wohnzimmerschrank design

wohnzimmerschrank design

they're overlookedor totally underestimated. yeah, around 60, 70 hp. and you couldnever do this with the car: some nice oversteering. people mistake themfor cute little creatures... this thing is a freaking rocket. that's unusual for such a stuffy car. ... or just traffic obstructions. but underneath some of their hoodslies a heart...

that's straight out of hell. if a moped drives upnext to you in the city, you can blow them awaywith your sidepipes. the most effective speedon the highway is 50 mph, but to keep it interestingthere's a left lane. it's there for athletestraveling way over 60 who don't want anyoneraining on their speed-parade. you're still half-asleep, and suddenly some idiot'sblinking his lights trying to pass.

we let him by, of course. but at some point we have to teach him a lesson the best way to do thatwould be to leave the car alone, and just give it more power. make it a sort ofwolf in sheep's clothing that could kick their butts, the idiots. to the untrained eyeit looks like mom's little helper,

but it has much more to offer. you can driveto the market in the peugeot 207 rc, but the lightweight hassome real oomph under the hood. this wolf puphas a max speed of 136 mph. enough to win respect on the street. this peugeotis not to be underestimated. because it looks likea normal compact car, but it's sly as a fox. it's got 172 hp, a sweet chassis,

it's got really direct handling. you can really throw it into the cornerslike there's no tomorrow, even though it's wet.the rear end comes out a bit. it's really nice.it's the way a small car should be. the little temptationfor beginner racers starts at 21,250 euros. you could probablyget an old bmw for that. the 207 rc is nice little rocket,

and with it,i'll show my special friend who's boss. the old bmw is just a toyfor this compact car. it's a fight between 134 hp versus concentratedsheep's clothing power. he's got 173 hp. he'll have to fend for himself. see ya! we blew him awaywith no trouble at all. mine's bigger, today.

adieu, bmw. but the rc is quicklyin over its head among wolves. but we'll need moreif we want to give him a real fright. don't you think so, viewers?we need more power! this limo isn't for interns. the r36 is no ordinary passat. it's a paserati,and reserved for management. it looks low-key, but it's gota wolf's heart from wolfsburg. the vw passat 36is the fastest passat of all time,

and it's also the fastest vwon the market right now. there's a phaetonwith 444 hp, but it needs 6.1 secondsto go from 0 t0 60. and this guy only needs 5.6. it's the hottest potatovw ever had in the oven. it's a fast-driving limoin sheep's clothing. the car awakens hunting instincts, to a certain degree, at least. but then it's over.

if the wolf pup senses dangerthe esc kicks in although it's disabled.it's a safety feature for stressed commutersand hot tempers. the 3.6 liter v6has a pretty robust sound. it's got a real presence inside. that's rare for such a stuffy ride. the 296 hp passat sells forjust over 45,000 euro. it's got wicked acceleration and launch controljust like formula 1.

its max speed is 155 mphbefore the speed is limited. in order to look like a sheep,drivers on your tail need to be distractedfrom the duel exhaust pipes. so i've prepared a bit of camouflage: the mandatory toilet paper rollfor the back window. the strongest passat of all timeis great for a leisurely drive. if only that impatient fordwasn't there, that's challenging matthias. that's no big deal for 296 hp.

he probably thought, "i'll just pass that little passat." no way. not the r36. awesome, we blew awaya ford fusion 1.4 td. but an r6 or an rx8wouldn't stand a chance either. that is, if the badass tailpipesdidn't scare them away first. i need something different,

something nobody would suspect at all. something that's big, angular... but packs a real punch. what i'd need is a real monster. perfect. the mercedes gis more of a forest ranger car, but it'd be a shame to wastethe g55 by amg on forestry. it's pure wolf in sheep's clothing. not even experts would expect

more than just a warm breezebehind a box like that. if you want somebody to eat dust, you just downshift, and... everything else on the street gets blown away, but more importantly,demoralized. because nobody expectsthis thing to take off the way it does. 494 hp give this all-terrain monstertop performance. from 0 to 60, it couldeven keep up with a sports car.

the current porsche carreragoes 0 to 60 in 4.9. this thing does it in 5.5. so if a 911 driverwas slow out of the starting box, you could definitelybeat him in this thing. the g- classhas been around for 29 years. it would fit right inon a show like northern exposure. but what happens when youput a supercharged v8 into a car like this? it's likea kitchen buffet with 494 hp.

but you won't findany rustic charm here. leather and amg designdominate the interior. the engine is designed to battle wind resistance. we usedabout 5.2 gallons of super plus to go just 62 miles. that's the priceof going against the flow. the facts:the mercedes g55 amg has 494 hp. its 516 lbâ·ft of torqueputs it in a class of its own.

although the engine could do more,its max speed is set to 130 mph, for safety reasons alone. the g55 goes from 0 to 60in 5.5 seconds. the cost of this "g-spot"is 108,000 euros. now we're headed for the autobahn.we don't want anybody to know what kind of powerthis thing's got, so we're going to tape it,camouflage it and cover it up. let's get rid of the "g55" too. so now

nobody can tellthat it's got so much power. here we go. now only the sidepipes could blow our cover, and the monumental roar of the engine. i don't want to knowhow loud this car is outside, if it's this loud on the inside. to give you an idea,the horn is really quiet. you can hardly hear it.

that's how you knowthe engine's really loud. anyone lookingto use this car to make friends shouldn't have a problem,even if it's from afar. the guys in the vanare pretty impressed. they've caught up with me again. howdy. mine has a bit more power than yours.- yeah, a bit. how much horsepower does it have?- 108. 108

well then... they really got a kick out of it. all that roaring causescommotion among the sheep. but how does the g55hold up against other wolves? we've got an e-class, a c-class.he's flashing us. it's a sport coupe too. we'll show him! so, he's trying to pass on the right. he's flooring itand we're flooring it,

and now we're slowly pulling away. despite its 302 hpthe 500 doesn't have a chance. a bmw 47i or a w12 super-touareg wouldn't have a chance either. only the pasarati could keep up as far as acceleration is concerned. look, it's the little passat. feel like a little race? 3, 2, 1, go.

yeah. not so easy, eh? okay, now he's starting to win. our aerodynamic drag is increasing. now he's slowly taking the lead, but not until we hit 124, and he's not going much faster. never judge too quickly, because some facadeshide more than meets the eye.

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