badezimmer set klein
(clickbait video, please click off before its too late) [inaudible] and today we're doing the giant gummy vs tiny gummy, challenge! so one person will get the giant gummy! and the other will get the tiny gummy! yeah, he's a little bit crazy... hungry gummy n angery gummy i'm so hungry so lets start *claps*
[person in backround] dish number one alright, rock paper scissors who goes first. rock, paper, scissors, shoot! yeah! alright. what are you going to do? i am not sure 3 2 1
yeah yeah i got the biggest banana ever i got the giant gummy banana it is so big oh guys look at my banana it is all covered in sugar oh that looks so yummy but look at mine *laughing* alrighty
you want to try this? im going to try mine oh my god, that is so sugary it tastes so good! mine tastes like a banana mine tastes like a banana but its super sweet so ready for dish number two we love gummys there so yummy we want mommy. *laughing*
dish number 2 your turn to pick im gonna keep again i got the tiny one i got the hugest foot in the world and i got tiny little baby foot it kinda looks like a pointer finger. but it's a foot... and the foot is the size of...this...toe *weird laugh*
its crazy oh my god ok are u ready to try it i'm gonna try the toe!!! im gonna try the toe im gonna try the? pinky toe 3-2-1 *chewing hard*
the gummy is really hard it kind of taste like a strawberry...? meanwhile mine is super hard mine taste like cotton candy gummy mine tastes really hard but like the flavor of strawberry is pretty good for a little tiny foot or a foot for a foot
i thought it would be stinky *but its a gummy* ready for dish number three dish number 3 what you gonna do with with that big bad booty *um what* i'm gonna keep mine alright 3-2-1! yeeeeea
oh my gosh! thats so small! i got a little tiny cool emoji *laugh* and i got the the tongue emoji no isn't that... wait... is that a pancake??? no, or am i just being wrong *yes you are* um i feel like this is a marsh mellow *it is, spoiler alert* wow so it's not a gummy *shocked* oh my gosh this thing is 100% marsh mellow, oh my gosh it's sticking to the thing *platter*
oh my gosh this is such a cool thing *marsh mellow* i dont know if you guys can see it but it's a cool emoji with glasses on i think its pretty cool *me too!* yeeah alright, lets try it, 3-2-1 tastes like a marsh mellow with a bunch of sugar on it its so good! mine tastes like a plain, plain, plain orange gummy like so plain okay so moving on to dish number 4 dish number 4
*dont understand what he said* what dish you gonna pick keep! keep? alrighty 3-2-1 *screaming yeah* *awkward laugh* i remember!