wände streichen ideen blau

wände streichen ideen blau

hello dear ones. it’s me again, monika romer. as you can see with a few kilos lighter luggage. eating half as much makes it possible. i like it. what i want to show you today is the basics of the saeta technique. saeta means painting with brushes. itâ´s latin and means horse. they say in ancient times they painted with horsehair. horsehair brushes. today i only have a pig’s bristle but that’s fine as well.

what do we need? wee need bee wax pastilles. you can also buy them as blocks. however you like it, it makes no difference. a wooden and stable undergound is absolutely necessary. every fragil and flexible underground is not working with this technique. it would rip. so please use a wooden underground. nothing special, just stable.

also important is the material thickness of at least two centimeter. materials that are too thin may bend under the heat of your wax and bend back after they cooled off. your artwork will be full of flaws. that's something we don't want. now, first step. take a pot and a hotplate. i already melted the wax. apply the wax quickly. i enjoy not using a painting iron today.

this technique is the ancient technique of encaustic painting. people used to apply wax on walls or timbers in exactly the same way. with a brush. this is the first layer. using this technique, every layer you apply has to be blow-dried with your hot air blower. we need at least 4-5 layers. if you wouldn't blow-dry the layers and just apply a lot of wax, you might be able to peel off every layer over the time. therefore we have to connect every layer with our hot air blower. i'll do it now.

because of the short time available i already prepared another wooden plate. this is how it should look like after you applied the 4 wax layers. brushed, blow-dried, brushed, blow-drief. this is our last layer which i haven't blow dried it yet. now we have to decide if we want to smoothen the layer, then we have to blow-dry a bit longer. or if we want a structured layer, then we blow-dry not that long. okay. let's do it. i think this is enough. for todays painting we need a more structured layer.

i'll show you a very easy way to create a smoothed layer in my next video. like i said, more in the next one. your artwork should look like this now. like a bar of white chocolate. looks delicious. the wax did not cool down completely, but that's ok. it is of advantage for our next step. i put some tools over here. a piece of wire, a wire brush. a hammer.

a screwdriver - very useful. this one is from my kitchen. you usually use it to cut vegetables. as you can see there are many ways to create structures and effects on a wax painting. ideally, your wax is still warm. now i take this piece of wire. slightly press it on the wax. for the protection of our underground i take a piece of wood. now we need to make some noise.

hit the piece of wood firmly. remove the wire. now we have some beautiful structures. another little bit simpler option is using the screwdriver. however you like it. i even have some wooden structure from the underground. now we have some scraped structures on our artwork. let your imagination run free. here we have a bone folder.

you can prick shapes with it. so. i wanna show you something else on this side. for example, how to create zebra or leopard pattern. on this one i put a piece of birchbark. looks good to me. this one can be elaborated a bit. as you like. for a painting like the one i showed you our more structured layer is perfect. well, now we need - i have to fetch it over there.

either acrylic paint or some wall paint - dispersion paint, like i use now. just a blob of it. put it in a small bowl. then we take our nylon sock. your wax should be cooled off now. if it isn't yet wait a bit please. now we apply our paint on the desired parts. of course you can pick every color you like. i picked black, because i like it. but if you like blue, red or green.

obviously it's just an idea i had of what is possible. i'll show you. the right side is painted now. since the plate still was a bit warm the color dried very fast. but is doesn't have to be this drie. use a scraper, which we know from some of our encaustic paintings, and pull it from top down. quite vertical. and pull. see how beautiful it looks - i always call it zebra pattern, but a zebra is probably not that dappled.

it's striped. the attained effect depends on how much wax you remove. the more wax you remove the more you see from the background. also however you like it. now i have a pretty good structure. black and white structure. we can also colorize the structures we made with the piece of wire and screwdriver earlier. therefore we also use the nylon socks. dab the linies carefully.

try to dab the color as deep as possible. take the spatula again and remove the liquid color quickly. the drie parts can be scraped off. now we can see that the lines are colored. i could also use an encaustic pen to colorize the lines. or a cotton stick. there are many options, but i like this one. colorize, slather, remove. this option brings us some very pretty additional effects.

i'll do the same over here. the result is always like - what's the right word - a grab bag. first you don't see the structures. colorize. surprise - here they are! after i removed the wax of course. you can't be squeamish doing this. this technique gets your hands dirty. but that is something an artist has to tolerate.

for that reason i don't use nail polish which doesn't mean i don't like it. now i use the spatula all over the painting again. just put the rest aside. do not put it back in the wax pot! it has color on it. that's something we don't want in our pot. as you can see, this takes effort. but it's fun. i know why they call it "handicraft".

that's what i'm doing now. i like using the spatula, because there always remain little black parts which weren't planned. it doesn't look that clean. it's not easy for me to create an artwork in five or ten minutes. actually you need way more time and patience for a painting. so don't let yourself be deceived, because i do an encaustic painting in ten minutes. usually i would also take some more time for it. but our videos should be short. well, now i take a quick look myself.

okay, it looks very wild already. how can we apply some color? very easy - we use oil pastel colors. not pastel crayons - oil pastel crayons. that's something different. oil pastel crayons contain a lot of fat, because of that we can apply them very easily on our wax paintings. easy to blend. colorize the areas however you like it. maybe some of you now think:"oh, i cant polish this painting anymore."

"it daubs." that's right!but i have a little trick for you. we blow-dry it very quick. the oil pastel crayon amalgamates with the wax. and it's fixed and durable. a bit orange. et cetera. this is how you can apply color. now blow-dry it shortly. that's enough.

the painting isn't finished yet.i'll work on it a little more. but this was some basic knowledge for painting with the saeta technique. scratching structures and creating some effects with acrylic color. please hang on and have a look on some inspirations subsequently. i'm looking forward to our next video. as mentioned earlier we'll pour some wax plates. another great saeta technique. but.... something else you'll see. it was me, monika romer.stop by again.


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