moderne wohnzimmereinrichtung 2013

moderne wohnzimmereinrichtung 2013

i like you just the way you are. imagine you came home from school every day, you didn't go on the internet. you didn't play "flappy bird," but instead you turned on pbs to watch a guy in a cardigan who accepted you no matter what. that was mr. rogers. it's you, i like. it's not the things you wear.

put on those shoes. that sweater. he fed his fish. "look at these fish. it's as if they're dancing." watching "mister rogers neighborhood" was kind of like visiting your grandparents, except you actually liked going. especially to the neighborhood of make-believe. i'm glad you're the way you are. i'm glad you're you.

the show didn't rely on gimmicks to hold your attention. the set looked like something you'd make in your basement. and the puppets were worn from years of play and affection. showing that you don't need much to have an amazing adventure. just a bit of imagination. he treated you like an equal. "how do i turn your music on here?" "just push play." *music starts*

we learned with them about how crayons are made. one of these little boxes has sixteen different color crayons in it. divorce... "my mother and dad..." "what's wrong with them?" they, they fight all the time. fred rogers never condescended to his audience. he simply taught and listened. he was the best friend of countless children over the years.

when you watched "mister rogers" anything seemed possible. 895 episodes... four decades... one man. "it's a beautiful day in this neighborhood..." all of us have special ones who have loved us into being. would you just take, along with me, 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are. "won't you be my neighbor?"

"hi, neighbor."

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