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hello reptil.tv fans, and welcome to episode 100 of reptil.tv. this is an anniversary episode! a few facts on our history: the first episode was 7 years ago, in january 2009. we now have 25,000 subscribers. just a request: if you'd like to support us, subscribe to reptil.tv to enhance our profile on youtube. we've had 5.6 million views up to now - our videos have been viewed 5.6 million times! it's a huge number, so we're very pleased. we'd like to hit 10 million at some point. so, we've increased our video interval. we used to have just one episode on the first of each month. now, with the new technical episodes, we have an episode every 10 days.
the technical episodes are shown on the 10th and 20th and the new reptil.tv episode is shown on the 1st. i've travelled a lot and have filmed in many countries. we've filmed in asia, in hong kong and japan for example. then there's america: we've filmed in north america, central america and south america. africa has been a focal point, naturally, with ghana, togo, benin and the ivory coast. good news from the production team - flo has built himself a house. he actually bought and renovated a house. with my money from the 100 episodes, of course! i had to pay a lot for it but he's earned it. another funny thing that happens...my wife and kids always laugh a lot at this...
when small or bigger boys - that seems to be my target audience - recognise me and come up to me and say “hey, you're stefan!†they ask me for autographs sometimes - all because of youtube and reptil.tv - unbelievable. episode 100 - special occasion - our idea was to show 100 animals for the 100th episode. we're often asked to show this, or show that... so, today, we are showing 100 reptiles the 100 most beautiful reptiles - that i have to hand, of course there will be many missing - i can only show a selection i can only show what i have, but i'll try to show the 100 most beautiful.
a quick note on hygiene: we're clever about this when i'm handling animals here, then they're from a breed and i'm not transmitting anything if there are different animals, my hands are washed and disinfected. don’t worry. enjoy 100 amazing reptiles. it's no surprise that the ball python is heavily represented amongst the 100 most amazing reptiles let's start with the ball python i have here a pretty ghi mojave the ghi with mojave has these amazing colours another ghi combo: ghi lesser fire
a triple combo - we have lesser here, and also fire the third ghi in the group is a ghi pastel a double combo. the pastel ghi is another really beautiful animal the ghi has an incredible number of varieties in animals that brings us to the champagne group this one here is a champagne with ghost and also fire ghost-champagne is called mimosa and you have fire on top of that champagne has been available for 10 years; it was a huge craze 10 years ago. it came from africa - ghana noah bred the first champagnes - that was a real sensation
here is a normal champagne - this one is poss gravel and poss specter one of the parents was specter gravel and the mother was champagne and that gives us this champagne - poss gravel poss specter really beautiful animal with its spotted pattern, and different to an ordinary champagne the third champagne is this neon pastel champagne when pastel and champagne mate, we get this neon line they have different colours to the ordinary pastel champagne so, the ordinary pastel champagne is pretty, but this neon gene is still an indeterminate gene, unfortunately
similar to the calimero champagne - the same, or similaris still an indeterminate gene, unfortunately it gives a striking, almost neon-coloured pattern in the champagne here's a co-dominant - this is the leopard we used to think that all leopards were het for pieds. but now we know that's not the case. it's actually a leopard ball python the leopard causes this pattern similar to a leopard's depending on what it's combined with, here we have a leopard callico spider a triple combo - it also has the leopard that we've just seen in it it also has spider and callico, which completely changes its markings
now, here i have a super tiger - a genetic tiger it's a co-dominant morph: tiger + tiger gives super tiger this one has less black than the tiger this morph is just beginning - let's see what can be made from it i find it interesting because it has less black i think we'll be able to make lots of things from it i think it's the same as the blade in the usa. it makes unbelievably interesting things in combination with clown and the tiger makes interesting things with clown and blade too. i suspect they're both the same.
here we have an evergreen - it's a mojave i think mojave is one of the nicest basic morphs this dark black and the yellow is so gorgeous this is a black mojave, because it has had something mixed into it that brings the black more to the fore. or makes it more intense. so, black mojave is simply a pretty range of mojave. here's a pewter - pewter used to be a real craze pewter is simply cinnamon with pastel. pewter is so-called because its markings are the colour of pewter and the bigger it gets, the more pewter-coloured it becomes
the first pewters were absolute sensations; there are now lots of pewters they're now mixed with other morphs here we have a ghost pewter. the whole thing is lighter, with less black it has this pretty, light-coloured head and these lovely markings you have these bright pastel shades.... i really like this morph the ghost pewter now we have the banana, or the coral glow they're the same. two names for the same thing. banana was a sensation a few years ago
male bananas were traded for 40 or 50,000 dollars bananas even have so-called male makers, which is exceptional. if you have a male, you can only get more males from bananas. i thought it wasn't biologically possible at first; i thought it was an advertising strategy i can't explain - biologically - how a morph only produces the same sex as itself, but that's how it is if you breed with a male banana, you get 95% males and these males, too, produce only males
if you have a female, it will produce only females. here's a banana bumblebee. a quick comment on bananas: they have these black spots those of us with a terrarium are always afraid of mites when we see animals like this when we see black spots, we think “oh, god, i have mites in the terrarium†don't worry - on bananas, they're not mites it's part of the banana's markings here's another banana together with enchi this gives the banana really lovely colours - the shades become pastel,
you have these soft cream colours together with the enchi this one also has spider and pastel in it. so it's a banana enchi bumblebee the black spots disappear in this case. similar colours but something different: this one here is a lavender albino lavender albino is an albino variant an amelanistic animal but not the “ordinary†albino the lavender albino has more of this lilac in it the yellow is a little more orange, making the lavender albino a really great snake it also cost tens of thousands of dollars for a time...a wonderful ball python
another albino but not a lavender. with normal amelanistic animals, we talk about tyrosine-negative albinos, but the classic albino is the t-negative albino. albino champagne in this case - a combination of the two brings the markings to the fore really nicely staying with albino, but together with clown here... so, albino with clown, double recessive albino clowns are beautiful, rare animals this is a killerbee clown - so, it's clown + spider + super pastel the markings are hugely reduced, almost down to just a stroke
it's really difficult to identify the clown in it but it's a really beautiful morph now for the ultimate evergreen, the piebald there are few ball pythons that attract as much attention as a piebald the contrast - with this white and this pattern it fascinates people, and everyone looks at piebalds at exhibitions piebald is still a classic for all time. it comes in so many different combos. here we have a piebald super pastel
with the super pastel, it comes out even more clearly than with piebald alone sometimes, piebald pastel can't be distinguished from piebald piebald super pastel has more striking and brighter markings another piebald: piebald pinstripe pastel pin pastel is also called lemonblast - so, in this case, a piebald lemonblast this pretty one is a piebald too, even though it no longer has markings some piebald combos become completely white - they're called coconut pied if spider is mixed into it. some of them still have markings and others are totally white so, these white ones are called coconut piebald
the albino piebald is a dream for all ball python breeders albino and piebald combined you have this lovely white together with yellow they used to cost 10, 20 or 30,000 dollars. they're a bit more affordable now. but a really beautiful snake nevertheless. with some morphs, you can't even tell at first glance what they come from. here's a blackhead mystic it could be all sorts of things but, as a blackhead mystic, has lots of potential for new morphs speaking of potential: here is a really lovely bongo bongo came from africa 5 or 6 years ago
the bongo can be used to create amazing things. here we have a bongo cinnamon super pastel there is no lesser in it, so bongo cinni super pastel is a pretty, new morph staying with the bongo: this is bongo + butter + spider it has this kind of washed-out marking personally, i like the washed-out markings...some people want really clear markings i like it when it looks a little bit dirty - i think it's really nice now, this one is the opposite - this has clear, pure colours. this is a caramel mojave
these two morphs together reveal these clear colours staying with caramel: this one here is a caramel pastel as a combo. we have caramel and ultramel...this one is caramel. now, on to the multi-combos. some breeders - not me - try to breed up to 8 morphs in a single animal in this case, we have a four-way combo: pinstripe + pastel + butter + cinnamon it's not noticeable at all. i don't think anyone could tell what it's bred from by looking at it you'd have to know already. the more it's cross-bred, the more the markings disappear and the more you need to know the parents in order to know what the result is
this one is easier. it's an unusual animal, but it's a genetic strip pastel the stripe on the genetic strip has almost disappeared some of these animals also have a continuous stripe i like it when the stripe dissolves into points or something like that personally, i really like it when it disappears like that something a bit less conspicuous...the fire, or math-fire line. the fire is not quite so spectacular but what's interesting is what can be made from a fire it was a huge surprise, years ago, when fire + fire produced a white reptile with black eyes
the so-called black eye lucy some of them have yellow spots, too but it's hard to believe that pairing fire with fire produces a white animal! here’s another white animal, which was also a big hit and was a record-holder for prices at one stage an ivory like this has been sold for 110,000 dollars found in africa, it went for 110,000 dollars in the usa the ivory consists of yellowbelly + yellowbelly, and you get this pretty reptile from it there is a whole group of reptiles in this yellowbelly complex
personally, it's my favourite complex for ball pythons, just because it produces such beautiful animals superstripe is yellowbelly with specter - that produces the superstripe superstripe with pastel produces these beautiful animals fantastic, vibrant colours superstripe with enchi gives the enchi superstripe also part of the complex and looks like a yellowbelly... but it’s a gravel. gravel gives us fantastic things one of which is the super gravel, which we're showing you a photo of quickly
this one is produced when gravel mates with gravel the classic in gravel mating is gravel with yellowbelly which produces the highway this is a pretty highway i would say that the highway is one of the most popular morphs of the last few years you can see it all in the adult, and this one also has pastel in it this is a pastel highway, an adult breeding female people say that many ball pythons lose their colour as they get older yes, the markings fade somewhat, but they are a fantastic animal visually and in terms of colour
this one is 2 or 3 kilos here we have the so-called candino - it's a combo of candy and albino - hence, candino candy is another amelanistic form which shares alleles with the albino, so that they can mate together and that gives a pretty, lavender-coloured albino now, let's go back to the piebalds, together with the black heads this one here is a black head piebald another of the newer morphs it also came from africa from noah, 5-6 years ago
this is a bamboo, bamboo belongs to the blue eye lucy complex anything that mates from this complex - butter, mojave, russo, other bamboos - always produces white reptiles so, that's called the blue eye lucy complex, and bamboo belongs to that, too and that brings us to the end of the ball pythons the ball python round, so to speak those of you who aren’t all that interested in ball pythons: you’ve done it! and now, to finish, the highlight of the ball python scene... this is a sunset - the name is self-explanatory
it's the most expensive morph of all the ball pythons right now it's also the most rare - only around 10 of them are bred per year at the moment this is a female sunset, the absolute pride of our breed not all giant pythons earn their names. here, we have a spotted pygmy python. it's one of the smallest pythons - they stay under a metre long and come from australia as i said - giant python doesn’t necessarily mean giant. then we have the colubrids i could say the opposite here - colubrids are not always automatically small
this is an indigo snake. these snakes grow to be huge and powerful, up to 3 metres. green snakes are always fascinating right at the top on the popularity scale here we have a baron’s green racer as i said, terrarium owners are fascinated by green, and these snakes are easy to keep they're perfect for keeping in a terrarium now for a little more colour moving on to milk snakes...this is a honduran milk snake here as an albin
the banded ones are similar to coral snakes here as an albino really beautiful animals the albino is amelanistic here we have anerythristic - the same snake that means that the red pigments are missing this, here in the middle, was red on the other one it's black here if the two mate together
then red and black are missing, and you get snow so, here again, a honduran milk snake as snow here, we see just a light yellow bar marking. the red is missing, and the black is missing in this case here is a snake that used to be hugely popular especially in former east germany and eastern european countries they were bred heavily there: an amur ratsnake they're rare these days because hardly anyone still breeds them
it's a nice terrarium snake though a rarity these days, unfortunately this one is similar - this one is a western ratsnake a black ratsnake, in theory with a liquorice colour pattern it came from the usa about 20 years ago it was a real sensation back then sorry if i keep talking about “back then†and “sensationsâ€! but these are all animals that everyone wanted when they came out
and they were quite expensive. there are lots of them now and so people hardly notice them because they were bred for years and were just forgotten corn snakes are a major topic in relation to terrarium reptiles here is a pretty lavender corn snake to begin with it's a lavender motley, if i’m identifying the spots correctly corn snakes are the number 1 snake in terrariums there are loads of different colours, this one here was lavender here we have a candy cane
candy cane is a kind of amelanistic snake - albino candy canes are particularly white with a strong red colour this one here is a snow - i wasn't sure if it was snow or butter this is snow, a mating of amelanistic with hypomelanistic i’m still thinking about the snow, but sometimes mistakes may happen now we have something really special but it's contentious: this is a scaleless corn snake i've been breeding scaleless corn snakes for years personally, i really love it
i think they feel great they shed their skin and can feed without any difficulty they're not sensitive - the same as any other corn snake but the topic of scaleless is definitely controversial it's up to everyone to form their own opinion but personally, i really like them the colour changes...really pretty scaleless corn snake moving away from corn snakes and on to asian snakes here is a bamboo snake
there are subspecies of bamboo snakes, too this is an asian snake that needs cool temperatures they are kept at normal room temperature because they come from areas where they need the cold that's a good thing for terrarium owners and they have lovely, vibrant colours, of course moving in a different direction: a hog-nosed snake a colour explosion has developed here this one here has a ruddy colour
western hog-nosed snakes can eat mice without any problems that's why they're well-established as terrarium snakes there are lots of different colours now albino is the most common morph one thing that should be said is that these are venomous colubrid snakes this means that they have venomous fangs at the back of the jaw it’s not thought that they have a toxic effect or...it's not really known that they do
but they're not something to give to a child that's just something you need to know about colubrid snakes and now on to boa constrictors here i have a 2-metre-long terrarium boa it's been a classic terrarium snake for many years the trend has moved towards purebred boas in recent years here i have a cay caulker boa it's a boa constrictor imperator what’s great is that the imperators stay a lot smaller
this one here is a sexually mature breeding female about 1.5 metres long it has babies regularly so, it's full-size as a purebred imperator this is another purebred boa a surinam boa surinam is one of the most beautiful boas if you look at its little red tail
a really lovely boa constrictor subspecies but it grows quite big - around 3 metres every snake has its colour morphs here i have a salmon boa or perhaps even a super salmon as i said - there’s no snake without a colour morph salmon is a type of hypomelanism and now on to the blood python they stay small, but the name “blood python†is appropriate
they're actually kind of nasty sometimes but they're quite well-behaved as offspring he's calmed down again. there are colour variants here too this is an ivory blood python you get ivory when platinum mates with platinum that gives us this pretty ivory blood python this ivory-coloured snake is an ivory tiger python we get ivory when we breed hypo with hypo
now, this one is an albino labyrinth for years, labyrinth was not bred, but we’re seeing them again now here as an albino - so, albino labyrinth this is pearl labyrinth - also albino, as before but as an albino hypo labyrinth it’s called pearl labyrinth moving away from tiger pythons and on to carpet pythons... we have a pretty little jungle carpet python here the jungle is mainly black and white when it's young
they have black/yellow markings when they get bigger from australia to madagascar this is a dumeril’s boa from madagascar people with lots of space can look after these great hulks this one is an albino reticulated python then, you have the reticulated python with tiger retic as its colour form that's the tiger retic colour variant and last but not least
you also have reticulated pythons as dwarfs now so that it’s all a little bit easier to handle here we have an albino tiger dwarf reticulated python and now, finally, on to the tetrapods for folks that are more interested in these reptiles here we have a pretty rhinoceros iguana then we have the green iguanas a feature in terrariums for a long time not green in this case, but a blue one
the blue ones come from el salvador and the ones we have in blue, we also have in red let's be careful so that it doesn't escape the red colour variants are a kind of orange/red and they're also bred as albinos, of course here we have an albino green iguana this one here is a black iguana from central america now back to green, but we're going from america to asia this is a chinese water dragon
from asia back to central america again... a common collared lizard from the wichita mountain area in this case these ones are especially colourful chameleons are also very popular in terrariums here we have a pretty yemen chameleon a subadult female apart from yemen chameleons panther chameleons are relatively easy to keep
yemen and panther chameleons are two kinds of chameleons that are really good for keeping in a terrarium this one is a panther chameleon, also a female bearded dragons are a classic feature in terrariums on the one hand, you have these rankin's dragons as adolescents, full-grown, they are double in size or length and four times the volume this one here is still young
the most common of the bearded dragons is this pogona vitticeps here’s an adult, full-grown female a sandfire red adult female bearded dragon in this case from dragon lizards to geckos... we introduced these in a previous episode the crested gecko pretty terrarium animals always really well-behaved and lovely, tame animals leopard geckos are great animals for terrariums
and they now have lots of colour varieties this one here is a white and yellow lavender this one here is just white and yellow, so, a completely white and yellow animal, the white and yellow leopard gecko then we have a sunglow tangerine that's tangelo - tangerine albino - we call that tangelo that’s tangerine tornado this one is a striped these are also called designer morphs
people just try to breed in stripe patterns, for instance tortoises are also part of terrarium life, of course land tortoises are particularly well suited here is the classic greek land tortoise - a young one this is a two-year-old marginated tortoise it gets a little bigger than the greek one and now on to africa... there, we have this leopard tortoise it gets even bigger than the european ones
and those who want a really big one can go for these aldabra giant tortoises if they have the space they grow to almost one metre they weigh 500-600 kilos they're the biggest in the world, along with the galapagos tortoise if you own a villa or a small zoo you can have an absolutely beautiful terrarium animal like this this is an albino mississippi alligator
unfortunately, it grows to a huge size - over 3 metres but it’s a lovely, gentle animal so, for those of you who have space, this is one of my absolute favourites which is why it's at position 99 surpassed only by position 100 this here is our nils you all know him. nils is our leucistic nile monitor he's growing and thriving and shedding his skin for number 100, there are just two specimens in the entire world
that’s our wonderful number 100 to finish off now i’d like to hear what you think please post your top 5 on youtube out of all of the 100 animals you’ve see here which 5 are your favourites? which 5 would you put in the top spots? post here on youtube this one here was my number 1 stay loyal, check my balls and check my top 100
stefan, congrats on 100 episodes and thanks for my amazing house stefan, congratulations on 100 episodes of reptiltv. keep posting and best of luck! hello stefan, congratulations on the 100th episode of reptiltv from japan congrats on 100 episodes of reptiltv best wishes for your 100th episode from christian stefan, congrats on your amazing work from verona reptiles stefan, congrats, but model trains are a lot cooler yaaay 100 episodes! what happened there?
what was that? he pooped hahaha, he pooped (yeah, he pooped) he needed to relieve himself he's relieved himself in the middle of the set, so to speak i messed that up...nevertheless a lovely snake. are there any missing? this here is the normal ruddy colour i need the next one now...hehe, will we do that again? melino, we need to see how we can switch them
whoops...yes, that's it come here, baby! oops for anyone who doesn’t want lizards...uh... that was nonsense again. pretty, well-behaved, gentle, lovely animal...oh man, eh? probably the last sentence if i’m about to burst into tears until then... i don’t have much more on that super, right?
episode 100 was so successful with the 100 best reptiles for episode 101, we're doing the 100 best feed animals i've already got something prepared so, number 1 is fritzle number 2, klaus number 3, egon number 4, lina please don’t be offended - that was just a joke and it's nothing disrespectful against animals it's just a stupid gag. please don’t be upset or offended - thank you
dad, i helped really well - can i have my smartphone now? pleeease!