badezimmer klein landhaus

badezimmer klein landhaus

where's my camera music yo that's so weird i actually can't find my camera but luckily i brought a second one i just got it from my car but anyways good morning guys how's everybody doing today if you guys can't tell i'm at the eggs family's house it's finally happening guys the ace family

collab i talked about it about a month ago and since then you guys have non-stop been tweeting and commenting on my video saying one is the collab happening rug we want that collab well we're finally bringing it to you guys but right now i think austin and katherine are sleeping i'm just up early i'm in a great mood i hope you guys are

all having a fantastic day if you guys are excited for this class please go down and smash that like button let's see how many likes we could get on this video if you guys don't know who they are let me put you on real quick go check out the ace family's youtube channel you guys will be addicted but it's actually so weird i really can't

find my other camera but while austin and katherine are still sleeping i kind of waning to show you guys a little tour so this is the room that they're putting me in while i'm here i'm here for a couple days actually so this is the room that i'm staying in right now pretty nice we got the love sack we got the bed we got all my stuff we got a closet and we got

a bathroom and shower the view from here is sick as well oh yeah something else so dope that they just finished is the ace family gin i have to show you guys that right now would - look at this whoo the ace family gym official we got the dumbbells we got the treadmill we got this workout machine and then i think i think he's the ace family hater

this guy's not my friend but while i'm in the gym i might as well get a small little workout in what are you doing what are you doing to me well this camera is that is that rucks camera yeah oh okay where's rug where is he let's go find rug come on with you come

i let's go find rug you think you still sleep rug where is he oh so you know who had your camera oh no i just got my workout in and austin here is going to show us all yeah you see you see it is that here's going to give us a tour of the ace family house let's do it let's go so you guys obviously have seen our new personal gym mm-hmm already starting to

get thick from it here goes runs wrong it's kind of messy okay don't judge guys he is moving in now so this is wrong the closet is a little small rail because you know yes gucci everything good so on is gucci won't be able to fit in here this is kind of weird though you're wearing gucci i'm always wearing gucci and then i bought a louis vuitton shirt

like i'm like cheating on gucci that's not right that's not right bro gucci shirt today i wish ellis walks by i'm not sponsored by gucci i wish i was oh he'll join us joining the tour alright so over here are some of my clothes because in our master bedroom our closet is beyond tiny so this is what my clothes have to go over here go

that help you give a tour of your room all right what do we got here well here is that was wrong there's our little closet yo you for the next to you okay there we go all right yeah so now all it kept me about these are all right guys can't forget about the er he's been with this everything on youtube and this is a

smaller one just a reminder i keep going on over here we have our master bedroom it's a little dirty so don't mind that this is the reason why i can't let's break them elbows so instead of saying this is a tiny tiny tiny closet don't look over there little dirty this is our bathroom don't look this way some of you yeah magic rod right there

just like looking out butt-naked in the morning every morning another view this is probably my favorite piece of the house you need to wake up and just walk outside it's crazy go ahead road brats i think i spot my dream house from over here but we're not going to say too much about that oh oh yeah you can't tell about that bro yeah i'm

the playground on the sign right there we'll get downstairs well rats i'm not sure if you've seen one of our videos we put a theodore right here we use another slide well i know that so before you leave here you have to do that corn i know maybe at the end of this video if they continue watching

will do it for me okay i'm done all right here we don't ever use it but it's there it's personal over here we have our dining room we've just got an eating the mess yeah don't look at the dishes i forgot to do one this morning the kitchen this is where russ was cooking for us this morning over here we have the pantry a lot of

goodies a lot of snacks that's all you get to see over here we have a fridge you should already know what's in here more we got a girl's car you know she just thinks she gives park her car in the house because she's a princess over here is the living room in this room we have our filming world it's a little dirty smited shoulder all right

now backyard whoo this is probably my favorite part of the house the view is absolutely hey this view is a straight blessing right here you just come out and just think about life don't know all guys don't show them rugs future

house there cover the camera face this way we got the pool you can see infinity pool we have dolphins yeah in the water my show you can see that all right so now i'm going to take you guys to elk playground if you guys do watched a family and you see their intro this is this is where it happened

if you wanna pass it goes up with tim the rock climb we're going to slide who got the tire swing you got more swings all right guys that's pretty much it now we're going to go back into the house show you guys what we got in the garage the other guest bedroom just in case rug doesn't length upstairs auctions so obviously my lambo

isn't as nice as yours but one day right yeah purple monta whoo this color is sweet right yeah this is bulls right here the lambo side to side so we also have some mini dirt bikes here extremely dangerous don't get them good we also have a golf cart which her name is patty we just got them back from the shop just

got customized fixing a person later all right yeah so here's patty as you can see she has bluetooth just in case you want to play music i'm also going to show you guys the new court that we just got we also have a core bike run as a guest house we also like to play i think that's the whole a family house it's a beautiful home but thank you for

before i close out the video i have a gift from my mom and dad for you and captain no bro we don't need anything dude you're going to love it i'm a rug and papa rug we don't need anything anytime i go somewhere my mom and dad always have to give a gift to the person that's taking me in their home so let's go give it to them you

ready all right guys so mamma rug and papa rug sent me a gift to give to you guys so she's excited it's arabic desserts oh my gosh it's called baklava baka that's in there it's so good it's right here yeah taste tester i think there's a note in there too i had no idea they wrote enough i thought i was going to be a better note i think you guys

might like this - the baklava you want the orange one all right let's try it candy hopefully she likes it you try it you try it it's too hard for you you like it she's like next you guys will like this one try that try that so the baklava sushi tried these ones on the corner tell me

if you like that one these look like taquitos try it don't smell it just try it guys don't judge me like i'm just super picky when it comes off literally all he eats is chicken and ketchup you could come on your parents got it for us as a gift so i have to try hey loki fire thank you so much mama and papa rug by the way your son is a people

within all right guys so before i close up the video i always be often doing these crazy ass trick shots in this house so i want to see if it's pure skill or if it's the house slug see you see you guys tomorrow by mohammed elabsi

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