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horizon so aptly named. both for it’s majesty... ...and it’s grand power. 250,000 years ago... race united the entire galaxy, for the first time, in peace. but there is always the separatist... who will not join the whole.
the arioui... ...a race of beings unlike anythe iconians had ever known, ...sought to lay waste to thegalaxy and the great alliance, rebuild it anew. they were cunning. one-by-one, they turned the galaxy against it’s protectors. and when the races of the greatalliance turned their attention to destroying thewrongly accused iconians,
the arioui secretly constructedtheir greatest weapon... comansour hasaht, incoming gateway request. from who? preyopt janyo. our last defenses on iconia have fallen. they’ll have taken theentire system by day’s end. and there’s something else. i saw an arioui leading enemy troops. did the refugee transports make it off iconia?
i think one, but i can’t be sure. all the more reason to complete our mission. we’ll find a way to survive. we always do. we have to move the weapon to a safe location. i know you disagree. - i didn’t say that.- you don’t have to. you know better than anyone thatviolence begets violence every time. - the council made the decision.- the council is gone.
we spent our entire lives, entire millenia, devoted to protecting life, and the same people that are part of thevery alliance we created seek to destroy us. i don’t want to use thehorizon any more than you do. even the thought of using an ariouiweapon is distasteful to me. but we must save the rest of our people. gateway protocol complete. we must go to the horizon and begin preparing.
- shall i open a gateway to the horizon, comansour?- yes, thank you. - i will miss your presence, alaitah.- yours as well, sir. - shutdown and prepare your systems for cold storage.- i will do as you wish. shall we? report! 22 casualties reported so far, sir! 15 fatal, 7 injuries! hull plating is down, warp drive is down.
we have torpedoes but no phase cannons. load all torpedo banks. you think the romulans wouldrisk staying in-system? they're waiting to make their move,you can be sure of it. scan for any e.m. fluctuations or anythingthat might resemble a cloaking field. - we can’t afford to have them get the drop on us.- aye, sir. engineering, report! bridge, that last hit knocked out theport nacelle, coils are completely fried. best i could give you is impulse.
somebody help me get that fire out beforeit reaches the antimatter injectors! how far in-system are we? we’re approximately 15 millionkilometers from saturn. we’re sitting ducks out here. - captain, what’s going on?- sir! 3 romulan ships decloaking aft! friends of yours. incoming transmission from the only. let’s hear what they have to say. this is admiral verak,
turn over the fugitive and the romulan starempire may consider showing you leniency. doesn’t exactly sound like a generous offer. the fugitive returns with me or dies on your ship! i don’t particularly care which. go to hell! captain, what can i do? do detonate the photonic torpedoes remotely? yes, sir.
amelia, take us into saturn’s ringsystem, get us there as fast as you can. t’mar, you know the romulanships better than anybody. help commander gates find a way to mask thetorpedoes signature from their sensors. i don’t think i can navigate the ring system. - we don't have a choice.- yes, sir. lieutenant, try to keep them off our backs! how’s it going? if we jettison our warpplasma in the ring system, it should blind the romulan sensors enough
so the torpedoes appear as rock fragments. intruder alert! take cover! engineering! come in! we’ve got company down here! get a security team down there now! help is on the way, but we need youto eject the warp plasma. can you make it to the controls? cover me!
how’s it going down there? just a few more seconds! somebody get her to sickbay, now! you’re supposed to be a good pilot,now’s your chance. that’s it, drive plasma is released! the romulans are slowing down, thewarp plasma is clouding their sensors. now! come on. they’re almost in position.
status? i’m having a hard time getting a reading. security, i am takinglieutenant yarris to sickbay. we are pinned down in section b5. security team is on its way. hold your position! we’re receiving a hail. i’ll give you credit, captain.i underestimated you. but you’re out of options,
and my offer of leniency no longer stands. what about your officers?you’ve still got men here! acceptable losses. he’s charging weapons! get us out of here! systems are down all over the ship,it’s a miracle we’re in one piece! captain, i’m reading another ship. we're receiving a’s the enterprise! captain archer, your timing couldn't be better.
the romulans are taking heavy damage! t’mar, get us out of here! i can’t, the helm isn’t responding. the romulans have gone to warp! damage report. where do you want me to start? any more casualties? five, sir. three fatal. lieutenant yarris?
section b5 decompressed when wewere hit with the last volley. they never made it. were you successful inrecapturing the fugitive? no. her alterations and involvement with theweapon make her a dangerous threat. the earth vessel enterpriseintervened at the last moment! - the enterprise?- yes. there was nothing we could do. you cannot allow this fugitive to liveand report what she knows to the humans.
i know that! you would do well to remember your place. the fugitive must be stopped at all costs. do i make myself clear? yes. whatever it takes. how’s it looking? it’s been a lot of work, theromulans did quite a number. well, i hope it was worth it.
worth it? if it was up to me, i’dtoss her out an airlock. excuse me? - it's just...- it's just what? is that what we do now? people we don’t like, wejust put them in an airlock? i just was thinking... i’m going down and see admiral let me know if you need anything. admiral gardner. harrison, at ease.
i’ve been under a lot of pressureto finally put us on the offensive. - i’m sorry i haven’t had time to meet with you until now.- i understand, sir. please. you and your crew have been througha lot the past six months. i wish i could say that it gets easier.but it never does. no, sir. it doesn’t. i’ve had a number of debriefingswith t’mar since you got back. she’s provided us with what promisesto be very useful information. promises to be?
she was part of a topsecret program on romulus. she’s very highly trained. the surgical alterationsand genetic modifications were going to allow her to enter starfleet. and perform recon on our offensive anddefensive capabilities from the inside. how do we know that’s notwhat she’s doing right now? that’s a fair question,and one we’re all asking. we’re keeping an eye on her, if shesteps out of line, we’ll know it. however, that's not the issue.
the issue is the intel that she’s brought us. according to t’mar, the romulans arebuilding a weapon of mass destruction. two lightyears from earth. the romulans would never riskbuilding that close to earth. i admit, it seems a bit unlikely. but even the vulcans are worried. they’re sending the s’myr to investigate. it’s one of their fastest ships. permission to speak freely, sir?
go ahead! the vulcans - they advise us, butthey don’t make decisions for us. the vulcans are as much a memberof this coalition as we are. we’re all in this together. and if the vulcans find something, you’re sending us backout into the field again. it’s looking that way. if what t’mar says is true, we must defend earth at all cost.
i’m sorry, harrison. i have nothing more. dismissed. oh, and harrison, there is one other thing. this isn't gonna be a popular decision, but if this turns out to be true, t’mar is going to be your new helmofficer, at least temporarily. we’re giving her a commission of lieutenant. she’ll be filling lieutenant yarris’ spot. computer, begin again.
level 4 computer, end session. i was just leaving. no wait. i'm sorry! i don’t mean to be rude, it’s just... it's just... not easy being in the same room with a romulan? 17 years ago, when i firsttook up service with the empire,
my father wanted to teach me a lesson... show me how a tal’shiar operativetakes care of business. he took me to an interrogationhe was conducting. the prisoner had committed treason, i don't remember exactly what the crime was. afterwards, i had never seen a man so proud. he looked at me with a determination i’d neverseen before, and said "for the empire". nobody knows that better than me. ensign, everything okay?
yeah, we were just talking. what are you doing here? i figured i should get intosome shooting practice. - if we’re going to be re-deployed...- not you. the same, but i was just leaving. what would you need topractice with our weapons for? goodbye, sir. you're sure you’re alright? i’m fine.
i’ve got to go. are you comingto the get-together tonight? i'm not sure, i’ll be able tomake it, but have a nice time. thank you. hey. hey, how was the trip? alright. is this everybody? i suppose if you wanted to invitet’mar, she’s technically senior staff now. marie, feel free to help yourself to a drink. now that we're all here...
i thought it’d be nice if we took a moment to remember those we’ve lost, and to share a toast to their memory. here here. captain, would you like to say anything? well...’s been hard for me... ...for all of us. six months on a mission, to bring back t’mar,
on a whim that it might changethe tide of the war in our favor. we lost a lot of good people. i’m trying, and honestly i’mhaving a very hard time... but i’m trying to rememberwhat it is that we stand for. and why those good peoplehad to give their lives. and i have to hope somethinggood will come from it. amelia was always good at that. i think if we had ship counselors, they'd talk to her instead of the counselors.
she always managed to stay positive. even in the darkest time. to lieutenant yarris. it’s funny you mention that,amelia being so positive... first time we had lunch... it was in her quarters. we were both new to the ship, andshe fit in so well, but... i didn't. she decided that we're gonna havelunch together once a week
and we're gonna become best of friends. she has had a way with people, you know. she was so kind, she wantedeveryone to be happy. what’s going on? what do you mean? i know you well enough to knowwhen something is on your mind. other than the obvious. it’s nothing. yeah?
you know me. we’ve been friends for a long time. you know how important duty is to me. starfleet, what we do... so you know i’d be the last personto condone a relationship between a c.o. and a subordinate. you and lieutenant yarris? it was more than that... everything marie said was true.
that was amelia, she was... it wasn’t just some fling. you have to understand that. nineteen years ago... ...before i joined starfleet... ...i was engaged to a boomer. her father was ill, so she was gonna takeover as captain of their freight hauler. typical run is four years... ...two way.
we had these grand dreams, build our live in space, travel distant worlds... on her last run with her father ascaptain, they were attacked by raiders. they stole all their supplies,their antimatter... they were stranded. were they ever found? two years later. not long after that`s when i joined starfleet.
it was the only way i knew how tolook for the people who did it. ...make them pay. so, did you ever find them? i’m sorry... i didn't know that. i haven’t told anyone before. it's just that i never thought icould feel that way again... thought you should know. amelia!
move! find me, harrison! save me! we've got to get you to sickbay. you need to find me! what are you talking about? find me! there's more in stake than you know. jackson, come in!
what is it? i need to see you on the ship right away. so, what do you think? i think it's five in the morning. some of the results i’mgetting are a bit strange. how so? quantum dating puts the age ofthe cube at -900 or so years, that shouldn’t happen. quantum dating doesn’t give negative numbers.
it’s happened before. when? after the first xindi attack, captain archer quantum dateda piece of their weapon. the numbers read in the negative. so? it was from the future. you’re saying you thinkthis is from the future? i’m’s happened before.
where did you find it? in a wall... i literally put my hand through asolid wall and i pulled this out. doesn’t happen every day. i knew there was a reason why i hadyou as my science officer. i do my best. i’m not getting anything here. hawke. captain.
get down here immediately! right away, sir. i guess i’m just not getting any sleep tonight. admiral, ambassador. what's going on? we’re getting telemetry from the s’myr,the vulcan ship that was sent out. five ships, two base structures... i thought you said that this was in theearly stage of construction? believe me, i’m just as surprised as you are. i thought i had the mostup-to-date information.
- apparently not.- there's more... the s’myr is detecting strong gravimetricdistortions from the main starbase, most likely from the weapon itself. all encased in a thermobaric cloudbarrier that wasn’t there before. side-effect of the gravimetric distortions? possibly. how does this weapon work?what can you tell us? i don’t know. i wasn’t given that information. what exactly do you know?
all i know is the initial projections, that everyone involved withthe project was given, that it could potentiallydestroy entire systems. obviously this must be stopped at all costs. enterprise was on it’s way outof the system to rendezvous with a vulcan battle groupwhen they assisted you. we’ve recalled them immediately. we’re putting everyone we’ve goton the repairs of the nx-04. it’ll be ready to launch in a week.
sorry put you back out there sosoon, captain. but we don’t have a choice. yes, sir. i’ll head back to the nx-04and oversee the repairs myself. anything you need - you got it. one week. thanks, sir. captain’s log, june 21st, 2160. none of us were ready to beback in space this soon, especially for a combat mission. but the crew are handling it well, and if i’m being honest,better than i expected.
better than me. i know i don’t want to beback in the field this soon, and i’m sure they don’t either... but they’re doing their duty. i couldn’t be more proudto be serving with them. i think we’re just about ready down here. it’s been moving almost fasterthan i can keep track of, we got new antimatter injectors,warp coils, plasma manifolds... rumor is we’ll be able tosustain warp 5.7 if we have to.
i like the sound of that. if you get a chance check out the armory. tom’s pretty excited about someof the upgrades we’re getting. that’s my next stop. captain, you’re gonna love this. what have you got for me. in addition to what we had, four new phase cannon arrays, an extended complement of photon torpedoes,
and my personal favorite... tricobalt torpedoes. prototypes. starfleet has barely had time to test them, but the initial results place the yield at2.5 times than if a single photon torpedo. sounds like we’ll be able to holdour own against the romulans. yes, sir, i believe so.there’s one other thing. prototype phase compression rifle. compression rifle?
it works by literally compressingthe energy which allows for a much higher particledensity per single shot, thereby increasing the yield up to threetimes that of a normal phase rifle. i like it. how many do we have? four, sir. romulans ought to like that. keep me posted. i’m going to bridge. i’ll be there straight away, sir. are you getting acclimated?
most helm controls are more or less the same, it’s just remembering where everything is. i’ve been in here for thelast four days day and night trying to make sure they get everyting right. did they? your crews are very well-trained, captain,even by romulan standards. glad to hear it. gentlemen. - captain.- sir.
captain, we’re receiving atransmission from admiral gardner. let’s see it. captain, how are you doing? i’m good, sir...ready toget the show on the road. i’m glad to hear it, because i thinkenterprise and the vulcans are too. care to wish us luck, sir? all the luck in the world, captain...for all our sakes. no pressure. see you in a few days.
all hands, this is the captain. we’re about to get under way. i know that we’re preparing to gointo a dangerous situation, but we've done the work and we are ready. those of you who have been with us, and those of you who are new to the crew... i couldn’t be more proudto be serving with you. all of you! we have a job to do, now let’s get started.
lieutenant t’mar, take us out. lieutenant, maximum warp. you cannot allow the coalition tostop construction of the weapon. they’re bringing a fleet! you said this would not happen! the future is not set in stone, i can only read significantchanges in the timeline. when will you be ready to fire? the weapon is nearly finished, but ifear they will arrive before it’s ready.
you must hold this location. the future of the romulan peopleis in your hands, admiral. do not forget that. how you get along with the crew? well enough. ensign sutherland seems intimidated by me, but she appears to be open minded, we’ve spoken a few times. i’m glad to hear it. the rest will come around.
what we’re about to go into, this mission... it will almost certainly requirethe use of deadly force. i need to know you’re preparedto do whatever is necessary. even against your own people. captain, i am fully committedto what i’m doing. i wouldn’t be here if i wasn’t. there’s still one thing i don’t understand. why are you so committed to helping us? i’ve had...
...doubts, about my people’s ways. i buried them for a long time. but when i first saw myselfafter the procedure, i realized what i alone represented. the annihilation of another people... ...for no reason. i doubt i’m the first to want to change, but i’m the first to step outand do something about it. it took the same effort from a fewgood people on earth to make a change.
i just hope my people can learn fromtheir mistakes before it’s too late. me too. did you see that? what? that! we’re experiencing extremegravimetric distortions. what about the rest of the fleet? vulcans are reporting damageand minor casualties. the enterprise is reportingminor damage as well.
we can’t keep this up! are you seeing this? am i seeing what? the thermobaric cloud barrier hasgrown over 5,000 kilometers since the vulcans firstpicked it up over a week ago. i’m picking up gravimetricdistortions coming from inside. i’ve never seen this on any star charts. that’s because it wasn’t here before. the masar was just hit by an extremedistortion, they’re falling back.
do they need assistance? they sustained heavy damage and casualities. they’re withdrawing to earth. we’re entering the thermobaric cloud barrier. things are gonna get a bit bumpy. all hands, brace for impact. captain, i’m pickingsomething up on the sensors. there's a clearing ahead,romulan warp signatures. can we get a look at it?
here we go! open up a channel to the battle group. this is captain hawke, the starbaseis just ahead. let’s get started. three more ships comingin from aft, all romulan! open fire! photonic torpedoesand phase cannons! captain, if you like trying something crazy? what have you got? it’s on your screen. i always like crazy.relay it to the other ships.
discovery to fleet. prepare toinitiate tactical maneuver alpha one. engineering, we need allpower to forward hull plating. take it from life support if you have to! you’ve got it! lieutenant, be ready! two down, one to go. come about! they’re retreating, joiningthe main battle group. hawke to all ships, form up.we need to stay on them.
the coalition ships are here! if they break through our main linesthe weapon could be at risk. then you must activate the weapon now. it isn’t ready. it is your only choice, the fateof romulus rests in your hands. admiral verak to control center. begin the activation sequence. captain, i’m detecting an energy buildupfrom the center of the clearing. - the weapon?- it's possible.
i thought it wasn’t ready? i thought it wasn’t! put it onscreen. hawke to all ships. when we enter the clearing we needto make a break for the starbase. we need you to cover us. all ships report ready, sir. lieutenant, load the tricobalt torpedoes. we need to see if these weaponsare as good as they’re supposed to be.
ready. almost there! captain, we're receiving a transmission fromthe l’sek, they’re taking heavy damage. tell them to hold out as long as they can! it's too late. we’re in range! fire at will! we’re barely making a dent in their shields! magnify the top of the starbase.
i don’t know about you but thatlooks like a vital system to me. captain, the vulcan flagship is sustainingheavy damage, they won’t last much longer. tell enterprise we can handle this,have them assist the vulcans. lock onto those coordinates,tricobalt torpedoes. fire! report? massive secondary explosions. i think we did... jackson!
i’m reading a massive gravimetric distortionforming in the wake of the explosion. engines are at maximum,we’re caught in the distortion. we’re being pulled in! are the vulcans still out there?can they lock onto us with a tractor beam? can’t get get a read on anything! if we’re going to do something we’d better... i’ve lost control of the helm. everybody out! now! engineering to bridge.we’re evacuating down here!
hull plating is gone, we havebreaches on decks d, e, and f! this is the captain, all hands abandon ship. i repeat, all hands abandon ship! comm is down! systems are coming back online. - brooks to bridge.- bridge here. the distortions appear to have stopped.i’m to do a full systems check. let me know what you find out. tom, the romulans?
they’re not there. what do you mean they’re not there? they’re just gone. there are noships within our sensor range. there is something out there. captain, maybe the better question is:where are we? i belive ensign sutherland is correct. but these readings can’t be right. i’m also not recognizing any of these starconfigurations outside of the nebula. wherever we are, it’s in a star cluster thatneither humans nor romulans have discovered.
- how’s that possible?- i have no idea. jackson? i don’t know either. the best i can tell is that we werecaught in some sort of subspace tear. as to how we survived it orwhy we were brought here? what about this system? there’s a g-class star and the planet. the planet is m-class, no life signs.but there is something else. aside from the fact that this monumentwould suggest someone once was here,
it’s also sitting on a huge power source. captain, i recommend that we take a teamdown to the surface of the planet. we will, but first... jackson, i want a status report. i want to know what happened. tom, i want to know what weaponswe have and what needs fixing. i want to know what’s on that planet. we have to assume thatit’s somehow all related. and i’m not leaving this ship untili know what we do and don’t have.
briefing in one hour. i know we’re fresh out of spacedock,but we’re not in good shape. we blew out eps relays across the ship, grav plating is down on g-deck, hull breaches on e and f, i may be able to get us operational in 5 days. but that is bare minimum. we don’t have 5 days, we needto get back in the fight. does it really matter?we don’t even know where we are.
i may have something on that. i’ve been analyzing the starconfigurations beyond this system. i was finally able to get avisual on something familiar. my god! that is the milky way galaxy. how is that even possible? i’m not sure. tom, have you heard anything about malfunctionsor issues with the tricobalt torpedoes? they’re experimental, still in testing,but starfleet wanted us to have them.
why? when they impacted with the romulan station, they had an unintended side effect. from what i can tell, the warheads actuallytore a hole in subspace that was magnified many times over by the extreme gravimetricdistortions being emitted by the station. so the subspace tear transported ushundreds of thousand of lightyears away. why here? there is one thing the romulan weaponand this planet have in common. unusually high gravimetric distortions.
so you’re saying that the romulan weaponis somehow connected to this planet? it could just be a fluke, but itdoes seem a bit coincidental. right now it’s all we’ve got. how are we on transporters? i can try to have them back online in a day. t’mar, i want to take a shuttle to the surface. i wouldn’t recommend that, captain. the atmosphere is saturatedwith ionizing particles. there’s a strong possibility the gas couldbe ignited by the shuttle’s engines.
how strong a possibility? i’d rather not try it unless we have to. alright. jackson, marie.when the transporters are back online, we’ll head down to the surfaceand check out the monument. sir? we might need your language skills if there's anything on themonument that needs to be decoded. captain, i may not be able to bring a shuttledown, but i could still be of service. if this is a romulan weaponor plan, i may be useful.
i’d advise against that. commander. look where we are, you can’t tellme this is just coincidence. that’s enough, commander. t’mar, i'll need you back here on the ship. dismissed! we have to resolve this, now. whatever problems you have with me. we aren’t gonna be able to get throughthis if we can’t work together.
what is your problem with me? i have repairs to make. captain, everthing allright? chief more - yes, thank you! everything's fine. how is it in engineering? good, sir. great. keep up the good work. carry on. captain, what are you doing down here? trying to make myself useful.
don't worry about that, i got people on this. yeah, but they won’t be by until morning. i thought i’d get a head start. not bad. i should have you added to my staff. i’ll put in a request to admiralgardner for a transfer. hey, can i ask you a question as a friend? yeah, what is it? i’m pretty sure that most people onthe ship have issues with t’mar. but it really seems to be eating you up.
deneva colony... what about it? my girlfriend was aboard nx-03when it was destroyed in orbit. i’m sorry, i didn’t know. i was gonna propose, i knew she'd say yes. we've been talking about it for some time. i knew it’d be a problem withus both serving in starfleet. i just assumed one of us wereto resign our commission. you know, if things were goingdifferent, captain,
you'd have a different chief engineer. i’m sorry, francis. it wasn’t in your file, i didn’t know. just trying to keep it a secret. if it’s any consolation, i know how you feel. a long time ago, someone i loved was killed. and for a long time... i dedicated myself to finding those who did it.
did you? i wish i hadn't. it was as if my life fell away, and in a single moment i betrayedeverything that i stood for. everything i thought humanity should be. i’ve tried very hard to remainobjective during this mission. but who we are and what we are we should never lose that!
i'll try my best. i’d better get back to work. well, we're in one piece. i guess my fixes worked. pretty soon i’ll be out of a job.good luck, captain. these readings are... there’s enough energy running underneath thismonument to power ten nx class star ships. what could provide that type of power? i have no idea. marie!
come take a look at this. can you quantum date the structure? yeah... second. quantum dating puts thisstructure at just over... 250,000 years old. interesting. there’s a repeating pattern to these symbols. maybe some sort of numerical system. i think this is a tri-modal syntaxbased on these repeating symbols.
i got it! reem’tar. - horizon.- horizon? you’ve been scanned to determine basicphysiological and mental attributes, including language structure so the importance of this messagemay be properly conveyed to you. this monument is built not toour greatness nor our memory, but to our failure. it is here that my wife and i,
the last of our kind that we knew of, lived our final days. as we did, you stand on aworld built for destruction, the ultimate antithesis of whatit meant to be an iconian. where we sought to protect life, the arioui sought to turnour allies against us, to destroy and take for their own. we wasted what little time we had left on trying to turn their weapon against them.
we should have removed this place fromexistence the moment we laid our eyes on it. i just wish my wife were here with me now. perhaps we will meet again, at the edge of the universe. one can hope. well, that was ominous. the structure must have been hidden insome sort of large cloaking barrier. sir, do you really think this is a good idea? do you have a better one, ensign?
i agree, sir. just because we don’t have a betterone doesn’t mean this is a good one. we have no idea whatcould be in there. do you show anything on your scans? no, sir. discovery, we’ve found a large structure. we’re going in to investigate. it just appeared on careful in there. hawke to discovery.
discovery, come in. i don’t know! i’ve neverseen anything like this. the lift removes temporal anomalies. it can be... unsetteling. try them again. channel open. captain hawke, this is discovery. do you copy? captain, come in! close the channel. how long agodid they disappear from sensors?
30 minutes now. maybe we should take a team tothe surface, check on them. so happened to them could happen to, i don't think so. we need to find a way to recon the situation. yeah, and how can we do that? we’ll think of something! oh really? just like that? wait, i’m receiving a transmission. audio only.
let's hear it. commander brooks, nice tomake your acquaintance. who am i speaking with? i’m going to dismiss with the rest of the formalities,commander, and get straight to the point. i have your captain, commofficer, and science officer. if you make any attempt to rescuethem or communicate with them, i will kill them and then destroy your ship. - commander.- what? i would wager that he's going to kill themwhether or not we attempt to mount a rescue.
have you gotten any scans on the interiorof that structure since it last appeared? some, it’s massive, but if we can get a transporter lock on thecaptain, we might be able to beam them out. good. i’ll work on boostingpower to the transporter. tom, you have the bridge.t’mar, work on boosting our sensor resolution. glad to see i didn’t forgetto set the disruptor to stun. who are you? my name is daekon. are you responsible for the romulan weapon?
have a guess, captain. i think there’s too much liningup for it to be a coincidence. you are in vast need of areality check, captain. computer, open your outer hatches. what is this place? horizon. the arioui, a race of beings unlikeany the iconians have ever known, constructed this world, a weapon,
over 250,000 years ago. they fully intended to mop up the remainsof the iconian’s "grand alliance" with it. at the last second, the iconians movedthis entire world to another galaxy. the horizon... lost to all of history... ...until now. the hologram at the monument, was the iconians? his name was commansour hasaht.
their end was somewhat poetic, actually. while attempting to reprogramthe tower’s defense drones they missed a hidden protocol in the code. the drones turned on them and killed them. a mistake i was careful not to repeat. so, you gave me a reality check, but why are you doing this? your vessel, your crew. how did you find this place?
we’re here by mistake. i believe you. so what now? now, i suppose you can stay and watch. watch what? i want you to know what it feels likewhen your world burns like mine did. in the 24th century, romulus was destroyed. all while the federationsat by and did nothing. now what few of us are left arescattered across the alpha quadrant.
the 24th century? this is the 28th century. and it is here where you will watchwhile your entire future is destroyed. that is the only reason you are still alive. i’ve boosted the sensors as muchas i’m going to be able to, and with a stroke of luck, several large hatches opened which allowedme to scan deeper into the surface. from what i can tell the structure is massive. it protrudes into underground caverns.
any luck locating our people? 3 human lifesigns, in the underground chambers. but there are extensive metaldeposits in the surrounding rocks. which is going to make it nearlyimpossible to get a transporter lock. - what if we try something else?- what’d you have in mind? low risk, we try to beam downcommunicators and weapons. if we can’t get them out directly,at least we can lend a hand. let’s do it. harrison.
find me. hello? is there somebody there? discovery! captain, you there? - yes, is everything alright up there?- yes, sir. we’re going to get you out of there, but can’tget a clear enough lock to beam you and the others out. can you get me a scanner and a weapon? hold on, sir.
tom, i’d like some more firepower just incase. can you send me one of those phasecompression rifles? and an extra phase pistol. i’m getting an energyreading from the structure. it looks like some sort of objects areseparating from the main structure. put it up. they look like attack drones. i’d say that’s exactly what they are. tactical alert, load photonic torpedoes.
stand back! it’s good to see you. you too. i guess yours wasn’t as nice as mine. nothing. let's go get marie. t’mar, you think we can makeit through that radiation? i can try. i’ve found jackson and marie.
we’re going to try to getout of this structure. if you don’t hear from me in ten minutes,you hit this place with everything you’ve got! i’m not gonna leave you down there! that’s an order, commander! captain! i think i found a way out of here! well what is it? just down that corridor is somekind of antigravity platform. it's the best we've got. i’ll cover you.
go! any time! discovery, can you get a lock on us? not yet, there’s still interference, youneed to get further from the tower. we’ll do our best. can't this thing go any faster? this isn’t exactly a starship! did you get them? commander?
i got them, they’re safe and sound. i don’t know about sound. oh god, come on! how is she? doc says he doesn’t know if she’ll make it. i wish we had more time to worry about marie, but we have to deal with daekon. jackson, have you informedthem of the situation? t’mar, what do you think about this?he is a romulan.
i’ve never even heard of daekon. and i’m as clueless as you are. i’m guessing any information aboutdaekon or the fact that he’s from the 28th century is highly restrictedinformation in the imperial senate. i figured as much... we have to put a stop to this. where are we with weapons and hull plating? i can give you phase cannons ortorpedoes, but i can’t give you both. most i can give you on hullplating is 50%. that's if we’re lucky.
captain, if you’re considering a frontal assault,i’m not sure that would be the best idea. from the scans i took of the structurewhile inside, it’s highly shielded. and even if our weaponscould damage or destroy it, i’m not sure we’d be ableto get past the drones. why hasn’t daekon just destroyedus and gone about his business? i think i can answer that. from what i can tell, the weaponhas a long recharge time. it seems the gravimetric distortions area direct side-effect of the weapon, and since we got here they’ve dropped offsignificantly and have been slowly rising again.
i don’t think it can simplybe fired like a torpedo. well, at least we’ll have a warningsign if he intends to use it again. but we can’t count on it. you all know the severity of the situation. we’ve been through a lotthese last couple of days. hell, the last six months. get some rest, we need you clear-headed. harrison! we gotta get you to sickbay.
you must protect the timeline! protect the timeline! hey! how? no, i’ll be fine. we have a lot to talk about. you look... i feel - terrible. dermal regeneration willonly do so much for you.
dermal regeneration? there are some things we need totalk about before anything else. i’m all ears. there’s no easy way to say this. say what? my assignment to discovery wasn’t by chance. your dreams after you thoughti’d died weren’t an accident. i don’t really follow. i’m a temporal agent.
i’m not from your time. i was sent to discoverybecause your time period is a major front in the temporal cold war. i know it’s a lot to take in. so what you’re saying is... this ship, crew... us... ...was just an assignment, a job? it started out as an assignment.
but you have to know that my time here and and the way that i feel about you... it became so much more than an assignment. so, assuming what you say is true... why me? why discovery? why not enterprise! they’re the ones that endedthe temporal cold war. because the enterprise is tooimportant to risk at this point. i get it, the ship that has afootnote in history is expendable.
i wouldn’t put it that way. what about the dreams? i encoded them into your subconsciouswhile you were sleeping. in case anything happened, you’d hopefully be able to activatethe beacon before it was too late. we’re in the 28th century... we were trying to destroy the romulan weapon, when we got caught in some sort ofgravimetric distortion that pulled us here. romulan weapon?
it could have been devestating. the romulans aren’t supposed to have thatsort of technology in this time period. i'm sorry if i woke you, sir, but i couldn't sleep.could you come down to engineering? it's important. i’ll be there right away, besides i’vesomeone here who’d like to say hello. you feel up to taking a walk? yeah. i think i can manage. i recommend that we keep thisinformation on a need-to-know basis. what kind of story would youlike to make up this time? i think we can trust the senior staff.
amelia? reports of my death have beenover-exaggerated...but not by much. how are you here? the section you were indecompressed to space. look, i know you all havequestions, but it’s a long story. we’ll explain at the briefing in the morning. so, what do you have for us? i assume you called me down here at4 in the morning for something? yes. it’s not everyday you see a ghost.
francis? right... we have a theory on how we got here. we know the gravimetric wave concentrationwas much higher when we arrived, which is when the rift formed. we think the distortions from the romulanweapon and this planet were somehow linked, essentially acting like a magnet,pulling us through space and time. after studying the subspace tear, theonly answer i keep coming back to is that the tricobalt devices musthave had an irreparable flaw
that caused them to haveunpredictable effects on subspace. in the case of mixing with thiskind of gravimetric distortion, we have seen what the side effect is. do you think you couldrecreate the subspace tear? well that’s what we’re hoping for. whatever’s generating the distortions seemsto be consistently building a charge, but it’s just not strong enough to open a rift. good work, it’s a start. amelia, i want a report on everything you knowabout the temporal cold war and this situation.
briefing in two hours. whatever is going on, just wanted you to know.. it’s good to have you back. thanks, you know it’s really good to be back. i’d better get started. all of this has been classified top secretby starfleet and remains in this room. until now it has been privy onlyto ship captains and admirals. amelia. i am from the 31st century.
we have technology that allows us to travel throughtime with the ease you travel through space. obviously it was very quickly realizedhow dangerous this technology could be, so temporal accords were put into place, outlawing the use of the technology for anythingother than observation of the timeline. there are groups that have broken these accords and seek to bend the timeline to their own will with total disregard for the consequences. the temporal cold war. it was officially ended five years ago,
and all groups brought tojustice, with the exception of one. until recently we have been unable tolocate him or ascertain his identity. i believe this man on the surface, daekon, is the last fugitive fromthe temporal cold war. any questions? i think we can destroy the horizon byoverloading it’s central power matrix. i agree, it’s the best way. the good news is that since theweapon has been building a charge, i’ve noticed a significant drop in the strength of thedampening field that was blocking our transporters.
should be able to transportyou right into the living room. good. tom, i’ll be taking you andamelia down to the surface where we are going to try to overloadthe horizon from the inside. francis, i want your peopleworking double time, do whatever you have to. if this doesn’t work, we’ll need everything wecan muster to try and take it out from orbit. jackson, work with francis on tryingto recreate the subspace tear. it's me honest, i don’t knowhow this is going to work out.
but we have a job to do. and no matter what...people are counting on us. jackson, when we go down to the surface, if forwhatever reason we can’t complete our objective i want you to try to take that tower outby any means necessary. understood? amelia, tom! transporter room in one hour. have you come to kill me, captain? i can’t allow you to use that weapon. it is not only a weapon,it is a temporal observatory.
one even unlike what our friendfrom the 31st century has seen. don’t bother denying it. the temporal signature of everyone inthe room is logged by the computer. would make sense. looks like this placedoubles as an observatory. scan the timeline, send a message to the past, change things from afar. what is this? the destruction of romulus.
if a change is implemented over time - a series of small changes - then time ripples outward, affecting the past and the future in waves. but if one tries to changetoo much at any given time, the fabric of space and time fractures, and a new universe is born. what’s your point? i've worked a lifetime for this,
giving the romulans of your day just enoughto finish the weapon, to change my future. all using a technology that even thelegendary iconians couldn’t master. and even they, for all their intelligence, could'nt sustain their union of peace. and here you are, repeating their mistakes withyour precious federation. it is sickening. allowing your species to become so taintedand dilluted that yours is as dead as mine. i will not stand for that, captain.
i cannot stand for that. it is a numbers game. your people for mine, your union for my empire. it is as simple as that. discovery here, captain. carry out your orders. one way or another, this ends here. where did he go?
francis. load the photonic torpedoes. target the tower. loaded and ready, sir. t’mar, you think you can handle gettingus in without burning up the atmosphere? where is he? he is above us. that can’t be good. power is being shunted to that station.
what was that? gravimetric distortions, lots of them. keep this heading! this looks similar to an intergravicplatform we run before. can you use it? yeah, i think so. yeah! you need to destroy this place at all cost! i’m doing my best! the gravimetricdistortions are tearing us apart.
discovery, come in! daekon! it's over! the distortions are subsiding. i think we’re in some kind ofbubble generated by the tower. let's see it. zoom in. torpedoes. target those things, take themout as soon as we’re in range.
if we’re going to do something,we’d better do it soon! you hear that? sorry about that, captain.would you like a lift? take amelia and tom, i still haveto set the overload sequence. harrison, wait! i can read romulan. i've a much better chance ofdisabling this thing than you do. see you on the ship lieutenant. good luck, captain.
daekon! you don’t have a choice anymore. either you stop or we’ll destroy this place. do you really want to die alone in themiddle of nowhere like the last iconians? the iconians held such highstandards for everyone else, but what did it get them? think about the hologram at the monument. they died on this world. do you really think they left itas a monument to themselves? to their greatness?
if the iconians had trulylearned from the past, they wouldn’t have tried to save the mostpowerful weapon ever created for themselves. it’s building a charge. two minutes. the iconian gateway. impressive! i have to stay here. i can overload the power systems,cause a self destruct. i'll do it. i’m the logical choice, i can read romulan.
i can go through the gate at the last second. but you’ll end up god knows where or when. i can find my way back. i’m not new to this. 60 seconds. if you go right now you'll havejust enough time to open the rift and get back. discovery! one to beam up. where's amelia? she's staying behind. prepare to fire. aye, sir.
let's go home. the rift appears to be stable. t'mar? 3,000 meters...2,000... the tower is going critical. aft cameras! compensating for the distortions this time.sending to your station t’mar. faster! i'm trying.
we’re almost through, the gravimetricfield is beginning to destabilize. the field is collapsing! captain, star charts show thatwe’re in the right place. but the barometric cloud barrier, thedistortions, nebulae, they’re all gone. looks like amelia might have been succesful. any ships? is the enterprisestill out there? the vulcans? scanning. captain, i’m picking up some transmissions. faint, narrow band.
let’s hear it. can you clear it up? working on it. sir, i have the enterprise on the sensors. they’re running on reserve power, warp engines are down, they’re in bad shape. the vulcans? one vulcan ship adrift, the kurok.very faint life signs. set a course for enterprise.transport all vulcan survivors here.
jackson, open up a communication channel. discovery to enterprise. can you read me? enterprise, come in. enterprise here. enterprise, glad to hear that you're ok. we're sending over repair teams and medicalsupplies right away. hawke out. jackson, coordinate with francisto get the teams over to the enterprise. any luck on the transmissions? i think i’m getting it now.
a faint signal from a transponderin the romulan debris. it’s a message being transmitted on loop. i managed to clear it up. the human coalition has destroyed theweapon before it could be activated. we must not allow thispestulence to grow further. destroy that transponder, now! if they send their entire fleet, then everythingyou’ve accomplished will be for nothing. i wish i had a solution. but we’re operating in the dark here.
i have a meeting with the vulcans,andorians, and tellerites later today. word is the romulans are amassinga force in the cheron system. will you be deploying us, sir? you did a hell of a job, harrison. i know practically no onemore deserving of a rest. thank you, sir. it wasn’texactly what we expected. you handled it well. you and your crew have been anexcellent asset to starfleet. if all goes well, a fleet of vulcan, andorian,tellerite, and some of our own ships
including discovery and enterprisewill be deployed to the cheron system. it says here you’re transferring t’mar? yes, that's right. the assignment’s over. may i make a request, sir? sure! i’d like to keep t’mar at the helm. really? allright. t'mar.
you got a second? i'm really not in the frame of mindfor your usual attitude, - so if you...- just hear me out. i wanted to say... i regret some of the thingsthat happened between us. is that all? i’m trying to apologize. so apologize. sir.
look... i don’t know if i’m able to change over night. or if i’ll be able to accept things. i want you to know that i’m trying. and i am sorry for some of thethings i’ve said and done. thank you! before you say anything, yes it’s really me. no implanted dreams or visions. i took the iconian gateway offworldjust before the tower was destroyed.
i have no idea where i was,but i activated my beacon, much like you did and i was retrievedby people from my time. all in a day’s work. my superiors don’t know i’m here. i can’t stay. i needed to let you know that i’m okay. and that i really do care about you. if things were different... i... actually understand.
i just wish it didn’t have to be this way. are things any different in your time? are we really any better? i can’t say too much, i don’t want to contaminatethe timeline more than i already have. but i can tell you that the coalition ofplanets leads to a great alliance. i am actually part romulan. a small part. but my great-grandfather was romulan. my grandmother was 1/8th cardassian...
my mother was human... my father was human, more or less. the federation that daekon mentioned? it is destined for so muchmore than you realize. so, we’re on the same path as the others? romulans, vulcans, humans and iconians...
at our core, are we really any different? i’m sorry, i have to go. if i stay any longer, someone might notice. will we ever see each other again? i wish i could say that we would. perhaps we will. at the edge of the universe. i’d like that. english subtitles by andreas amlinger