dekoration kleines badezimmer

hello, and welcome to the slingshot channel. today we will weaponize christmas tree decoration balls! ha ha ha ha! let me show those to you first ok as you see, this is the real stuff. it's real glass, actually there's some silver inside. it's real lightweight, it weighs about as much as a 10 millimeter
40 caliber, um... steel ball. and uh, of course since this is glass, i believe that it is really a seasonal fragmentation grenade much rather than a piece of christmas decoration. i bought a whole bunch of those. since they're affordable and beautiful, and i will use them for the christmas tree, should they survive. which i don't think.
so, how can we weaponize those? well, you can always shoot them from a rambone. rambone shoots pretty much anything. just you have to make the right, uh, band-set for it. and here this is with a large leather pouch. so it can easily accommodate the whole thing. like this.
and... you shoot it just like normal. and it may look like the fork is a little bit too low for this, but that doesn't matter because because the automatic flipping action will make sure that the ball flies over the fork with enough clearance. alright, since this is the christmas episode at the end of the video
i will give away three great gadgets sponsored by my sponsor thrunite. and, but i also have a wish, maybe you can give me a little bit of help. the, uh, fitness club that i go to, it's not far from here, actually. it's a great place. they have fantastic hammer strength equipment made in the u.s.
it's very new, they just opened it. and they also have a new facebook page but it doesn't have a lot of followers. maybe 250 or something. so, can i ask you to go there and give it a like and maybe leave a comment that i sent you. because, that would be awesome, thanks! you will find the link down below, it's not hard to find. working out is really, really important!
ha ha ha ha ha alright, let's fire it at the car door! *glass shatters* woo! ha ha ha! bang! i'll do one in the normal style so you can see how it flies. the rambone is ideal for that purpose because, the material is almost unbreakable. i think you could drive a truck over this slingshot
and it would still work just fine. but anyway, this is not a seasonal slingshot. what we really want is we want something to celebrate christmas. so i had to make a launcher for it! specially on purpose! *click* ha ha ha ha ha meet the santa gun 2000! ha ha ha ha ha ha!
let me show you its features! as you see, it has a lot of details for the purpose. like the fork which really is two christmas trees. and of course my peppermint stick here! beautiful! look at the detail of the trigger. it's actually quite comfortable. you know, you have this bell shaped handle.
and it's very comfortable to pull the trigger this way. and of course the rear stock of a comet! so lots of nice little detail. i like it. but, don't be fooled by its harmless and funny appearance i think it is a deadly weapon. the way how we like it here at the slingshot channel! as you see when you put in the, uh, christmas tree ball,
the end pokes out here and always keeps it nicely centered. and if i make the fork any slimmer then the pressure on the, uh, on this fragile material would be too high and it would shatter in the pouch. ok, let's go for a test shot. and fire! ha ha ha ha ha ha! i don't really want to be hit by one of these.
they're probably razor sharp. so as you see, it's sharp and as you see, you can hit something with it. but the problem is that if you hit a soft piece so not just the skull, but something softer then it would probably bounce off and we'll test it against ballistic gelatin. what else? yup! as you see, it just bounces. so we have to do something about that! my simple idea is to just take the top off,
and put in some steel balls. so we're putting in some 8 millimeter steel balls. carefully. okay. so this will certainly smash the ball from inside the question is, because of the inertia, probably that already happens in the pouch. we'll have to test it and it's not without dangers, because it could come flying back at me. ok, let's test this.
ah! ha ha ha! it hit me one the nose, and it's actually bleeding. *epic slo-mo sound of joerg getting hit in the face with glass* so... *wow* we need something that is lighter, but even more bad ass than a steel ball. well, what comes to mind?
scalpel blades!! so, we'll put in five of these scalpel blades. but of course we have to be very careful with the way how we put it in. we need to drop them in nose first. because otherwise, the sharp points will be pressed against the glass, forgive my bleeding nose and, uh, will then, smash it. but we want it to only explode when it hits the gelatin.
go! ha ha ha ha! it worked! alright, we can clearly see that a lot of the shards are actually sticking in the gelatin. i don't think that those are life threatening wounds, but certainly the opposite of pleasant.
here you can see a very terrible little cut. and i think that is from one of the scalpel blades. alright, the give-aways. when thrunite, one of my biggest sponsors asked me if i wanted to have some product to raffle off to my fans, i was enthusiastic and they actually allowed me three individual pieces. so i had to pick three things from their impressive product range. the first thing i picked is the tiny, tiny ti3
i think it's very popular. it just takes a normal aaa battery and it actually has a serious light output. it's very, very nice. so this comes, uh, with a key chain, and it also comes with a clip. so, and you simply switch it on and off by just turning it like this. and, you can go through the phases. so this is like the brightest mode. a little brighter.
the brightest mode. and then you have the flash mode. the second thing that i really like is the th20 because it's a, it's actually a piece of head gear. so you could put this around your head. i look a little bit like a doctor, don't i? he ha ha ha! and, you can again switch it on and off.
and again. you can switch it into different brightnesses. and what i really like is that i can turn it on my head. so, when i want to do something with my hands. and um, i need light for it i simply turn it downwards. so that my hands and the object that i'm working on is in focus and i can then clearly see what i'm doing. but also, if i want to shoot something.
then i just direct it to the target. it is super cool manufacturing quality. as you see, all is perfectly machined aluminum. and it also runs on a regular battery. like this, it's a aa though. now the coolest item that i'm giving away today is the thrunite c2, because it's not even a light. but, it is really cool. it is fired by one of these rechargeable
3,400 blocks and um, the, so this is really high capacity i love how perfectly machined this is. and what you can then do is you can use this as a charger for this battery but you can also use it to charge your cellphone, or run it on it. or your e-book reader, whatever. it has a micro usb and then a full usb connector and if you don't, if you just connect it, it will charge the battery. but if you press this little button here,
then it switches into feeding mode and then it will give power to anything that has a usb connector. that's a great feature, i love it, and i actually use it everyday. of course you could also buy all these and i put the links down below actually i think they even have a christmas discount. still early enough. but you can win one of these three things. just go to my facebook page
now down below you'll find the link. and um, then tell me which one you like. leave a comment there. and maybe a like if you like my facebook page. and while you're there don't forget to also visit ferrum eberbach and leave them a like too. the winners will be published on december 24th, 2016. in any case, good luck with that! so as you see, i'm a little red-nosed myself.
just as a warning, never fire these things from a slingshot or from a gun like this. don't do it, and if you must, then never fill it with, uh, steel balls or even scalpel blades. leaves this to the pros, 'cause this is a stunt show aswell. anyway! i hope you liked it, and i hope you have a merry, merry christmas and a great new year. but, we'll probably do something more for new year's day. so... thanks and bye bye! *glass shatter* ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!