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hey guys! welcome to a new makeup tutorial! today i will show you how to get bigger eyes with makeup. lots of you requested this tutorial,so i thought why not? it reminds me a bit of the look marilyn monroe would wear. because she had especially big eyes. to achieve this look contouring and highlights are the main partsso letâ´s get started! step 1: eyebrowsdefine your eyebrows to open up your eyes step 2: highlight highlight the brow bone, inner parts of your lids and lids to let eyes appear wider and brighter.
i use a white kajal and set it with a cream color powder eyeshadow.line your waterline with the kajal. if your skin tone is much darker itâ´s best to use a nude kajal for this part. but for demonstration i wanted to keep high contrast to really seethe effect. step 3: contourtake a matte brown eyeshadow and place it in the crease of your lids. build up the eyeshadowgoing from light to dark brown to create an even darker shadow for more depth. donâ´t forget to contour under the eyes as well. step 4: eyeliner stay close to your lash line and extend your eyes with a winged eyeliner. step 5: lashescurl your lashes!
use lengthening mascara and another one for volume. to finish it up, i use fake lashes. keep them flared out at the end to really extend your eyes! half lashes are best for that! last step and thatâ´s optional: line the wingedliner with white kajal to open up your eyes even more donâ´t forget to contour under that line! i hope this video was useful! give this videoa thumbs up if so and thank you all very much for watching! donâ´t forget to subscribe and follow me onfacebook, twitter or instagram! all links are in the description box below. see youin my next video! bye