wohnzimmer farbe eine wand

wohnzimmer farbe eine wand

*highfive sound effect* top of the morning to ya laddies! my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to pottermore! *jack is humming the harry potter theme* we're doing more harry potter stuff, because it's fun and i wanted to do more , but i didn't even think there was more 'cause i only heard people talk about their patronuses and their hogwarts house i didn't realize their was a whole lot more you could do , but after i did the last one video people keep tweeting at me and sending me pictures and everything of their--the rest of this stuff

like their wand , i didn't know you got to discover your wand i want to know what my wand is , and also your *jack struggles to read* aelvermorny? ilvermorny house? i don't know what it is. but ilvermorny , aelvermorny whatever is the great north american school of magic which was found in seveteenth century it stands at the highest peak of mount greylock, where it is concealed from non-magic gaze by a variety of powerful enchantments which sometimes manifest in a wreath of misty cloud irish beginnings! isolt sayre, it doesn't sound like an irish name was born around 1603 and spent her childhood in the valley of coomloughra

oh by jesus! county kerry , in ireland she was the offspring of two pure-blood wizardry families, her father william sayre- blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah daaamn, okay we'll hopefully get to figure out what that is, after a while but the first thing i wanna do is discover my wand i don't know what we do, but mr.. ollivander is gonna treat me nicely you take your time and answer honestly your find your answers are final. yeah. i know same as last time um, to ensure we find the perfect wand for you. it is very important that you answer the following questions

honestly first of all would you describe yourself as yeah, i'm average height. i'm not tall and i'm not short. i'm like five foot nine and a half if we're going to get technical about it i'm almost 5'10'', but not really um which is like purely average height and your eyes are my eyes, there's some baby blues blue green blue gray which is blue? yes, the fucking weird mix match of color, so she's got the baby blues maybe blue grey. i know i'm just putting on blue

what was the day that you were born i was born on an odd number because i was born on the seventh and the seventh is odd this is maths with jack and not just maths - wizard's maths wizarding mathematics, we're one salamander plus two eyeballs equals magic,an odd number do you most pride yourself on - i thought that said kitchen - your kindness, your optimism, your determination, your resilience, imagination, intelligence, or originality.

i don't think i'm wholly original i have some originality and creativity in me, but i don't think that i don't think that that's my best trait i don't think my intelligence is my best trait. i'm not dumb even though i hope i seem to prove the opposite of that all the time in my videos but i don't think intelligence is my strongest thing imagination is pretty good but i don't know - imagination, daydreaming. i don't know are those my positive qualities. i think i am resilient i am determined. i have a bit of all of these in me. i think my kindness or my optimism would be my main traits. i think maybe my optimism

a big ol daddy long-legs in my room. get out of here sir you're not supposed to be in here hang out with that light for a while my optimism because i like to see the good in everything i like to remain positive and see the positives and a lot of things traveling alone down a deserted road you reach across roads. do you continue left towards the sea? ahead towards the forest or right towards the castle well in a crossroads i always tend to go right because i'm right-handed and i feel like everything i do is on the right side not the wrong side ha ha it's a little magic joke for - you wizards jokes welcome to hogwarts school where you learn wizards jokes!

even though i'm in ravenclaw, so apparently i'm book-smart more than anything which i know shocked us all and i'm gonna say right towards the castle i do like castles and i like going right i do like forests more than castles because they're cool i head towards the forest cuz it's like left right nah. fuck it. let's just go straight screw the rules. do you most fear - fire, darkness, isolation, small spaces, or heights well you got me

um small spaces i don't fear or at least i don't think i fear but i i think if i ever got into a really small space and couldn't like move my arms at all like say if i have to go into a cave or a tunnel or something where if they're like shimmy through it like this i think panic would sit in pretty quickly the fact that i can't like use my arms to move and shimmy and then the feeling of possibly getting stuck in there and that's scary, but i've ever been in that i do know that my fear of heights is quite strong even going up escalators in airports where it's like a floor below

and you see all the glass and like help it's weird because if you have fear of heights. it's it's normally it's only a fear of heights without any safety nets it's like if i'm on top of a building and i'm looking out over a railing down that would scare the fucking shit out of me, but if i'm in the building like looking down with a good buffer between me. i'm not that scared. it's same on a plane i'm never scared of heights on a plane because you're only looking out i think it's that feeling when you can't see anything below you on a plane you're looking out

but there's like the the sight of the plane is right there but if you were like if that's i did the plane if the sight of a plane was glass i would freak the fuck out - anyway, moving on. in the chest of magical artifacts, which one would you choose - an ornate mirror. dusty bottle golden key, a silver dagger bound scroll or glittering jewel. i would be all over that silver dagger - silver dagger or the golden key. it's done. rowan wood, with a dragon heartstring core, twelve and a half inches plaint - or pliant flexibility. hear that?

twelve and a half inches. what's up, twelve and a half inches with dragon heartstring rouen roman atwood wand with a dragon heartstring? smile more wand that's what we call it so - it's not the coolest-looking wand but very few ones are actually that cool-looking in harry potter like harry's wand is boring-looking hermione's is kind of boring some people though, and i can't remember who has them i just remember looking at the wands - some people have really cool-looking wands - like the elder wand, i don't even think is that cool-looking it looks like the amygdalas from blood-borne

but it doesn't really - look - doesn't look like the most powerful wand in the world. it looks unique but you know i don't know how you'd fix it um your wand has - has chosen you spread the word. no. more about my wand rowan. rowan wood has always been much favored for wands because it is reputed - okay - to be more protective than any other whatever, i want to hear with a dragon as a rule, dragon heartstring produce wands with the most power and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than any other types while they can change allegiance if one from their original master - get out of here daddy long-legs! motherfucker

they always bond strongly with the current owner. the dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the dark arts though it will not incline that way of its own accord it is also the most prone to the three cores to accidents being somewhat temperamental. i like that well not - not the abilities of a but. i just like that. it's a dragon heartstring. sounds cool. that's what i want okay, let's let's head back. let's do our ilver morni house alvermorny - alver - whatever the fuck we don't have to answer questions like this again. would you rather - oh that's tripping me out. would you rather hunt or heal. heal, please. i am strongest when i know i'm right, with my comrades,

enthusiastic, awake, alone. none of these are really the same as each other. i'm strongest when i'm awake - not - i'm strongest when i'm asleep umm, or maybe it's i'm strongest when i'm hashtag woke. i'm strongest when i'm enthusiastic when i feel like i have like like a lot of gusto in something, i feel like i'm strongest not when i'm right, coz when you think you're right does not mean you're actually right, plus being right is not always the strongest thing - that, or when i'm with my friends what would you exchange for your heart's desire?

yeah, what would you exchange for your heart's desire? anything? that which i can afford to lose, blood sweat and tears, or what it is worth. for my heart's desire... i feel like blood sweat and tears. i feel like if i really want something i will put my all into it to accomplish it or achieve it but materialistic things is a bit different think of the question you would most like answered by a person or an all-knowing being or device which of the following most closely resembles the answer you'd like to hear. without a shadow of a doubt never

very soon it is impossible yes, i will show you everything only if you agree if you come with me, no i didn't, you are, yes you may, only once, if you want to, forever not for many years. this is weird. these are - no wonder you get sorted into fucking weird houses and everything i its like these questions are just all over the place if you want to i think best sums me up i feel like i always leave it down to the person saying do you want to do this thing if you want to do it. do what you want, man. be you. all i need is an opportunity, a little more time -

oh man, a little more time i would love. some help already inside me all i need is already inside me - the 12 and a half inch want [chuckle] an opportunity i think i think that's that's me... a little more time - yeah, i feel like that's also me cuz i'm always like i always feel like i run out of time to do things some help, already inside me. i feel like all of them creativity is inside me but i feel like the opportunity is what i thrive on. if i have an opportunity to showcase what i can do

then all the rest kind of fall into place yeah, the opportunity to do it first. what jinx would you least like to experience? ah the react channel. at jinx that meant nothing was funny. oh god no. a jinx that made all food taste like straw no. a jinx that kept you constantly awake. a jinx that played music constantly in your head, that's already happening. jinx that struck you dumb jinx that forced you to tell the truth well, i'm already a truthful person, but i feel like this one. i would like a jinx that constantly kept me awake i don't like to go to bed

alright, i like i don't mind sleeping all that much even though sleep is for the weak, but i would like to i'd like to be awake all the time cuz then i get my little more time from before imagine if every day for me was 24 hours. i mean i probably die from exhaustion. i'm always value freedom individuality, service, or ambition. i think freedom individuality sure but there's nothing wrong with conforming either because everyone's always saying do what you do stand out and that's great advice like if you do have something individual in you to definitely pursue that and make it your own thing

but - but there's no shame in also conforming and fitting in because some people don't have the confidence to be an individual - some people don't have the confidence go out there on a limb and be that weird quirky unique thing. sometimes some people are happiest just when they're fitting in and there's nothing wrong with that um, i do say i - i would say i would lean more on expressing your individuality more though um, service? no ambition yeah, i am a big - i do value ambition pretty highly

and i do get attracted more towards ambitious people or people inspiring people or people who kind of know what they're doing or know what they want but still i think freedom kind of falls under all of that so the free - the freedom lets you do basically whatever you want and that's what i am always a firm believer in just do what you want i would always give advice on how to do certain things and specificity and all that but it's just more than anything just do what you want do what makes you happy. no curse can work without the victims secret consent?

what? true...? i don't know. congratulations. you've been sorted into thunderbird that sounds - well actually ravenclaw actually does sound cool slytherin actually sounds cool as well slytherin is a very onomatopoeic word it's like slytherin~ i don't i feel like slytherin is the only house that actually really sounds like its mascot - well ravenclaw actually yeah, like hufflepuff doesn't actually sound like its mascot- are hufflepuffs badgers? gryffindor well griffin nevermind. i'm talking out my ass

slytherin just sounds cool. okay ravenclaw sounds cool as well gryffindor and hufflepuff don't sound that cool thunderbird sounds cool. i want to learn more about my house named by chadwick boot after his favorite magical beast - the thunderbird a beast that creates storms as it flies thunder bore - thunderbird house is sometimes considered to represent the soul of a witch or wizard it is also said the thunderbird favors adventures. yeah, that's what i'm into the adventure tell your friends you've joined thunderbird hi friend, friend. i'm a thunderbird magic thunderbird yes, what are the other houses in ilvermorny ? i don't know thunderbird wallpaper. can i you do that? ooh. hey, let's see if we can actually search up the other houses oh

there's the horned serpent that's pretty cool, there's a wampus yo, you - what - what school are you in? that wampus? are you in the wampus house? it's like yeah stop making fun of me. i feel like the wampus's are the hufflepuffs sometimes considered to represent the body of a witch or wizard is also said that wampus favours warriors all of these favors the soul or the mind the body the soul - oh, i read it wrong - and the heart ooh the pukwudige the heart of a wizard. favors healers

adventurers, warrior scott yeah, i feel like i got the one that most describes me. i just love adventure. when i was younger. i used to just run down the fields and chase rabbits and climb trees that's cool. i feel like i got the best one. i like thunderbird more than all of them as well not just for what it stands for but just a name thunderbird that's cool i'm kind of warming up to the ravenclaw idea because i didn't really know much about ravenclaws - it was always like you should be gryffindor cause harry potter was in gryffindor and the - the ravenclaw's that it showed me like gilderoy lockhart and luna lovegood. it's like cool

well luna's cool. luna's smart but gilderoy lockhart was just an egotistical douchebag, and i didn't like him i'm in the basset hound. i'm disappointed with the basset hound the more i think about it. it's like cuz the patronus is supposed to be like - expecto patronum! - like the fucking dementors are coming to suck your soul out through your face and they're all dark and wizardy - nevermind the fact that they're kind of like nazgul from lord of the rings, whatever there's a lot of parallels between lord of the rings in harry potter. i'm not saying jk. rowling stole them. she was definitely influenced um but this like fucking dementors coming up suck your soul through your arsehole, and then you're like expected patronum and a basset hound comes out

basset hounds trip over their own ears all the time i want my patronus to be like, a fucking dragon, that's why i like my wand my wand has dragon heartstring in it. that's cool. i like that i - i like that one, but the basset hound come on you're a good companion where you're more of like a house you're more of like my my the creature that brings me mail like hedwig or scabbers we won't - we won't spoil who scabbers actually even though everyone fucking knows already, but that feels look at what like the basset hound would be i want i want like a cool

petronus. can i do it again? i wish. but anyway that's it for this video on pottermore i don't think there's actually anything else to do in it now. i think we're kind of done but i like that i like the ilvermorny houses. that's cool and i kinda forgot that there was more schools of witchcraft and wizardry around the world. if that's what the whole frickin goblet of fire is about bringing in the other schools for the triwizard cup. so that's awesome! anyway - oh, let me know what your um your other stuff is. some people like showed me what their ilvermorny house and their wands and stuff was already, but i kind of just said your patronus and your hogwarts house last time so show me what these ones are i'm curious. i was - i had a great time looking over

everybody's stuff from last time people were getting like gryffindor and they were also getting like somebody's stuff was like a stag i was like oh you're basically harry. harry or james that's cool. i have a basset hound, at least give me something like a badger or a bat or a ferret those would be cool, but a basset hound, i don't i feel like i've no connection with that anyway, thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch the like button in the face like a boss!!! and highfives all round *whoosh whoosh* but thank you guys and i'll see all you dudes in the next video!!

*outro music - i'm everywhere by teknoaxe* oh deaaar that's what a basset hound sounds like it doesn't sound like *deep rough sound*

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