salon wohnzimmer oer erkenschwick preise

salon wohnzimmer oer erkenschwick preise

there's too many people in the countryend of story that's it it needs to stop now immigrations had agreat effect on britain before zonker so we're only lodgers now we can't fiteverybody we are two smaller nation the number of immigrants in the uk has hit arecord 7.9 million according to a recent survey three-quarters of britons want toreduce the numbers coming in the country has never been so divided immigrationhas brought many benefits we can take a certain amount and i think we've comebeyond that in this experiment we've come to london which has the highestpercentage of immigrants in the country to bring both sides of the debatetogether five sets of uk born citizens

will challenge five sets of immigrantsall living and working legally in the capital they've come from all over theworld each will be paired with a brit who has strong views on immigrationso no margaret and i have got that crunch question after spending timetogether will the uk born think the immigrants are a gain or a drain onbritain it's judgment time before deciding they'll judge the impact onwork we was born in this country so therefore we should get a look in firsti can take it someone who doesn't know nothing about it about the job how theylive so it's a big house we are 20 to live here there look at the impact onhealth care do you have any idea of the

cost of this operation and schools iwouldn't send my children to school as diverse as this and they'll take a lookat social integration we just feel we've outgrown this this area we don't belonghere anymore i'm nick hewer and i'm margaretmountford we've come to london to explore the impact of immigration on theordinary man in the street in our lifetimes immigration in britain hasgrown dramatically and this rapid rate of growth has ignited a national debatepeople in our country are concerned about the pressures and the amount ofimmigration in recent years and i share that concern we need to show we can acton people's concerns about immigration

all the main political parties now saythey want to control immigration we've got to control the quantity and thequality of who comes debris every day we read about immigration inthe papers daily but there are very different views but its impact on jobspublic services and communities surely an issue that is sharply divided thecountry and over the last 10 years massive consistent immigration butwhat's the truth about that immigration is it a gain on the country or simply agrave with more immigrants in the uk than ever before we've come to crunchthe numbers with political scientist dr. scott blinder so who are the immigrantsin britain and where are they coming

from the leading countries of origin areindia still poland now number two and actually pakistan about 13% of thepopulation of the uk as a whole was born in another country and where have theysettled where's this will spread the vast majority over 90% are in england sohow many migrants are in the uk at the moment it's just under 8 million mostpeople come for either work or study so he's caught you're an american what wasyour intention how long did you plan to stay well i had a four year fixed termcontract so i plan to stay three to four years i'm a long nine years later yes inever envisioned staying here for this longtypical migrant mothers

in the uk margaret one-in-seven is animmigrant in london it's higher than that there's three million immigrantshere that's one in three so we're in the right place there certainly are i thinkwe're gonna learn a lot in the next few days we've paired five sets of uk born britsall highly critical of immigration with five sets of immigrants in the firstpart of our experiment our brits are going to look at the impact ofimmigration on housing what it means to be british and jobs like those in theuk's construction and building industry my point of view is the foreign lads arecoming in and basically taking all of

our jobs and undercutting us and stufflike that the first brit is 21 year old jamiesince he left school he's been working on short term contracts in the buildingindustry he lives at home in southeast londonwith his father andy who is also a builder we've got a problem withimmigration emily we all know that the government's let the floodgates open andthere's a lot of immigrants in the construction industry the charity startsat home first before letting other foreign countries come into this countryand take jobs of english people hello hello jamie it's nice to meet youjamie has ambitions to specialize in

carpentry he currently does contractwork but feels he can't get the training he needs to further his career so thebuilding trade what's it like at the moment fairly hard because oh foreignthat's basically coming in taking the jobs as it were before the foreign landsyeah from europe why are they getting the job role of the new then say forinstance alright it's 15 pound an hour they'll drop it to eleven pan an hourand the company's laughing all day they're making as much money as possiblethere's quite a few foreign companies out there at the moment that justbasically just employ all foreign force all the polish dads will stick togetheryou have words with them get on with and

say hi and hello but they're mainly allalways talking in their own language you don't understand and i i don't reallylike it to be honest now just have a stab at what the percentage on thebuilding site is made up of in terms of migrant workers maybe 75 to 85 so theskills the jay mian and his generation will in the sense almond diamond becauseof where for them to work it was 75 85 percent foreign do you feel as a realconnection between the number of foreign workers coming in and the fact that youcan't get out and get your own flat i basically want to move out with mygirlfriend this year but it's hard they're taking the jobs that they'retaking there are places in flats and

rentals as it were and there's we justdon't get it looking as it's a joke jamie is going to be paired with 41 yearold carpenter and business owner mario's one of over half-a-million polish-bornnow living in the uk england was the dream all that my friends and me as welllike to come to england because was the better better life in englandmario's came over ten years ago with no english he started at the bottom was anunskilled laborer from the beginning working very hard so the salary was avery low every night i thinking that maybe he's wrong idea coming to englandsix years ago he was joined by his younger brother chris who had no skillsin building work everything was i think

what i know now of their building ilearned in england yeah marius is now joint owner of a bespoke carpentry andfurniture business in south london all four of his employees are from poland sowhat will jamie make of marius he thinks he's losing out on jobs in thebuilding trade so the first thing he wants to know is why marius only employspolish workers i've come here today basically to get some answers because ifeels very strongly about my point of view from a young construction workerbritish bomb and trying to get a job it's very hard out there and obviously iwant to see what this fellas got to say for himself reallyyou must be marius nice to meet you

especially some of the wood specialistsnice to meet you i found jamie mate so how long you been over arrest themthey're googling sushi you only been here six months see all the woodspecialist is it were yeah especially especially somebody finding it hard tolearn english to chance chris you know what she in the car today no no no no hewas having marius translate to me so that says itobviously to come to this country you should at least have some sort of inkto understand english or british you know but obviously it does piss me offi've got there one more person to introduce is there my very good friendfrom poland he's that teacher of this

prank meet mariushe's a nice guy in that but obviously he's only got polish workers working forhim and from my point of view that's not good in this country you've got somesort of british born working for you because it's not fair how comes youhaven't employed in english workers basically for instance referees a woodspecialist while how comes yet to go all the way home to poland to get a woodspecialist is not any good with wood specialists locally or in england notthe job have to be perfect in the finish so i can take it someone who doesn'tknow nothing about it about the job so that that i take it mybrother i take it the my friends what i

know him from my point of view we wasborn in this country so therefore we should get a look in first that's whati'm trying to say cuz no way smith that is the free market so you yeah yeah soyeah obviously i understand that but you got to sit from the company's point ofview so they can get someone for 10 hand an hour 5 pound less than what i'mgetting and work like a horse and get spoken to like a piece of crap ie by theforeman and obviously that makes us look bad when they can't i was hurting them ii'm starting on the carpentry company my salary quickly was there 151 97 on thebeginning so what about you chris did you ago i get some 555 where our herefirst thought that was the lowest money

which you can get what i'm saying islet's come in from eastern europe and actually undercut hoss because i've beenon loads of different jobs different firms and yeah undercut us and basicallytake our jobs although marius started off below minimum wage he now pays hisworkers the going rate but for jamie it's not just about themoney i think that's just crap to be honest that and he can't find no oneyoung and english willing to learn this loads of people out there i'm one ofthem and i've got loads of mates were willing to do stuff like thatit's just giving trying to get the opportunity to get it sort of thing isjamie right ah immigrants taking jobs

what are the big worries for theordinary guy on the street partly economics they're just a straightforward downward pressure on wages if you have a just economic common senseyou know you have a million people coming in as we did after 2004 when weopened up to eastern europe many of them in aiming to do quite basic low-skilledjobs even though many of them are actually quite well qualified there issome job displacement obviously a lot of people who come here create jobs thatwouldn't being created otherwise they complement existing workers it's not allabout story by any means well we building up some pressure that'sgonna cause us trouble in the future one

of the problems with large-scaleimmigration and the choice that it provides to employers small medium-sizedand large is that it tends to encourage some the worst tendencies in the britisheconomy with short-termism lack of investment lack of investment intraining i mean you know why train something you know a difficult schoolleaver you know when you can just pluck off theshelf somebody you may already have the qualification and you see this in thehealth service 40 miles from london in southend-on-seaexcellent and er and retired court clerk john has had personal experience ofimmigrant workers in the health service

i think overall immigration is a badthing for this country where my mother was in hospital she had a lot ofproblems with people were clearly migrants from all parts of the globe whohad a different approach to care was sometimes come across as brusque nowunderstanding and quite apart from the language barrier and she felt like shewas in an alien world filipino rimmel came to london 13 years ago when as partof an ongoing recruitment program between the uk and the philippines hiswife cherry was employed as a nurse to work for the nhs there was a recruitmentdone in in the philippines for registered nurses so my wife she cameover and started working in a care home

rahmel was able to come to the uk as adependent on his wife's skilled workers visa i was working for a congressman inthe philippines and giving up my job to come to the uk was the risk and it wasscary rahmel now works in a home for peoplewith epilepsy and special needs one of the 60% of care work is in london whowere foreign-born i did not imagine myself to be working in the healthcaresector but i would say most of the filipinos we are caring you know bynature what will john make of rimmel will he think he's again or a drainquite looking forward to meeting this gentleman that i'm going to say don'tknow what to expect but i've got a few

ideas i mean i approached a lot of thesethings in a very generic way which is mainly because of the media i supposepeople are here to take and not to give anything rahmel and his family live innorbury south london clearly it's an area that's got a population of verydiverse backgrounds multicultural certainly services that are for alldifferent religions backgrounds obviously is not an established englisharea if you like ramon's home is part of a shared ownership scheme of which heowns half chery what what made you come to england in the first place i love totravel yeah and then when this when thisopportunity came so i just grabbed it

was there not jobs in the philippinesyeah i was working there as a head nurse but the salaries that the same here no15 times more more than more than even yeah she communicates very well if youhave people who we rely on you've got to be out of communicate with them andespecially if you're in hospital when you're vulnerable especially if you'redealing with old people who are vulnerable i'm very interested in whatyou would think i think about immigration that migrant is going totake on our jobs is going to be a burden to the health care yes three how do youthink it is in reality then talking about migrants getting the jobs we wererecruited so that means there was really

a shortage here if indigenous britishare really keen of doing this health care you know um hotels the archer ohyeah yeah what you're saying is you're taking jobs that people aren't preparedto do yes yes yeah yeah they don't like dealing with bloods they don't likewiping bombs you know they don't like nothing about personal care well thereis that but my point is that there is a lot ofpeople coming here a lot of people coming um we basically if you put itcrudely we're full up john is using migrant workers as a scapegoat you knowthe what is happening in our society john wants to see what rimmel doesn'twork the care home provides support to

enable people with epilepsy and learningdifficulties to lead independent lives all right okay so what are we doing heremel all right okay mel lives in brighton and i would saymel is so proud of it the she is now travel trained to go to brighton totravel to brighton on her own it would take even years just to achieve one goaldo you like it here yes yes is that okay if i borrow john for a sec yeah yeahhere we are jane so how'd you find it here do youlike it yeah very good i see thank you jane thank you very muchjane thank you mel is great with the work that we do we always make sure thatyou know when we are talking to our

service users it is done not in athreatening way so we don't you know do it like that we are trained asespecially service it's always i to eye contact so that those service users areable to relate to us yeah when i see myself that one or two of our serviceusers are living independently because of the work that i did because of thework that migrant my co-workers did you know i feel so like it's an overwhelmingyour feeling that you know i have contributed you know to the societyfor this type of work someone in rimmer's position gets on average 19,000pounds a year you've come from a different part of the world did you haveprecisely the same training that would

suit you to this work in precisely thesame way as somebody in the united kingdom would have had that training oneof the reasons why they prefer hiring migrants to come and work in the uk isbecause of the skill set that is already available to these people it's reallytop-notch my case for example i have completed my you know my university inthe philippines and coming to the uk it's not like i am going to start fromscratch there's another issue here and that is language my mother was in ahospital very seriously ill and i had a lot of trouble communicating with thesenior people in the world and the nurses who had language problems butworse than that i saw her medical notes

and i saw what was written down and ihad to get it corrected it would just be the same that there would be you know ayou know an indigenous british who would make the mistakes people in the ukcannot even spell you know correct you know english i certainly learned alittle bit more about rimmel as a person through seeing where he works veryinteresting to see where he works not an environment that i'm particularly formili er with but i have been in similar places with my own relatives parentsgrandparents that sort of thing i haven't really changed my views in anyway at all 22 year old waitress marilyn left francea year ago to find work in the capital

marilyn is one of a growing number ofimmigrants who make up over half the workforce in the restaurant and hoteltrade in london england the country of english people in english way and aswell because sometimes you need like learn to be independentmarilyn works around 45 hours a week and earn seven pounds an hour plus tips you can find a job like this becausethere is shop and fast food and about everywhere they mean i think they needpeople to work marilyn will be paired with 24-year old michael from romfordeast london he's been out of work for two years and receives jobseekerallowance and housing benefit not being

in work is is properly boring i'msearching for a job so much now is he's joining i've tried going for warehousework there's nothing now i've gone for gardening i've tried i have a paintingif ever they do get back to their cell so you don't feel the criteria i dovoluntary maintenance i'll just go in there and i'll just lookfor things to do don't really need to it just so i'm not bored then it's the walkline got bad and then the really boring day starts again i do thinking we'regoing to get a job faster than me because of the a much they chargei don't know how immigrants can work for such a little wage michael is alsofrustrated about the living conditions

immigrants are prepared to put up with iknow as a fact immigrants cram myself into a housethere's too many groups taking the properties that should be left for thebritish people when they want to move outmarylyn lives in a shared house in northwest london with 19 otherimmigrants this kind of sharing house you have to move and almost everythingyou have to share the kitchen the kitchen the living room when we spendmost of the time that's my room to save moneymarilyn shares her bedroom with her best friend a bell only one photo so it'slike all my shoes are and it's half

enough which i make it practical so welive our two birds and this one on the floor like thiswe don't have choice look football match at home and the away teams coming with afantastic plan and it's just complete and utterly paid off for them it's whatyou saw it feels like you know if i can't even win at home where am i gonnawin michael is one of three hundred and thirty four thousand unemployed livingin london so how did marilyn find work did you find it easy to get a job whenyou arrive yeah more or less yeah yeah i was looking for my speciality in theshoe strap my english was not so good i'll do it here then i i went to find ajob in like a waitress in a tourist

place like this and then i find reallyquickly but you were flexible then because yeah you wanted to work in ashoe shop you wanted to work in shoes but when you couldn't find that then youit's interesting isn't it maryland that you found the job pretty quickly and yetthere are a lot of young english unemployed people who struggle you saythey struggle why what's the secret of getting a job as quickly as you did makesure you will find thank you that's the famous sharpening maryland's boss hasthoughts of his own english people don't want to work in the catering great ifyou go at any hotel any restaurant in central london i think you weredifficult to find someone it's english

do you not get any british application ithink in 27 years maybe 10 people that's all and how many have a good i employprobably three or four what would you say to a young english person said ican't get a job i've tried and i've tried what would you say to them tryharder go roma see these walk in and say look yeah i need a job here's my numberis my phone number here's my breasts that's what that'swhat all the others do she's prepared to live in a house sharing with 19 othersso it's not essentially a luxury lifestyle but she's young margaret she'syoung she's 22 year old kid and all the others are youngsters and actuallythat's what young people do that's part

of the fun and the excitement of livingin london i guess right she's not complaining issue no she's notcomplaining but then why don't we see groups of youngsters who are from otherparts of the okay coming and doing that good questionwith rents in the capital now averaging 1,500 pounds a month michael wants toknow how maryland can afford to live in london what i understand is immigrantscan come to great britain and live for less which is enabling them to work forless so it's a big house 20 to live here and people from all around the worldright now it's quite yet because everybody working most of the people inthose widowed are working like pretty

much they are pure you know thecantonese guy now and this kind of shot the first thing he wants to find out ishow much rent she pays so how much of one of these runs sort of costi live with my best friend so we we shared the price every week so it'sfifty five fifty five each i have to pay 100 ie a week it'sexpensive it's more especially a lot expensive michael believes manyimmigrants happily work for less than the minimum wage so next he'll quizmarilyn about her pay because your rent is over that that enable you to likework for less wages they walk a lot and they get paid normally so how much wouldyou learn saying week 300 so on three

hundred plus a week i could probablylive where i'm living and still live life as i've most probably want to isthat the same throughout the house yeah oliver's life starts for the minimumwage because i was more or less under the assumption that you know immigrantscome over but they work for less and you automatically think that they might justlive for less as well they get to normal pain and now i'm able to know my winshere i've got to go due to a government scheme work program that i'm on tryingto find work and you've got go to work i was just making notes i would be onminimum wage just below it but the fact that she's earning money thatthe same money as jobs that i've applied

for you know the is really weird of thefact that she can i mean she must have loads of savings because she's onlypaying out 55 pound rent a week i mean i couldn't cram myself into a house andthen just pay minimal rent that's a little bit wrong but it's not just jobsand housing that matter it's also the way we live the rapid transformation ofcommunities when new groups come in is a huge cause of concern for some peopleyou can see it's difficult for people if their area is swamped by immigrationcan't you a large group of people from one particular ethnic group come in andthe nature of the area and the community changes yeah absolutelythey've grown up there suddenly their

neighbors are all actually not mixingwith them the shops change the schools change and they feel sort of dispositionwhat they always thought they would grow up with suddenly changes sometimes latein life retired couple ted and margaret havelived in ilford northeast london for more than 40 years their borough is thefourth most ethnically diverse local authority in the country we've been here40 odd years it's changed dramatically when we first moved here the road waspredominantly indigenous white people there was probably five or six immigrantfamilies and since that period the numbers have gone completely the otherway around

i think we're at saturation pointthere's not been enough integration there's no part for us here youeventually come to the decision that you're gonna have to join the whiteflight and move out so what does immigration mean to you what you thinkabout immigration to you changed our way of life used to feel it was a there wasa community here and and has that changed yes obviously it has we've gotfine neighbors i mean we all get on will but it's difficult toll conversationswith them because a lot of them don't speak good english rather than thepleasantries of good morning and how are you what does being part of a communitymean to you well for instance i wanted

to start singing in a singing group andfor this part of ilford there would be nothing for me when we came here therewas a dance studio they were billiard halls i think thebilliard hall was gone the dance school was gone so in a sense then yourcommunity's been taken away strangers in your own land well you've got nowhere togo to meet your natives friends and your neighbors yeah it's about age as much as anything elsebecause here they are in the sort of final chapter of their lives feelingthat they didn't belong anymore and that they've got to move they've got to moveinto a community like in the old days

ted margaret wanted to integrate butthey felt they couldn't because of language and customs and and that'sprobably right it probably isn't integrable in the sense that they meanit's not that there is a community that they're excluded from it just as thisnew community the largest migrant population in their local area comesfrom pakistan behind the cyclist a cyclist cappuccioshe can't reach it behind to further her career in education nasim a formerschool principal came over from pakistan in 2009 on a highly skilled migrant visa this visa allowed husband raha to joinher

three years later back in pakistan i wasa principal of her school and it was a school from primary to gcse so it wasthere were more than 800 children at that time there were two three reasonsto bring me here number one my husband my spouse my wife was here and he wasstruggling alone and in pakistan there are several problems politically i'm aperson of a peace mind and i would like to embark in this country to live andexplore it as well so these were the reasons tobrought me here now they've invested all their savingsinto starting up a business running an adult education college teaching amongother things english for speakers of

other languages they live and work justa short distance from ted and margaret 28 to 42 it's interesting because thisisn't the only language school down here the party one here is another onefurther down ted and margaret feel esal or english language schools justencourage more immigrants to their area makes ripples about language maybe when i believe they have quitelarge government grants given to them and some of them aren't all about foldand there's been fraudulent dealings going on so we will be interested to seewhat's happening here first they want to know what exactly is being taught at theschool just reading out the english

courses there's low f in uk course andtheir citizenship course well it seems to me that this is all orientated aroundpeople coming to stay and i'm not sure that the level of english that they aregoing to teach to will be sufficient to integrate into our way of life hello hello next ted and margaret want to findout how the school is being funded the students are here for citizenshipknowledge and they pay a fee now is that self funded or comes through agovernment grant no it's a self paid by the individual who take this test ibelieve there is no category that they they are supported by the a public fundor the government well the only source

of income is from preparing people fortheir citizenship qualification that's paid for privately which i didn'tunderstand i thought that was the government i will show you my wholeclass yes yes hello although the majority of classes arepaid for by the students so today our topic is my familyraha tant nasim also provide conversational english lessons free ofcharge to immigrants from a variety of countries megan also br i'm veryinterested interested to know about your familymy parents are in albania my two brothers are in albania yes rubinaintroduce yourself i came from saudi

arabia so why did you move in thiscountry after mary thank coming here to practice my job because of educationit's really important to repay your country as a contribution as individualtherefore we have started english classes for those whom you can say theycopy and we're your in-laws live if they lives in they living in the uk wellwhere main concern is that these establishments these english schools arehere predominantly to enable people to stay by getting them through thecitizenship qualification and this just means that they're there compounding theproblem that we've already got there's sufficient people here without using thesystem to bring even more in

unemployed michael thinks immigrationhas made it harder for him to find work so much that he was being invited i'veit's weird he's like loaning out a copy it's tooeasy but french waitress marilyn doesn't think he's trying hard enoughfor me there was a lot of job in london and probably is a bit lazy to find a jobto prove to marilyn how tough it is michael has invited her to romford wherehe lives to show her just how much effort he's putting in to find work sothat's saitek over there another big big winner michael doesalmost all his job searches through ctek a government-funded welfare work andskills training program so which kind of

job did you upload for i'm basicallysort of just applying for the way a house so we've been two weeks you'redoing a 68 application you pump myself up you think yeah it's done i couldapply for that sounds really good but then three weeks later you you stillhaven't heard nothing why don't you try to apply and another job be moreflexible like me like i i used to selling shoes and look sarastro's infriends and i never been waitress now it's easy for me i think i tend to funwhen i make myself more flexible i get more opportunities to come up and thenthey just sort of never happened you do only online it's better for a shop thatyou go introduce yourself directly with

the manager of the boss what do youthink if you try to apply in this kind of shop and you know nothing about thesesort of shops i don't know nothing about these old organizations or businesses idon't want to be inside and closed in yes you know to understand why don't getjob it's because he's looking for only in his speciality and you don't want toget any job anywhere did throwing this one yeah when marilyn cameto the uk she got her first job through an agency she wants michael to try thesame thing hi what can i do for you my friend mikei'm looking for a job exactly and what sort of work is thatyou're actually looking for michael's

work warehouse where have you been toagencies i used to be on the agency but just one agency you live locally so onewould assume that if you're really proactive in looking for work you wouldhave registered with all the recruitment companies rather then you said to mejust registered with one maybe that you know you're not being as proactivelocally as perhaps you could be being you know like you you've got we're hereand you've not registered here before today i mean i've never really noticedthis i use i'd love the doorway i'm not usually looking up yeah michael thingthat immigrates gets a vantage all gets a job in london is that true withimmigrants they're perhaps more eager

and perhaps a bit more flexible i thinkyou can probably learn some stuff from memory now it's a good thing that you'vemet i think because there you know she has had to get off the backside and justdo it for herself because there is nobody else here to help her to do thatand i mean i i think you have a bit of a confidence issue to be fair though yeahi think yeah i think it's someone needs to grab you by the collar and sort youout that's what i've been happen he was slightly embarrassing to just to just tothink well you're shaken to it walk on i you know what am i doing wrongmakes me feel a little bit silly as well in a way

concerns about the pressure on jobsisn't the only thing that worries some in southeast london 21 year old jamiethinks immigration is also putting the squeeze on housing he's desperate tomove out of his dad's and into a place of his own with girlfriend becksand that's my bedroom and obviously this is dad's bedroom as you can see it'svery close together so that can be a factor obviously when we want to get outof this house and underneath my father's feet with the london attracting moreimmigrants than anywhere else in the uk they feel competition for housing hasincreased crowded i think where a lot of people come over to the uk so obviouslyit's the land of opportunities but that

leaves people who are from london in amassive problem because the people who are landlords and i don't blame themthat gives them the right to park their rent because they know that as there'sautomatic desire to live in those areas and they know that they will get therent but is better right jamie who lives out in southeast london has come toupmarket fulham near the center of town he wants to check out the flat whichpolish carpenter marius rents in the area seems quite posh around there to behonest and the perception i got on eastern europeans wouldn't live in suchnice areas i thought they lived in sort of ghettos as it were in all crammedtogether and yeah it seems rather nice

around there there's my my wife barbara mario's his wife and three-year-old sonhave lived in their one-bedroom flat for three yearsthis is no it's not so this is the kitchenno is the kitchen yes simon what do you do for a living if you don't want measking i yeah i work in two days a week i mean iam cleaner so i am self-employed i pay the taxeverything yeah no that's that's bang on the money off really uh i think that's agood good good thing so obviously this

is your living roomyeah and you say it's a one-bedroom flat is this where you sleep as well yeah itwas sleeping on the disks offer it's very easy to make it beth very quickit's like that like that and that's it there's a house bet so how much a monthdo you pay he surrounded 900 pounds 900 pounds yeah is expensive they're new soregarding the way marius lives he's forty or forty plus he lives in aone-bedroom flat he sleeps in the front room with his wife while we an obviouslyhas the bedroom and they pay to me what i think is quite extortion at 900-poundi i wouldn't do it but obviously where he's from another country yes to dealwith it

so is the readiness of immigrants to payfor whatever accommodation they can get to blame for rising rents and housingshortages so you've been doing some research into the impact of immigrationon housing in the uk is that right that's right immigrants come in fromeastern europe they obviously need somewhere to live that demands housingand you know if you don't increase the supply there's going to be pressure fromthat i mean the housing situation is problem is more acute in in london but ithink that's being caused primarily not by a by immigration here it's just beena failure to build enough houses you know the population of london in thelast 20 years has increased by 15 15

percent but you know we've beenstruggling to build enough housing to really keep pace with that so priceskeep on spiraling up and you know everyone finds it a terrible struggle it's michael's last day of theexperiment with marilyn he wants to experience the work she does beforedeciding if she's a gain or a drain on britain first he's going to meetmarilyn's boss i'm also really excited about it don't wanna mess it up michaelhave you ever tried to get a job in mcdonald's or kentucky fried chickeni'll put it in my head that if i go into mcdonald's now yeah i'm so overqualified to notice it don't think i'm

worth more than i worry about that idon't think you're qualified because you're thinking overqualified you'venever been a good job because you think you're too good to work there and ithink these some of these girls here they they've been after six months or ayear or longer they've got degrees others dr. michaelhasn't worked for over two years he feels he lacks confidence and getsnervous when dealing with customers so he starts with the basics don't breakanything please but soon gets promoted to front of house with me so i know youcould be nervous to go with customer so you can see how i dohello you okay are you ready to order a

large coke surecollage fanta yes sure you just come here to find a job we workout and you can work out like us it can do what only the confident problem andnow is see is so but it's so himself that he can do it even in two minutesyou get more comfortable with the paper so that's really niceso your product yourself are you happy or very proud of myself yeah i didn'tthink i was going to be as interactive as awards i'm definitely gonna you canbe wonderful it's over now don't get charged by call cards that all righti think before i thought that immigrants

were a drain on society if you like butnow i've met mary lynn and i'm seeing her shares deliver life and the factthat i've learnt more bad i definitely think that it's a game in all honesty idon't think i don't see any problems of it anymorelater michael may have changed his views but john continues to think immigrationis a drain and it's not just the influx of migrants taking jobs that concernshim he thinks it's threatening the british way of lifenothing always tastes better when you're having fish and chips on the seasideyeah why is that it's all in the mind john wants to show rimmel what he thinksit means to be british

so he's invited him to his hometown ofsouth end bishop's is traditionally english by the seaside the other thingsyeah you know buying a beer so funfairs i'm walking along the frontor we say the promenade i mean all of this the pier the y coming out hereseeing what we're seeing look at the old buildings he's a typical english sort ofsaying and it's that sort of thing that i want to preserve and you feel thatwith all the things have been talking about that's sighs under threat it'sgonna change and i don't necessarily feel but that's a good thing but we talkabout you know being british you know i'm just i'm just like thinking you knowlet's say football we think football is

like an english you know game but it'snot it is a chinese game that was you know brought to to us in in in the ukprince philip husband of the queen of england greek great well he wasn't thesame as every average citizen coming in i'm thinking of the tea it's like youknow the - yeah absolutely china and all things from oh we wereinvolved with all around the world form the society we've got to die thatdoesn't mean that i think that change is good for china she's site d by itselfcoming to britain you have no problem with that but when we equate tea aschinese people coming to the uk you won't like it i don't mind a few yesyeah

mind a reasonable number yeah but myobjection to it is the sky oh and the effect it's having when i was still inthe philippines i have friends who have come to london when they learned youknow i will be coming to to the uk instantly you know what they said youknow no don't go there you know why i go to london why go to england it's such aracist country when i came over here that completely changed what i see inbritain is completely embracing in a multiculturalism say this is wherepeople like myself feel we're not really understood because i don't disagree withthe multicultural influence in fact you could argue if you didn't have it what aboring place we're living you know i'm

not suggesting we live like we lived inthe 1920's 1930's aying that what arthur i believe is that we have to make surethings aren't under threat i think it's interesting from ales view aboutdiversity effects in britain and he seems to be very keen on change thinkingit's all a good thing well maybe it's my background of myexperience but i don't think it is all the good thing i've said that all alongi think there's a mine difference really john is one of the minority of thebritish born people who are having these views but i am really hopeful that youknow before we end this you know this experiment that john would have changedhis views on on migrants

in ilford northeast london retiredcouple ted and margaret are showing their semen rahat the changes to theirhigh street shops it's been here since we come about 40 years they've been herethere was baker's there was a couple of baker shops down here green grocers nowthis this selection of vegetables we'd find it very difficult to know what todo with them i mean we don't recognize your vegetables most of the vegetablesthat are sold in the stores well this is the first time i've ever been in a storequite we wouldn't recognize any of those and this is the problem that we've gotthat we don't feel that there's only thing here that we recognize yeah hellomeat and fish and poultry well we

wouldn't choose to buy hello truly itwould be against their principles that's the only meat sold round here so we wejust wouldn't be meat eaters so we just feel that we've outgrown this this areawe don't along here anymore would like to integrate and especiallywe would say that how the ischium shops are here equally there should be few ofthe shops for the local native britons as well we understand their concern andwe really understand their feelings i think it's really hard for us to listenthis type of conversation from the natives well halfway through thisexperiment now we've looked at jobs and housing and we started to explore whatit means to be british yes we've seen

michael already change his mind on thequestion of immigrants taking jobs but do you think the others are going tochange their minds jamie and john still seem pretty convinced that immigrationis a drain on britain but they fill got to look at schools nhs and the wholequestion of religion so it's a long way to go before they can take a decisionnext time we meet kiran and mohammed we want accepted the bar baths on thebritish culture we want to get the brits investigate the impact of immigration onthe nhs the system is all wrong i can't see howwe can keep doing this they look at schooling i wouldn't send my children toschool as diverse as this and they delve

deeper into what it means to be britishi have a big issue with people who teach their children another language as afirst language i disagree with that in the end will the brits think immigrationis a gain or a drain it's judgment time the crunch question you

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