badezimmer sauna klein

hi everyone! this video isgoing to be about the difference between sex and gender, as wellas the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity.some people may not know what the difference is, while othersdo. being a male to female trans person, i do encounter manypeople that are confused about what the difference actuallyis. people have said to me that there is no way i could be afemale when i was born a male. or, because i am also attractedto females, essentially being a lesbian, that it's also notpossible. so, i will discuss the
difference between sexand gender, as well as sexual orientationand gender identity. first is the difference betweensex and gender. many people use the terms interchangeably, andfor the most part there is no reason not to. that is until youget to intersex and transgender individuals or people whosesex is not congruent with their gender. sex essentially is thephysiological and biological characteristics that make upmen and women. such as their genitals and chromosomes.while gender is social and
psychological characteristicsthat make up male and female. such as how the person behaves,and what they feel like they are in their mind. in other words,sex refers to the physical body and gene chemistry, while genderrefers to the mind and how the person presents themselves.for many people, the two are congruent. such as a male whowas born male, who knows they are male and behaves as suchaccording to the society they live in. or a female who wasborn female, who knows they are female and behaves as suchaccording to the society they
live in. the two terms,sex and gender, can be used interchangeably for anyone whofits this criteria. however, not everyone's gender is the same astheir sex. this is evident with intersex individuals which maybe born with both or part of both sex's genitals orvariations to the chromosomes. females have two x chromosomes,while males have one x and one y chromosome. however, fortransgender individuals, they can be born as male or female,but their gender would be the opposite of that. so, a personwhose sex is male, who was born
male and has an xy chromosome,could have the gender of female. in other words, the sex theywere born as is not the same as their gender. this could makethe person a transsexual, or someone that essentiallyidentifies as the opposite sex they were born as. the term'transsexual' falls under the transgender umbrella. if youwould like to know more about the terms 'transgender' and'transsexual' please watch my video on it that i'll have anannotation and a link in the description. anyway, in orderfor a trans person to have their
sex congruent with their gender,the only thing that can be done is to attempt to change the sexthey were born as. they cannot change their gender. so, someonewho was born male, male is their sex, but their gender is trying to change their gender to match their birth sex, male,it's not going to work. this is because gender is trying to psychologically change how the person has beenconditioned and behaves, and more importantly, how theyidentify, it's going to create resistance, denial, andcause the individual even more
frustration and stress. there isno way of changing the person's gender. however, it is possibleto change the sex to a limited degree. with this example, theperson who was born male, male being their sex but female beingtheir gender, they have male chromosomes, xy. they cannotchange this. it will always be xy. however, they can changetheir body. they can transition by take hormones to experiencethe physical, emotional, and sexual changes associated withthat of the opposite sex they identify as. in addition, theycan get surgery to physically
change their bodies. maleto females may get breast augmentation, facialfeminization surgery, and/or sex reassignment surgery, whichwould essentially reconstruct their penis into a vagina.while a female to male may get a mastectomy and/or sexreassignment surgery, which would reconstruct their vaginainto a penis. the results of the sex reassignment surgery dependson many factors and generally has a better outcome for male tofemales. so essentially, sex and gender, while many people mayuse the terms interchangeably,
are in fact different andsomeone can have a different gender than their birth sex. there is also a differencebetween someone's sexual orientation and their genderidentity. sexual orientation is attraction someone has foranother individual, such as straight, gay, lesbian,bisexual. whereas gender identity is how a personidentifies, such as male, female, other. your genderidentity is essentially your gender and is different fromyour sex, which was discussed in
the previous section.additionally, transgender, which is part of the lgbt group,is not a sexual orientation, whereas the other three are.transgender is when one's gender doesn't match their assignedbirth sex. while it may be clear for some that sexual orientationand gender identity are two very different things, it's not soclear for everyone. a perfect example i've heard many timeshas to do with the fact that i am a transgender lesbian woman.i was born as a male, but always identified as a female. in orderto lessen the resistance and
depression i was facing about mybody not matching how i always felt on the inside, i neededto transition to female to be happy. i even had sexreassignment surgery to change my genitals to that of what ishould have been born with. i was attracted to females priorto transitioning, which would have essentially made me astraight male. but since i didn't identify as male, thismade me a lesbian female. and, after transitioning i still amattracted to females. since i identify as a female and amattracted to other females, this
makes me gay, a lesbian. now,what people have said to me many times is that they don'tunderstand why i transitioned at all when i would still beattracted to females. or, that i should not have had sexreassignment surgery if i was interested in females. this is aconcept a great deal of people cannot grasp. how i identify,which is female, is independent of my sexual orientation, whichis lesbian. the two are not connected. for instance, someonethat is transgender, let's say someone that was born male butidentifies as female, they could
have any sexual orientation.since they were born male, but identify as female, if they likeother females, then they are gay, if they like men, then theyare straight. despite the fact that they were born as a male,it does not make them gay to like men if they identify asfemale. the only similarities between the two terms, sexualorientation and gender identity, is that we cannot change them.if we were born in a male body but identify as female, that isnot our fault and we cannot just choose to identify as our birthsex. same goes for someone that
is gay. they do not choose tobe gay, it's just who they are attracted to. it's allpsychological. and as i mentioned earlier, trying tochange the fundamentals of our personality, how we areconditioned and identify, we are creating resistance and denial,which would result in more problems in the person's life.instead, the only way is to accept who we are, beourselves, and express ourselves however we wish. so in conclusion, sex and genderdiffer in that sex is what we
are assigned at birth,our genitals, chromosomes, biological, and physiologicalcharacteristics. while gender is how we behave, presentourselves, and is psychological. sexual orientation is whom weare attracted to. while gender identity is the gender that weidentify as. sex and gender, as well as sexual orientation andgender identity, while they may be similar in some ways, theyare in fact different and not connected. variations canoccur. i hope this video was informative and helpful.thanks for watching!