badezimmer klein gestaltung

badezimmer klein gestaltung

the laws in this country many people are poor and can not afford the taxes: one consequence of this is that municipal coffers are empty can see and feel neighborhoods as this delegate in the who have forgotten us but to a few do not seem to lack the

money citizens rich in cities poor luxury goes better than ever this is the part i have put 87 thousand euros 87 thousand euros 87 thousand euros no le they worry about selling the watch on absolute who has money often can determine the rules of the game what i say is that when i make them a gift can not determine that the house

is constructed in a certain way and if not they like it can say no our elected representatives in the municipalities can actually decide something are simply puppets of the millionaires hates our trip the world of small municipalities could start in any place

we decided on lã¼beck and to guide us on a visit by the school we choose hollow angel or the pensky brothers school concierge the rafters are chipped were repaired minimally with silicone and sees that the plaster is falling from the wall here you can see how the

humidity is all over the house and so now we are in class 5 of these are the students who started here last year these are children who at some point pay taxes and contributions pensions for the future of lã¼beck in one word here is our future and

have trouble concentrating four windows that give the sun three they are screwed because they have leaks and the water passed by and the solution of the city was to silicone from the outside and screw the one can concentrate too much heat we are doing without all the time here

is endlessly saved and children suffer with it and of course also the training if we are sitting where it's hotter and it was so hot today we think we imagine how we want this to be with a great air conditioning freezer everywhere if something to the morning football went up

until a girl said she could not to use girls' bath basin if that really annoying because when you go to the bathroom you should wash the strange hands and even affect very much and neither and almost paper more hygienic if one really should go to the bathroom, what do i do then? i can stand for what it sucks, and you

never use the toilet for this reason made a fit to the bathroom sat good how they can smell it there is a value considerable here in a cloud of ammonia containing everything has no sense to ventilate actually just plain disgusting error has come from drains since decades ago 70 schools in lã¼beck 56

of them are in the same evil state that is and some even worse in this city there is an emergency of sanitation dv should spend more than five million euros in order to have the situation under control we have an appointment with the counselor of education, let's hope a woman who

knows that education is the gold of future and regrets the deplorable the schools of lã¼beck but we we find a policy that has fixed with the deficiencies is our first strange encounter with the municipal policy children must stay from 8 until 16 hours in these schools

some do not go to the bathroom because they are in bad conditions because i do not solve demand we are working on it but not we can repair all damages to same time we have a high degree of vandalism in bathrooms and toilets they are not broken by representatives of the city ​​or councilors we have very

high cost six figures with regard to the repairs of things and we have a program where we walked step by step the bathrooms but can not be done in the 70's at the same time i do not think that some way everything gets worse that is not true this is a problem of perception

if i see that after the war in dewitt population has doubled in period of three years and building housing for people had that creating schools there are documents wonderful about it they had to sleeping in huts in some buildings prefabricated or similar then if we consider that this country

has a reconstruction behind it amazing wavy sheet hut a terrible memories of the new cabins prefabricated in luebeck are schools and bridges like this actually connect the reque district with the center of lubeck but totally ruined and is no longer passable six years ago, the expert opinion

could have rebuilt quite a lot cheap it has been half a year since the inhabitants of which can only be reached on foot for people this means detours strenuous efforts and broken cars i had to change the rear axle if they just posted yesterday for the florist jaen clan that deliveries

daily become torture with the bridge was simpler 500 meters to the right and was already in the city for months that must go through bumps to be able to deliver your flowers for a travel that sometimes lasts 45 minutes before it was only five it has to make a detour of three kilometers and customers are still far away has

a loss of 30 percent of sales that no one reimburses you and time pressure always behind he is a family business that has survived the weimar republic two world wars and the period after the war and which is now seen seriously threatened for the first time with liquidity problems

i do not understand i'm full either lock does not enter my head you may be released from office or to make a temporary bridge we are in the 21st century and we drive by paths that are the same as when we lost the war this is a delivery from poland and the polish driver was very dismayed

the conditions of the roads in germany and for this detour that does not it was sign posted nowhere arrived yesterday at 7 was happy to have arrived and said that all he wanted was to return to your house poland because the streets there they are better than here and then marched

if i'm going, we're almost ready protest of citizens in every minute free they are warning the press they sacrifice little time and nerves to fight for better {0}infrastructures{/0} {1}- 48 -{/1} v is already something common that has abandoned infrastructure

there are bumps on all roads streets are in poor condition the singular thing in this process is that we goodbye forever from this bridge without replacing infrastructure in some time in january we found out via facebook even by a message from the city of lã¼beck that close the bridge within 14 days and

that to me is a joke i also planned as agriculture how will i sow my land for years we do for example with the strawberries that i have my company here in i also have another part of lands with strawberries instead believe that the bridge is my connecting route and now i have to take into account the

diversions if i had known that the bridge was would have excluded it because the economic benefit is nil suspended how much longer and in the center not far from the connection circulate jewels elected by rich counters and super rich buy more than ever diamonds and diamonds

luxury are on the rise the jeweler gregory teller is happy for their increased sales for example this is a woman's blog are authentic of these diamonds are authentic clock thus costs about 44,000 euros and that is bought by gentlemen for sudan his birthday today and he does it for your birthday your motor to the habitat

it seems to me that wealth and money are evenly distributed i think no no no well the policy is currently trying to do something about it and if i have to be honest i think absolutely correct that one who distribution should be more appropriate the impoverishment of the state and

increase of the rich is obviously a political motivation a trip to the world of taxes in the last 15 years have occurred large and small clippings taxes on the rich and owners of such as the reform of the corporate tax reduction of the maximum rate and abolition of

wealth tax no one has really calculated what size are the losses that are produce in public funds it is clear that the state loses by they several billions the one that does not go away without savings the inhabitants of r who have resisted and have protested here seven times

now they have promised a new bridge but still undated his indignation addressed to the absent mayor see if has a little dignity please do not show up again as mayor because he is not a mayor for the city port for me it is one of the puppets that present there with a cigar in the

hand and take rum punch and excuse me i say it bluntly but a man that way it angers me we visited the finance committee of lã¼beck by the way the bathrooms here are they are in perfect condition the mood is good 13 years ago mayor versace is in this office people here and tell you king

sun the fate of the citizens of re which seems unfortunate but is not really worrisome and their destination is that the inhabitants that were isolated is not that king who has become an island for that cause, but should only take a detour and that is surely something annoying gave me pretty long

yes it's annoying but other people must travel even far distances longer to get to their jobs or any other place already in 2006 it was known that the bridge was to be renewed in that time could have been repaired by a relatively small sum now you have to spend a lot of money because

the whole bridge is really in ruins it was a wise question the question is not whether it was something wise would not be better ask what can be financed with what money do we count of course it can be financed with new credits any project of construction of each investment measure but if that helps the city is another

question but now it's much more expensive than it would have been in a principle so i think the question of whether it was wise not justified if the money would surely have been would have separated the inhabitants of network that went out losing money received another a billionaire the

dreger family business at the same time that he wanted to expand was threatened with backing out the city had to lose the largest employer of lã¼beck and complied with all the demands of funk dreger he needed a space for his new headquarters and the rulers gave him without hesitation a street and even paid the costs

to make the bypass ne around 8.4 million euros funk reggae rejects an interview they even tell us that the shots exteriors are prohibited but we know the rights of press and let a small plane fly over to be able to

get an overview the villa dreger private on one hand seat of the family and a few hundred meters away the family factory dreger expanded on the road public and now lives quietly by means of this change in the road infrastructure could be achieved. great investment between generate by adding

additional jobs have been displaced up to here united states production so has actually benefited greatly with the fact that it has been reached this agreement back then for which i was very grateful and i'm still very grateful of course pedreguer also benefited from

his personal fortune has been increased in recent years in 50 million that you think about fact that this benefit has been achieved does not flow again to city confessor that i am not informed about the private property of the andrã© family i do not think it necessary to be

informed about it because not because i would like to know which one should to be interested in this gap between poor and the rich is widening more in germany and to the extent that debts as they do not grow too the fortunes of a few grow understand what you mean yes i understand your mere reflection i know

i have said it before in the 70's and 80's. 90, the city lost 25,000 work would have existed to lose 5,000 to 10,000 more jobs i have never felt pressure on absolute as to have to disprove it but of course he was bent on to convince add that the v was the ideal place for them because i did not want

take the risk and could not even as i think we can lose even more jobs the indebted municipality pays the company grow the family benefits considerably in spite of the new jobs in the arks of the v which are emptier than ever is that fair

really is a mere reflection on bremen we seek advice with a expert in economics would have to do seriously ask whether the bypass is not so successful as they really imagine it company would dismantle the factory to take it to another place many times it is played with it

they generate fears you have to look at it very realistically but above all it must take place a discussion i think it's one of the reasons for the rich were protected during the last years with a negative effect on the municipality and did not participate in the

financing of infrastructure public at the municipal level we have a division between poverty and private wealth public poverty schools and bridges ruined the city can no longer fulfill its functions and specific responsibilities he who wants to do something must wait donations people with private fortune

and some kind of commitment that's what many do not tell us only the principal of the school city ​​letter prensky is not can only draw a very certain certainty bitter that does not happen only with the hands we have a deficit of two classrooms that we urgently need it for years and

year after year the work of construction is postponed at this moment they passed them for the year 2015 and until then everything would be temporary and that requires a lot of we work things out that we already nothing else works without the money the lã¼beck millionaires for the outdoor installations 90,000 euros

came from one of the main foundations of lã¼beck foundation has the name of its director pronounce with great respect so a question about it in luebeck you always hear that the lady understands the foundation owns is one of the most important people and powerful here in the city

that's the truth. transfair fame that does not emphasize the lady -ment she is a very humble person who acts properly and contained but when the lady comes i love it i always have time for her that is very clear we take time too

for the lady mind in the foundation owns the foundation money is obtains from the private sector around one-fifth of the benefits that did the merchant ever have the of the city of lã¼beck favored the rehabilitation of housing education and culture generously give the city what they

she is missing the lady mind in delay no matter we have time hello good morning see text get up early but i got up at seven and is a great achievement for you. my renan nei who works for the side winner

she speaks with us because does good annually distributes 20 million euros in the city around 700 and does not reject any the municipal coffers are empty that is a fact and there is a huge amount of debts as the seat of your fund for donations in which position

find you want to know how much money we have and we are well and going west rising also fight against it is more interesting because consortium grows and with it also profits and the sole responsibility the consortium and the management of home is to keep the jobs keeping the company healthy and

generate funds for the foundation tax laws makes it more the companies who also says that he works with the city on an equal footing but more and more often it seems to take the scepter in his hands even in the case of bathrooms welfare of school children if

they tell me they spend it for him 15 15 budget and postponed indefinitely then here we are really finished patience we would like our children do not have to wait any longer however, and if the authorities of the school are set aside because they do not want or can not is irrelevant to

we politicians like those of here in luebeck they make their accounts counting on rich sponsors there's really nothing else in the chests of the city there are very few who do not walk with spiridonov detours languor member of the environmental party is seated three years ago on the committee of finances and admits a look to the future

of his hometown has taught to have something of you what i i say yes and friends and the situation is very cruel by the end of 2016 we will need 780 million in credit without taking into account account that a crisis can be brought financially but still thanks to basilea 3 and some other stories

the probability is very high that no we get one hundred percent of these loans and one day will be monday monday to the 8 and the coffers of the city of iran we do not have money in the box this can not be paid for that can pay and that other neither and is something conscious is not even so conscious for the party people who

are active at the moment and the mayor our impression is the social democrat is in a dilemma between the desire for a equitable distribution and the great dependence on wealthy citizens society he would never require a tax on equity or adjust

the inheritance tax for one nonsense does not want to lose the donors we have the nice situation that he sees that there are a number of foundations help us again and again with much money to be able to eliminate worst emergency situations these are the foundations that can

offer millionaire amounts a year for all those expenses however in view of the situation financial situation of the city itself would much worse if we did not have this support and i know that many of my colleagues intendants of other cities and they envy you that you still have available this possibility the city will

leaves very own tasks like the maintenance of the infrastructure private investors in the event of emergency the state sells the silverware gets rid of properties for money quickly and leaves its citizens in of real estate companies for purposes profit on the street in luebeck bowling we meet bernard spitz

he shows us how he lives since his building passed into the investor's hands private dodge anton the doorbell and the lock not working since december please look this any may enter and exit daily here this is this figure when it could be seen i mean today is the first time later three months they cleaned here had

such a high sand can show you all this here was a fire in that corner only waste excrement and dirt that nobody wants to believe when one has to live here as a person greater one can not imagine such a thing and that's why he has photographed everything every day fight here for your dignity

the elevator is almost always broken it has worked for 30 years and does half a year that is unemployed and now there is a danger that your building will become a ghetto because apparently this was abandoned his owner dodge antã³n tells us that everything is in perfect condition if you wish you can show him with

i like my apartment so that you do not think that only here live social although most are it's scary how it all changed here during the last five years three buildings at the same time is not only ours also the two of here i fell into the water directly from the wall in some

place of the building there was a broken pipe i waited fifteen months until they arranged everything and also here in the kitchen look of course i asked rent reductions they also threatened me but if i had money maybe the possibility if there were gone from here how everything happened here yes without any doubt

sees some possibility of being able to leave here for the moment what you feel when one should live here and really does not want to do it that is just so even indicate from the employment office where we can live that really can not do test i can not move without permission from

somewhat depressing and oppressive ministry is to get in shape unfortunately this is how we are in the pinedo orff beach on the outskirts of lubeck here the poor community fights with a rich citizen an example for the power of money and impotence of politics

jã¼rgen hunke the millionaire measure behind the dunes in an architecture extravagant in a couple of cases directly on the editorial walk mikado sells things from the far east and spiritual is a good business with buddhist harmony we have an appointment with jã¼rgen hunke acquired its wealth by methods

was criticized for dubious insurance and for sellers street vendors selling stuff companies he believes it is a blessing for the community of you less because here invests and promotes jã¼rgen hunke looks himself as a man who has self-made he worked hard for every penny he says the one he wants

can and be rich for him is a attitude issue yes of course we can with pleasure we can to meet us when they want to god soon of course people do not like hear it who does not like to hear what things most of the people with whom

i do not like to listen, there is get up early to whoever gets up early it helps 40 years ago i got up every tomorrow at 5 then i practice sport for two hours that's why i feel good 35 years ago that i luxury of being made for two hours massages every morning five times per

week then i'm fit i do too sport every day i am different to others if i have it organized i have two masseuses 1 in hamburg and one here that no problem there is no place hundreds of unemployed masseurs and glad to be able to come here and

a good price for giving you a massage then read the newspaper in four or five newspapers a day then something stable or my books and i do all that, nobody has to worry about me i worry about the others are seen as a patron of the community that disinterestedly wants to make the inhabitants of you

smaller was a gift the idea of ​​a visionary one million euros for a cup of tea on the end of the dock bridge pimentel in case we would not be practically here would be the bridge because you enter according to his opinion should be guitar you would like

good nothing more than art exhibitions art readings and different stories all glass and all this on white this would force the whole bay of the dove that this would be in the middle and this could be in the light and then come people come in here and soon they want to build a dining room and a tavern and a dining room and a

tavern where he wants to present art from the far east the problem is that he too wanted at first he gave him to municipality tea house and promote the gastronomy and the municipality builds the bridge and make the necessary connections that they need for supply but the

millionaire changes his plans did not want know anything about gastronomy for surprise of the members of the council when everything was ready we heard mr hunke, who had switched from opinion and therefore not only do not i wanted to do nothing more with respect to gastronomy, but i did not want to to run the tea house for the

the next 15 to 25 years the same but left for us and on the other hand gave us a million in material construction and cash and we should find an investor to carry out all this because it behaves so believe you can imagine that the lord juan who has found the course of planning a tea house like

it is not economically favorable and that he should then carry the costs that must now be borne by the municipality $ 5.550 you can see them are more than three million for the whole of the service execution time yet so you want to fulfill your dream east by the sea and now

boast of appearing at the end as a red house patron is furious he wants to give away a tea house and now nothing works like him meant everything i've done now i do not want nor do i list it, i do not want any thanks or any of that alone i did this out of conviction i always have

committed to the municipality always help so many people and so many foundations i do not want any thanks either. but sometimes they do not understand either suddenly they start to put on formalists in the commissions and then they argue and do not want a bit more they want everything and then i say if they i make a gift they can not want

determine things or the house is build this way and if you do not like can say that no longer can to deny the pipes were placed for € 800,000 of the funds raised and jã¼rgen hunke demands the house tea should bear the name of your company mikado the 200 thousand tourists who come by year should see who was the

noble donor of the bridge you wanted calling the mikado rate would not be a provocation yes because provocation facebook is something normal that at first would be tacit advertising for your company no one should have it has nothing to do with advertising this is again a children thing

little ones each thing bears a name in each club sportsman who built a stadium bears a name this is obviously a part of how they do things but when they are the arguments come out with something so i think the name is better indicated that gordon holk i do not want that

but that is not know i have already done for a long time but another person i would be crazy about it but i would not annoying because in the end it will be built certain and consecutive costs assume the municipality and well in the meantime they are interested in it. prosecutors of kiel jã¼rgen hunke would offered € 80,000 in donations to

the councilors to approve their project itself speaks of slander rich citizens take in their clutches poor cities now we are in kiel in a popular and ancient garden which finds empty and desolate happened 18.5 hectares of biodiversity paradise say the locals here

but then the king of the core furniture trigger discovered this terrain for his of the company he had no good eye for old varieties of apples only gave the closeness of your ikea competitor apparently according to its approved strategy in the market where it is and that to this me too no one said this

land to build a furniture store kraft discounted to dismay the amateur gardeners bought him from the city of kiel in bankruptcy this and reserved it for the sum of 100 euros actually kriger had to protect the up to the ceremony of inauguration because the furniture kraft

only needs a small portion of land the urbanization plan is very far could have remained here but felt expelled for the furniture strategist i wanted to stay here and i wanted stay until the end of the year and then said you can stay

quietly but expelled late or early from the meeting what still follows me ringing in the ears is what ever repeated the mayor there is still nothing decided we are only resolving the agreement installation more we will not do as i already said that there is not yet

10.2 citizen participation that will still come at some point will come and only for a land of gardening that for the population is no longer important and where the population was already influenced by the local press that everything is decided because the city is lends to playing this game in the

kilo business directory and can find 29 furniture and many even more so in the peripheral zone negotiation with the city without participation of citizens i believe that what is being done here is simply a robbery is one very large plot of land and i think that it is also a part of me

that's why i have the right to intervene can not simply decide on my back and a memory that when we were in the municipality in the meeting the whole issue of delivery of the land was not yet ripe then the furniture man graph kriger he said good if we did not get this ground

exactly like that then we're gone practically as an extortion and a politician does not exp. elected by the people and can not just give up and say yes well then simply let's do it friday afternoon, end of the working day in the municipality

from kiel we have an appointment with the mayor between racks are said to be here all the world wants to clutch a nail ablaze here you have 736 million in debt and one 11 percent unemployment the world upside down let's see a environmentalist who will

annihilation of land for gardening and do not want to know anything of extortion the representative of believe said txiki no makes a proposal with respect to this land then we will go to another place that's what he said according to the meaning who thinks if an investor says something like this

that's market power to me personally in no way that would be the question that should answer the advice but if a company tell me then i'm going somewhere else i do not care for me the question would be settlement makes sense to us is a settlement for the well-being of

kiel the state capital aspects and ikea has different smaller minorities and also has kraft furniture half an hour away distance mba says to see you really believe that who needs a new and great furniture market if, on the one hand, the expert opinion of the retail trade

was a very long investigation that we have held in second place i must tell you that i bought my furniture where in hoff and for that i had to drive about 70 minutes on the motorway to be able to choose the furniture in it is an unsustainable state i do not like driving a car to go to buy furniture if you had this move

in front of my house would be something for me much more acceptable would even go in bicycle on the contrary the critics believe that while in kraft furniture will also come if gil shares parking and increased traffic around 10% of sales according to the opinion of the experts is directed from the surroundings to kiel

customers who do not travel by bicycle get kiel from this trade that offers kriger to the municipality we ask if we do not have an interview or a statement by written in our hands comes the contract of sale contains the statement of good intentions want to create good jobs instead of

must see we find the old mayor and current political adviser hugo frolik we want to consult you you can expect a promise if kraft furniture has to happen click reaffirms the intention to want created with the execution of the project by at least 250 jobs with compulsory social security a good

intention and if he does not promise result but promises its effort therefore it is simply not possible to prove that he has not done that this means that you can also escape and one refers to it if one want to refer to it in the place of sir i arrived i would simply say i made the effort to create

full-time work at the limit of the economically reasonable but i never signed up to have them in accounting anyway i see it like this but because apparently he interprets it mayor may interpret it from another this is the sad situation in the one that looks gray instead of white even though it is really gray

this is the hope that makes some things look resplendent or recognized in place of what in reality are the central house of furniture kraft battles that herbert the furniture largest of northern germany was only half an hour from here hope bearer the furniture entrepreneur enjoys a

sad reputation in the unions we find an employee who fears for your job if you speak openly tells us especially in peripheral areas are not paid according to the tariff because they pay one wants the hourly wage there are 6.50 euros and a week of 47 hours is the normal average in

furniture sales we work with system of commissions and risk business we have it employees the union confirmed in times of eyes salary of 100 quantities basic recommendations of the companies are put under pressure and only because they demand wages

by agreement we go freely to the yankee garden land the entries to the site for a long time should be closed to protect the gardens of vandalism responsible for it its new owner kraft real estate does not meet this condition that can be expected from kraft furniture if they did not do this

condition as small as you can assume that they will comply with all other commitments that are in the contract so far behaved faithful to the contract we have just re-enforced the safety measures ie furniture kraft has strengthened them and where see this compliance can be seen in

that accesses have been restricted with the car then you have behaved illegally everything was open there was not no banning poster yes, good kraft furniture already has ensure the whole site and furniture katz does not meet this condition as it occurs to you

comply with the other conditions of south i really can not tell you we do not want to exchange places with mayor an ecologist who betrays the ecological ideas in luebeck an social-democrat who depends too much of the money of the millionaires what possibilities do the municipalities plus the superiority of

economy on the one hand by the other concern and very urgent need to having to do something for the community what i basically do want to formulate it in this way that many mayors and also those who do not want hear what makes them ancillary executives and that of course makes him to the economy because they take the

wrong and politically is just as wrong since basically local democracy in the municipalities experiments to be trampled at the end of our trip we visited the millionaire from lã¼beck mijael how col un cautious generous he knew the 30 years that never again

i would have to work again he is also a founder a very who has decided to return the assets of your company to society can tell us how rich it is and how how much money are we talking about is not amount and give it to your foundation promotes education and youth

four people decide the money is going to stop at doors closed to him he is worried about a powerful that politics has become more requests a couple of years ago when it was obvious that the state i had to do it from somewhere. we see with concern if the citizen realizes that he

call to vote but people who he votes they can not move any more and only handle deficiencies then it will turn away this is the reason by which the number of voters is so low and this goes one step further those who are simply interested in their nature and have the desire to participate in the

conformation of our community is they face the question i'm going to some party and let me put it like representative or ask and promote myself to work on some advice from a foundation or organization that can move all that and still not reach a hand to tell where it will tend there and that is not a good thing by chance

we are witnessing a situation of giving and receive the chess master my daughter the vice has once again to ask for money to his company of chess he he teach students in luebeck to play chess try to attract as much of children in schools

to chess and you have also brought an application and i just told him has brought that request the city that can rely on its benefactors and donors is happy but we ask ourselves one more time and the dependence of money on millionaires is not also a risk bush

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