wohndeko modern

hello! i'm carrie from stampin' up! thanks for tuning in to learn more about our quilted christmas suite. this suite includes several products and they are just so cute and charming. they were designed to create a special handmade quilted christmas look that everyone just fallsin love with. so let's take a look at some of the products. we have the quilted christmas designer series paper. this is a 6" x 6" (15.2 x 15.2 cm) stack so you get 48 sheets, 12 different designs, and you get four sheets of each design. this is just asample of each of the different designs. there are lots to choose from. you cansee that the patterns were inspired by traditional quilting patterns, and someeven have stitching lines, which is such
a cute detail to add to your finishedprojects. the colors are great for a traditional christmas look, but i lovethe addition of our pool party and our fun lemon lime twist because it justupdates and freshens up the color scheme. next we have the christmas quilt stampset. the images here were designed to work together to build quilt patterns,and they coordinate beautifully with the quilt builder framelits. these framelits,this set, includes pieces with stitching lines like this one that complement thestamp set and the designer series paper. it also includes layering piecesthat you can use to create a quilt pattern. then of course there aresome cute basic shapes like the little
needle and spool. i also wanted to pointout the quilt top textured impressions embossing folder. this creates an actualquilted texture to your finished project. and, speaking of that, let's move all ofthis aside and actually put together a quick project so you can see the magicof using all of these products together. i'm going to start by using thispinwheel design from the stamp set, and then i'm going to use the solid patternsto fill in the the pinwheel. the way they coordinate together is so fun! here'smy pinwheel stamp and i'm going to use garden green ink and just whisper white cardstock. youcan see that fun stitching pattern. it's
already starting to look like a quilt,but now let's add some color. this is my striped pattern, i'll ink that up withlemon lime twist. this is the trickiest part getting this lined up it might takea minute, but just take your time; make sure that the points line up with yourstitched pattern. stamp that down and then you'll stamp it one more time, skipone space, and then stamp it again so you have alternating colors. now we'll gowith our second pattern: the little polka dots. i'll stamp this one in poolparty. a good tip is to use a darker pattern, or a darker color, for thestitching lines on the lighter color for the solid pattern, because it's easy tosee that darker color and get those
patterns lined up. there's my pinwheelwith the fun texture and color. you can see how fun that stamp set goes together,and the pieces work together. but it's even more fun when you use the framelits! now when you go to cut this out with your big shot, first, i'm going to usethis big star to frame the pinwheel and cut it out, but i also want to use thecoordinating piece to add some stitching lines, so i'll put this just inside and ican run it through the big shot with both pieces like that. you'll end upwith a piece that looks like this. you get the cutout pinwheel and then thatcute little stitching line that just adds such a fun detail, and makes yourfinished project that much more special.
maybe you can see the stitching if iturn that over a little bit. now, let's create a background with that texturedimpressions embossing folder. i'm going to use a sheet of our designer seriespaper. here's our embossing folder, so i'lljust layer that paper in and run it through the big shot. this is how it willlook when it comes out. can you see that? it looks like it's been quilted. itcreates that beautiful quilted texture. here's what it looks like when it allcomes together. you can see our stitched pinwheel and that beautiful quiltedtexture in the background. we've used the "peace" greeting from the stamp set, andlook how cute the trim and the stitched
shape embellishments look. isn't thecoordination beautiful? when you give away a card like this your loved oneswill be so amazed, and they'll never know how easy it was to make. let's look at afew more projects made with this suite of products. look at all of these cuteprojects. whether you're making gift packaging, tags, home decor, or cardsthis is such an easy way to create special projects with that charminghandmade christmas look. and, it's as easy as purchasing your own quilted christmasstamp set and coordinating tools. contact your demonstrator or add them to yourcart on stampinup.com today! thanks for joining me!