wohnzimmer weiß orange

and therewith welcome to a new let's play here on this channel. we play "last day of june". a beautiful story which handles of a...well...older married couple. here in the front you can see them. and it is...it'll be very enchanting. therefore no action, no call of duty, boom, boom, boom. it's going to be very calm, very beautiful, very enchanting.
and i almost think i almost think it's also going to be a little bit sad. but now let's firstly start with the story. ohh...is that beautiful here. i'd like to just sit here all the day. you're gorgeous. are you cold, honey?
in the car in the car there's a blanket. should i get it? very well then. then we're fetching honey of course the blanket. na ops...and? na, no laughing now. yes, yes...i'm going to hurry. i'll hurry. you're cold. i'm going to fetch the blanket from the car.
and now we can also take a flower with us. but first of course as long as she's cold... -maybe we bring her the flower for now already and then the blanket. that much time has to be. for a flower there's always time. can we give it to her? honey, look! for you! awww the flower is almost a beautiful as you.
oops i can't see that good anymore with the glasses. well... that much time had to be there. now we're directly going to the car. up there we parked. everything is a little bit blurry, but that's of course because of the glasses. that's not the graphic style, in actual fact that's full hd and everything. it's like 4k. ã„h, but because of the glasses everything looks of course a little bit blurry. so i'm just going to shortly open the car door.
there is the blanket. damn, i yet again gained a bit of weight. so, one time going around mazda range. and then we're just shortly looking from here. alright, lays of course on the passenger seat because she likes to sit smoother. does make sense. aw, is that beautiful here. look!
it's almost like these sunsets that you actually only remember from your memories of far away summers. when you were a little bit younger. when you didn't have responsibility for anything in life. when life was a bit more light-hearted. and i ask myself if that will someday exist again. aw, is that beautiful.
look, honey! here, fast. you shouldn't freeze. your blanket. here, i hang it over you. so what are you drawing there? what will that be? i hope you don't draw me. that wouldn't be that nice. although... yeah...
captain muscular oh, a present! a present for me? that's really for me? aww ah, she walks now. i didn't know that. i thought you always play him. where does it knock? look at aww
oh so, i thought that would be the door here. it obviously doesn't knock here. yeah, yeah, yeah i'm already coming. somebody stands there. wait shortly that gift is for him! thank you. thank you very very much bye, all the best! we're just sneaking through the living room. he may not here us. we have to hide the present somewhere.
look at...ohhh there he trained, you can see that one muscle. maybe here hiding it? yeah, that does look nice, but isn't a good hiding place. there you can see it very fast. soooo that was very pretty with sun and the other stuff. where can you- there we can't hide it. wait...what's cooking there?
ah, doesn't matter. something's cooking. so, maybe we can very obvious- wait there's a picture again. ahh of her as she's painting. she likes painting very much i think or is just drawing little things. scribbles and something like that...there we have something else. ah, that was nice. back then on the lake. he was rowing and we just sat there. she had read. ã„h, she just sat there. i have to decide for a speaking form.
oh and there with all of our friends except for the guy with the warrant. i don't know him. yes, yes, yes those were, ah, those where, yeah. when they come over for barbecues. so look! we've drawn the grandfather there. we obviously have painted all of the characters. look, here's the grandpa. sooo..here we have i don't know... junior? i don't know.
ah beautiful. looks a little bit like pan. so who do we have there? mhm. ellen degeneres, okay. ah, and here is her painting office. i mean her painting atelier. here are everywhere pictures and more oh, he's there too. we look at every painting of course. so, that's her atelier. then, can we maybe here somewhere...? the door is locked. art lover, because we looked at all pictures probably.
here we can put it maybe, but that's very conspicuous. ã„hm..yeah no, no. that's really cute. mhm, no, no. then i'm going up looking. maybe we can find something there. so, here are too- oh here are even more pictures. can we look at them all? no. but they're all beautiful. yeah, you can look.
this graphic style with the eyes is a little is a little bit creepy. i admit, but it has something. it has something special. soo...here ã„hm... she obviously likes to draw. here i can't put the present anywhere. after all...maybe here? but that's all too obvious soo...making it a little bit alright. with teddy.
no, that's not the right thing either. it's cute with the teddy, but anyhow... it's not good enough. oh, how much effort she mades. trophy received. never too old to play. soo...maybe maybe here. but that looks a bit like a stockroom. don't know if-but we'll shortly look.
yeah, maybe we can add something. not? or we give him the present at the pier. there where it was so beautiful. und this is the reason why we were at the pier. oh, stomachaches? naaaa, that's the good colleague again with his weapon that shoots out there. yeah, yeah that's enough now.
i actually wanted to doss. nya, where do you get out again? i forgot. i'm still half asleep. ã„hm, what is here- what is that here? aha somebody interestingly put the silverware together. sooo okay, how do we- oh. hehehe he can look at them too.
ã„h...sha...ã¤h... he loves her. what do you want to do? he loves her. and that's how it is. she can never fully comprehend why. reversed in the same way. but both have to live with that it's just like that. oh, somebody put a heart there. look! gonna look upstairs shortly. soo..let's see.
na, isn't that nice? the pier yes, you could go there once again. that's absolutely right. he figured that out himself. nobody helped him. ah, she sleeps right now. i think she laid down. i'm just gonna-i know outside banging all the time. it's not the world war. it's probably the one with the gun. we just look around here.
is there hanging a van gogh? am i seeing that right? soo...how do we- how do we get outside? where is the colleague shooting? i'm searching for the exit. of course i like to look at everything. i think he is it. the mr. general with the goldilocks in the front. ellen degeneres doesn't have a gun. the pan.
so, that's curry. and that is gronkh. so..wait no, of course not. gronkh is of course the one with a bald head. obviously. how do you-how do you get outside? there's a door, but i can't get outside. ahh, here. i knew it was him.
na curry, what's up? do you want to play ball? pan doesn't see it right now. paaan paaaan? she's just sleeping, wait. i can't get outside? okay. sooo...we can look at everything. i'm not allowed to get outside. gasp!
mhm, we've got a can opener now. can ofener look at. but do we have to get outside? i don't understand yet. ah, okay, wait. then we call here again. honey? honey, are you in there? hoooney? darling?
pretty woman? well, she's isn't here. oarrr don't scare me like that! driving to the pier? yeah, then let's go to the pier, sure! straightforward spontaneous. und this how they drove in mazda range to the lake.
it's by the way going left. and here we are again with the present in the hands and now we're allowed to open it. should i really? very well then. oh no. come, we have to get back fastly before it starts to rain, but i'll open it immediately. we take the present with us. c'mon, very fast, very fast, very fast. why is the church bell ringing now?
what is this unhallowed, sour rain? so, darling, i'll drive. ops. hach, here we're safe from the storm for now. but actually it's a little bit romantic sitting here in the car with the rain outside. but very well, who knows how bad it's going to be. we better drive wait, again. the car's already a bit older.
i have to- i have to drive by myself? what? i think that's a very bad idea. i have to drive myself- oh god. i think that's a very bad idea. that's odd, very cool. i can't do a side glance. so, we're just going to drive. i hope that's the right direction. last day of june
the last day in june. that's how you could translate it. i believe i believe he's dreaming right now about the day at the lake. i'm not sure. of course, he fell asleep on the sofa again like always. then let's wake him up. c'mon. it kinda seems a bit more threatening. earlier everything was so beautiful bright orange and now everything's so dark.
a bit like a little bit scary. a nightmare. relax, relax, relax old man. snatch you some glasses. relax, relax it was just a dream. okay, that she's not sitting here doesn't have to mean anything because it's late and she probably is already laying in bed. ã–hm
or was the accident real? and he's sitting now in a wheel chair and she isn't here anymore?