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presents the five biological laws third revolution in the history of medicine what these five biological laws are basically about and what implications they have, will be illustrated by the following example. the cat and the mouse let a mouse and a cat cross their ways the cat will notice a morsel of food. the mouse, on the other hand, is noticing a deadly threat.
by its biological determination, it immediately starts running away. it is an experience familiar to everyone that in extreme situations unprecedented powers are set free in us, and precisely this is part of what we are dealing with. the mouse's alveolar lung cells are turned to sympathicotony, which here results in hyperfunction, increasing permeability to oxygen. thus the mouse is able to inspire more effectively and to keep running for a prolonged period of time. after running for two minutes and successfully having sought refuge, the mouse will consecutively breathe and recreate for two minutes. it is now in a vagotonic, or parasympathetic state. transferring this situation to human life, this could be receiving
a diagnosis of deadly cancer from your doctor, which you would assess in the same way the mouse did. on the biological level, the deadly diagnosis is being interpreted like the cat from which one wants to escape. but in contrast, we cannot run away from this diagnosis in a literal sense, contrary to biological determination. this fear of death is perpetuated, the patient is unable to sleep, anorectic and restless, as a biological programme is active in him which tells him to excape from a deadly enemy. now, compared to the situation with the cat and the mouse, there is a big difference in duration. for the mouse, there are just two possibilites: either escaping in time or being devored. under no circumstances will it keep fleeing constantly for weeks and months.
in a natural environment, fear of death cannot persist for such a prolonged period of time. since the cells have been working at maximum capacity for weeks, they even began to proliferate to keep up with the workload. due to this surplus of cells, even more oxygen can be absorbed in even lesser time. would our patient now visit the doctor again, he would find a so-called malignant tumor in the lung and conclude that this represents a metastasis of the primary cancer. however, it is a cancer programme on its own, triggered by that fear of death. this cell proliferation never was malignant or nonsensical, but biologically, it helped the creature in running away.
let's now assume that our patient is being disalarmed by the doctor, who has a good prognosis for him, then he would be suddenly relieved and could finally start recreating. he successfully escaped the evil predator. but since additional cells have been grown for weeks, also something else will happen. the now unnecessary surplus cells are being decomposed through tuberculosis and expectorated. the patient will cough up coagulated blood. the mouse did not develop surplus cells during its two minutes of fear of death, necessitating no decomposition afterwards. the human patient however, now starts worrying again and seeks the doctor, who now in addition will diagnose lung tuberculosis,
this being a mere symptom of the resolution of the conflict of fear of death - which, while causing discomfort, represents a biologically expedient measure, whith a predetermined duration, roughly as long as one was caught in fear of death. however, decomposition of surplus cells can take place only if the organism carries the necessary tuberculi. in their absence, for example due to medical extermination, the tumor will encapsulate and remain at its place, not posing any direct threat. the tuberculi, always thought of as something bad, are actually no more than garbage collectors. indispensable helpers in reconvalescence. accordingly, there was an elevated rate of lung tuberculosis in germany after world war ii,
since many people had resolved their conflict of fear of death – biologically, they had fled the cat successfully. not in a single case was there an infection. lung cancer due to fear of death? keep in mind that there is not only a single type of lung cancer, as the lung comprises different parts reacting differently from each other to different notions. our example specifically adressed the pulmonary alveoles. for the bronchial tubes, goblet cells or pleurae there are different programmes with their own triggers and courses, but in any event, they are not malignant but biologically significant.
there is never a so-called metastasis, and never is this so-called "lung cancer" directly caused by smoking or other toxic agents. this is only possible through a biological notion of fear of death, necessitating hyperfuncion of the pulmonar aleveoles and without any need to be fought against, contrary to the previously held view. there is no trace of any error of nature we need to repair, as was always assumed both by the established and the alternative medical schools. were cancer and other so-called diseases once life-savers? if the five biological laws formulated by dr. hamer are correct, everything has been turned upside down! the curse...
cancer! the puzzle has been solved finally! and what about… aids? leukaemia? paralysis? diabetes? likewise! too good to be true?
those suffering from cancer grasp to everything that gives them a little hope for healing and life. no wonder that they even believe the promises of charlatans. caught in the death sect! now a movement is gaining support in europe calling itself "german new medicine". "german new medicine" - hope or fraud? this could pass as some insane theory and would not draw our attention if there were not so many sick walking in the trap of their absurd therapies. you are putting different things together in a confuse system. your theory is built on delusion.
you are mad and in need of psychiatric treatment. this is dr. hamer who has found the five biological laws. why don't you verify it? i'm prepared, in front of every commission... mr. hamer, the problem is that one cannot examine crazy and insane ideas. may i ask you if you are able to read? keep quiet with such stupid remarks! how can you, as represantatives of the established medical school, prevent that more people walk in the trap of a psychopath and charlatan? this is a triumph of madness. physicists seriously discussing with a cracked charlatan about his insane theories...
… tolerance which is almost criminal. let's move on to our next subject. stop! stop! stop! so much for the notorious "objective" and "fair" media coverage. now in contrast, this documentary aims at explaining what these five biological laws are about, actually, so that everyone can proof and judge them. please, don't believe anything that's being said here unless you have examined it by yourself! who knows how it really is after all? dr. hamer has summarised the five biological laws under the name "new medicine",
and later, "german new medicine". the words "new medicine", of course, do not refer to a new remedy or cure but to a whole new school of thought extending to the entire field of medicine from which a new approach can be derived to achieving individual reconvalescence of humans and animals. a shift of paradigms for the first time in the history of western medicine, as far as we are able to trace it back, we have a self-contained scientific system, explaining the essence and origins of diseases, that is situations we are still used to calling diseases. so basically, in their core, the five laws of nature are not a new application, technique or substance.
the new medicine is a new way of conceiving origins and course of programs, we now call diseases and which on the basis of our present understanding are erroneously assessed as we cannot see the significance of these symptomatic complexes. those five biological laws, which have been discovered by dr. hamer, are are a fundamental new view of what nature is, how nature works, what health and what disease is, in general. we arrive at a whole new picture. this is and unprecedented idea, that these natural programs are actually benficiary to our survival. for me it is of highest significance, beyound individual benefit, so that i say mankind will need this knowledge in the future, as it leaves no basis for racism,
or the politics of fear that is willfully promoted in medicine. it's a precondition for the future of mankind. i am a pharmaceutical adviser and have worked as a medical journalist. from 2000 onwards, i have repeatedly come across the new medicine. i have repeatedly dealt with it an talked to all sorts of oncologists throughout the country, who also take part in opinion-shaping. and what puzzled me was that whenever i mentioned new medicine they started stumbling. for example, i asked the head of a medical faculty: "what do you think about new medicine?" he replied: "as a reputable journalist you should not meddle with something like that." gosh! that made me all the more curious.
social scientist paul watzlawick recognises two types of changes that can occur due to scientific progress. type 1 relates to changes in basic assumptions. that is when our basic beliefs about the world, about ourselves, about certain processes, fundamentally change. type 2 changes comprise technical aspects. technical or methodological innovations which leave the basic assumptions unchanged. type 1 changes only occur very rarely in science. of course, someone who has devoted many years of his life to studying will not easily agree to putting into question the basic assumptions and principal theses he has learnt.
it's a revolution of medicine. it is not merely a revision like moving the furniture in a room in order to improve the setting. so was the technical enhancement we have seen so far in medicine. but now, we have a true change of the room. it's a whole new room. and this is indeed a great revolution. in ancient times, medical theory was resting on demonism. disease was believed to be brought about by sin, and could be prevented or repelled through adopting a pious lifestyle or through fighting the demons by exorcism. based on this religious dogm, for a long time, it was forbidden to dissect or examine the human body. with the acceptance of autopsies and the studying of anatomy a crucial step was made leading to the first revolution of medicine.
blind demonism was abandoned in favour of a technical view on the organism, an exact understanding of the functioning and interactions of organs. humoral pathology emerged from this revolution, as well as classical homoeopathy or bach flower therapy. this is also one of the pillars of contemporary medicine. the organism is thought of as a mere technical and biochemical system, and that technical defects, imbalances, blockades are the causes of disease. light microscopy paved the way for a further discovery. things otherwise hidden from the human eye could be made visible. this gave rise to an atomistic school of thaught in medicine,
tracking the causes of disease back to ever smaller units. now, for instance, microorganisms, genes and cellular mutations were held responsible. contemporary oncology and immunology emerged in accordance to this pattern. in 1981, german physician dr. ryke geerd hamer laid the foundation for the third revolution of medicine. since then it is clear that we always had an incorrect understanding of disease, and that instead, there are significant biological special procedures. we'll have more on that soon. these five biological laws represent the third revolution of medicine, a paradigm shift, were nothing is anymore considered right or wrong, but only efficient from the perspective of nature. we are very used to, that only entitled people with ranks within the academic hierarchy are allowed
to speak on medical items. but if dr. hamer is right with his discoveries, then basically the studies of medicine need to be reviewed. to be frank - when i first heard of it, i thaught these folks are nuts. then i started testing it by myself and on all my patients, and i had to admit it was correct. this means, that all this can be verified by anybody himself. there is no more need to believe in the titles, that were created to replace the verification of knowledge by anybody.
what dr. hamer says, what i say, what anybody else says can be proven and checked, if it is true to the biological reality. these natural laws are no probabilistic estimates as we have known them so far, but statements which, by their very syntactic structure and content, can be subject to refutation. thus, we cannot have statements like: with a likelyhood of 90% this and that is the cause ... , but the rule is: either it is exactly that way, or, if there exists a single case were it is different, than the whole thing is disproved. however, medical science is obviously satisfied with the finding of statistical correlations.
30% of all people with gastric ulcers host the microorganism helicobacter pylori. the conclusion is derived from this that helicobacter pylori is the cause of gastric ulcers. the fact that only 30% of all patients host helicobacter is not even mentioned. this was rewarded with the 2005 nobel prize. we have two attributes which are put in correlation, and we have a measure for the significance of this correlation. but this does not mean that, if one of two things is observed, the other can be expected with absolute certainty. it was along the same lines when the 2008 nobel prize was awarded for the discovery of correlating of human papilloma virus and cervical cancer of the uterus.
however, almost every woman hosts this virus, whereas cervical cancer is a rather rare gynaecological condition. that's what i find remarkable, that we don't have hypothetical statements anymore, allowing for exceptions, but we have determinant statements reflecting the true causal relations. "da wir aus den ã„rzten kaufleute machen, zwingen wir sie, die handelskniffe zu erlernen." bernhard shaw englisches original??? this holds true in the process of licensing new medications and therapies. the following parable is taken from prof. peter yoda's book "revelations of a medical insider" „i will demonstrate on an (somewhat drastic) example how studies are conducted.
let's assume i'm a vendor of stockings and i want to enter the market of cancer patients. i would arrange for a study to be conducted in the following way: all men with prostate cancer are tested for the colour of their stockings. whatever the results, in any event one group will have better survival rates than the others. suppose, from the group with blue stockings, 6% survive, compared to 4% of all the others. i would print an advertisement on glossy paper and present it to doctors in a premium hotel, stating that blue socks increase life expectancy by 50%. only afterwards we need a scientists to explain why those with blue stockings live longer. a possible explanation could be that blue stockings send out light waves with a frequency of 400-500nm,
and most recent us studies (always a good phrase!) have shown that prostate cancer cells could be destroyed more quickly when exposed to this frequency in a laboratory. make sure to include this statement: these studies require further research, but first results are so promising, that we may hope to come out with optimised "cancer stockings" in 3 to 4 years. the crucial point is that neither data nor conclusions would have to be manipulated - everything that's being said is true. soon, the question won't be if stockings do help, but which stockings help best. the time will come, when everyone is convinced: if there is any hope to survive cancer, it's only with stockings. it's a circular argument: cancer is malignant and deadly. the only hope comes from chemotherapy. to examine whether chemotherapy has any benefit at all is impermissable because it is the patients' only salvation.
so, for ethical reasons, no studies can be conducted with patients not wearing any stockings, as stockings are there only chance to survive and must them not be denied. the same reasoning is employed with regard to chemo "therapy".. the procedure is the same for all medication and therapies as in the stockings example. the death rate due to chemo stockings is never evaluated. "in these days, lazarus could not resurrect - too far has medicine progressed" mario marenco the triumphant advance of chemotherapy could only take place on the basis of a misunderstanding. most cancers consist of big swellings that occur in the beginning of a vagotonic repair stadium. thanks to sympathicotony induced by the chemo toxics, this swelling regresses,
which creates the delusion of a healing effect. this will become clearer in the course of this documentary. in 2004, german news magazine "der spiegel" came up with an article on chemotherapy, entitled "toxic cure without benefit". research was presented showing that there is no health improvement, but "the toxic cure has become a medical dogm." the question is posed: "but what evidence is there for patients living longer due to chemotherapy?" a decisive compartative study has never been conducted. in all clinical studies, pharmaceutical developers only compare new with old cytotoxics. there is never a untreated control group.
to obtain a license, it is sufficient to proof that a number of carefully selected probands has an ostensibly statistically significant benefit as compared to treatment with a conventional cytotoxic. reference is also made to university of heidelberg's epidemiologist ulrich abel, who expresses doubts as to the benefit of chemo therapy. professor abel, an expert for biostatistics at heidelberg university, a leading institute in german cancer research, concludes that for all cancer types, mortality is around 90%. that is, from 100 persons undergoing standard cancer treatment, 90 will die roughly after five years. the german federal court, in a decision i have here before me, established that conventional cancer therapy doesn't qualify as science-based.
it is a disease whose origin and course they don't know, and whose course they cannot influence in a verifyable way . according to the federal court. as for the success of conventional therapy - there is virtually no indication of its efficiency. dr. hamer treated patients in austria. in the town of burgau, there he maintained a center. the patient files have recently been confiscated by criminal investigators. in 8 to 9 years, there were 6 to 7 thousand patients. all of them were sought for by austrian investigators. police officers found 5000 patients alive out of 6000 listed in the files. an invaluable qualification of dr. hamer's work.
70-80% of all patients treated there have survived even after many years. these numbers are simply not met by conventional cancer treatment. "der spiegel" quotes former director of a university hospital for gynaecology: "it should arouse our concern that a growing number of doctor say: i myself wouldn't allow this therapy to be given to me" when cancer regresses by itself, the case is discarded on the grounds of a conjecture of misdiagnosis. as it is an unshakable dogm that cancer cannot regress, because otherwise the underlying theories couldn't be sustained. that is, if a malignant disease suddenly disappears and the patient survives surprisingly and contrary to all expectations,
this is either qualified by established medicine as a mystical "spontaneous healing" or the initial diagnosis of malignancy is withdrawn. so when someone was in fact healed or the cancer has suddenly disappeared, it was rather questioned, if the diagnosis was right, as question. so in the end it only said: "there was a suspicion of" [cancer] in the end the established medicine also tries to communicate, that cancer can sometimes be healed. so they release studies saying, that after 5 years, there are survivors. they count as "spontaneous healing" or "magic healing". and they don't think, that it can't be healed. they rather think, "ok, you have to get the chemo now, so you might have a chance"
this is their way of thinking. "the electron microscope amplifies the size of a t-lymphocyte any number of times only to amplify our ignorance of the cell to the same magnitude" manu l. kothari/lapa a. mehta like with stockings, there are people whose business is selling chemo "therapy". and they are eager to create a demand for it. demand is created by advertisement. but this sort of advertising differs from the sort we are used to, for it neither indicates its own commercial character nor who profits from it. like almost all advertisements, people's fears are exploited, but of course more open than in the promotion of detergents. preventive screening is another big seller. the more fear people have and the more they believe in ending their fear by preventive screening, the better it sells. it is, at the same time, a dragnet search for possible patients or purchasers
of other treatments waiting to be sold. demand is created by stoking deadly fear and presenting an alleged remedy. you're feeling well, too? still, you could have bowel cancer. for it is only felt when it is too late. but if detected in time, it is 100% curable. take part with me in bowel screening. you'll feel better afterwards. verona pooth. signed by several vips, all of whom happened to have said exactly the same words and carefully chosen so as to have a role model for each target group. thus, the true intentions are concealed by humanitarian rethorics, and noone ever wonders who finances this enormously expensive advertisement.
"what is finally behind all reluctance to medical innovations is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people make their living from allegedly incurable diseases, as commercial egotism overpowers every humanitarian idea" prof. dr. franz friedmann (1930) money can flow only if cancer is depicted as malignant and necessarily lethal. only one single patient convinced of chemo therapy brings hundreds of thousands of euros. doctors are still obliged to offer chemo therapy under the thread of losing their license. established medicine keeps the view, that the disease, as an example "cancer", sprawls throughout the body like a savage beast, duplicating itself, being an autonomous process.
this may work as a self fulfilling prophecy for the patient. that is, because we do have different biological programs, which may react to just that imagination, that something within us is wrong, that there is an attack happening. for example the peritoneum, which may, only by the fear of diagnosis or prognoses establish a new process, which confirms, what has been said. and of course, we need to understand, that every kind of diagnosis, as it is done today by established medicine, is only a glimpse of that moment. so if i have an abdominal-ct or if i measure the blood values, this is only a photography of this precise moment, of this second in which i have made this examination.
i cannot tell, what was going on 10 minutes ago. i can't tell, what will be there in 10 minutes. in established medicine they believe, that if there is a cancerous process, that this will keep growing and that this will keep proceeding. now if a patient shows up, who has had a cancerous process, which has now disappeared or is no more visible, this will be counted to the few cases of "spontaneous remission", which are no further explained. in fact we forget, that all those statistics, all those experiences are made inside of the hospital. this means, that all those numbers, all those statistics we have, all those of how many cases and the process of different diseases, all those are only documentations of the achievements inside the established medicine.
what's happening to people that don't even visit the doctors, when they are having a symptom, we don't know. this is not recorded. so there is a huge area of which we don't know, what is happening. because of that, we cannot finally say, what is happening in general, what is going on there, based on the knowledge of the established medicine. based on the view of the 5 laws of nature, we have a very precise prognosis, very precise knowledge of what is going on, what will be the next step of this tissue process? the fact is ignored that a long life can be achieved without preventive screening and even with multiple cancers, dying of a normal death in high age. in general, the fact that so-called diseases can disappear without medical intervention,
is unthinkable in our culture. in february of 2009 we met with christoph buck, who has had testicular cancer and got rid of it without any medical intervention. he was able to identify every stage of the condition in light of the five biological laws. i had recognised an induration in my right testicle, it feels like all your pants are too tight. suddenly i became afraid. i saw an urologist in stuttgart. the first view was of course alarming.
so he carried out an ultrasound examination. he said, with 95% certainty, this was a malignant testicular tumor. now you have cancer. this was shocking, first. suddenly it struck me that some months earlier, i had read something in the internet (about new medicine). and what was interesting was that this dr. hamer had had testicular cancer, too. and after he recognised testicular cancer in himself, he drew a link to the death of his son. this specific testicular program serves the biological benefit to increase fertility, in order to compensate for the loss of a beloved one by begetting new offspring. of course, our biological nature disregards civilised moral values that forbid us to simply replace a deceased by someone else.
here, it is all about survival of the species. we see, again, this cancer has nothing malignant, detrimental or wrong in it, either. i compared my situation to his theory, as he later concluded that testicular cancer is evoked by an experience of loss. it was easy for me to determine this conflict in my case. i knew my conflict immediately, and i knew it was resolved, and my situation coincided with what dr. hamer in his publications had presented as the healing stage. testicular tumor is not the ordinary sort of tumor one would think of, growing to a compact mass. during the active stage of the conflict it produces tissue defects i. e. cellular depletion.
when the conflict has been resolved this cellular depletion halts and the healing stage begins. with restitution of this defect. and this process brings about swelling. the symptom of which is an enlarged and indurated testicle. the entire process was completed by december. "what leaves the doctor without bread? a) our health and b) our death. thus, to live he needs forever to make between the two us waver." eugen roth living or dead patients are not a source of money, but only those undergoing therapy. and to keep them in a state which seemingly makes medication necessary,
provides the drug companies with a reliable source of income. for this reason, many drugs have a homeostatic effect: it means that the organism stops producing certain substances as long as they are introduced externally. so, insuline, like many other substances, guarantees a profitable business, as patients believe that their survival solely depends on them, while in the first place they become addicted. working as a pharmaceutical adviser, you have one leg in prison all the time. and of course, the medical research at universities is financed by the drug industry. in germany, this is especially severe - it is widely known, now, that the instructors in further training seminars (for doctors),
receive their payment from pharmaceutical companies. as a company promoter you are keen to make sure that the names of the products you promote are mentioned in these seminars. that's what it's about. and there are fantastic salaries paid for a lecture. all this is widely known. the magazines, either news magazines or yellow press, - news magazines are nothing else than yellow press, basically - live from advertisment. and when for example, the health section of "focus online" was for some time "powered by hexal", it is clear what they will write there.
"today's medical treatment is warfare against "germs and viruses"", the old one was expelling of the evil spirit or the devil, who had taken possession of the body. both were directed against non-existent foes. the present result is a war against our body and its destruction, while its improvement is sought!" dr. herbert m. shelton. 1895-1985 the assumptions of all past medical revolutions have one thing in common: nature is conceived as arbitrary, malignant, erroneus. either, when disease is regarded as a punishment for human sins, or as the consequence of a nebulous defect or abundance,
or as the conseqence of the invasion by a different species or even as an attack by the organism on itself - it is always about nature acting against us. under no circumstance this new medicine is just another alternative within the pool of all those alternatives. it gives us a fundamental new view. first of all it does not change what we are doing, but why we are doing it. no matter if we take globuli, minerals, antibiotics, cytostatics, or other substances in each case the underlying theory derives their significance from the motive for their application. the change of conceptions as brought about by the five biological laws, does not mean,
that new products, new fighting techniques are introduced, but the question is posed: does this war whithin our organism really exist? has any observed disease really emerged from this hypothetical war? for example, to use an antibiotic in order to fight bacteria, or to take vitamins in order to strengthen the immune system, is both based on the same world view - the organism being at war. all the therapeutical instruments at our disposal - it may be massage, osteopathy, surgery, or technically developed methods of examination - are now applied very sensibly in the context of a knew knowledge.
the president of the scientific committee of our alba organisation, danilo toneguzzi, a committee of now 19 medical doctors, says: now we physicians can feel pleasure in our work, again. in principle the new medicine is the basic understanding of therapy. it tells us what health is in general and how we can achieve it. and this is the pleasure those doctors feel again, thanks to this precise theory. at each time, the ruling dogma was considered as undoubtedly and indisputably true. what we consider indisputable and normal today, was unthinkable in earlier times. and perhaps, something we consider unthinkable today is the basis for tomorrow's science.
and like andreas vesalius took a firm stance against the ecclesial taboo and promoted the opening of the human body, people of our time firmly demand a fundamental rethinking of medicine. and they are just as forcefully fought and ridiculed. it is ardently believed that we already know everything we can know. as if our present science had gone beyond everything earlier. a science editor, a physicist, dr. frank ochmann, who is still writing for the "stern" magazine, back in 92, 93 paid me money for attending some non-conformist aids conference in zã¼rich, and writing an article about it.
it was never published. later i met him again, personally. i asked him: why don't you come up with it? he said: it's not yet the time for it. we've got magic johnson under contract - it's not yet the time. regarding the theory of infection in connection with an influenca pandemic, i talked to one official mr. betzer from the german environmental agency, and he told me: no, if you were right, we would have to rewrite the entire biological science, and why would we? the economic reshaping that would follow the acception of the new medicine on short terms, poses a big threat to many of us, but
if we accept it readily, we will see a great chance for the creation many new jobs and new branches of industry, above all, non-centralistic industrial branches. ... failed again. why? former head of the german health agency horst seehofer made the experience. today he admits: he couldn't stand the pharmaceutical pressure groups. does it mean that the pharamceutical industry was more powerful than the politicians, and you were forced to withdraw? yes. so it has been for the last thirty years, and until now, that reasonable structural changes in the german health care system are impossible due to the resistance of the pharamceutical pressure groups.
the pharmaceutical industry succeeded - exerting massive pressure. i can only state the fact that it is working just like that - and very effectively. but it is unacceptable that the industry is more powerful than legislators, in the end, politicians must say: not that way! yes, i cannot disagree with you. pharmaceutical research is one of the pillars of what we call the german hightech base. and at this point i would like to recall, that the pharmaceutical industry very much depends on stable long term investment conditions.
like on the protection of intellectual property by reasonable and judicially valid regulations in patent law. the development of a new pharmaceutic agent requires an average funding of 800 millions of euros and takes an average time of ten years. it follows that unless after the development and production of such a new agent, there reliable possibilities to regain what has been invested, research will not continue in germany or in europe. and here i want to state for my government: we are eager for germany not only to be a base for production, but also for pharamceutical research. "research is the best medicine"
says the current information campaign of the industrial association for pharmaceutical research. and i think this slogan is well chosen. this pharmaceutical research fits into the federal government's hightech strategy. the fifth biological law like the mouse could escape the cat only thanks to the special programme of the alveolar lung cells, each and every special programme, in a certain situation, is necessary for the survival of a subject. so dr. hamer defined these processes earlier misrepresented as disease, as "phylogenetically understandable significant biological special program" or sbs the aspect of "phylogenetically understandable" is also highly important.
the fifth law of nature is the questioning of our actual beliefs regarding the disease, the illness. and this is why many people are doing hard in understand that. the fifth law of nature is the understanding of every so called disease or illness as a meaningfull biological program of nature. and this sounds easy, but it's hard to understand and hard to integrate. because, now at once the disease, which has made us suffer, which has created symptoms which even created death, shall be a meaningful reaction of nature. and this seems to be in a contradiction to what is there. what we do not understand is, that those reactions of nature are meant to work for a biological way of living. and most parts of our society do not allow that, live very unbiological. though we are not living regarding our biological code,
those reactions of nature are much more in number and stronger as they are intended to be in the wilderness. and this leads to that all those symptoms, that come from those reactions are also more in number and stronger as they are intended by nature. and this is what we call "disease". for example, the so called "conflict of starvation". if an animal out there in the wilderness experiences a conflict of starvation, this is always related to a real situation of starvation. this means, that if for example an impala out there in the wilderness doesn't find anything more to eat, it realizes at once, "oh, nothing more to eat", danger of starvation. initially starting from this moment, there is an alternation of the liver tissue. the liver cells change and increase the function.
it produces more enzymes and it allows a better storage of glycogen. and everything that can be found, every kind of grass, everything will be used better, more efficiently for creating a bigger chance of survival. from the same moment the liver tissue begins to grow. new cells begin to grow. now, what can you assume? how long can an impala live out there in the wilderness without finding food? if we assume about 6 or 7 weeks, it means that if for 6 or 7 weeks, this animal doesn't find any new food it will die from starvation. if we find the dead impala and cut it open and we examine the liver. what will we find? well maybe we'll find a liver growth,
maybe we'll find that it's a little slightly bigger. for sure, there won't be anything that we can call a cancer. so the change of the liver tissue, as intended by nature, is not for creating a huge tumor. and more life-threatening than the procedure affecting the organ. it is for improving the chance of survival for this animal, within the timelapse that nature allows for this biological program. now, a human being can experience a conflict of starvation from another situation. maybe from the lack of money, from the lack of financial support.
the big difference is, that if you lack money, if you are broke, you will not die from starvation within 6 or 7 weeks. you can keep this program, you can keep this problem running for months, even for years. and if you have experienced that conflict of starvation, because of your lack of financial support the liver tissue will keep on growing, will keep on processing, just as if you were in a real situation of starvation. and from the huge timeframe there can be a big tumorous growth. and also from the beginning of this biological program, we have a growth, an augmentation of the liver tissue. now, for a biological living being, there is a limited timeframe, which this animal has, for the solution of this problem. if the impala dies within 6 or 7 weeks without finding anything to eat, any nourishment the human being can live within that situation of feeling to starve, from lack of financial support, for months or for years.
so the tissue process will keep going, keep going on. nature does not intend to create huge tumorous growth in such a situation. nature intends to change, to improve the situation by improving the organic function. but by the fact, that a human being will not die from for example the lack of financial support we keep going, we keep growing in the process, until we reach huge dimensions which then are called cancerous disease. so basically we can say, what we call disease today is not intended as that by nature. it is only created by our unbiological living and lifestyle, which creates huge timeframes for those biological programs until we find or do not find a solution.
aber kein tier in freier wildbahn wird monate lang in der blanken todesangst leben. let's have a look at the conflict of fear of death. the situation in which an animal out in the wilderness may experience this conflict fear of death is when being confronted with a predator or a life endangering situation. naturally this situation, fear of death, for a living being out there in nature may keep going for minutes, maybe for seconds. but within the timeframe there will be a decision, if our animal can flee successfully, or if it will be killed by the predator. if you're a human being, being diagnosed with a malignant disease by the doctor of your trust, and the doctor tells you, that this cancer, this thing, is living inside of you like a predator,
eating you up from the inside, and this is pretty much how it is explained and describe to the people, how can you flee from that predator? how can you get away from this situation? you can't! and the biological program, if you have experienced this conflict fear of death, will keep on going, will keep on growing. and after a while you will be diagnosed with metastases in the lung, because of this conflict fear of death and your situation from which you cannot escape. so now we understand, that our believe systems, our abilities to interpretate and to believe the sayings of other people allow us to create biological programs from which we cannot escape. and those are situations which create huge organic situations.
huge diseased situations, which need to be interveined. the fifth biological law of nature tells us, that those processes are meaningful, and even if an organic process is dangerous and needs to be treated, it has a biological meaning and purpose. it helps us on the psychological level to try keep on going and finding a solution. because every biological programs runs on all 3 levels psyche, brain and organ simultaneously, constantly. from the 5. law of nature we understand, that there is nothing such as an failure, accident or evil nature. for there is no malignancy in nature. the assumption of malignant cancer cells swimming away and producing secondary tumors at other places
can likewise only be found in textbooks now outdated. as for the theory of metastases, if we look at it in detail, many different events would have to be observed in order to back this theory. one would have to observe exactly: - the separation of a cancer cell from the tumor. - the migration of this cell through the blood or lymphatic system. - its settling in a different organ. - infiltration of this organ. in fact, besides the possibility of finding any number of cancer cells in the blood,
all the other hypothesised processes are neither verifiable, nor are there answers to questions like that why a metastasis doesn't settle in neighbouring organs like the wall of blood vessels. the following will explain why multiple tumors in one organism do exist, after all. "nature has no sense of joking, it is ever true, ever solemn, ever strict; it is ever right, and all mistakes and errors are man's." goethe the first biological law it says, that every physiological situation, which is not induced by a poisoning, by a scarcity or an injury is the result of a so called biological conflict, which is defined dhs by dr. hamer. each of the special programmes we used to call diseases earlier will only begin
when we notice a conflict with our biologial needs. examples of biological conflicts are cessation of food supply, not being able to live our sexual needs, or like in the initial example with the mouse, when we face a deadly threat. this might as well be a situation which is dramatic and visible for outstanders like the unexpected death of a family member. but also a single word in an argument, that you didn't expect. like an accusation or something.
the varieties and possibilities for the biological conflict are as far and wide as possibilities to interpretate and feel for a human being. so it's just plain impossible to list them up. do you see a connection between the death of your son and your testicular cancer? not only do i see a connection, but i have proved it exactly in more than 600 cases, there is an exact relation, and all my colleagues are revolted by my calling this a law, but in every case where the histological finding is exact, there is this connection. dr. hamer named the biological conflict dirk hamer syndrome or dhs, in honour of his son dirk, after whose death he acquired testicular cancer, which opened his eyes to finding the first biological law.
dr. hamer underwent surgery of his cancer, what many try to use against him. but they ignore that this happened before he made his discovery. that's not entirely fair. and he emphasises that he wouldn't have had it done with his later knowledge. the first biological law consists of three criteria. the first criterion defines the three moments of the dhs. these are the preconditions for a special programme to take place. the conflict was highly acute and dramatic. it struck the person unexpected, off-guard. and it was isolating, this means, there was no sympathy or understanding by others, or there was noone to talk to about the problem.
in no way do similar situations always produce the same symptoms. imagine five people who go to their common workplace one morning where they are informed that they lost their job. and each of the five persons conceives this information in a different way. what happens? mr. a sees his job mainly as a source of income to make his living, it gives him his "daily bread". the closing of the company for him is highly acute and dramatical, as his "daily bread" is endangered now. he feels isolated, for he lives alone and cannot share his sorrow.
the situation was unexpected to him. he suffers a biological conflict with the content of starvation. mr. a develops a liver hyperfunction with subsequent cell proliferation, if the conflict remains active for an extended period of time. as soon as he finds a new source of income the cancer will automatically be decomposed. the hyperfunction and the tumor of the liver help him to extract more nutritive substances from little food. mr b is among the higher echelons in the company which he sees as a source of personal importance. it's for him to decide and to direct. in biological terms, it is his territory. the closing down of the company is highly acute and dramatic for him as his source of importance and authority has suddenly disappeared.
whithout this company he is a "nobody". in addition, the situation is isolating, as noone who has not made the same experience can share his feelings. the closing down is unexpected. he suffers a biological conflict of "losing one's territory". mr b's coronary arteries widen and might cause heart aching. this provides for better oxygenisation of the heart, so he has more power to regain his territory. after the resolution of the conflict, he will develop bradyarrhythmia, a special kind of heart attack. mr c had always identified himself with the company, being proud when it was running well,
losing self esteem when it was running badly. the sudden closing down came as a devastating defeat for him, especially, as he was not even informed in time. he suffers a conflict of central self-devaluation: "i am a loser". mr c experiences a cellular depletion in the vertebrate column. upon resolving the conflict, restitution of vertebrate bone or intervertebrate disks will begin, causing back pain for some time. mr d sees the company merely as a source of extra-income. his big family maintains him. as his territory, he doesn't regard his workplace, but rather his marital life.
therefore, the closing down of the company is not highly-acute nor dramatic for him. while being isolating and unexpected, he suffers no conflict as the dramatic aspect ist lacking. for mr d, no special programme becomes necessary. mr e is actually a standard case: he suffers three conflicts at a time, as all contents are dramatic for him. he develops the symptoms of a, b und c. we see from this example that several people can have a completely different assessment of the same situation. they can suffer different conflicts or no conflict at all. the therapeutical approach taken in each of these cases would have to be based
indivudually on each specific background. of course, these were only three possibilities of assessing the situation. starvation, loss of one's territory and self-devaluation. but there is still an infinite number of other possible interpretations. it's an entirely individual thing. there is no general rule. for example, the release of adrenaline is obligatory in every conflict. that is a hyperfunction of the adrenal marrow. so there are many programmes that start in every conflict, because they are always efficient. it is something known to everybody: when you experience any small conflict,
the heartrate increases immediately. this is a special programme as well. so there is not only one special programme triggered by each conflict, but there are always several ones. the second criterion - the locus the second criterion determines which special programme is triggered by which conflict. or which assesment of a conflict necessitates which special programme. of course, this has to do, among other things, with the role played by specific organs so as to act efficiently under the special programme. in some organs, this connection is obvious -
the liver intensifies its function in a conflict related to nutrition. the bladder is involved in the marking of one's territory. or as for the skin, it is about sensing, touching, keeping contact with others. but it is not that obvious for all organs. a moment ago, we had the example of five people losing their job and reacting to this in completely different ways. here is an example of the opposite case. several people experience entirely different situations but assess them in exactly the same way. consider three persons: a man attempts to decorate his office which is forbidden by his boss. a small child attempts to lock itself in its room,
but daddy doesn't allow it, as in their family it is forbidden to lock oneself in. finally an adolescent girl whose mother is meddling with her affairs all the time. so that she cannot make her own decisions whithout the mother getting involved. all three have one thing in common: they suffer from occasional bladder inflammations. what is the least common denominator in their sensing of the conflict, is the marking of their respective territories. each of them is prevented from marking or delimiting his territory. the man can not decorate his office in order to make it his territory. the child cannot lock itself in its room in order to delimit its realm, as daddy's opposed to it. and in the girl, we see the female manifestation of this conflict of marking the territory.
she is less concerned with the outer territory, but more with her personal identity. she cannot set boundaries between herself and her mother. in essence, we have the same sensing of the conflict in all of them, although it appears so unequal. this is hard to understand in the beginning. all the more difficult is it to characterize the conflictive contents in a way everybody will find useful. many beginners are disappointed by dr. hamer's scientific chart. as it is significantly more difficult to employ than expected. you cannot simply look up any conflict in it. it is clearly different.
another important finding is that from this moment, the special programme is running simultaneously on the three levels of psyche, brain and organ. it is a common misunderstanding that the psyche triggers the special programmes, while in fact, the conflict is perceived by our integral biological organism, effecting symptoms on all three layers. what we experience on the psychical level through our thoughts, a change of our view towards the world, is a symptom, not a cause. please keep in mind: we are not talking about psychological conflicts. the psyche is not causing diseases. precisely this conception of so called psychosomatics is refuted by the five biological laws.
the biological conflict, perceived by all senses we command, triggers a special programme which helps us to solve the biological problem. on the psychical level, from this moment on, there is an obsessive dwelling over the conflict and an obsessive searching for a resolution helping us to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. so this is a highly important part of the survival strategy. our actions are directed accordingly. in the organ related to each type of biological conflict, a functional change takes place helping to solve the problem. every organ is related to a certain center in the brain.
these are at the same time the centers for all our biological notions and, through the psyche, they also control our feeling and acting. for example, this locus in the brain stem controls the liver and is therefore in part responsible for our quest for food. these loci in the cerebellum control the mammary glands and the need to feed a helpless creature milk. the epidermis and therefore our sense of touch and need for contact are controlled by the sensory area of the cerebral cortex. on the cerebral level, at the locus inside the brain controlling the respective organ,
we see a circular structure called "hamer focus". these hamer foci consist of articulate rings that can be seen only in a ct scan performed without a contrast agent, but even this usually requires several years of training. they cannot be seen in mri. when clearly seen, established medicine discards them as technical artifacts. the strict synchronicity between the three levels allows for exact deductive conclusions from one level to the others. a trained ct reader can tell from a brain ct scan what psychical and organical conditions a person has had, is currently experiencing or, in some cases, are to be expected. so if the cerebral center for the alveolar lung cells is seen active in a ct scan, it can be concluded with certainty that the person has improved breathing and perhaps cell proliferation of the alveoles,
and that he is bothering with an unresolved fear of death. accordingly, from a specific organical symptom, feelings and cerebral conditions can be predicted. experienced therapists can even draw conclusions to organ and cerebral conditions from a psychological anamnesis. it is only natural that the psychical level is most difficult to evaluate, depending, among other things, on a person's mental state and how readily he speaks about intimate feelings. perfect predictions, however, can be made from brain ct images for the organ and psychical levels provided that appropriate technical devices are accessible.
i abandoned it almost completely, for, due to my working experience as a nurse, when i see a patient in front of me, i know what's the matter with him. so, as a rule, i don't need a ct scan. after all, i think it's great to say we can do ct-reading, but it's generally overestimated. we have to look at the patient as a whole and not only at a ct image. i was puzzled when someone called and asked me whether i can do ct-reading. and i said: no, the patient has to come here, i have to look at him. jesus! i would never restrict myself to ct-reading. the three levels are unseparable from each other.
the feeling of grief, fear etc. (depending on the specific biological conflict) is not the cause of the corresponding organic procedure. it is a consequence of the conflict - the change in thinking is part of the natural strategy to find a solution, as all thoughts are solely orbiting around the problem. example: the liver on all three levels the notion of no ore insufficient food necessitates a hyperfunction. in the corresponding brain center we see a hamer focus. both on the organ and psychic level, we develop hyperfunction in this example. on the organ level, nutrients are extracted much more effectively from the food.
on the psychic level, we are obsessed with thinking about finding a new source of food, or a new job, respectively. a trivial everyday example: imagine to bite into this tart and juicy lemon. you will immediately notice increased salivary production. if this is the case, than you have cancer right now! there is a conflict with regard to normal functioning. in this case it is recognised that there is not enough saliva for this tart fruit in the mouth. the salivary glands react immediately with increasing of their function.
if, for example, i experience of "i cannot get the morsel", and the morsel is always a thing that is necessary or needful for my survival, this will affect the right tonsil or the right salivary gland. if i can solve this situation, within maybe hours, this will only lead to an increased production of secretion of enzymes for catching the morsel more effectively. if i can handle the situation, when i solve the conflict or it levels by itself, the process will be revised and i have a swelling in this area, my mouth is a little dry at this spot, and then the process is finished. if i can not solve the situation for a long period of time or if it is
reoccuring over and over again, this will lead to an increased growth and function, change of cells, change of the histology and which in the end will look like a tonsil carcinoma. of course, this cannot happen with regard to ordinary food. but if it is about something we perceive like food biologically, for example if we deem it vital, the same case can occur. so the question if there is just a change in function or a tumorous growth, a cancerous situation, this question is only defined by the intensity and the length of the process. so it would be wrong to say, which is still not understood right by many people, that a certain conflict causes a certain symptom.
in the first place, it is required that the situation is dramatic for a person. how is the situation being interpreted? and the duration of the conflict is also decisive. in a short-termed conflict, no big organic procedure can have place. but in the opposite direction, we can make definite statements. if a certain symptom is clearly recognisable, than, in any case it must be preceded by the corresponding conflict. but it's not the other way round. we cannot say: this conflict was present, so that symptom must result. this conclusion may prove correct, but not necessarily. but vice versa, we have natural laws. often it has to be understood that an organ is not monolithic.
let's look to the breast as an example – it consists of different parts and tissues. mammary glands - mammary ducts - adipose tissue - corium - epidermis. avoid for this reason inaccurate wordings like "breast cancer". example: mammary glands assume a mother has breastfed her child, her breasts are now empty. now she's having a walk with her child happily sleeping in the stroller. now, unexpectedly, she hears a newborn child terribly screaming. and she feels immediately her breasts being filled with milk. so it's a biological response, if there's a small child that is not well,
i must produce milk. but now, if this situation not only lasts for a brief moment but for a prolongued period of time, for example, when the child is ill, in hospital, severely ill, and the mother is afraid that it won't recover, again, her biological response is to try and produce milk. but due to the prolongation, the mammary gland is even increasing in size. the significance of which is to produce even more milk. but without knowledge of this, whithout understanding the biological significance, we'll only see a node in the breast. which we call breast cancer. this is a whole new view of the entire process, medicine refers to as disease.
we have seen that the mammary glands develop hyperfunction when a helpless creature demands care. a case in point could be when one's own child hurts itself. but in a civilisational environment, there are other causes of sorrow. e. g. the child has bad marks in school, which arouses concern about its future life. or it suffers from anything else which makes the mother worry. hyperfunction of the mammary glands also becomes necessary, if the "family nest" ist endangered or destroyed. in our civilisation, this could be the house protecting the familiy. in all cases, the surplus in milk production is aimed at assisting others
and helping them through a hard time. experience has taught us, however, that women also react with their mammary glands to conflicts with other close persons such as their partners. in essence, we arrive at a conflict of caring and/or quarreling. everything is possible. what matters, is solely the biological interpretation of any conflict. a woman not currently breastfeeding, will not produce milk in spite of the activity of the special programme. but her breasts will only secrete a serous liquid. which is likely to be connected to the fact that in nature, a mother is almost uninterruptedly breastfeeding, as she is giving birth in short sequence
for which reason menstruation is more frequent in civilisation than in nature. but mind that everything being said here is only valid for the mammary glands! the other parts of the breast have show their significant reactions in other circumstances. a synopsis of these can be derived from the third biological law. if there is a growth of the mammary glands, there is always a conflict of care and/ore quarrel. whereas the inaccurate word "breast cancer" should be abandoned. the second biological law the second biological law has pivotal significance in the practical work in accordance with the biological laws. it follows from the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system,
which regulates all of our somatic procedures, based on our sensations, and without our arbitrary interference. the autonomic nervous systems is made up of two branches: sympathic and vagal. during daytime, we are usually in a sympathetic state. we are restless, energetic and busy. while an animal predator for example would be hunting. vagotonia is the state of recreation. now we're digesting, sleeping or relaxing. powers spent before are being rebuilt. this is why we become tired after meals, as digestion is a regenerative vagotonic procedure. sympathicotonia and vagotonia are antagonists, neutralising and succeeding each other in a regular rhythm. each side giving rise to the other.
for example, if you are always active until late night during the week, i. e in a sympathicotonic state, with short vagotonic periods of rest, you will compensate for this on weekends with prolonged vagotonia. you will sleep as long as necessary to restore the equilibrium. those physical conditions we used to consider unnormal begin at the moment when a major conflict occurs, turning our regular life upside down. we may observe this in the example of the mouse in the face of death. it is turned to total sympathicotony all of a sudden, as its life is at stake with no time for recreation left. this is called the conflict active phase. the clinical signs can be verified by every layman, a doctor doesn't need any instruments:
cold hands, obsessive dwelling over the conflict situation, anorexia, insomnia and highly increased metabolic activity. also elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol, released by the adrenal glands. the benefit of which is to assist us in the situation we are faced with the body is made fit so that we can be powerful, effective, need little sleep, lack appetite so as not to burden the digestive apparatus with work and providing us energy to solve the current conflict or the problem as quickly as possible. if this continues for weeks and months, the patient will lose weight and look unhealthy. this is what we call the sympathicotonic phase.
as the specific example deals with a conflict "fear of death", the alveolar lung cells are turned to sympathicotonia, as well. wich results in an improved permeability to oxygen. the mouse achieves resolution of the conflict immediately by escaping safely. in a safe place, or when the resolution of the conflict is recognised, its body is turned to vagotonia, it recreates and regains its powers. the symptoms of the conflict active phase disappear, the mouse is tired and weak. there is nothing remarkable about this. but compare this to the human equivalent of a patient receiving his lethal diagnosis. he is turned to total sympathicotonia as well. all of his thoughts are solely dedicated to this conflict.
his hands are cold, he is unable to eat anything. with the conflict unresolved, he remains in the sympathicotonic state during the night. it is almost impossible for him to sleep, as in biological terms, he has to escape a deadly enemy. due to the increased activity of his alveoles, his respiration works very well. if this condition persists for half a year or a year on a constant level, the patient will never be able to recreate sufficiently and will emaciate. which can result in kachexia and death. usually we learn to live with our conflicts.
in this case, they lose intensity and sometimes we forget them alltogether. so please don't panic and say - help! what if i have some active conflicts?. oh no! i will emaciate - or along those lines. you would surely recognise a conflict from which you could emaciate. and then you wouldn't have any time to worry about these things. when i have still time to bother myself with these things, my conflicts are not severe enough. when i really face serious conflicts, my thoughts orbit around them day and night, and i try to get things straight again. then i cannot concentrate on anything else. at the same time, constant activity of alveolar lung cells results in their proliferation and hyperplasia, and on the next visit to the doctor,
this will be misdiagnosed as "pulmonar metastases". "now the cancer has already spread into the lungs". which diagnosis will of course exacerbate the patient's fear of death. the constant emaciation further weakens the patient from day to day. and everybody will falsely believe that the cancer has weakened and agonised him so that his lifepower is fading away. but the truth is that permanent stress prevents him from recreating. he keeps spending all of his resources without restoring them. "prudently the doctor poses a devastating diagnosis, lest no one doubts that he is wise:
because in case the patient dies - and be it only from that shock - they'll say: as foreseen by the doc! but if he saves the patient, though, then as a genius he shall go...!" eugen roth now let our patient after one month become disalarmed by the doctor for whatever reason, this resolution of his conflict brings him to vagotonia, which in this case at the same time is a repair or healing phase. one month's sympathicotonia must now be "made good for" in the form of vagotonia, in order to restore the equilibrium. from the moment of the resolution on, the patient is tired for one month, he has warm hands, appetite, is able to concentrate on other things, like reading a book,
which would have been impossible during conflict activity. without knowledge of the five biological laws, this condition was considered a disease, its regenerative character had escaped our notion. it means, there are many different diagnoses of established medicine referring to a single biological program, within it's different phases or courses, depending on how often it reoccurs of if it passes with once. modern established medicine does not regard these different phases of course. this might be caused by the fact, that the first conflict active phase usually shows up with little symptoms, or at least with symptoms, that are seldomly defined as illness.
about 80% of illness related symptoms show up after conflict solution. one notable observation can be made in every repair stage. roughly in the middle of this process, there is a short intermezzo of high sympathicotonia - the so called epicrisis. symptoms of which are several forms of heart attacks, epilepsy, panic, vomiting, sneezing, colics and others. these are necessary stages in the repair phase of several special programmes. we are used to consider them as moments of disease, of something going wrong, but these phenomena are not the result of errors either, but strictly obey biological rules. the epicrisis cannot be bypassed in going through the repair phase,
and, under certain circumstances, it can be lethal. we'll come back to the epicrisis and what's behind it, later. the graphic presentation of the two phases is, of course, merely schematic. it doesn't mean that we don't need any sleep for months. it only means, that the day-night-succession is shifted up- or downwards. so for example during conflict activity, one still gets sleep, but much less. the areas between each the conflict active and post-conflict-resolution lines and the middle line are equal. that is, they don't need to have the same duration or intensity. it's the product of both which is decisive. and this is exactly equal in both phases.
"doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing" voltaire from the second biological law, the law of the two phases, it can be derived whether medical interference makes sense or not at a certain point. the usage of medication, regarding the "new medicine" is focused on taking influence on the different phases. that means, if i'm stuck in a strong activity due to a conflict, i could achieve a tranquillization. if i find myself in a strong phase of regeneration, which is showing up strong symptoms, medication could be used to lower these symptoms, by reducing the intensity of that phase. the one thing, that has never been there and will never be there is a substance that heals.
we have the so called sympathicomimetics and parasympathicomimetics. the former stimulate the sympathic nerves and increase sympathicotonia, the latter stimulate the vagus and parasympathic nerves and increase vagotonia. if a patient in a conflict active sympathicotone phase is given sympathicomimetics such as cortisone or aspirine, sympathicotonia will increase and the active phase will progress even more intensely. parasympathicomimetics would alleviate it. as symptoms of the active phase are rather seldom felt, the question of medication arises chiefly in the repair phase. because it is then that we have pain and feel unwell.
sympathiconic interference alleviates the symptoms of the repair phase. this means they become less strong. but in turn, the repair process is slowed down accordingly. so mitigation results in a prolongation of the healing phase. what is not possible is to skip a repair process using medicine. skipping of the entire phase would prevent necessary repair. vitamin c for example has a sympathicotonic effect and mitigates repair symptoms. this is why it is thought to be "healthy". but also coke or coffee, through their coffeine, have a sympathicotonic effect, so according to the old logics, they are "healthy", too. the conception of a disease as an error of nature that can be ceased through medicine is far from reality.
sometimes it seemed to be like that, as we didn't know the context of the two phases. abusive sympathicotonic interference can even turn the nervous system entirely back to sympathicotonia. in which case the repair process stops completely and the symptoms of the conflict active phase recommence. additional conflict mass is built "above the line" which afterwards has to be reduced "below the line" and that is whith repair symptoms. when the effect of the medicine fades, the repair process can continue. to suppress the symptoms again medically, can lead into a never-ending circle. this is however only one of several ways to make a condition chronic. it is clear that vagotonic medicine exacerbates the symptoms of the healing phase,
but also abrreviates it by accelerating the repair processes. according to this so called "new medicine", medication is neither forbidden nor disgraced, as often falsely reported. what's new is that we know more exactly when to employ which remedy. the patient exercises all responsibility himself and decides either to endure certain symptoms or to mitigate or delay them. in some situation which could end up lethal, medication or surgery is obligatory. sympathicotone or vagotone intervention is not only achieved by medicine in the form of pills etc. when i put an ice bag on my head or do sports, i'll become sypathicotone, as well.
or if i go to the sauna, i'll become vagotone. the statement that, according to dr. hamer, one should do nothing and will be healed passively, is widely believed but far from reality. it is either a misunderstanding or a piece of wilful disinformation. waiting is not a good idea. waiting means doing nothing. and right now, by knowing the 5 laws of nature we understand, that doing something is very important. an effective therapy often involves a fundamental restructuration of lifestyle. a change of things we are used to. not just the passiveness of taking the pill. of course the physical condition needs to be guided and controlled.
but not just push down or slaying by any substance, but respecting the laws that were discoverd by dr. hamer, observing if there is a reoccuring conflict, or if an intervention is necessary. by all means, doing nothing, which was part of some news report is untrue for any case, regarding working with the 5 laws of nature. what would rather seem to me as inactivity, is when i see an exanthema of the skin, and i give the patient cortisone, and that's it. or i see an inflammation and give the patient antibiotics, and that's it. this is what i would actually describe as inactivity.
the therapist must even take care of himself as the conversations are often unnerving. you have to put yourself in the other's place to grasp his feeling and thinking, just as a nurse is used to do. example: rhinitis there is always a functional change in every tissue, that is unable to fulfil its usual physiological work. in the example of rhinits, this is the nasal mucosa whose task is scenting. however, running nose and sneezing are symptoms of the repair phase, commencing after the resolution of the conflict.
logic tells us that this is a conflict of scenting. in natural life this is about scenting the enemy, the family a source of food - to forebode something. man, however, doesn't employ his organ of smell consciously for that purpose any more. but we still have this interpretation bypassing our intellect. for example, in looking for someone, we use our nose, even whithout being fully aware of it. isolated sneezing comes after the resolution of a short scenting situation (unless there were irritating particles in the nose). if rhinitis extends to a longer period of time, we had been unable to scent something for some time.
what was it i have been afraid of for one moment, it stinks, i'm like an animal in the woods, i smell something which is not good, it's dangerous. and when i begin to relax, i get rhinitis. so these symptoms are always preceded by a resolved scenting conflict. this can be, when something is unclear, when we don't know where something or someone is. when we don't know what has to be done next, how something works, when something cannot be clearly recognised. also when we are suddenly hustled or otherwise attacked by someone, that is not to have scented the enemy in time to prepare against the assault. or any other situation we were not able to foresee.
also not liking to smell an enemy or a danger. or simply put - if something "stinks". the third biological law some important questions are still left for clarification. for example why some organs develop hyperplasia in the active phase while others only do so in the repair phase. on first encounter, the third biological law may seem to be the most difficult of all, but in essence it is quite simple. so don't worry if you don't get it immediately, i think this is perfectly normal when hearing for the first time of the entire subject. but together with the second law, it represents the pivotal element, the core structure of the five biological laws as seen from the therapeutical view.
because an enormous multitude of information can be derived from the third biological law. of which this introduction can only provide a gross idea. the 3rd law of nature explains basically, that every physiological function of our organism is strictly connected to it's original tissue, developed from the 3 germ layers. and that every one of those original tissues is connected to a biological need or necessity, meaning a group of typical biological conflicts and a corresponding brain level. and it tells us, that every one of those original tissues has a specific known behaviour during the phases of a biological program. the basis of the third biological law was discovered by dr. hamer in embryology.
from the 13th day after fertilisation of the egg, we observe a differentiation of tissue into the so called germ layers. there are three of them, and the groups of organs developing from each of these germ layers fulfill distinct tasks in the organism. the inner germ layer, called endoderm, comprises the organs responsible for basic life functions. they are chiefly occupied with obtaining, processing and deposition of vital substances. the endoderm is the oldest of the germ layers and gives rise, inter alia, to the entire gastro-intestinal tract, including the liver, glands and the lungs.
these are organs with resorptive function. the lungs resorb oxygen, the liver resorbs food ingredients. from the middle germ layer, called mesoderm, all organs arise that provide the body with protection, support and stability, like bones, striated muscles, tendons, corium, connective tissue, intervertebral disks etc. the outer germ layer, called ectoderm, comprises, inter alia, all organs of sense, such as the skin, furthermore functions like insuline production ability to smell, to hear. all that can be seen of a human from outside, the entire outer skin, is ectoderm. including all nerves and parts of certain tubules, such as the coronary vessels or the pancreatic and bile ducts.
each of the germ layers is controlled by certain parts of the brain, and here we encounter a specific feature of the middle germ layer wich is divided in two parts, making a total of four types of tissue. the brain stem controls the inner germ layer, the endoderm, and thus the basic life functions. the middle germ layer is party controlled by the cerebellum and partly by the cerebral medulla. as the cerebellum is part of the "old brain" and the medulla is part of the "new brain", we speak of "old brain mesoderm" and "new brain mesoderm". the cerebellum controls all parts of the middle germ layer that have a protective function, such as the corium, linings of several organs, sweat glands and mammary glands. the medulla controls those parts of the mesoderm which have a protective and enabeling function,
like bone, tendons, muscles and connective tissue. the outer germ layer, the ectoderm, is controlled by the cerebral cortex. sensation, communication, territory, sexual life in line with this division between new brain and old brain, we observe a fundamental difference regarding the patterns of functional change performed by organs in the two phases. all organs controlled by the old brain, i. e. the endodermal and old-mesodermal organs, develop hyperfunction with subsequent cell proliferation in the sympathicotone conflict active phase. in the repair phase starting with resolution of the conflict, surplus tissue is decomposed and functions normalise.
organs controlled by the new brain, i. e. new-mesoderm and ectoderm, develop hypofunction and cell depletion during the active phase. during the repair phase, functions are restored and tissue defects restituted. however, there is a group of ectodermal special programmes, effecting merely functional changes with no impact on cell growth or meltdown. let's have some examples: the pulmonar alveoles are of entodermal origin and controlled by the brainstem, as they are occupied with resorption of vital substances (oxygene) and develop hyperfunction and cell proliferation during the conflict active phase. after resolution of the conflict, the surplus cells are decomposed and hyperfunction is retracted.
the same is true for the old-brain-mesodermal mammary glands which increase their function and grow in the conflict active phase and undo both in the repair phase. a reversal of this order is seen in the organs controlled by the new brain. a bone for example, which is part of the new-brain-mesoderm, develops cell defects, so called necroses, in the active phase. it looses mass and becomes porous and hence more susceptible to fractures. this is the condition established medicine calls osteoporosis. it is not caused by a wrong diet but is a symptom of an active conflict related to the affected bone. we'll have more on this, soon. during the repair phase, defects are restituted, which condition is called leukemia, and at a later stage, the bone even develops surplus mass and higher density.
so it is stronger and harder than before. therefore, this group of organs is callel luxus group, showing an improvement after the completion of a special programme. the skin which is of ectodermal origin, develops superficial cell depletion, a so called ulcus, in the conflict active phase. the skin becomes flaky and chapped. after conflict resolution, the skin is renewed, along with reddening, swelling and itching. most ectodermal organic changes appear as a dilatation of tubes, like the bronchi, arteries, bile and pancreatic ducts, glandular ducts of several organs like the lacrimal or thyreoid gland. let's have a closer look on ducts with ectodermal lining, such as the bile ducts.
the active phase effects a widening of the duct, allowing for more secrete to pass through. simulatneous cell depletion even adds to this effect. as indicated already, there is a group of organs in which only a loss of function, without cell depletion, occurs. look, by way of example, at the programme for the cells occupied with insuline production. during the active phase of the conflict which is as conflict of reluctance/resistance or fright/revulsion, insuline production is decreased, and after resolution normalised again. without cell depletion or proliferation. we see that even conditions considered as incurable such as diabetes or leukemia, in an earlier example, behave exactly in conformity with the law of the two phases
and have a limited duration provided the conflict has been resolved. they don't persist forever but according to the biological laws. only medication, such as insuline in this example, made it seem as if these conditions wouldn't cease by themselves, as the normal organic insuline production is reduced in the presence of external insuline supply. – so we remain addicted to pharmaceutical products, except for the ostensible success of alternative cures like dietary changes, wich is based on a misunderstanding. according to the five biological laws, diabetes does not occur incidentically, or as a result of genetical predisposition or a wrong diet, but it is a process we undergo on a small scale and with subsequent healing every day.
many characterisations of these four groups of tissues can be made. of great importance as a basic guide is a division by large classes of conflict types. since the biological purpose of endodermal organs is gaining of vital substances, we associate the inner germ layer with the so-called morsel conflicts. for the wolf, this morsel is his prey, for the child, it might be a toy, for the adult a contract, an asset, money, a house or a car. which organ is addressed, depends precisely from an individual's conception of the morsel. when a morsel is strongly desired, it affects the tonsils, the salivary glands or adjacent organds.
when nutritive substances are to be extracted from a morsel like monthly rent from a house, this is felt in a digestive organ. when a morsel is to be divided in equal pieces, like with a legacy, this could affect the pancreas. when a morsel from which no nutrients can be extracted any longer is to be expelled, like a devaluated stock, for example, this would be linked to a more distal part of the bowel. the old-brain-mesodermal organs provide protection against traumata, so they are linked to conflicts of assault that man can suffer by besmirching, insults, verbal assaults, as opposed to a wildlife animal. the new-brain-mesodermal organs provide stability and ability to the body
accordingly, conflicts linked to them are about not being good or stable enough, implicating self-devaluation. for example, the knees are associated to athletics involving running, the fingers with skillfulness, the shoulders with holding and embracing as well as being good enough for others. the skull and the neck are linked to intellectual and moral self esteem. women who are unhappy with their breasts, sense this in the vertebral column behind the breasts. sexual failure is interpreted with regard to the tailbone. teeth and jaw react to not being able to bite, not being able to crush someone,
to defend oneself, to grasp an opportunity, or to bite into something. so the specific contents of the conflicts are determined by the functions of each organ, and what purpose each part of the body serves us, bypassing the intellect, only according to our biological determination. the more severe the conflict, the harder are the tissues affected. so smaller conflicts of self-devaluation affect such tissues as tendons, cartilage, connective tissue, adipose tissue etc. while severe conflicts of self-devaluation affect bones. in each case, there is cellular depletion and necrosis during the conflict active phase, and restitution along with pain during the repair phase. established medicine often diagnoses the restitutive phase in bones as leukemia.
the greatest variety of conflict contents is found in the ectodermal group, as it extends to linings of the digestive tract, organs of conscious sense and arbitrary action. here we have conflicts about muscular action, but also consious sensing and touching, view, smell, sound, taste, bringing about sypmtoms like tinnitus, accoustic hallucination, paralysis, myopia, paranoia, clearvoyance, alzheimer's disease and many others. here is also the wide and important field of territorial conflicts, into which subject this documentary cannot go any further due to its complexity. territorial conflicts may result in psychical symptoms like depression, nymphomania, suicidalism, mad shooting, aggression, logorrhoea, obsessive compulsive actions, hysteria, autism, obsessive anorexia,
bulimia, incontinence, out-of-body experiences and developmental retardation in every way. case report: osteosarcoma in the december of 2006 i suddenly developed severe back pain along with paroxysm, i. e. the muscles were blocked and i found it difficult to breathe when rising up there was such stiffening of my back that i could hardly breathe. i took a higher dose of traumadolor, an analgetic and relaxant, and was sleeping for twenty hours. immediately, i felt better. no pain, i was tired, i could sleep. for the time being, everything was all right. and as the effect of the drug declined, i became sick. i had to throw up.
the pain came back. this led me to examining my previously aquired knowledge about new medicine. i had first encountered new medicine in 2005. a friend of mine who had been ill with cancer already for many years, had heard about the announcement of a talk by herr pilhar. we had attended it together. and as she could exactly track the history of her cancer and all consecutive cancers, i was so excited that i enlisted on the spot for further training seminars. so now when i did some research, i soon found that my back pain was due to an osteosarcoma and by what conflict it was preceded as well as the resolution. it was clear to me what had actually happened.
in 2006, my company was having a strained time. a lot of employees were released. i work in the field being in charge of a big area and many clients. a complete reform of the area structure was made, posing a great challenge. this had started early in the the year and became again very acute in july with a new reorganisation. this new change was imminant, but yet no one knew how the new allocation map would look like. and on the eve before the meeting at which everything was to be announced, after 10 pm, i checked my emails, while working, and i learnt which new area was assigned to me. i was completely shocked. it really struck me all of a sudden. i knew i had to go through this on my own. i was afraid to fall ill again and not to stand it.
lumbar vertebrae - central self-devaluation - "my life's achievement is ruined". biologically: the lumbar vertebrae fail to carry the upper part of the body. i almost collapsed internally, and already at that moment i said: now a special programme is running. from then on, i was working intensely until the end of the year. with great efforts, i was able to get everything done. there was growing appreciation from my new clients. and in the christmas trade, i received a lot of thanks, appreciation and even presents. and a few days before christmas, i was in my living room, saying to myself, quite classically, "well done! you've finally succeded!" on the next day, the pain came. so i entered the healing phase.
when the medical expert talked to me, i was already prepared for his diagnosis. "there are multiple metastases at different places in the vertebral column. the mri reveals shadows that point to metastases. a follow-up examination is urgently needed!" they wanted to schedule me for scintigraphy and send me to hospital. i refused to do anything of this. neither did i try to change his beliefs, nor was i afraid. actually, i felt sorry for him, when he told me all these thing - his diagnosis and prognosis and what has to be done. i told him that i have a different view on these things, although i would consider his proposals, but i would definitely not agree to surgery or chemotherapy.
on the following day, a bombardement with telephone calls started. i was called very often and asked when i would go to hospital. i was urged to fix a date. after several calls i succumbed and made an appointment four weeks later, in order to be left alone, and two days before that date i cancelled and demanded not to be called again. i would not come to the hospital. in the mean time i had a ct scan made without a contrasting agent. so, of course, the radiologist asked me why and what for. i just said i need it. so, however reluctantly, the ct scan was made. afterwards, he said everything was all right, i only had to wait for him to write down his findings.
i had demanded not to be given any findings. eventually, i received everything. and i wanted to visit dr. hamer. i spoke to him once on the telephone. we had a deep, honest and encourageing conversation. before we were able to fix a date for a meeting, he went to exile, again. through the few people in new medicine i knew, i found a therapist in cologne, and made contact with him. he asked me for the mri from the hospital and for a new ct scan of the affected part of the vertebral column. between the mri and the meeting with this therapist, four months had passed.
i was able to find a radiological practice where new medicine is applied. there was a long waitlist, i finally got my ct scan in june. when i saw the therapist again, finally, it was august. he confirmed to me that i had completely recovered. i had often spoken candidly in my company and also in front of my superiors. i said that i wouldn't do this and that again, but i continued to do my job day after day. and i managed to get it done. until i received my clients' thanks, in december, which represented the resolution of the conflict. i had been receiving these thanks from the beginning of december - but i didn't notice it consciously or unconsciously.
the crucial moment was the situatioin which i remember exactly: when i patted myself on the back and said: you did it well, you succeeded! on the following day, the pain came, and fiercely at that. i was completely unaffected by the expert diagnosis in the hospital, i was always feeling grateful that i had encountered new medicine. the confirmation by the therapist was just another proof that it is correct. and i am simply convinced of this. in my case it proofed correct. i have been able to track it in a lot of cases, as well as in my family, in minor health problems or major ones. i can verify it every day.
and even when diseases occur in my clients, including severe cases of cancer, i can always confirm that the problems, the conflicts and the type of cancer as well as the course match 100% with new medicine. the fourth biological law now, naturally, the question arises what contagiousness and infections are all about. because, if all special programmes are initiated by a biological impulse, or a dhs, the old assumptions with regard to the causes cannot hold true. based on the established concept of disease, it was always easy to find something that made you ill. we are saying: i picked it up, i got infected.
or when we were in the cold, or outside with wet hair, or met by an air draught. or one of the favourites: the weather. so you can always find something to be held responsible, but there can be no certainty. the story with the microbes is a little harder to explain because their role is strongly predefined in the minds of most people. it is a strongly accepted idea to the present day. if you tell people, that microorganisms might possibly not play the role they were told, they will resist that. is met by various resistance. this takes us to the fourth biological law,
which contrasts most sharply with all our old beliefs. it has been observed that all conditions we used to regard as infectious diseases are in fact symptoms appearing in the repair phase. these comprise various forms of coughing, coryza, the so called cervical cancer of the uterus, exanthemas, tuberculosis, herpes, various so called veneral diseases, athlete's foot and others. but all of these, and many, many others, are always preceded by a conflict active phase which had however escaped our notion, showing no symptoms in most cases. and as these symptoms appear only after a conflict resolution and together with vagotone phenomena like fatigue and fever, they cannot represent active phases of disease or infection, as was previously assumed.
the microbes (funghi, mycobacteria, tuberculi, bacteria and disputably viruses) are indeed observed during these processes. it follows, however, that they cannot have caused their initiation, but, if anything, help in these repair processes. let's call the bacteria firefighters and the disease the fire, then we could say: whenever i come along a burning house, i also see the firefighters in front of it. how puzzeling! hence, statistically speaking, the firefighters seem to be responsible for the fire. apply this logics to bacteria. why is the cause of diseases thought to be precisely in bacteria? only, because in examining the disease, i will find bacteria. this has often puzzled me. there is no proof.
we could also make the statisictal finding that all people who are ill have drunken water. so water should be regarded the main cause, or not? of course, the observations of the micro organisms,that are made by the established medicine, as they show up during the symptomatic phase, they are true. from a scientific view, regarding the 5 laws of nature, these germs are not the cause but a part of the whole process. they practically show up with the symptoms and disappear with the symptoms disappearing. this is not the result of, for example, antibiotics, as it was thought. they (antibiotics) will only slow down or stop the process.
and as soon as their effect passes, both, symptoms and germs, will show up again. after what we know today, antibiotics work on the brain level. actually, by the effect, that the activity of germs is present during the symptomatic phase, during regeneration during the vagotonic curve, the antibiotics affect the autonomous nervous system by creating a little more sympathicotonia. an artificial stress. an artificial physiological stress. ...which reduces the symptoms and stops the activity of the germs. and here is what the fourth biological law states. funghi, mycobacteria and tuberculi are helpers in the repair phase of tissues controlled by the old-brain. bacteria and disputably viruses unfold their activity - if anything - in the repair phase of tissues controlled by the new-brain.
we may regard these ultrasmall creatures, funghi, mycobacteria, bacteria and viruses - as far as they exist - as micro-surgeons whose service becomes necessary in the healing phase. so for example, an adenocarcinoma of the mammary gland which can emerge and grow after a caring/quarreling conflict is decomposed by mycobacteria after the resolution of the conflict. during the conflict active phase, these mycobacteria had proliferated at the same rate as the tumor. so at the time of the conflict resolution, i bear an amount of mycobacteria, corresponding to the mass of the tumour, now they quickly transfer this tumour into one with pus inside so that it can be digested, during which process it sometimes erupts through the skin, and develeops into a perfect citratice, provided these bacteria had been in place from the very beginning.
it might be dangerous within the digestive system, if a person has a huge tissue process there, and it cannot be reduced during reparation phase, this might lead to an intestinal blockage an ileus, a mechanic blockage. in such a case a surgical intervention is necessary. if the corresponding bacteria or fungia are present, they could help reduce the tissue in a natural way, renormalizing the situation without external influence. so these germs are symbionts aiding us. they are living in us helping the optimization of the reparation process.
if we look at the illness only in a symptomatic view, we might see these germs as a cause. and this is a development of the old believe of war and destruction within the organism, from the believe of immune system, that there is an army and that there are enemies that need to be fought. once we understood the 5 laws of nature, we will understand, that these germs have not been the enemy, but only co-workers during a biological process. when any studies are conducted under established medicine, the truth is observed, necessarily. however, what they make out of it often arouses our amusement. i think last year, there was a remarkable study: a german medical scientist examined cases of spontaneous cancer remission and observed that all spontaneous remissions coincided with febrile infections.
which is of course clear according to the biological laws. decomposition of cancers takes place in the healing phase, when there is also fever along with the so-called infectious diseases. we also know that microbes take part in this, etc. but what have they made out of it? they think the high temperature caused by the fever would burn the cancer cells or sort of. so everything is trimmed to fit into the struggle they want to see. for the tissues controlled by younger brain levels we do not know the germs as a necessary element for a reparation but as enhancers.
we do not know what is going on, if the bacteria are not present when a muscle or a bone repairs. nonetheless there is a reparation and scarification. they are only necessary for a smooth reparation in the tissues of the old brain parts. so the tissue controlled by brain stem and cerebellum. but of course, science never stops, and there is a need to discover more. maybe the role in the new brain part tissue is misunderstood. the theory of bacteria invading us and causing the disease becomes all together invalid at a time, when i consider that when i have a sore throat, but neither coryza, nor sinusitis, only a little pain in my throat,
although the same bacteria go everywhere. but i have it only at this place - as this zone is currently in the healing phase. we have to awake from our hypnosis of the evil beast that tries to devour us or the evil microbes causing damage in us. if we look at it from a disinterested scientific viewpoint, everyone, and physicists and scientists in the first place, will exactly figure out what actually happens there. but what about epidemics, mass disease and alleged contagion? when a group of people suffer the same kind of conflict because they receive the same impressions, they will after joint resolution of the conflict "become ill" in similar ways.
1st "disease" "contagion"?? "got infected, too"?? this phenomenon has become all the more common in modern times, as the mass media induce synchronised perception. another example is a school class where students are often jointly exposed to the same conflict. like a unexpectedly difficult class test or the absence of a dear teacher who is replaced by a much disliked terrible teacher. after resolving their conflicts, the students one after the other enter the healing phase and claim to have got infected from each other. in every case when members of our household had any symptoms at the same time, everyone was able
to track his symptoms back to a specific conflict and its resolution exactly according to the biological laws. the fact is remarkable that the symptoms are almost never exactly the same. so when people allegedly "infect" each other, they do have different symptoms after all. so it's necessary to analyse every single symptom of every person in accordance with new medicine. unti now, i have always found the relations in full accordance with new medicine and no trace of an infection. many epidemics, like the plague for example, must be regarded as the result of intoxination brought about by disastrous hygienic conditions. especially when combined with medicine containing mercury, poisoning and death may result.
these conditions inevitably cause many additional conflicts such as fear of death leading to lung symptoms previously described or conflicts of besmirching leading to the so called bubonic plague - and many others. at this point, the spanish flu or other alleged epidemics are often invoked. as this subject would boost the time frame of this production because the problem of infection would have to be dealt with in feature-length alone, we may recommend here michael leitners documentary "h5n1 antwortet nicht" available on the internet. this is skeptical of the infection theory, but not grounded on knowledge of the five biological laws, but on the established concept of disease.
many other pieces on this subject can be found on www.klein-klein-media.de for free. vaccination according to new medicine what are vaccinations all about? vaccination is, at first, creation of fear. from a view of the 5 laws of nature vaccination does not have a preventive of curative effect. first of all it is an articial poisoning and a retaining of fear. the support of the old belief of an enemy, nature that attacks me. according to "new medicine" this is a critical thing, because this belief is a strong foundation for follow up conflicts.
on the other hand, if someone needs a pseudo vaccination for calming down, this might be useful. the chemical contents of vaccinations are just toxic. if the earth is not a disc, we don't need to think about a fence on the border in order to prevent someone from falling off. special programmes are biologically indispensible and cannot be suppressed with some sort of vaccination. and why would we want to? even if it was possible it would be detrimental to do so because the special programmes help me get through the situation. mind you, of course, not to confuse this with the symptoms of the healing phase coming only after a conflict resolution.
with medical knowledge, vaccination can only be termed criminal. because it is impossible. toxic agents are administered without any possibility of yielding any positive effect. a depot of nerve, muscle or reproductive toxines is induced into the body along with the claim that it could protect against a ficticious infectious agent by provoking a reaction of a fictitious immune system. in theory there are vaccination damages that are solely chemical, bio-chemical. so just plain poisoning by the vaccination. but i believe we need to differentiate. because a lot of the anti-vaccination discussion, that is arguing about vaccination damages does not know or regard the 5 laws of nature.
so if 1000 people are vaccinated and only 2 of them show specific symptoms it might be, that it is not the biochemical factors, that are the cause for these symptoms. and of course, the process of vaccination might cause a strong biological conflict for the child. just imagine, your own mother, in most of the cases, takes you to the doctor, a stranger, who is hurting you, and sometimes you are even restrained by the own mother so that the stranger can hurt you. this is not a very good thing for the child and contains a lot of conflict potential. and a lot of things could happen here. things affecting the motoric system or the skin. like separation, the wish to get out of this situation.
from knowing "new medicine" we need to look at that a little more distant. but of course, every application of an unknown chemical substance within our body is a little poisoning. if there are symptoms or not in the end depends on the intensity. i don't want to go into it too far, because this whole chapter about the immune system and vaccinations is based entirely on non-facts. and i cannot have a discussion about non-facts. there is no record showing which agent causes which disease. there is no proof for example for the existence of viruses. we have never seen the immune system.
what they call the immune system are subfamilies of leukocytes, helpers and suppressors etc. but this is built merely on ideas. these are not facts. it cannot be discussed. it is like having a discussion with someone who believes the earth is flat. what could i say to him? i can only say, one day, when you awake from this hypnosis, you will realise that there is no "immune system". there are many self-regulating systems in the organism. there are many responses from different tissues with different types of cells, like leukocytes, enzymes or antibodies.
there is a constant regulation, but there is no "immune system". there are efficient responses to situations we have to cope with. but there is no immune system. and for vaccination there is absolutely no proof. my children have never been vaccinated. they are 17 and 18 and in perfect health. they didn't get any vaccination. of course, i have never been afraid. if i would have been afraid, everything would have been worse. i would have been afraid that i made a mistake in omitting to vaccinate. now, when my child is coughing a little bit, hell breaks loose. when i succeed to escape this superstition and hypnosis, these non-facts,
than i can take the decision for or against vaccination in a much relaxed way. then no one can make me get vaccinated - what for? but this supersition has been spread by the media decades ago, and has been implanted in the people's marrow. and now we need to come back to normal, generation after generation. it will take its time. what is done since discovery of germs with the help of the microscope is, that all this movement is seen as a war. and since louis pasteur assumed, that there is a war happening, this is seen wherever we look.
and now we see those elements being active or not in the blood and we see them as an intra-organic-special-forces-unit fighting enemy bacteria and pushing forward the war. viewed from the 5 laws of nature all those cells and elements, they all do have a function. but this function does not involve fighting a war, but as a self regulation. like cleaning up cell material, that is left from a biological program. regarding that, there is no immune system, as we believe to be like an army at warfare, that is protecting us. but there is a system, a system of self regulation, a cleaning team, that is maintaining everything.
and these are those cells, however we call them. those who carry out, those who propagate and those who produce vaccinations have not yet offered any proof for the usefulness of vaccinations. in place of such a proof, there are only statistics. statisitics on vaccination usually look like this: the red line represents the number of deaths in a specific disease. at this point, vaccination was introduced. here it is obvious that there is no causal connection between the vaccination and the regression of the disease. another type of statistics is this: the time befor the introduction of the vaccine is simply not shown,
so what was seen in the previous chart is invisible. and this is the fact that the regression of the disease had started long before the introduction of the vaccine. however, the most interesting statistical method is this: it requires a lot of research to uncover what is actually behind this ostensibly successful vaccination. it was done in the case of polio, for example. the trick is to change the definition of the disease or the obligation to report it to the authorities. so from the moment of the introduction of the vaccine there is an entirely new characterisation of the respective disease. symptoms previously associated whit polio are nowdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis or other diseases and where not reported as cases of polio and don't enter the statistics any more.
another way is to waver the obligation to report the disease so that it doesn't appear in the statistics anymore ore only with a number near zero. or doctors simply diagnose something else, because it's impossible that the patient suffers from the disease he is vaccinated against. and this disease against which has been vaccinated disappears from the records. only to remain there under a new name. they constantly instigate our fear with the alleged numbers of thousands of deaths caused by flu. a closer look on the origins of this number reveals - it doesn't exist. the robert-koch-institut (which draws up these numbers) will confirm how it is done:
they look at the numbers of deaths in summer and then in winter, the latter always being a little higher, they take the difference - and this is the number of flu deaths. they assume that this can only be explained by infections. while even the number of traffic accidents in the winter can be so much higher that there are significantly more deaths. i won't have myself vaccinated, and although i had my children vaccinated according to my previous knowledge, i wouldn't do it anymore. that is my personal opinion. i won't vaccinate neither myself nor my children in the future. "i don't know if i have not made a terrible mistake and created something ingenious." edward jenner, first vaccine inventor
but what about aids? everybody talks about it. is it possible that this is a great bad joke? what we know as aids doesn't exist. the hypothetic hi virus doesn't cause aids. and the diseases summarised under this "acquired immune deficiency syndrome" have nothing to do with the immune system which doesn't really exist as what it had been considered previously. aids is a pool of arbitrarily chosen diseases, and they are different for each part of the world. they even include herpes. and how about the people in africa? they have all sorts of diseases which are declared "aids". it's just arbitrary. they are not even tested for hiv. when they have a running nose they have aids.
about aids there is hope. you're going to hear about that tonight. ms. papagiannidou, journalist, is a former aids patient and says openly. she will speak about her fight and will offer what i told you earlier, hope. however i had full blown aids for 12 years, suffered all kind of illnesses, went back and forth to the outside world and now i'm in perfect health without doctors or aids drugs. ladies and gentlemen, here is mrs. papagiannidou's husband. three years married. he certainly knows that there is an issue. how did he face it? let's ask him. i've been studying this subject matter since 1984, and i know that being positive does not mean
that you are sick or that there is a virus. so i knew that she had nothing. gilles presented to me the other side of aids in 2006. it was an even bigger shock to me to learn that there was another view about aids after all i suffered during those hard years. gilles showed to me that the test i had taken does not detect hiv virus because the hiv virus has never been found anywhere. here is the test kit package insert from abbott laboratories. dr. gallo together with abbott made the antibodies test. this test, as much as any other test used for that purpose, claim on their insert which is never showed to us - at present there is no recognised standard for establishing the presence and absence
of hiv-1 antibody in human blood. it is written by the makers. this insert is never shown to anyone. when you ask the doctors to show it, they say it is prohibited by the government. as for the health ministry i have sent them an official request two years ago. asking them to present us the proofs, when was the virus isolated? where is the scientific experiment proving the existence of hiv and that such entity can cause the death of immune cells? what matters is, you are saying about... i'd like to present to you evidence of scientific fraud. - you say that there is a scientific fraud about aids. let me show you the evidence. she presents the original scientific paper by dr. gallo.
he crossed whatever he did not like and nowhere is there any proof given. here it says: "despit intensive research efforts the causative agent of aids has not yet been identified." he erased those two lines and sent the paper to be published in the "science" magazine. i would like to say that i'm not an exceptional or a rare case. i'm only different because i speak publicly. there are thousands like me all over the world who have quit the medication. why do you come out and speak publicly? i find it very daring and courageous. but since that documentation fell into my hands, i could not stay silent. you say to yourself: that's not possible and want to discuss it with others - we ar humans. should i keep that evidence only for me at home?
the aids doctors mostly appy the aids protocols which was proved to be faulty. since i knew that i have no health problem, all evidence ascertains that, we would like, with my husband, to have a child. if i do so, because i was found positive once, with a test that does not detect the virus, and there is the relevant documentation, that aids protocol dictates that azt should be given to my baby for fourty days. aids patient are prescribed, amon others, the drug azt. which, unfortunately, is highly toxic and bears a skull on the package. a decisive death factor is the doctor's diagnosis along with the prognosis of death due to aids. the patient is turned to perpetual conflict acitivity, he cannot recreate and will emaciate.
with your husband, do you have normal sexual contacts? absolutely normal. . without condom? no condom at all, because we know with aids, if you are well informed, you live, if you don't, you die. so get informed. doctor, tell us about that. and she tells us... since when have you been infected? since 1985. virtually, since the beginning of aids. my story coincides with it. 1985, that is 24 years ago since she was infected by the aids virus. veryfied through exams: yes, you are positive, yes, you went ill. but she is alive, married for three years now, she has normal sexual contacts with her husband who has not become infected. she says: i'm living. i'm doing fine.
if the health ministry does not show us the proofs of isolation of that virus, it can't give mandatory treatment to newborn babies. it won't give mandatory treatment to my baby for something that is not proven to exist. it is now crucial to verify if you have really infected someone with the virus or not. have any criminal or medical examinations been done so far in that respect? unfortunately, i am not allowed to talk about this. of course, some things have been initiated, but i will readily disclose them only at the appropriate time. we have sought some information about the medical scientific view on this: after many years - especially under appropriate medical treatment,
this verification is very difficult and actually downright impossible to obtain, according to experts. "this verification is very difficult and actually downright impossible to obtain." of course, i always recommend to ask for proofs in order to get certainty, unless you are already firm. when i know for sure, for example thanks to new medicine, that it just cannot be like that, because i have verified hamer's discoveries and confirmed them, so that there is no space for any exogenous infectious agent coming accidentally from the outside, then it may be reasonable to ask for proofs, in order to reassure yourself of the truth and become more self-confident. when it comes to the existence of viruses i can say that i followed that course:
i have questioned the robert-koch-institut - i got nothing. i have questioned my health insurance agency -i didn't get any publication. i followed that course, and i would encourage others to do the same. it is quite simple. you only need to ask: where is a scientific publication demonstrating the discovery and isolation, i. e. the proof of any virus allegedly causing disease - measles, hiv, pox, flu - where has it been proven? and they have nothing to offer in this regard. they cannot give you anything, because in the publications to which they refer internally, and which they produce at fast pace - either animals
or chick embryos or cell cultures are killed. and then they say there must be a virus inside, because, the animal i have given an injection or the cell culture i have ceased to supply or even intoxicated, have died - so there must be a virus. and of course, they won't disclose this adulteration, the are ashamed of it, because there is already so much information out in the public - and so they won't single out any specific publication. they say: there are entire libraries full of publications, and it's a consensus, and we cannot go through thousands of publications. and in the sum of these thousands of publications we would have to provide,
somewhere in their sum, the proof is hidden - probably between the commas. and this is easy to verify for everyone. i always show my own publications and what marks a scientific publication: the date of the publication, the date when the manuscript was submitted, then in the meantime it was reviewd and then accepted for publication. unless these two dates appear on the paper, it is not an original scientific work. then it is some essay or second hand literature, in place of which you could just as well have a porn collection sent to you, and you will have more fun with it. by chance, you'll even find some isolated things on it.
but everything they used to send earlier showed nothing of that sort. and this means that we have left the stage where it was possible, as a member of parliament, to play stupid: oh, i have no understanding of this, i have studied law, or economic dumb science, but biology, medicine, this is only for experts. no. it has by now become so easy to verify and to explicate that there can be no excuse anymore. the head of the german health agency ulla schmidt wrote on 5 january 2004: "of course, the humane immunodeficiency virus is considered to be
scientifically detected according to the scientific consensus." but "considered to be" is not "is". and: a "consensus" cannot be photographed! google: hiv-isolation what can be seen in those pictures that were disclosed earlier and still circulate on the internet? if it is a transversal section of the cell, everyone can recognise that it shows nothing but cellular elements i. e. mitochondria cut at the apex, so these are the compartiments employed by the cell to conduct internal and external transport. die sind in diesem grã¶ãÿenbereich, sehen aber alle unterschiedlich groãÿ aus, sind natã¼rlich auch nicht dafã¼r gemacht,
den ganzen zellverbund zu verlassen und sind deswegen nicht stabil, haben nicht immer das gleiche aussehen, haben (((nicht - eine nukleinsã¤ure beinhaltet das nicht))) was ich durch einfachste fã¤rbetechniken schon darstellen kann. a different way to produce those particles to be presented as viruses is to create an ordinary emulsion of proteines, fat and water. than small particles develop - like in soap - which have to be fixated chemically or even frozen, so that it is possible to take a photograph of them. but even in this case you can see that they are all of different size and that any biochemical analysis is lacking. this is logical. to isolate these particles
and make a biochemical analysis of their composition - is simply not done. and it is not required - they just give you an isolated picture as proof for something. and this is already an attempt to fraud. this is clear evidence of fraud: on demanding a scientific publication you are shown an isolated picture. this is a real brazenness to present an isolated photograph, without any exlpanation as to how it was obtained and what has been done there - to present this as proof for something, all the more after being asked for a scientific publication - this is a common attempt to deceit.
as to this short video sequence which is claimed to show the birth of hiv. this is simply brazen. they claim that a cell was given genetical information necessary to produce a proteine which is attributed to hiv but allegedly being only some part of hiv, the cell seemingly produced and expelled this proteine, seen as little particles on its surface, which can be made visible using fluorescence microscopy as lightning or, through staining agents, coloured. the original publication clearly states: "these are virus like particles". so this is merely a model.
while the very same scientis in the media claimed that it is hiv. reading the original publications, you realise what brazen and shameless liars they are. but why would we? reading the manual? what for? the few who do so will of course leave the job. or those who begin to question already during their studies: what are we measuring here? how can we have obtained, after 20 measurements, 10 positive and 10 negative results? why is this fact ignored in the disussions? that's how it really looks like. for this reason, no aids or cancer researcher will be able to step back and have a different look on the conditions. it is instead presupposed that these conditions have to be fought against.
research is based on this dogma and paradigm and has therefore arrived at a dead end. in every observation, this dogmatic concept of disease is invoked. goethe - in vein - has posed a warning to us 200 years ago in faust i: "this was the medicine—the patients' woes soon ended,and none demanded: who got well? thus we, our hellish boluses compounding, among these vales and hills surrounding, worse than the pestilence, have passed. thousands were done to death from poison of my giving; and i must hear, by all the living, the shameless murderers praised at last!" (from bayard taylor's translation) i'm still keeping contact to some of my former colleagues. just recently i had a conversation with one of them, who had tried last year to enlighten me about measles. (which issue was quickly settled). now recently he came up with tetanus.
i just looked at him and said: you hold a doctor's degree in chemistry. you should be aware of the fact that the tetanus bacterium just like all other bacteria, can produce toxines only in the absence of oxygene. he looked at me and said: of course. it's anaerobic. upon which i noted: presumably you are not interested in learning more details about this issue and new medicine in general, because if so you would neither want nor be able to work for the drug industry any longer. no, they don't know better. they are all believers. i used to believe it myself. that you always need ace to lower the blood pressure, and things like this, i used to believe all of it.
only in 2000, i myself had all vaccinations refreshed for the last time. i think it's a problem of medical education. there's too much theory and far too little practice. and learning consists of dull memorising. it wouldn't satisfy me. in the end, you have: if someone has a cold he's given antibiotics, if someone has hypertension, he's given beta blockers. always according to the book. if someone has an exanthema, he's given cortisone, etc. it doesn't require much consideration. this enables them to process a lot of patients. so i think it's also an economic issue. two phases on three levels
understanding which processes the three levels brain, organ and psyche ungdergo during the two phases, is of high importance. starting with the dhs which represents a conflict between perceived reality and biological needs, all three levels are turned to sympathicotonia. a meaningful biological special programme begins. the brain relay responsible for each biological need as well as the corresponding organs and conscious actions, develops a hyperfunction. in the brain ct scan, we see a hamer focus. on the psychical level, there is compulsive dwelling over the conflict, not leaving any space for other thoughts, until the conflict is resolved or becomes obsolete. we cannot sleep during nights, as the resolving of the problem has top priority.
on the organic level, there are general symptoms like stenosis of blood vessels or release of stress hormones. we are anorectic, as the mouse, to stick to our example, wouldn't take up food while running away. and in the specific organ affected, sympathicotonia, depending on the type of tissue, would result in hypofunction or hyperfunction according to the third law. it is also worth mentioning that a hamer focus can be seen on a ct scan of the affected organ, too. provided that the conflict becomes resolved or obsolete, all three levels enter the repair phase. the word repair phase might suggest that everything is over, but it may become dangerous, especially due to the cerebral process. this repair phase a (also called post-conflictolysis a, pcl a) is the edematous phase.
the brain relay, now without a hamer focus, stores water. which results in swelling. it was precisely this condition previously described as a brain tumor, which is correct, as tumor refers merely to a tissue expansion. what's wrong is the assumtion that this is caused by a malignant and never ending process. however, a possible danger arises only from the dimension and position of this temporary tumor. on the psychic level, the phase after conflict resolution is characterised by disengagement, and we are able to relax and read a book if we wish so. in the organ, there is also swelling due to water storage. both swelling processes, depending on which neighbouring tissues they exert pressure on, can cause pain and other symptoms,
for example due to obstruction of nerves and tubes or sqeezing of other brain areas. nearly all sorts of pain and impairment not caused by trauma appear due to swelling in this repair phase a. general organic symptoms of the conflict active phase, like elevated release of stress hormones or stenosis of vessels, are temporarily turned to their opposites and slowly normalise until the end of the entire process. therefore, we tend to have warm hands during the repair phase. the swelling of the brain relay regularly causes hypofunction or even complete dysfunction of the organ it controls.
parkinson's disease, paralysis of a bowel segment or anaesthesia of the skin are examples for hypofunction caused by brain edema. psyche: disengagement, relaxation brain: swelling of the specific relay organ: swelling this repair phase a persists for a maximum of three weeks. provided the conflict is not constantly reactivated. in wich case the repair phase has to begin anew each time. a typical situation is having trouble at the worklplace with colleagues or the boss, or anything else - then you are conflict active while on the job - and disengaged when coming home where you develop healing symptoms, when you go to work again, you become again conflict active.
so the whole thing keeps constantly rolling back and forth. after this maximum of three weeks, the cerebral and organic edemae are sqeezed out. this is a single moment of sympathicotonia. and due to the interrelation of the three levels, conflict activity returns on the psychic level as well for the duration of this so called epicrisis. suddenly, the conflict already resolved for some time, seizes our mind again. and is, with dr. hamer's words, experienced for a second time in time-lapse mode. the word epicrisis has a twofold meaning. on the one hand it means - quite conveniently - final report. on the other hand it is an acronyme of epileptic or epileptoid crisis describing the symptoms of this stage. we experience this seizure as which the epicrisis on the brain level appears many times every day.
in extensive swellings this may become dangerous and requires medication or other measures. according to this novel knowledge, medication can be started at the right time, as the epicrisis does no longer come as a surprise, but experienced therapists are able to predict its day and hour exactly. on the organic level, the epicrisis adopts very specific forms, depending on the organ and type of tissue. these crises may appear as epileptic seizures, syncope, colics, sneezing, different types of heart attacks, asthma, panic and many others like birth or orgasm, these latter two being also part of significant biological special programmes,
abiding by these five biological laws. the duration of the epicrisis differs between all four types of tissue. in the ectoderm, there is a regular maximal duration of 20 seconds, which can however be prolongated by tensing up. for example if you try to push back muscular paroxysm instead of relaxing. in this diagramme, there is only one epicrisis, but there may be several in succession. this is because during the epicrisis, the edematous brain relay is squeezed out. if this is not accomplished with a single epicrisis, several trials are taken, for example, when we have to sneeze repeatedly. the liquid from the swellings is peed out during the transition to repair phase b. we call this the peeing phase.
during pcl b, the normal state is restored. the severe symptoms of pcl a are left behind. cicatrisation is now observed both in the brain and the organ. connective tissue, stemming from the middle germ layer, immigrates. when a special programme often repeats this repair phase b, the affected tissue will be mixed with new scar tissue each time, which was previously diagnosed as de-differentiated tissue, because due to the mixing with connective tissue, it couldn't be regognised as stemming from one germ layer. some organs develep cysts providing for a lasting hyperfunction. for example, an ovarian cyst makes a woman look ten years younger permanently. so it needs not to be removed for its assumed malignancy.
if in old-brain tissues, the microbes necessary for the decomposition of tumors are lacking, the tumors are encapsulated in this phase. so they remain forever. frequently running programmes leave chalk residues from pcl b. previously calcified shoulders or arteries were attributed to an allegedly wrong diet, but they are the result of processes that have often become necessary in a person's life. these cicatrisations, cystifications, densifications and encapsulations are the remaining final states of special programmes. the vast majority of them won't be ever noticed, but in the eye or bone, for example, these remaining scars can pose a lasting impairment,
for which reason one should try to prevent the special programmes from becoming necessary again, if possible. "the greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated." plato, 427-347 bc. here is the entire process at a glance: during the conflict active phase, activity of the affected brain area is observed – in the psyche: compulsive dwelling over and searching for a resolution of the conflict – at the organ a specific sympathicontonic symptom. after conflict resolution, during pcl a, there is swelling of the brain area and the organ, resulting in hypofunction or complete dysfunction, or pain or other symptoms caused directly by the mechanical pressure.
at the same time, cell proliferation or depletion resulting from the active phase are undone. the psyche is disengaged and relaxed. during the epicrisis, the swellings are squeezed and subsequently peed out. the symptoms of which are very specific both on the organ as on the psychic level, but always presenting as greatly exacerbated conflict activity, so the active phase is experienced for a second time in time-lapse mode. during pcl b, the normal state is slowly restored – accompanied by the same, if weaker symptoms of pcl a. in the brain and at the organ, there is cicatrisation, at the organ there may be cystification, encapsulation or densification which result in lasting final states.
all symptoms not obviously caused by trauma, intoxication or, perhaps, malnutrition, can be tracked according to this pattern. the principal question is which tissue is affected and what is the current phase. the cause for the starting of the prorgammes can among other things be seen from the function of the affected organ. "cervical cancer of the uterus", leukemia, aching bones, panic, swollen tonsils, gastric pain, vomiting, diabetes - insuline deficiency "hyperglycemia" "hypoglycemia" "severe hyperglycemia followed by severe hypoglycemia", diabetes - glucagone deficiency - "hypoglucemia" "hyperglucemia" "severe hypoglucemia", bronchial cancer, pimples, suicide (attacker), acoustic hallucination, "bladder inflammation", hypothyreosis, alopecia, tooth pain, median otitis, paralysis, parkinson's disease, "skin cancer",
alzheimer's disease (bad memory), glaucoma, cellulitis final state of cicatrisation basically there are three different ways of how to realize being ill. first is having a corporal sign like a redden skin. second one is having a symptom, like itching or a pain. and third that you are told by someone, based on different parameters and opinions. from the view of the "new medicine", we always need to ask, what is it, that this person really has? in established medicine today we have strong labelization of illness. it's like there are different containers and every container is a specific label of disease and contains a lot of different elements. and as for fuzzy terms like multiple sclerosis, of which there is an infinite number,
they don't rest on permissable definitions. have a look on wikipedia to learn which symptoms are listed under these namings. often there is a list of 20 symptoms or even more. so if there are 5 people with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, it might be, that symptom wise they are totally different, only having the same diagnosis. coming from the 5 laws of nature this way to work is hardly possible. coming from the "new medicine" it is always important to see, what is really there. but if you disentangle the symptoms and analyse them seperately according to new medicine, everything becomes clear. which germ layer, which tissue type in which phase?
then we know immediately what kind of conflict, what interpretation of conflict in which phase is present for this person, and why this person experienced a conflict like that or why he/she does not get out of the situation keeping the process reoccuring. this is always an individual matter for every person. so there is no "multiple sclerosis" with a thousand symptoms which may be brought about by this or that. there are merely specific special programmes each of which is triggered precisely by one conflict matter. among these specific special programmes, there is one, however, which exerts great influence on all other programmes. the kidney's collecting tubules the renal collecting tubules stem from the endoderm, their task is reabsorbation of water. of 120 liters circulating through the kidneys everyday, 99% are kept
and 1% is passed through and peed out. of course, we don't hold 120 liters, but our blood is circulated through the kidneys all the time, and this ammounts to 120 liters per day. normally, from these 120 liters, 1% is filtered out. so we should pee 1.2 liters per day. however, when storing water becomes biologically necessary, reabsorbation is intensified. this may be the case when one hast lost his safe haven, a place where he had felt at home and secure. the loss of this "safe haven" is biologically interpreted like ending up in the desert or when a fish has been swept onto the dry bank. also a loved partner or, in small children, the mother may represent such a safe haven.
the conflict is also described as "feeling like a motherless child", „feeling badly cared for“, or as an "existential conflict" or "refugee conflict". its biological essence is however unambigous: an oasis providing full security - the specific meaning of this remaining subject to everyone's determination - is lost with nowhere else to go. the result is water storage due to an increased reabsorbation which protects from dehydration. nature doesnt no of our modern technology of water supply and that we are not at risk of dehydration. the special programme has originated at some point in the evolution of species and disregards our cultural exploits. previously, the condition was consideres as renal insufficiency, for the poor excretion of water,
when this is quite to the contrary brought about by hyperfunction of the collecting tubules. during the active phase, the water may be stored in the adipose or connective tissue, resultin in a constant gain of weight. this obesity has nothing to do with a wrong diet. dr. hamer even says that 90% of all adipose people are active "refugees" and store water. there was a lot of talking about the fat junk food eaters in the us. perhaps the cause of their obesity can be found in a society where fear of the future is a normal condition. causing the organism to store all nutritive elements available as reserves.
according to the three level synchronicity, the corresponding psychic symptom is regarding the world as an insecure and uncomfortable place to be, and affected persons make frequent remarks to this effect. it is often difficult to determine a refugee conflict in oneself as it has a great variety of different manifestations. one person may be worried about his economic existence, another one is missing somewone else to talk with about his problems. but in essence, there is always the same feeling involved. according to my experience, in almost every case it turns out that from one point in time, a person's mother was no longer able to sufficiently care for him,
to provide means of existence, security, a home, or was not available for addressing his sorrows and needs. or perhaps she died. so in essence, it is always about a basic confidence in the world, an unconditional feeling of security. the mother as the "center of the universe" nourishing and protecting us. as this causal relation between gaining weight and the renal collecting tubule conflict was not known before, all nutrition theories were self-contradictory. so many people, despite eating a lot of appearantly fattening food, don't gain weight as they feel secure and well.
they don't need to store anything, as they are not afraid of receiving nothing the next day. but persons who feel insecure or badly cared for, usually have littly money, (except for those in whom the conflict is centered around another person instead of economic problems). so persons who store a lot of water due to their constant financial worrying, are of course most likely to be found at places where food is not expensive. the conclusion that the allegedly inadequate food is the cause of their obesity is now outdated. after conflict resolution, when a loved person, security, home, a good place to be is regained, pcl a shows a hypofunction of the renal collecting tubules. so reabsorbation of water is significantly decreased.
water is pouring out of you und you have to visit the toilet all the time. this is the mechanism actually resonsible for losing weight and explains why diets don't work. of course it is also possible to lose weight through sweating or not eating, i. e. spending the reserves. but resolving the renal collecting tubule conflict should be given top priority. the great significance of this programme in connection with all other programmes is due to the swellings that occur in pcl a of every special programme. the storing of water in the brain and at the organ site in the beginning of pcl is many times exacerbated, when at the same time the organism is storing water anyway due to activity of the renal collecting tubules. this may increase the size of swellings up to ten times.
one can even say that strong pain and other strong symptoms occur only due to active collecting tubules. during activity of the collecting tubules, a bee sting will cause extensive swelling, previously misinterpreted as allergy. therefore it is central for every therapy that the patient feels well, protected and secure. because a fact known to established medicine: that symptoms suddenly exacerbate with hospitalisation, has now been made plausible. as soon as a patient is left alone in a hospital bed where hardly anyone is sincerely caring for him the so called refugee conflict becomes active, in this case also named hospital conflict,
more water is stored and swellings increase rapidly. thus the very existence of and the procedures in hospitals should be basically reviewed and reconsidered. when i was working in the intencive care unit in freiburg, there were considerations to close the unit, because actually no one escaped from there. i saw only one who survived - in six years! this phenomenon explains many seemingly effective therapies. a patient with pain may visit a doctor, therapist or practitioner of accupuncture, massage, homeopathy or mental healer or shaman of his own choice, and perhaps the pain is relieving already in the waiting room, so that he now feels uncomfortable to have come there at all.
or when there is an immediate improvement after a conversation or a freely chosen therapy. what actually brings about this improvement is that the patient feels no longer helpless, abandoned and alone with his symptom, so the necessity of storing water disappears immediately and the swellings responsible for strong pain or other impairments decrease rapidly. so the effectiveness of the broad variety of available therapies does not have a direct cause in each case, but comes through a by-passing not known to the various therapists. but as they could point to many successful applications of their method, they have never had reason to doubt its effectiveness. perhaps the often cited bon mot ending all controversies about therapies: „who heals is right“, is refuted after all.
"life expectancy decreases fairly proportionally with the number of inhabitants per physician, i. e. with increasing density of physicians" scientific institute of german local public health insurance agencies (1979) case report: cervical uterine carcinoma - tachycardia - pulmonar alveoles they exerted direct pressure on me. along the line: now you are responsible for a child, and i should go to hospital immediately, otherwise i wouldn't survive. even when knowing or studying new medicine, this hits you hard when you are told by someone: you won't survive this. i was diagnosed with a cervical carcinoma of the uterus
during pregnancy with my son. freqent tests were made, the last one was one year ago, and the parameters always went up and down. i mean this pap classification. they also found those alleged dangerous "viruses". this refers to the human papilloma viruses (hpv) already mentioned before, which according to the fourth biological law might be detected in the repair phase of the uterine cervix. but without blaming them for the symptoms, as they are (if anything) mere helpers in the repair process, as the conflict active phase is already overcome. the uterine cervical cancer is merely a temporary swelling after the resolution of a sexual conflict or the loss of one's territory.
examples of sexual conflicts may include: - not to be mated, when being left by one's partner or when the partner prefers to mate someone else. in this context we also speak of a sexual frustration conflict. - to be raped - to watch the parents having sex which frequently happens to children - to be caught having sex - seen naked if this is felt as an offence - being revolted by a porn magazine found among daddy's stuff - and lots more. little children usually love one of their parents so much that they even say they want to mary mummy or daddy. the son usually loves mummy and the daughter daddy.
when they believe that mummy or daddy leave them bacause they meet with someone else, this can also be interpreted sexually. so it is not about what we consciously know and have learned about sex and sexual matters. everything is already contained in our archaic biological code and is duly interpreted by-passing the intellect. but which situations are regarded as sexual conflicts depends on indivdual knowledge and maturity. for little children, for example, it is inconveivable that their parents have sex and to catch them having sex is accordingly a dramatic event. for older children it is normal that their parents do this and it does no longer represent a conflict.
now other matters are associated with sexual conflicts. i sought information on new medicine already during pregnancy, and so i expected to develop heart problems after birth in the context of the healing phase. this assumption is derived from the fact that the uterine cervix and the coronary veins are controlled by the same brain area and always react simultaneously. it was biologically interesting. after pure breastfeeding for seven months, on the first day i gave the first spoons of mash, the heart problems started. right after birth, to be honest, i had been thinking, well, new medicine, established medicine, now having the child
i don't want to think about this any longer, and i managed to put it aside somehow. and i was just thinking: despite having the diagnosis cervical cancer, having no troubles i don't see the need to go to hospital and be cut open. and later when the heart problems started, i realised: so after all, everything is true which has been stated by new medicine. and than it was really hard - in the spring i was often lying next to the baby with such heart pain that i really expected to get a heart attack. it was massive angina pectoris, not so much tachycardia, but very painful extrasystolics and i was permanently afraid
of collapsing - alone here with the child next to me. then i agreed with my brother to call him twice a day and if i failed to do so he would send someone to look after me, as i was really expecting to drop dead immediately. then one night i threw up like several liters of water which relieved the pressure to the heart all of a sudden. it was really amazing. i was afraid of dehydrating, it was so much. afterwards i still had occasional heart pain, but after 2 1/2 months, everything was over. i was pressed hard by the physicians abiding by established medicine.
they called me at home and threatened me and appealed to my responsibility as a mother, and i should go to hospital and undergo surgery. the first controversies started during my caesarean section. i was lying on the operation table - on one hand waiting for the heart attack - on the other hand i was quarreling with the senior physician. you know, this epidural anaesthesia is a great thing. from here on downwards you feel nothing, but your mind is perfectly clear. then they took out my child and briefly showed it to me and carried it away - it was horrible. then i said to the senior physician: only take out the placenta, everything else remains inside, and make the suture. and he noted: with your test results, you should have something done. we also have some skills on this field.
i only said: let's discuss that on another occasion what i think about your skills. due to their massive pressure i was temporarily faltering, but in the end, the entire healing process inlcuding the heart problems developed just as predicted by new medicine. and last summer, after i had in fact been death-frightened in the spring, i really developed pulmonar problems and for two weeks i was painfully expectorating blood. then it ended. since then i've been in perfect health, again. the whole story was connected to my former boyfriend who is the father of my son.
the resolution of the matter has come so far that i am able to accept that he is his father but we are not a couple anymore. basically, i have abandoned the idea that once again we could be a couple and raise the child together. i have concluded this subject. i had been fighting a lot, also for alimony payments. and experts in new medicine urgently adviced me to abandon this. they argued along the line: what is your price for your health? and i abandoned it and stopped fighting, and now it works. it was only because i had already started doubting the whole thing in my job as an editor,
i was suspecting that the entire system is flawed. already as a pharmaceutical adviser. without this experience, i would have faithfully gone under the knife and allowed this whole charade happening. and even in spite of my knowledge, the diagnosis was just as shocking for me as to everybody else. although i did more and more reading into new medicine, everytime a specimen was taken and the parameters went up, it came as another shock again. you must take it into your own hands. it is not possible to see someone and just tell him: cure me!
but you are in command of the proceedings yourself and you need to get informed and to act by yourself. but for most people it is too late to do this when they have not heard about it before. handedness the cause why symptoms occur on the right or on the left side of the body is found in handedness, or, more accurately, in brainedness. to evaluate handedness quite exactly, dr. hamer proposes the clapping test. which hand is on top and dominates in clapping? handedness can be evaluated for example through a simple clapping test. when i clap in my hands the right hand is leading and on top.
so i am right-handed. because this is done intuitively. so the test is unconscious. the test is efficient because no trained movement is conducted. many people were taught to write with their right hand although they are more inclined to use the left hand. as many devices and tools are constructed for right hand use we are left no choice but to become right handed. many who seem to be right handed will be amazed when their left hand is on top or leading in the clapping test, although they do almost everything with their right hand. as has been said before, handedness is actually brainedness. right handed individuals are left brained and left handed ones are right brained.
left handers don't constitute such a small minority as widely believed but their proportion is about 38%. the two halves of our body differ according to our handedness. our strong side reacts to persons who are on our level, our weak side to persons above or below us in a hierarchy. they are often briefly called "partner side" and "mother/child side", describing the most frequent empirical findings. on the same level side, persons are sensed with whom you deal on an eye to eye basis. this may be a partner, a colleague, a rival, in many cases one's father, behaving more like a buddy in contrast to the mother.
on the hierarchy side we sense persons who are clearly above or below us or whom we feel obliged to protect. regularly, this applies to the mother, one's own children, sometimes the father or a person one admires or greatly respects. pets usually belong to this side, too, as they are clearly subordinated and have to be herded. a life partner may also be sensed here, when playing a mother's or father's role for the other one. for example, when a right handed woman has a caring/quarreling conflict
- resulting in hyperfunction of the mammary glands - with her partner, the process would take place in the right breast. in the left handed woman, everything would take place on the opposite side. these sensations are however not as clear cut as presented so far. for example, a conflict with one's daughter could be sensed on both sides when at the moment of the conflict, she is regarded both as a daughter and as a rival. or when a partner is regarded in part as partner and in part as a child. in this way bilateral and sometimes perfectly symmetrical symptoms appear. however, handedness is not always of significance.
more accurately, it is of significance everywhere except in the organs controlled by the brain stem such as the tonsils, the middle ear, stomach and bowel. in these cases, which side is affected depends on the morsel-in/morsel-out scheme which cannot be explained any further in this documentary. so the significance of handedness extens to the following groups: organs of old-brain-mesoderm, these are organs with a protective function for examples mammary glands or corium. organs of new-brain-mesoderm which provide power and stability, for example bone, muscles, connective tissue and tendons.
and the ectodermal organs responsible for conscious sensation and territorial behaviour. a left handed football player who has not been hitting the goal for weeks and is bullied by everyone will have a conflict of self-devaluation in his left knee. the left side is affected as it is responsible for equal persons such as the team mates or the public. as soon as he hits the goal again, his conflict of self-devaluation is resolved, the process enters the repair phase, he will develop swelling and pain in his knee, something which can be followed easily in the sports coverage, when the pain sets in right after a period of unsuccessful playing has ended. the locus of the conflict of self-devaluation depends on the corresponding activity.
so the foot or knee is usually affected in football players, while a keeper or a tennis player is more likely to suffer in the elbow. out of ignorance of the five biological laws, this was previously attributed to attrition, as the body was considered to slowly rust in like a machine. the repair symptoms themselves, however, accompanied by pain and impairment, often lead the patients into a vicious circle. here is another exception to the rule of handedness in these types of tissues. handedness is only relevant in "globally" sensed conflicts. but there are also local conflicts referring exactly to the spot where they were sensed.
when i feel revolted by a kiss or the touch of an animal, a conflict relating to separation, attack or besmirching is sensed exactly at this spot. handedness is irrelevant in this case, the symptoms (herpes or other skin symptoms in this example) will appear exactly at the affected spot. when the lefthanded football player has suffered a conflict of self-devaluation in the left knee, the repair symptoms can cause a new local conflict of self-devaluation. this is when he thinks that his knee is dysfunct, he is invalid at this spot. so the programme starts anew with cell depletion, and as soon as the conflict is resolved again, the repair phase returns with cell proliferation and pain due to swelling.
this is why many people never escape these vicious circles, as they see the repair symptoms always as evidence for their body being invalid, dysfunct or wrongful at the affected spot. but if one succeeds in accepting the pain as a necessary part of the repair process without interpreting it as a wrongful condition of the body, it is possible to escape the vicious circle. when one attributes pain or other symptoms to ones own age, this may also cause a conflict of self-devaluation. the feeling might be: my body is less valid due to its age. i am no more able to do everything i have done. a doctor's diagnosis to the effect: "you will never again be able to walk" may precisely result in what it predicts,
as a conflict of self-devaluation or a motorical conflict in one's leg are followed by the kind of impairmant the doctor has appearantly correctly foretold. relapses and tracks the five biological laws also explain those conditions previously described as allergies or chronic diseases. for better understanding, the old names should be abandoned, as they are based on an outdated reference system. the first thing to mention is the constant recurrence of a conflict matter, for instance the boss whom one has to endure every day.
necessitating the same special programme everyday anew. as the conflict is also resolved again every day, the same repair symptoms are always present. this direct recurrence of a conflict matter is what we call a relapse. it is important to understand that only the first occurence of the programme requires a dhs. from then on its activation can be triggered by mere recognition of the old conflict matter even in the absence of a highly acute, dramatic and isolating situation, i. e. a dhs. when a baby cannot get a certain toy and suffers a dhs from this activating a programme of the right tonsil, it will react to all situations of not being able to get anything occuring later in its life, with this special programme.
these might no longer be connected to a toy, but, for instance, to a car or a partner. a baby that could not get a toy because it was unable to grab it, and reacting to this with a conflict of self-devaluation of the right wrist, will react to the situation of not-being-able-to-get-something in the wrist for all its life. so the principal dhs determines our later mode of reacting, as it provided us with a successful survival strategy. in the first example, the baby shows a very archaic reaction as it conceives the toy as a morsel of food it desires. which is facilitated through increased secretion of mucus by the tonsils. the second baby has a less archaic reaction of not-being-able-to-grab. a third baby might conceive the situation as one of not-being-able-to-bite-into-something and henceforth react with the teeth.
another way to produce chronic processes is constant medical suppression of repair symptoms. when for example, a long lasting repair phase never comes to a finish, as sympathicotonia is generated time and again to quickly relieve pain. when the impact of the medicine decreases, the repair phase continues. the molesting symptoms return. this can be continued ad infinitum. let us come now to the so called tracks which are somewhat difficult to understand to recognise. which requires a lot of practical experience. in principle, it is the same as with relapses. an immediate reoccurence of the conflict matter is however not necessary.
tracks work much more subtly and unconsciously. the basic rule appears simple: in the moment of the dhs, all circumstantial features are unconsciously remembered and function as tracks. these circumstantial features may comprise everything the organism is able to sense, images, smells, a certain thought one was having in mind at the time, persons, things, sounds, temperature, a single word, etc. when one of these circumstantial features is recognised, the complete special programme of the principal dhs unfolds anew. an example: a boy who loves a girl. he suffers a dhs when seeing her kissing another boy. this is highly acute and dramatic for him, entirely unexpected, and he is left alone with it.
let us assume he conceived the situation in these two ways: it is a "conflict of visual separation", the conjunctiva and eyelids are affected. he was unable to scent that she loved another one. the special programme of the nasal mucosa (scenting conflict) is started. now everything happens in a spring scene. the sun is shining, flowers are blooming, the sky is blue, and bees are buzzing around his head. pollen is filling the air. let's assume that after some time he has forgotten the conflict or it has become obsolete. he undergoes the usual repair phases of the special programmes.
this appears as conjunctivitis, a swollen eye and rhinitis. in the next spring, all his tracks are present again. the weather, the smell, the bees, the pollen, everything reminds him of the deceased love. the same special programmes become biologically necessary again. subsequently, he will again have an eye inflammation and a running nose with sneezing. he might keep these reactions to spring-connected circumstances for all his life, unless he is able to consciously disconnect these circumstances from the situation with the girl. a conscious relapse - to wich he would show a significantly stronger reaction . would be to meet the girl or her new lover incidentally.
the unconscious tracks are merely connected to the circumstances and run more subtly. this was one out of an infinite number of possible examples. there is no limit to possible situations, and every case is entirely individual. so a lot of experience with these correlations is required. there is no text book formula explaining the origin of any allergy xy. but the symptoms tell us what kind of conflict the principal dhs must have been. resolution of tracks can either be achieved by resolving the original conflict, whatever it may have been, or through realising that they are irrelevant to the original conflict matter. making the special programmes unnecessary.
this is often successfully applied with regard to conflicts stemming from childhood and whose contents are no longer relevant to the grown-up. the present speaker has been able to experience on himself how twisted and at the same time unambigous these relations may be. i found on my bed table a wrapped but already used lollypop from my then girlfriend. she was not on the spot, but she had left her lollypop there. so it crossed my mind to take the lollypop. i put it into my mouth and continued with my business. a few minutes later, i felt my lip prickling. i was puzzled and had no clue as to what had happened.
then i realised that i was developing herpes. my lips were swollen. why? what had i been doing just until then? nothing. i'd been doing nothing special all day. the only change was my putting a lollypop into my mouth a moment ago. so, there had to be some track connected in some way with the lollypop. sugar? sugar seemed an unlikely guess as you eat it frequently without getting herpes from it. i recalled a previous occurence of herpes two weeks before. on that weekend, my lips had been covered with four spots of herpes. i had developed another one every day. what had happened? i tried to find some similarities with the present situation.
and indeed, in the previous case, a colleague of mine had brought from the city centre a bagful of candy cane and offered them to us. and every evening i ate a candy cane and every evening i developed a big herpes, and my lips were enormously swollen for all the weekend. within two weeks it disappeared, and then this situation at home occured: i ate the lollypop and herpes returned. so we have sugar, lollypop, candy cane, some form of it, but not simple sugar. it had to be some solid form of sugar. my track was connected to something like this. so i was thinking what it meant and why, and what had happened earlier to me, why i want to be separated - or not separated - from the lollypop.
actually, i had no idea. except, that when i was little, my parents told me not to take any sweets and candy from strangers, because they want to trap and kidnap you. i couldn't recall a specific situation when my parents said this, but i have an image imprinted on my mind. i see a blue mercedes arriving and a man with a coat offers me candy. and lures me. it's imprinted on my mind. i don't know why. there has never been such a situation. it's only in my head. perhaps i was in a situation,
when i was offered candy. so that i was thinking: god, i mustn't accept it, for then i would be abducted. this is possible, but i don't know, i don't remember anything. but i know: accepting sweets and candy from strangers, for a child means to be abducted. or at least there is a risk to be abducted. but i didn't want to be abducted, be separated from my parents, from my home, and so everything becomes logical: i put a lollypop into my mouth i found in my home but it was neither bought by my parents nor by me, so by a person alien to me. and healing sets in immediately after a brief acitivity of the programme,
because i was at home and realised that i am not going to be abducted, all right, i'm well and everything is fine. and the same had happened two weeks before, when i had eaten all the candy canes, and everytime i realised i am not abducted, so for instance when returning home, herpes began to grow. now the question is: is it possible to resolve a track when it has been recognised? in my case i was able to do so, as i knew: i am now grown-up, i'm a tough guy and i cannot be abducted. there is no man who sexually desires me and wants to kidnap me. some old man who abducts little children, as one is always frightened of,
parents are always frightened that their children are abducted by old men. this won't happen, as i am grown-up. i cannot be subject to this pedophilia any more, and even if i would be abducted i could defend myself. as i am now grown-up and tall and strong. nothing can happen to this effect, the conflict has become entirely obsolete, and therefore, i can now accept lollypops and candy from strangers, from people other than myself or my parents, without developing herpes upon returning home. it's all over. these skin tracks that have been thrilling me for all my life, for 25 or 20 years, from early childhood, they are gone.
and thus, i am almost free from herpes. thanks. besides, it wouldn't work anyway. this is not a lollypop or candy, sugar. it's chocolate. i haven't had a track connected to this. and neither when yourself or your parents had bought lollypops? no, nothing happened then. that's what made it so hard to hit on it. it must be from a stranger, it mustn't be from my parents, otherwise i would have found it earlier. we must have a stranger, this can also be my girlfriend. it must be a lollypop not purchased by myself or given to me by my parents, but by a person alien to me. the widespread conceptions of cat allergy, hay fever,
pollen allergy were entirely inaccurate or wrong. almost never has there been a real connection to the idiomatic pollen or hay. there had not been any explanation how it was possible by any means to pyhsically react to tv news or images, on the basis of the assumption of some stricly chemical intolerance to certain substanec. of course, allergy tests do exist. from the view of the five biological laws, however, they represent nothing but injuries. and depending on the level of renal collecting tubules activity, more or less swelling will follow these traumata. there was an astronomical error rate which seems not to have troubled anyone.
according to these tests, for instance, almost everyone is allergic to cats or grass, but most of these people have been living with cats or lying in the grass without harm for years. a phenomenon frequently observed is that a doctor's statement that a person suffers an intolerance against this and that substance, fulfills istself. she will subseqently react with special programmes to thinks against whicht the doctor has warned her. so the doctor's statment is already proven, because people trust him so much. as soon as one realises that a certain substance does not do any harm. the term: allergic reactions has been solely applied to tissues that quickly produce peculiar physical symptoms such as the skin, the respiratory tract, nasal mucosa, conjunctiva.
all other special programmes, however, stick to the same pattern. but of course, a slowly growing bowel tumor is noticed only after months, not minutes. so it would hardly have any noticeable effect in the present context. the same is of course also true for the psychic symptoms of special programmes. so tracks do have an impact on our thinking, feeling acting and our view towards the world. another way in which allergies have been misinterpreted is illustrated by the following example: assume that a child looses its beloved cat, showing a skin reaktion according to a biological conflict of not being able to hug it anymore; with a conflict of scenting as the cat cannot be scented anymore,
and with a visual conflict of separation as the cat cannot be seen anymore. when the child now visits a house where a cat lives, it has the subconscious notion: oh! the cat is here again! and the repair symptoms come immediately. in this case skin exanthema, nasal obstruction and conjunctivitis. with the cat disappearing again, the repair phase stops. only to continue with the same discomforting symptoms upon the next occurence of a cat. in situations like this it can be observed that people react most intensely to a cat similar to their own and less intensely to a cat that differs more from their own. how is this possible if not due to recognition?
presentation in public is new medicine banned? this claim was apparently circulated by dr. hamer himself and has been widely spread. but is it correct? the "faktuell" publishing house which has released several books on the five biological laws made a written inquiry of all public health agencies, asking whether dr. hamer's new medicine was banned. thes gist of all answers was crystal clear: it is not banned, there is freedom of therapy and doctors may do what they want. some agencies, however, uttered a warning against new medicine, based on the misunderstandings and false claims about new medicine haunting the internet.
so for instance the article on wikipedia is frequently referred to, as wikipedia is still regarded to be tantamount to objective truth. let's have a closer look on it: right in the first sentence, it talks about an "uneffective ideology of treatment". new medicine however does not represent a treating method but merely describes five biological laws whose correctness is independent of a patient's life or death. thus the term "uneffective" cannot be applied. just as the law of gravitation is not refuted by a piano falling on someone's head. further below it is claimed that dr. hamer considers cancer part of a natural healing process
which is entirely opposed to the actual statement of the third biological law. through the entire text, skillful use of rhetorical instruments leaves an uninformed reader with no other choice than to conclude hamer is a psychopath and weirdo. for instance people who have a positive opinion of his discovery are referred to as his "followers", creating the impression of a sect. it is routinely mentioned that dr. hamer lost his practitioner's license, but without giving the reason. it can be found in a letter from the koblenz disctrict government dated 8 april 1986. it states: "there is no indication that dr. hamer is prepared to renounce his "iron rule of cancer"."
furthermore, dr. hamer is found incapable to listen to reason and be "converted" again to established medicine. in violation of physicians' duty, dr. hamer wasn't offering chemotherapy. this is why he was banned from practicing in his profession. the wording "to convert" is usually applied to religious matters and should have no place in science. the wikipedia articel contains many more false statements that can also be found on various pages on the internet. a list of hyperlinks related to the subject contains not a single reference to a page where a positive assessment is given. thus, there can be no talk about objective reporting. what can be found, however, is a statement by the german cancer association.
for instance, dr. sã¶lker is quoted as saying "that psychical factors might have an influence on the etiology of cancerous diseases" a belief now considered scientifically refuted. unfortunately, it must have escaped mr. sã¶kler's notion that dr. hamer has not given the psyche as a cause. also note the word "considered". it "is" not refuted, but "considered to be" refuted. it also reads: "studies from denmark have shown unambiguously that there is no elevated rate of cancer in people suffering from depression" which, again, has no relevance to any of dr. hamer's statements. at no point, reference is made to the actual contents of the five biological laws, and this is what the concluding statement says: "mr. hamer's so called "german new medicine" is a therorem merely grounded in his personal history and dreams
with no scientific or empirical foundation whatsoever." dr. hamer's book "legacy of a new medicine" reveals that when he made his first discoveries, he frequently dreamed of his dead son, inspiring him to further research. it will however remain dr. sã¶kler's secret how the scores of scientific and empirical proofs that dr. hamer offered could have escaped his notion. "its distribution must be prevented with all available means - judicial and educational." for this reason we ask you now to delete this video immediately and forget all its contents. other homepages maintain outright lists of people
who allegedly died at the hands of dr. hamer. most of the people listed there had agreed to a standard therapy contrary to dr. hamer's advice and died in its course. in some of these death lists, chrisoph buck's name appears as well. now that he appearently returned from the other world, we've sought his opinion of these things. when i first found myself on these death lists where i was listed in advance, with the expectation: this christoph buck will also die soon, my initial thought was that this is too much. i considered to move against it, but then on the other hand i was pleased
and installed a link to my homepage and registered frequent visits from this. and then i was thinking the owner of this homepage is a miserable guy, he is known as one of the worst mud-slingers on the internet, not only to those who approve new medicine but to many different groups of people. he also set up a forum where he maintains files about various people. some months ago, i learned that i have now my own file there. of course i was honoured that i had been chosen to belong to that circle. there are files about dr. hamer, mr. pilhar and others, and now as well about christoph buck. as long as you are working with ill people, there is always that risk, that you might not win.
that you cannot control that physiological process. and just by knowing "new medicine" we understand, that the environment, in which the person lives, is very important for getting healthy. and this environment is sometimes what we cannot take influence on today. additional to that is, that usually the people interested in "new medicine" are people who don't have much hope in established medicine, that have tried a lot of therapeutic application, that have just tried a lot and that are now in their desperation just seeking for another possibility, but are still from their believes, still stuck in the hypnosis of the evil disease.
under these circumstances it's very hard to achieve health, or very hard to control a biological process when people are in deep desperation in fear of what they have heard from established medicine, seeking a last possibility knowing the "new medicine" we can say, that we do have a new idea of how disease is created and how health is created. but still there is no all healing potion. the possibilities of controlling such a process are still reduced to the frame of abilities of the therapist and the possibilities of the patient - what they can achieve together. no, we cannot approach every case.
of course, a serious trauma, for instance, requires hospitalisation. or an intoxication reqires its specific antidote. but apart from this, i havent' rejected anyone so far. it becomes difficult when a patient's attitude is: now it's up to you! when he doesn't understand that he must cure himself. in 1995, the case of olivia pilhar drew great attention from the media. a detailed case report from her parents' and her own perspective can be found on the web page: olivia-tagebuch.at one of the opinions held by dr. hamer is that zionist circles would keep his discovery for themselves and deliberately kill all non-jews with chemo and morphine.
jewish doctors would operate according to the five biological laws so that mortality is very small among their patients. we are not aware of and have not been able to find any any proof for these claims. so we must explicitly dissociate ourselves from them. the only existing confirmations cannot be verified. a comparison between the official cancer mortality data from israel and those from germany and austria doesn't yield numbers that speak in favour of dr. hamer's claim. dr. hamer has made this phantastic discovery of new medicine, but presently, as a private person he does no longer work in favour
of its distribution - which of course, has no impact on the greatness of his discovery. but most people mix these things up. measured by his discovery, dr. hamer is surely a genius of our times. his way of working in medical science is influenced by his enduring and strong personality. with this strong enduring personality he was gifted to keep on exploring against all odds and resistance, following his idea, giving him the abilities to discover these 5 laws of nature. but the same personality is doing very hard in explaining something new in a diplomatic way.
this means, these aspects of his personality keep him claiming the right the right respecting scientific facts, that he made a discovery, which is scientifically true and needs to be applied now for sanity and reason. unfortunately not all people behave like that. if all people had this strong believe in equaty, for sure, the 5 laws of nature would be applied in daily clinical service. those published communications, they are always "against", against the "medicynics", to use dr. hamer's expression, against the authorities, againt the physicians, against the people working in the public health agencies, it is always "against".
and every attack inevitably results in a counter-attack, and this ends up in a kindergarden game hit me, and i'll hit you back. this doesn't lead anywhere. i strongly advocate separating new medicine from all ideologies and political matters as well as this assigning of blame. the whole thing should be looked upon as such and people should begin to learn new medicine and employ this knowledge on themselves, or in the case of physicians, on their patients. just observe every case and see if it is in accordance; i think this is the way to quickly resolve unanswered questions. but to assign blame and to insist: why are we not yet recognised, and the industry and so on...
this is not helpful, and, in my opinion, should be abandoned. these issues will automatially be settled when more people have learnt of new medicine. "nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error" goethe in my opinion, the main problem is not some suppression, but what i experience everyday in trying to familiarise people with the subject is that they are standing in their own way, they don't understand it, they have all sorts of biases, and the five biological laws cannot be grasped in passing just like other subjects. no, the system is complex and requires profound studying, and everyone must gain for himself the understanding of the whole.
there is no purpose in waitning for others to understand it for you. it won't work when you don't do it yourself. the people are really trampling on their own feet. and as for all those introductions and schematic explanations to be found on the internet and in many books, i just don't find them helpful. when i recall the time when i myself was in need of introductions they rather puzzled and misled me as they oversimpliflied things. so, there's still lacking a lot. the strongest suppressor of new medicine is ourselves, being afraid
of taking responsibility for ourselves and to recognise the cause of disease or the cause of special biological reactions or what the actual causes of symptoms or symptomatic complexes are. people are used to go to the doctor when they are sick and he tells them what to do, so they don't need to take any responsibility. or likewise, when they undergo homeopathy or accupuncture. they don't have to take part in it. the effects would reach far beyond the scope of medicine when people would actually begin to internalise these biological laws and to learn and verify them. what's new is that every process can be verified by everyone. and at this point, the power of all these dogms controlling our lives ends, state dogms,
religious and party dogms, they just pass, as the human is solely responsible for his own life. and this is ingenious, reaching far beyond the scope of medicine. today i think that the strongest opposition arises precisely from the fear of this. that people suddenly become fully self-reliant, merely due to their understanding, that they themselves are the beginning and the end of every process. and this is breathtaking. i strongly advice everyone to familiarise himself with new medicine as long as he is still healthy. to verify it everyday in order to consolidate the knowledge and strengthen the confidence so that when there eventually is a problem or a major conflict, which might even lead to a serious disease, you are fully equipped.
otherwise it is like learning to swim while drowning. it doesn't suffice to download four or five pages somewhere from the internet, to read through it and to say: ok, cancer results from unresolved conflicts. one ought to go further into it, as it is different for different diseases. some "diseases" (in quotation marks) are symptoms of the healing phase, and some organic findings or diseases are symptoms of unresolved conflicts. so to make a distinction requires some knowledge. otherwise, when i have a running nose, i will search for a conflict, while i already resolved it long ago,
and the running nose ise merely a symptom of the healing phase. anyhow i wish to thank dr. hamer from the bottom of my heart for his merits regarding new medicine. it is so wide and great, and when you for once have understood how mother nature ticks, you realise that there is nothing left to improve, we only have to understand mother nature. dr. hamer has succeeded in getting these laws on their way, and this is already such an invaluable exploit that i am very grateful, just like many other people who have understood new medicine. i have always restricted myself to invoking dr. hamer's medical theory and never concentrated on the political aspect, as this was met by a lot of reluctance, first of all from myself, which prevented me from dealing with new medicine for an entire year.
it is up to you to verify for yourself everything you've seen here. so get informed. it rests in your hands to proof this knowledge. we are merely pointing at the door. but it is for you to enter. "a new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it" max planck the author of the book, "thank you dr. hamer", claudio trupiano, said in italian - and i'll just translate with my italian knowing - that we are experiencing a splendid time, and that we are the generation experiencing to come out of the fear towards freedom,
and that following generations, maybe cannot appreciate this pleasure to see, what what has always been there. great saying. for beginners, this documentary is incredibly detailed and only ten percent of all this can be grasped. i advise you to watch it again and again and again. and everytime you will notice a vast number of new things that had not drawn your attention before. or if you think it's all bullshit, abandon it and go to some forum in order to rail against us for the sort of bullshit we spread here and for what dangerous death sect we are. it is also clear that on first encounter there come up
contradictions to the old belief and just as many questions arise. for it is nothing less then a paradigm shift. that is, the observations one has constantly made during all one's prior life are still as correct as before. but they are given a fundamentally new explanation, and this is quite puzzling. there are good answers to the scores of questions that may have piled up until now or that are still to come. but of course, there is no space for them in this documentary. our homepage has an faq addressing some of the typical questions from beginners. and in our forum, you may ask as many questions as you like. it is difficult to get into the subject, since paradigm shifts occur only once in a couple of hundreds of years,
and no one of us has witnessed one before. from history it can be seen that paradigm shifts take roughly three generations until they succeed. and all of them went through these characteristic stages: first they were ridiculed, then fought against, then kept silent about and eventually everything was recognised as a matter of course. now this is perhaps the first paradigm shift occuring in the era of the internet. so it might develop more quickly this time. but still it depends on every single person. who has not understood the system by himself, is still tied with drugs and vaccinations.
but when no one continues to play the game, it will implode by itself. and please don't believe! verify, self-reliantly! when you start searching the internet for the credibility of all this, then you haven't understood this. i took a considered decision against presenting all those certifications by universites, professors, physicians and others who confirmed dr. hamer that the whole thing is correct. because, again, this would be a matter of belief instead of self-acquired knowledge. and, again, you would have the choice to believe dr. hamer or to believe that these documents are forgeries or whatever. there's a lot of quarreling about this on the internet. but in most cases, there is no self-reliant verification.
but these biological laws are only for strictly self-reliant people. it is not about diseases in the first place. every single scene in life must now be viewed from a new perspective. who expects the doctor merely to end his suffering, cannot be helped by new medicine. new medicine is only for those who are prepared to learn the biological laws, to understand and to verify them, and to take responsiblitiy for all symptoms himself. when someone attributes every littly aching to external factors, some alleged causative agents, cancerogene substances, a wrong diet, lack of physical activity, the immune system, just all of this bubble, then, while this person's behaviour may well be subject to our analysis based on the biological laws,
this person is definitely not prepared for new medicine. there is no alternative to taking self-responsibility. are the five biological laws correct? absolutely. everyone can verify them by himself on a single day. starting with a common cold or some skin irritions. literally everything can be explained by new medicine, and it is correct. unabmbiguously, without doubt and at one hundred percent. yes - sure. from my point of view, i would say that the conception and the approach of new medicine is certainly true.
now, if every single disease has as its cause the conflict given by dr. hamer, if this is always one hundred percent true, i cannot confirm. i don't know it and i cannot verify it. but i am of the opinion that new medicine is correct. i have been studying new medicine for four years, i made my own experiences with new medicine, not only with patients but also with myself as well as friends and relatives and i deeply feel that new medicine is correct. after what i've seen, what i've experienced, yes! i will however not make the claim that it is true, as i would like to ask every person to verify yourself. find it out!
learn understand verify thank you, dr. hamer! at last, we are no more afraid of diseases! we still have a brief add-on for which we credit the user "aquarius" from the "gnm-forum" the lemon phrase fourteen-year-old tanja observes: it's strange, whenever someone tells me: "imagine yourself biting into a lemon", my mouth starts watering. so there's a lot of spittle. although i don't really bite into a lemon. how does this work? the best way to clarify this question is passing it on to profound science.
in order to track the cause of the phenomenon, a german scientist requests research funds. the request is granted as he was clever enough to mention that the results of his imminent research would have great impact on our understanding of reality and would - could - or might therefore mean a great leap forward for mankind. in the beginning, there's a hypothesis. based on the guess that the specific measurable sequence of sonic waves might be the cause of increased saliva production, the first experimental setting is designed to examine precisely these parameters. and what do you think? everyone exposed to the sonic wave sequence of the phrase "imagine yourself biting into a lemon" observes that his mouth starts watering.
already the slightest phonetic variation such as "imagine yourself writing into a lemon" fails to provoke this specific physical reaction. the hypothesis is proofed by all measurements. the study is bublished in a scientific journal and noticed, assessed, applauded and quoted by the scientific community. a chinese scientist, however, casts doubt on it. to corroborate his doubts, he copies the experimental setting and exposes his chinese probands to the lemon phrase. none of them reacts with increased saliva production - except one.
a young chinese who has lived in germany for three years, promptly reacts to the specific sequence of sonic waves. this gives rise to a new hypothesis: lemon phrase-sensitivity is a local but highly contagious phenomenon. repeated examinations of chinese persons who were living in germany reveal: the more time the probands have been spending in germany, the more likely have they become infected. the study is published in a scientific journal an australian scientist, however, casts doubt on it. his genetic comparison between germans and chinese reveals a significant correlation between slitted eyes and lemon phrase-sensitivity. what's striking: 99% of the examined cases speak in favor of this. a new hypothesis is born.
the gene responsible for slitted eyes seems at the same time to prevent the lemon phrase from unfolding its possible effect. a russian scientist, however, casts doubt on it. because, in russia, too, all people except those who were living in germany for some time, are resistant although they have no spitted eyes. the russian corroborates the chinese and refutes the australian. the australian and those advocating his hypothesis counter this criticism on the grounds that in certain parts of russia, people do have after all rudimentary features of spitted eyes. finally, a multi-factor causality is agreed on.
this conclusion is published in a scientific journal everyone likes the multi-hypothesis, as it takes into account all measurable and visible factors researched so far and contains the result of several studies. thus, it cannot be that far from the truth. tanja gets logged in to the physics forum with her nickname sunflower_14, she clicks on the section "etherism and other nonsense", choses the thread about the lemon phrase and writes: now, i think, it has more to do with the content of the phrase and if you are able to understand it, like the feeling you have when you hear the phrase.
because, for myself it also works with the spittle. the graduated physicist and passionate eso basher hartmut_666 gets logged in and writes: sunny-bunny, before embarking on such emotional gossip, i would warmly recommend you to read the scientific papers on the subject. then we will have a base for discussion. the five biological laws - a documentary now available as a triple dvd set to give away as a present or to watch comfortably on your tv screen, complete with a booklet containing a summary of the five biological laws and all relevant diagrammes. order now on www.5bn.de