wie male ich mein wohnzimmer aus

so i've loved the game franchise "the sims" since the year 2000 when it first came out. i was 8, going on 9 years old and it was my very, very first pc game. of course back then, it looked a bit more like this. but nevertheless, it completely captured my imagination, i absolutely loved playing it every day after school. but ever since i was a lil tiny sprout,
before i discovered the world of hair dye ..and depression i've always thought to myself, "man, life would be so much easier" "if i was a sim..." so i decided, 17 years later, 3 main games and thousands of spinoffs later, i would find out *concerning rattling noise like something falling*
once and for all, how easy it is to live like a sim for a day. spoiler alert: it sucked. so first off for my experiment, i had to create a sim version of me. you can actually go and watch that on my second channel if you wish to. then i had to recreate this house, (i did this a long time ago, so
my living room looks a bit different). but i recreated my entire house. so i know i never have to do a house tour. there it is. and the the idea was just that i was going to plonk the sim version of me in the sim version of my house, and just let her live, on freewill, for 24 hours. no input from me whatsoever.
7:30, 7:31, 7:32! i'm getting a lie in!! aha! ooh, 7:55. she woke up. not too bad! ah, my sim has decided to become angry today. well i'm glad we're staying realistic. so i made notes of every single little thing that my sim did,
to the minute. i very quickly discovered that the timings were very off. oh my god, you're taking so long to eat. i am a really fast eater, apparently, is what i'm learning. because, who the hell eats one bowl of cereal for 19 minutes!? see, the problem i'm having here with this sim
is i woke up at 7:55 am, it's now midnight. i'm gonna be absolutely just exhausted at this point. go to bed! who noodles at 1am? nobody noodles at 1am, that's who. 4:57. four. fifty. seven. she finally stopped playing guitar. oh, yeah, you're tired? you're tired?
at 5:05, we finally go to bed. this is gonna be one hell of a day. why'd she wake up at 6:49? that's not good because that's still within the... ...nooo. that's still within the 24 hours. so i have to get up at 6:49. now i feel like it's important for me to disclose that there was a first attempt, before there was the final attempt.
we don't...we don't talk about the first attempt. oh, oh? ...i couldn't have planned this if i fucking tried. also, note that the smoke alarm is doing absolutely nothing. never mind, yes it is. let's start again tomorrow shall we? so eventually, i had my list of tasks to do for the 24 hours. which i happen to still have on my phone. i had to wake up at 7:55.
it's 7:55. and i have one minute before i have to be up and making my bed. i think. if i remember. making my bed at 7:56, the fuck? how was that a minute? ok...fuck, i don't want to do today!
oh no! good morning everybody! i don't know why my voice is so dead. but sure, why not. today, i live like a sim. making the bed. i'm complaining, but i am more than aware that this is what people do; that normal people do this every morning. i'm one of these people that has these stupid
cushions on the bed. just put them on the bed, and when it comes to going to bed, just throw em off. and then just put em back on in the morning. it doesn't make any sense. why do we do this? why does anyone do this? i don't know anymore. done, made the bed.
so far, i'm doing ok! i have another two minutes before i can pee. and i really need to pee! i'm breaking the drinking rules, because fuck that. i didn't really consider that these waiting times were gonna be an absolute nightmare. i also don't get to shower today, so, i will have to pee, and then run and get
*alarm goes off* ok. then i had to pee at 8 o' clock for 6 minutes! have you ever tried to pee for 6 minutes? that's not easy. 8:01, yo. i finished peeing. but i just gotta sit here until 8:06.
this, like, minute every second thing does not work. i get that the sims have to do it that way, but it doesn't work in the real world is what i'm finding out. maybe, i can sneak in, like, a few minutes of sleep? on the toilet? that could work? no, no this is not good.
ow. oh no. i can't believe my life has come down to this, vlogging while just sitting on a toilet. i had to wash my hands for a full 2 minutes, and let me tell yah, these bad boys got dry. real dry. and then from 8:10 to 8:23,
all i had to do was walk downstairs, it says 8:12, and my next thing is at 8:23. if i was a sim, this would take me 9 whole minutes. oh shit. well, i guess i'll just sit on the stairs then, so how was your day? 8:23 i had to make some cereal.
i'm not a cereal person you know, i'm not a breakfast person, but the whole, the whole breakfast experience was just it was not good. for many reasons. it's time to sit down and eat! i don't get to eat it for another 4 minutes. who takes 4 minutes to sit down?
no one! eat until 8:50. i have to eat this for 19 minutes. the structure of these wheaty cages has been compromised. at this point, by the way, we're talking like this kind of consistency. so great start.
my last spoonful. and by the time i've swallowed it, 8:50. there you go! perfectly timed. oh! that was a nightmare. then i had to wash up for 5 minutes. ow, i ran the water too hot i'm already at a disadvantage! oh lordy loo!
who says lordy loo? is that a thing? "oh lordy loo!" i'm done, and it's 8:59. now it's gonna take me ten minutes to walk into the living room gonna go watch smackdown! yeah, cool! alright. god, wish me luck. and then came the first real arduous task for the day.
my sim, for some reason, just chose to watch tv for most of the day but the thing is, my sim decided to do it in a very odd way. she started watching sports at 10 past 9, great, that was fine. ok, it's 9:09. just gonna set up the wresting on wwe network please, please spon me. what is it, like 20 minutes or so?
it begins! yeah! and then at 9:20, i got to go on social media for 11 minutes! that's it! ok, goodbye social media. then i had to play a game on my phone. you know what, i'm just gonna throw this video out to the highest bidder.
hey everyone! check out this really fun mobile gaming app! there's micro transactions but it's really fun to play! anyone wanna buy that space? just, you know, just let me know. do you know what a really great fun game is? best fiends! you can destroy monsters and level them up,
i'm not even sponsored. not even sponsored. then i had to watch tv standing up. for four hours. four hours..is a long time to stand up. humans live a very naturally sedentary lifestyle these days, you know, we have office jobs, you know, we sit at our laptops, we sit a desks, we sit.
we sit (i spat everywhere) we're sitters now. my feet, at the end of the four hours, were just, they were just killing me. but i did manage it. it's just gone 12 o' clock, so i've got, uh, 2 hours left of this standing up watching tv. i'm watching wrestlemania 20-
29, i think. wrestlemania 29 is where i'm at. 2 hours to go, guys. then came the best part of the day. i had to cook scrambled eggs and bacon, right? fine, whatever. alright, 14:27 let's go. and if y'all don't believe me, which you should,
it's 14:27. i have...hey, shut up. the best bit was this: here's me telling you that i wasn't going to set fire to my kitchen. because i didn't want it to be like the first attempt. that's, you know, i'm just gonna leave that there for yah. i am not gonna set fire to my kitchen for a video, ok? if this starts setting fire,
well, it'll actually be very reminiscent of my first attempt. it's not worth it. scramble that shit up, no omelettes for us! oh, god. why is something already on fire? oh! oh my god. what was on there? why does it have fire? why is there fire?
why is there genuine fire in my house? i think i might have left a sticker on the bottom of the pan. maybe, or like the glue residue. i think that might have been it! 'cause this is a new pan. for those of you wondering what it's like only being the level 1 cooking skill, it's that. can i just say that realistically, time wise, that wasn't so bad. but i do have to eat until 15:14.
i have to spend half an hour with this egg and bacon meal. the hot sauce is working, and i've got bacon! overall, a success. also, like i said, i have to have a drink. if i don't, i will just die. i'll just die. i should hope my sim does pee again later today.
oh good, i get to pee at 8 o' clock. oh, good. oh, joy. now i will admit that after i finished my scrambled eggs and bacon, we, we hit a new low. we were peaking, and then we troughed. we troughed a lot here. we hit our first hurtle: and that was sheer boredom.
it's now 14:47 that took 5 minutes to eat. and i have another, oh, what, 31 minutes? unless i can't count. so what do i do now? i feel like we've hit a new low here. because i cannot just sit here doing nothing, my mind won't allow me to be that idle for that long. and i will admit, i had a momentary lapse of judgement,
and due to my boredom, i did what i have always, always resorted to: yeah, fuck this, i'm gonna go play zelda. fuck it. you cannot expect someone to sit there in silence unless they really just love meditating! which i do not, personally. uh, so you know what, i'm just i'm gonna play a tiny bit of zelda
not too much, ok? and then, as soon as the alarm goes off, we'll get back on track. when you slip up, just own it! well, i mean, with that logic you can get away with anything. so maybe don't don't "just own it". idon'tknowpleasestop.
and then i went back into the kitchen, did the washing up, and then the real fun began! because at 15:30 oh boy! i had to watch comedy until quarter past 8! that's 5 hours of shrek films. and i did it.
for obvious reasons, i cannot film the next 5 hours of my life, um, i don't really know what to do. just trust me that given the choice between working or watching shrek, you've got nothing to worry about. i'm not gonna lie to you. ok? trust me on this. sure, it was meme-tastic,
you know, but i just cannot recommend it to you. oh my goodness, it is 19:52, i've just finished shrek the 4th, shrek, whatever it's called, shrek.. the 4th one, i've finished shrek 4, i've completely lost my mind now. watching 3 shrek films in a row was great, but really mind-numbing. i pee at 20:22.
so i have to wait another half an hour now. what can i watch for half an hour? i'll watch a rick and morty episode, there, sorted. fine, it's not over yet. i went to go and pee, and then i washed my hands, and then came the real struggle. ok, uh, it's 20:39, just done washing my hands for four bloody minutes.
and uh, now i'm just restringing my guitar and then we shall begin this evening of hell. now i, hands up, did not manage to complete this. i just couldn't do it. i had to play guitar from half 8 till, when was it, oh, 4:57am! that's like 8 hours of guitar playing. i didn't do it.
but i will say that this footage that you're watching right now, was sped up by about 50,000 times. literally. on my editor it says, like, 56,000 percent faster. i really did film for as long as i could. it was hours. at this point though, my main camera battery died so i had to resort to blogging, and here are some, you know, in the wilderness style vlogs
of my brain at 1 o' clock in the morning. so it's now, uh, 22:37, and it's going ok so far, i don't feel tired, my voice is very tired but, um, i'm feeling ok. i'm not too bored of playing guitar yet. my fingers are aching a little bit, but that's ok, we've only got another 6 and a half hours to go.
why did my sim stay up until 5am? i'm asking myself that every 5 minutes now. so, uh, it's now exactly 1 o' clock, in the morning so i've got another 4 hours to go um, it's been going alright actually, it hasn't been as bad as i thought it was going to be, my fingers are killing me now though, um, and my battery, well, both batteries i have
for that camera have both died, uh, so we're down to this camera now. i'm gonna go to bed now. sorry. sorry i couldn't stay up until 5:05, but 3:43 is definitely my limit. i feel like shit. i'm going to bed. (fuck this fucking video, fuck this bullshit.)
it's like, i made it through to nearly 4 o' clock ok, i only had another hour to go, but i couldn't do it, my body was just refusing. i did go to bed earlier, but, i did wake up when i was told to. i woke up at 6:49, but, but, uhh, some of you may know, that i have a preexisting fatigue condition which makes waking up in the morning pretty much impossible.
this is like my favorite bit of the whole thing. i woke up spoke to the camera, and then literally just fell asleep in this corpse position. first alarm went off, and, uh, i think i'm ready for death. i think i'm ready for death now. yeah. it's 6:51 and i have to stay awake till 10 past 7. i don't really see it happening, maybe it will
it probably won't though. i just, i just died. that was it, i was gone. i did wake up again, in like a few minutes, but then i fell back asleep again! my body cannot handle, like, 2, 3 hours of sleep, oh my god. if i don't just put my feet on the floor, i will fall back asleep. why am i running a bath?
i mean, i do really smell, 'cause i didn't have a shower yesterday. thank you, sim emma. 7:00, ok. 10 minutes to stay awake, by which time, i might actually be awake, and then won't be able to get back to sleep. great. but then it was finally time, to wake up for the final time,
and run myself a bath. it's 7:46. time to take that bubble bath. let's go run a bath, and then at 7:55, we've hit the 24 hours as a sim. oh my god! there it is! end of 24 hours in the sims! i'm gonna turn off this water for a second. so, i lived like a sim for 24 hours.
i don't understand why my sim chose to, uh, *strange bath noises* you ok down there? i don't really know why my sim chose to watch shrek for 5 hours, play guitar for 8 hours, and sleep for 3 hours? that was, that was stupid. oh, and sports for 4 hours. standing up.
but it goes to show if you leave your sim to their own devices, they do nothing all day, and then try and damage their body clocks, apparently. i'm pretty sure my sim woke up at 7, what was it, was it 7:39? something like that? because she smelled so bad. i've never woken up from my own stench before. so, there's definitely a flaw there.
but regardless, um, it was good! kind of. it was interesting. i will leave it to you, future emma, to wrap things up a little bit. 'cause i did it! i actually did it! i managed to live like a sim, and, here are a few points i wish to reflect on.
the one minute every second thing, i understand that the sims have to do it, but it sucked. no human takes 12 minutes to walk down the stairs. some things really made sense, like the cooking times? they actually worked out really well. the eating times not so much, but the actual cooking times, none of my food, like, screwed up that badly. apart from me setting fire to... none of the food!
went wrong. the washing up times were perfect. one could argue the shrek times were perfect. but the fact that the sim didn't shower, the fact that she woke up the next morning from her own stench because she didn't just have it in her routine to shower, i felt disgusting all day. the sim didn't brush her teeth, the sim didn't willingly drink water, i had to drink water.
and why would the sim stand up for 4 hours? please, maxis, ea, in the future, make that more realistic for the sims 5 or hey, patch it in, ok? patch that in the sims 4! no sim is gonna stand up watching tv for 4 hours. no way. overall would i do it again? no. what are you, stupid?
it was awful! i hated it! i didn't get any work done! just watched tv all day. oh no, emma, poor you, you make a living from sitting on your butt all day hey, i did not enjoy it. ok? i'm an ungrateful prick. but anyway, i hope that you enjoyed this video.
i hope you enjoyed my prolonged suffering. but you know what, i am pushing this idea out into the open. if you're a content creator and you want to do this, "challenge", then feel free to do it! thanks again to all my patrons on patreon, you help make these videos possible, and until next time guys, i shall catch you later!