wände farblich schön gestaltet

wände farblich schön gestaltet

moin moin to a new episode of "bella italia", our video blog showing the large and small masterpieces of our new italy-section. this episode will be gigantic, because right in front of us, the high, broad and huge st.peter's basilica will be placed. and you two are the ones building it. usually, we only present one person. every episode of "bella italia"

shows one member of the wunderland team. today there are two of them, because it is our biggest project. that is why you build it together. stefan will draw it at the computer and tobi will build the model. it is a very interesting teamwork and there is huge pressure resting on your shoulders.

because this is where all visitors enter. the first thing they see is st.peter's basilica. -we know that and we hope that we can fulfil the expectations. the goal is giving the people a feeling of italy. it is a huge building most people know. you cannot miss it, so there is

a special feeling coming up. and when they pass the other parts of the section, they immediatly have this italy-feeling. stefan, you prepared this for a long, long time. i think for about half a year, because as always in the wunderland, our space is limited. that is why he needed to compress and contort. as always in the wunderland,

he needed to cheat. -exactly! we have already prepared the concept. the result is that we will cut st.peter's square. the square is placed over here and is cut at the exhibition's edge. you look at the open square. and the basilica is placed here. here will be the cupola. -how high is it?

-about 60cm. the whole model will be raised on a plint, it will be impressive. -is it a masterpiece in your head? -yes, it will be great! -we are very excited! i am sure that it will be gigantic.

this is stefan's working place. this is where st.peter's basilica first gets drawn as a 3d-model. then it gets milled and in the end, tobi will put it together with stefan's help. you needed to start somewhere. i see that this is the ground plate. what is the available space for st.peter's basilica? -the whole basilica will be shown,

but we need to shorten the space between the basilica and the square, because there is not enough. -it is a challenge that is obvious. you have been in rome with the whole model building team to take a look at the original. if it ends up the way you imagined,

will it be a compromise or will you still be enthusistic because it is "your" st.peter's basilica? -no one will realize it at first sight. a visitor of rome has got his image of the facade and copula in his mind. if you stand in front of the original you cannot realize it in a way

we will show it in the model. only if you take a closer look, you might realize that we cheated. -at the airport you still drew, milled and constructed on your own. this model got so complex that tobi is going to help you doing the model building. are sad about that? -no, definitely not.

it is nice that after such a long time working on it you can give it to someone else. -do you think that you are able to explain everything to him, all the thousands of little pieces, that need to be put together? -that will be fine. the digital 3d drawing can be

seen from various perspectives to understand how the model needs to be built. -will you finish drawing before tobi starts to work or will he start just-in-time? -it depends on the available time, but it seems like i will finish drawing first, because tobi is still busy with another project.

it is important to have a concept before starting to mill and construct. -it will be great! we will accompany you and i am excited how it will turn out! -i am now showing you the model that was created digitally. it took me about half a year. it was difficult, because the vatican

did not give us any construction plans and i had to draw the model by using thousands of pictures. i had to search for every small detail to make sure that our model looks like the original. now i am showing you the complete model of st.peter's basilica and i am going to explain the difficulty of having a ground-plan

in the scale of 1:160 that needs to be brought together with figures in the scale of 1:87 to create proportions that fit to the other buildings. i am going to show you how i did that. these couloured parts are my construction guidelines, let me select them real quick.

you can see that it is quite symmetrical. now when i select the front view, you can see the large and the small copulas. here is a picture i used and a sectional drawing from the university of technology berlin. i constructed the copula with its proportions,

heights and windows. where are stucco elements, what is on the side etc. then i scaled everything on the basis of this beautiful picture. i built everything up symmetrically to make it look nice. i will turn off the picture again. here you can see the

general view and i am going into the perspective now. as a visitor, you can walk around this area and take pictures. the whole model was created using pictures. again and again i checked how the details look like and how high the buildings are compared to the surrounding ones.

that is how you can narrow it down until the whole building is finished. only the area in the back was blocked for visitors. i drew it quite similar to the buildings in the front, which we were able to see. they probably used similar windows

to the ones over here. that is how you get closer and create it little by little. -this is st.peter's basilica part 47 and i am very surprised, because a week ago, i saw tobi and there where many pieces lying around. now you can finally see it: we are building st.peter's basilica! -i started

one and a half weeks ago, but i began earlier taking a look at the drawing, at the building itself and at the coulours, which is very important to me. -but you do not have a construction manual. i saw that everywhere, there were tons of pieces.

were you not afraid of losing the order? it is hard work, you get these pieces and the drawing and are allowed to start. you first have to think about the order and how the model was constructed. -did you not become nervous? -in the beginning, i did. it is a huge and complex building.

of course you get nervous, but the longer you work on it, the less nervous you get, and the more you want to start putting it together. the drawing looks great and putting it together... -stop! it is only the building's drawing not a manual like the one

of a faller construction kit, where all pieces are explained. you have to find your own order by using pictures of the original. i would never be able to do that. everytime i would use a piece i would need to ask what it is. i am excited how it goes on,

because the forecourt, the arcades, the sistine chapel etc. still need to be built. did it go off smoothly after you started? -sure, we got more relaxed, we can concentrate on the details, especially on the figures, because we have a lot of them at the basilica.

-will you also do the square's decoration? -we have not decided yet. i will first construct the building and then we will see. it is likely that everyone needs to help in the end. it is a huge area.. -what do you think, how long will it take to add the copula? i hope that in the next one and a half months,

we will finish the roof. then we have to see if we can already add the copula. -it will be a gigantic building and i am excited whether its dimensions will fit to the exhibition, because it is the second largest building after the terminals we have ever built in the wunderland.

it is always a risk, i am excited. the facade has already been prepared, the next step is coulouring the building's inside black. we always do that, so it will not glow or shine through when we add the lighting. after the coulouring, we will work on the roofs,

put them into place and see how it goes on. last week we added these stucco parts all around the building. there were many small pieces we glued on to now add this broad stucco profile. it also goes all around. this is a little bit tricky, because all of them are

3d printed parts which never fit the way you want them to do. you always need to pay attention that it fits and the stucco does not move on the facade. we also add some parts over here and then the facade should be finished from the outside and is ready to be painted.

in the meantime we prepared the roof. it is also painted, we just need to add some details. but then we can stick on the roof over here and are able to decorate the area with coulours. next week we will add all the small towers and houses,

that are placed onto these holes, so the roof will be finished soon and we can continue working on the colonnades, the big front facade, where all the figures will be put on. those are the next steps. i am trying out the pieces, whether they fit or need to be reworked. some are too round, they need

to be straightened to fit at the corners and look nice. the next step is the copula which is a very large piece, there is a lot of work to be done, but it is beautiful. we need to take a look at the digital drawing to see how it needs to be built and put together. today i am going to tell you something

about the big copula. i have been working on this for two weeks. i want to show you its development. here you can see the plastic block material ring. it is the basis of the copula. the different coulours represent different strengths of the material that i used.

here you can see the window frames, the foil areas. it has got 16 corners, that is why i only needed to draw one element or rather a changing angular- sharp element and put them into a circle to create the whole copula. this is the copula's curve, it consists of four elements of plastic block material.

they got stacked and decorating elements were put on top of it. these elements and the windows were printed. this is a troll's head, but i did not have one, so i took super mario. it is so small that you will not realize it, unless you take a very, very close look.

that is how big the window will be to the visitor. now i am doing a rendering and you will not be able to see if it is a troll or super mario. those are the small details you can laugh about when you know them. -this is the copula and i am now trying to get an overview how to build it and where to start.

i think i will start with this part, it is very difficult to create its shape. the other parts also need to fit to that and window holes need to be drilled. that is quite difficult, but i hope that i will have a good plan. i will continue with the area

underneath. there are many pieces, they all need to be sawed and glued to fit together. the lower walls with their windows seem to be fairly small in the drawing. but i can show you their size, because stefan has already milled them.

the lower ring will be made out of these parts and this is a profile running above, you can already see its final size and diameter. as you can see, there is still a lot to that need to be sanded and smoothed to create a beautiful round copula. another difficulty

are these struts on the outside. it would be nice if they would lie flat against the copula. i am still not sure how to do that. i have got an idea, but i still need to perfect it i think, to round it nice and evenly. last time i told you that we need to find a solution

for the copula. i built this rather adventurous construction to turn the model while i am sanding it. to get the perfect shape for adding the struts. we have put everything together and added the small houses. everything seems to fit in well. i have also added the roof in the front.

now i am aging the lower area and adding some shadows. i am using a brush and a pigment. it takes some time to get all around, but it creates the most beautiful effect. -hello! we wanted to give you a nice update. an interesting topic came up that you need to tell me about. you did not have

any pattern for this area of st.peter's basilica. -exactly. -what did you do? -as a visitor, you were allowed to walk all around. but this area was locked. but i needed some information. i guessed everything and also used google earth. how do the shapes

of the roofs look like? i compared them to the ones in the front. it is a little bit improvised. it is basically mirrored. i was able to copy the sides. -luckily, no one can check that. -exactly, only if you work there. -do have an idea

how many hours you spent working on the copula? the construction took me about three weeks. -and the drawing? i did it in stages, but it also took a few weeks. -so the copula needed about 300-400 working hours. if you add the work of the basilica, it gets inconceivable. incredible! do you think we can

finish until the opening? there are only five weeks left. -we will need them. if nothing goes wrong. the electronical parts and the lighting still needs to be done. -do i need to help you? -if you try hard, you could help! -am i allowed to? -yes! -what can i do? the columns? -exactly! i have already prepared something. the columns in the middle need to be coloured.

-you can take them out, can't you? -exactly. they are only primed. we need some contrast, some shadows to make them lively. like these. -what should i do? -as i said, they are primed. here we have some pigments, i have already mixed them. now we are adding some black

to the top to highlight the hollows. -and i am blowing or sneezing on it now. -that is how we always do it. the saliva sticks it together. (laughter) the pigments are put on. but we need to fix them. we are using water, glue and lots of secret ingredients for that.

-is it always that easy? -only if you prepared the coulours. it takes ages if you still need to mix them. -i will now show you how to mess up a column. -i do not mind, this is the only one i have. -that was fun! incredible how many steps such a little column

needs, just to be aged. now your part is finished, because you will go on holiday? -right, i will leave tomorrow. it is hard to see, but we all have rings under our eyes. it has been four days since we have opened our beautiful italy. four days with hardly any sleep,

we had to rework some parts. and the emotions, the incredible reactions of the press, our guests' reactions, facebook, these videos hardly let me sleep. how about you? -i could sleep quite well, because the topic was finally done. there was nothing to keep in mind any longer, you could take a break,

because the project was finished. that was nice. -how do you feel watching the visitors now? sometimes they are even lined up in two rows, looking for details, not discovering all of them, which you hid so well. how does it feel? -of course you are proud. sometimes i watch their reactions.

sometimes you cannot even see the building, because there are too many people. but most of them say it is very impressive. -if you are in a bad mood, you should go here and and listen to the people. it is incredible! 22.000 small pieces were put together for this model weren't they? -that is what we guessed, about 22.000.

-putting 22.000 pieces together, that is half a lifetime! how did you do that so fast? -those were all the pieces and in the end, we were working on it with more people. it was tight. i thought , it would be even tighter but we increased our speed at the right time and created a little buffer of time. that worked out well.

but it was really tight, with the lighting etc. -what you do not know but might guess, because you accompanied them in this episode: they are always deeply relaxed. if you ask them, everything is always fine. i was so nervous, if you would finish until the opening, it was just-in-time. the technicians could start with the lighting just-in-time.

does the lighting look like you imagined? -it is beautiful to watch, especially at night when the difference... -i see, nighttime is coming soon! -... between model and reality disappears. -was the lighting finished on time or did you have to improvise? -as far as i know, it worked out well. -as you can see, it is getting darker and the lights at st.peter's basilica

are turned on piece by piece. especially at night, it is a very special atmosphere, as if you would fly over the square with a drone. especially with the colosseum in the background. especially this view, when you enter and see st.peter's basilica. when you stand in front of st.peters's square. the view of st. peter's basilica, st. peter's square, colosseum is incredible.

it is a worthy end of our single episodes of "bella italia" it is just right to have st. peter's basilica in the end. it became a true masterpiece, congratulations! i am proud of your work! incredible! did you have a lot of problems? -no, everything went fine. -you would not say anything else.

that's it with this episode of "bella italia" we hope that you got some insights in these gigantic buildings, that we constructed. we will produce a few more episodes, a few summaries or tours. then we will see how it goes on with venice, which is also in italy, so it could go on with "bella italia".

so see you, ciao!

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