do is cut them to the right length. to do so, we’ll use a mitre sawwith an aluminium blade. if we didn’t have a mitre saw,we could also simply use a normal circular saw. let’s get started! once the profiles have been cut to size,we’ll use them to build the frames for the individual kitchen units. shall we start with these? you take one and i’ll take one.yes.
there’s a practical solution for connecting the alfer⮠profiles. the connecting brackets supplied with the profiles fit perfectly in this groove. then, they simply have to be secured at the right height. so... just tighten the bracket. easy. these end caps are placed on the ends. ok, i’ll give it a go. press down firmly once and the end cap is in place. hami’s looking for thenext one for us.
we also attach a support profile to each of the cross-pieces for the shelves. and what do we do with this? we slide that onto thebracket here at the top with the support profile pointing forwards. wonderful. what’s this part for? that makes the unit stable. and that’s the bit which will later support our shelf, right? exactly!
the first front is now ready,but there’s still lots to do. so that our kitchen units remain flexible, we add castors to one side of each of them. to do this, we use a thread cutterto create a thread in the central channel of the post. we’ve already drilled a hole through the end caps. screw in the furniture rollers from alferâ®and we’re done. looks good, doesn’t it! yes, great!
the first unit is ready,now we just need the shelves. we’re creating these fromrectangular pipes from alferâ®. we’ve already cutthese to size. and they fit in the gap perfectly. we drill holes into the supportprofile at regular intervals. practical: the one-off drill line in the centre. and as a little trick, use a piece of wood so that the gaps between the bore holes are always the same. we encase the front with a square-perforated metal sheet from alferâ®.
we use six rivets to simply attach the sheet to the support profiles. and here’s the second unit.it’s still missing its shelves. we could use aluminium like here, but there are several different options, such as wooden slats,which we had the diy store cut to the right length for us. now we just need to make them weatherproof. to prevent the wood from rotting, we’repainting it with a wood protector stain. important: only use water-based, environmentally-friendly wood stains as
we want to prepare food on the wooden slats! always ensure that the stain is safe for use with food and saliva-resistant. simply screw on the slats and we can continue. now we’ll create the core unit for our outdoor kitchen. built-in sinks like this can be bought cheaply from any diy store. and this one fits into our unit perfectly. we also want to add doors to our sink module. to do this, we’re using square tubes with a hinge from the combitech⮠range. we fasten these together using the plastic connect⮠connectors.
just a few hits with the rubber mallet and the joint holds! it couldn’t get much simpler! great work, and now: photo frame! cheeeeese! for the door fronts, we attach square-perforated metal sheets, which we screw on like the fronts. first though, we have to drill the holes. the doors are attached using appropriate coaxis⮠hinges. our sink unit is ready! isn’t it? no, there’s one little thing missing! we collect the waste water from the sink in a canister.
we connect the tap to the garden hose with a suitable adapter from a diy store. what do you think? marlott has had a particularly great idea for the last module. double-sided tape prevents the shelf that is now attached from moving. a metal sheet in which marlott has sawn two holes. what’s it for? we’ll tell you in a moment. alfer⮠offers a broad range of hook systems for all purposes. these ones are perfect for our barbecue utensils.
of course, they fit perfectly into the groove in the coaxis⮠profiles. while we’ve been working, helen has bought a mobile double induction hob. if the weather turns bad, this can be easily moved into the house. of course, our outdoor kitchen also needs a barbecue. and the circular holes in the supporting sheet are perfect for holding pots of fresh herbs. our outdoor kitchen is ready!! the mobile modules offer plenty of storage space for kitchen utensils. they can be moved and combined however you like.
a true luxury kitchen for the garden, made almost completely from aluminium. not only does it look great, but it won’t rust either. neither bad weather nor splats of grease and fat will damage it. in addition to the barbecue, stove and worktop there is even a sink. greater luxury for your garden is barely possible. and now we’ll enjoy our garden party with our open-air kitchen. an outdoor kitchen that you can easily build yourself! and now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of our work!